Let's Talk About Scripture


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
I've seen quite a number of USMB members posting disparaging things about Christianity and/or the Bible, using various reasons and bringing up various texts.

However, every single time it's due to a wrong and misguided interpretation of them.

So let's discuss such things, or simply any texts of Scripture you may have questions about.
I've seen quite a number of USMB members posting disparaging things about Christianity and/or the Bible, using various reasons and bringing up various texts.

However, every single time it's due to a wrong and misguided interpretation of them.

So let's discuss such things, or simply any texts of Scripture you may have questions about.

What makes you think you are qualified to discuss Scripture with me?
I've seen quite a number of USMB members posting disparaging things about Christianity and/or the Bible, using various reasons and bringing up various texts.

However, every single time it's due to a wrong and misguided interpretation of them.

So let's discuss such things, or simply any texts of Scripture you may have questions about.

What makes you think you are qualified to discuss Scripture with me?

What makes you think your qualified to decide who is qualified to discuss?
I've seen quite a number of USMB members posting disparaging things about Christianity and/or the Bible, using various reasons and bringing up various texts.

However, every single time it's due to a wrong and misguided interpretation of them.

So let's discuss such things, or simply any texts of Scripture you may have questions about.

What makes you think you are qualified to discuss Scripture with me?

What makes you think your qualified to decide who is qualified to discuss?

He can talk about whatever he wants, as long as he doesn't talk to me.

I want to know what makes him think he can actually discuss scripture with me.
What makes you think you are qualified to discuss Scripture with me?

What makes you think your qualified to decide who is qualified to discuss?

He can talk about whatever he wants, as long as he doesn't talk to me.

I want to know what makes him think he can actually discuss scripture with me.
I'm sorry you feel that way.

What do you think Isaiah 1:18, Isaiah - The vision concerning Judah and - Bible Gateway, meant?
You can start by explaining why Jesus repeatedly stated he was NOT God, that he gained his power from God, that he was the SON of God. While you claim Jesus is really God.
What makes you think your qualified to decide who is qualified to discuss?

He can talk about whatever he wants, as long as he doesn't talk to me.

I want to know what makes him think he can actually discuss scripture with me.
I'm sorry you feel that way.

What do you think Isaiah 1:18, Isaiah - The vision concerning Judah and - Bible Gateway, meant?

IMHO, reasoning together without bias, as god says, is a true test of faith. Interesting choice.
You can start by explaining why Jesus repeatedly stated he was NOT God, that he gained his power from God, that he was the SON of God. While you claim Jesus is really God.
The relationship of the Trinity is a mystery that is simoultenaously very simple and very complex for the human mind to comprehend.

Jesus is the Word, and if you look in 1 John 1 it states that in the beginning there was the Word. That tells us that Jesus, the Son has always been around. The relationship of the Trinity is simple in the sense that we can understand the relationship of Father and Son, and subsequently Holy Spirit. It's complex in the sense that our finite human minds simply CANNOT fathom a being that is 3 beings in 1. It's one of those things that blows your mind, like Eternity.

Sidebar: Have you ever stopped to consider Eternity? Imagine a being, God, that always existed and will exist forever. Never having a beginning and never having an end. It blows my mind every timeI stop to think about it, which is fairly frequently.

To attempt to answer your question is that God explains the relationship of the Trinity in the way He did, which is Father, Son & Holy Ghost in a way that we, humans, can understand. However, He's ultimately more than that. The best explanation I've seen of the relationship of The Trinity was in Bill Maher's 'Religulous', here...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6bjkj80B0fc]Loved the explanation of the Holy Trinity. - YouTube[/ame]

Combined with that and the realization that God puts things in ways for us, as human beings, to understand should bring some clarity to you.

Hope that helps.
What makes you think your qualified to decide who is qualified to discuss?

He can talk about whatever he wants, as long as he doesn't talk to me.

I want to know what makes him think he can actually discuss scripture with me.
I'm sorry you feel that way.

What do you think Isaiah 1:18, Isaiah - The vision concerning Judah and - Bible Gateway, meant?

What makes you think I feel anyway at all? I asked a question, I did not state an opinion or get all swarmy about my feelings. What makes you think you are qualified to discuss Scripture with me?

As for Isaiah 1:18-20, I think it meant exactly what it says.

Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool. If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land: But if ye refuse and rebel, ye shall be devoured with the sword: for the mouth of the LORD hath spoken [it].
He can talk about whatever he wants, as long as he doesn't talk to me.

I want to know what makes him think he can actually discuss scripture with me.
I'm sorry you feel that way.

What do you think Isaiah 1:18, Isaiah - The vision concerning Judah and - Bible Gateway, meant?

IMHO, reasoning together without bias, as god says, is a true test of faith. Interesting choice.

