la county deputy tosses woman on ground

Luna said that the male involved in the incident was arrested and cited for resisting or delaying an officer, attempted petty theft and interfering with the business, while the female was “arrested cited for assaulting an officer and battery after assaulting loss prevention personnel inside the market.”
I thought the call was for shoplifting or robbery. The officer should have been arrest for assault and battery, his punk ass would never handle a elderly white woman in that manner.

You are merely detained while the cop deals with your driving infraction

But if you refuse to stop that is s crime
wrong,, you are under arrest for speeding,,

and depending on the state and the speed over the limit and their laws it could be whats called a physical/criminal arrest where they can take you to jail,,

detained is for an investigation to determine if youve committed a crime
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Since it isn't against the Law, how could she be disobeying a lawful order? See just because you are black doesn't mean when a cop shows up we have to bow down to them.
Its not an unlawful order till a judge says its unlawful

Till then civilians must obey
There is only ARREST. Not various grades depending if the perp thinks its Guilty of something.
of course there is,, speeding tickets are not criminal arrest unless the state has a law that makes them one for stated speeds over the limits,,

same goes for all other traffic infractions,,


"LA County sheriff investigating after bodycam video shows deputy throwing Black woman to the ground"

More American bullshit crap. Oh! Oh! She was a woman! Oh! Oh! She was Black (note the capital letter) What the fuck is wrong with Americans? So, the insinuation is that it's OK to throw a white man to the ground.

"LA County sheriff investigating after bodycam video shows deputy throwing Black woman to the ground"

More American bullshit crap. Oh! Oh! She was a woman! Oh! Oh! She was Black (note the capital letter) What the fuck is wrong with Americans? So, the insinuation is that it's OK to throw a white man to the ground.
It is because of white racist and privileged whites that the police are allowed to do what they do, so you think it is ok to slam an elderly black woman to the ground just because she is recording.
It is because of white racist and privileged whites that the police are allowed to do what they do, so you think it is ok to slam an elderly black woman to the ground just because she is recording.
using your power to be abusive to others has nothing to do with race,,

it can be found in every ethnic region around the world,,

"LA County sheriff investigating after bodycam video shows deputy throwing Black woman to the ground"

More American bullshit crap. Oh! Oh! She was a woman! Oh! Oh! She was Black (note the capital letter) What the fuck is wrong with Americans? So, the insinuation is that it's OK to throw a white man to the ground.
more black people crap

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