KY lawmaker's gun fires in Capitol office

So libtards, what about the tens of thousands of rounds per week of ammunition fired in America by Obamacrats? Now these pistol rounds weren't fired at other people accidentally. No faux blubbering about childhood guilt 20 years removed. No, these rounds were fired by democrats at other democrats, intentionally (and god bless all those Second Amendment democrats busy with their holy work). EXPLAIN, you pathetic hypocrites! Why does the democratic party encourage the shooting every year of tens of thousands of democrats by democrats? Let's hear it, weaklings. Every time I hear an online foreigner ask about America, "What's going on over there, a war zone?" I tell them to thank a democrat.
Thank goodness she was following safety precautions when she was unloading it. One can only imagine what might have happened had she been carelessly not following safety precautions when she was unloading it.

I've owned semi-automatics for years. You really need to be a stupid idiot to have an accidental fire.

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