This shows why you and Marc are not able to discuss Scripture. This was not a call for people to talk to each other, this was a plea from God to the nation of Israel to listen to Him.
Hillel the Elder - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

imho, always worth repeating;

At the time of Hillel, an elder contemporary of Jesus of Nazareth, the negative form of the golden rule already must have been proverbial, perhaps because of Tobit 4:15. When asked to sum up the entire Torah concisely, he answered:

"That which is hateful to you, do not do to your fellow. That is the whole Torah; the rest is the explanation; go and learn."
—Talmud, Shabbat 31a
He can talk about whatever he wants, as long as he doesn't talk to me.

I want to know what makes him think he can actually discuss scripture with me.
I'm sorry you feel that way.

What do you think Isaiah 1:18, Isaiah - The vision concerning Judah and - Bible Gateway, meant?

What makes you think I feel anyway at all? I asked a question, I did not state an opinion or get all swarmy about my feelings. What makes you think you are qualified to discuss Scripture with me?

As for Isaiah 1:18-20, I think it meant exactly what it says.

Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool. If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land: But if ye refuse and rebel, ye shall be devoured with the sword: for the mouth of the LORD hath spoken [it].
You haven't answered the question my brother, you simply repeated it.

I'll try again by being a bit more specific. What is meant by "reason together" in the passage?
You can start by explaining why Jesus repeatedly stated he was NOT God, that he gained his power from God, that he was the SON of God. While you claim Jesus is really God.
The relationship of the Trinity is a mystery that is simoultenaously very simple and very complex for the human mind to comprehend.

Jesus is the Word, and if you look in 1 John 1 it states that in the beginning there was the Word. That tells us that Jesus, the Son has always been around. The relationship of the Trinity is simple in the sense that we can understand the relationship of Father and Son, and subsequently Holy Spirit. It's complex in the sense that our finite human minds simply CANNOT fathom a being that is 3 beings in 1. It's one of those things that blows your mind, like Eternity.

Sidebar: Have you ever stopped to consider Eternity? Imagine a being, God, that always existed and will exist forever. Never having a beginning and never having an end. It blows my mind every timeI stop to think about it, which is fairly frequently.

To attempt to answer your question is that God explains the relationship of the Trinity in the way He did, which is Father, Son & Holy Ghost in a way that we, humans, can understand. However, He's ultimately more than that. The best explanation I've seen of the relationship of The Trinity was in Bill Maher's 'Religulous', here...

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6bjkj80B0fc"]Loved the explanation of the Holy Trinity. - YouTube[/ame]

Combined with that and the realization that God puts things in ways for us, as human beings, to understand should bring some clarity to you.

Hope that helps.

If the relationship were simple it wouldn't be complex. If it were complex it wouldn't be simple. The fact that you attempt to address a serious question with mindless platitudes shows, once again, why you shouldn't discuss scripture at all.

When Nicodemus challenged Jesus on the topic of being born again, something that actually is simple, he felt no need to resort to platitudes, he simply explained the whole thing, even though he knew Nicodemus already understood the answer.

By the way, how is an explanation that was deliberately chosen because of how silly it is representative of the Trinity, if it exists?
A plea from g_d to the nation of israel includes me, I am included in that nation, as the rest of us are.

If we assume that you are grafted into Israel it is quite true that that plea applies to you. It doesn't however, mean that you and I have to reason about Scripture, which is how Marc is attempting to use it, and you, being wrong about what it means, agreed with him.
I'm sorry you feel that way.

What do you think Isaiah 1:18, Isaiah - The vision concerning Judah and - Bible Gateway, meant?

What makes you think I feel anyway at all? I asked a question, I did not state an opinion or get all swarmy about my feelings. What makes you think you are qualified to discuss Scripture with me?

As for Isaiah 1:18-20, I think it meant exactly what it says.

Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool. If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land: But if ye refuse and rebel, ye shall be devoured with the sword: for the mouth of the LORD hath spoken [it].
You haven't answered the question my brother, you simply repeated it.

I'll try again by being a bit more specific. What is meant by "reason together" in the passage?

You want me to answer your question, yet you still haven't answered mine.

What makes you think you are qualified to discuss Scripture with me?
Brother Quantum,

Do you agree that regarding Scripture there are always three (3) things to be considered, 1. What the text is ACTUALLY saying, 2. What's the CONTEXT of the text, and 3. How does the text apply to us, the readers, today? Do you agree with that?
Brother Quantum,

Do you agree that regarding Scripture there are always three (3) things to be considered, 1. What the text is ACTUALLY saying, 2. What's the CONTEXT of the text, and 3. How does the text apply to us, the readers, today? Do you agree with that?

What makes you think you are qualified to discuss Scripture with me?
I've seen quite a number of USMB members posting disparaging things about Christianity and/or the Bible, using various reasons and bringing up various texts.

However, every single time it's due to a wrong and misguided interpretation of them.

So let's discuss such things, or simply any texts of Scripture you may have questions about.

What makes you think you are qualified to discuss Scripture with me?

What makes you think your qualified to decide who is qualified to discuss?

What a crock. You are obviously judgmental.
Obviously you think you are qualified to qualify those qualified to discuss.

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