Judge dismisses female genital mutilation charges in historic case

Looks like the SCOTUS is going to be very busy getting rid of bad liberal judgements made by judges like this idiot (U.S. District Judge Bernard Friedman). It's not the first time this fool has overturned a good law. He did the same thing with a ban on same sex marriage, and then actually married a bunch of the loons.

Ronald Reagan appointed him. Must be turning over in his grave.
No leftists want to chime in. Real liberals would hate what is going on but they've apparently been replaced by the radical leftists.

No feminists marching in protest? They aren't demanding that these little girls have a choice in what happens to their bodies?

You know that NONE of these girls are doing this willingly. Pro Choice, anyone?

It's torture. Muslims don't believe women should enjoy sex and this also prevents them from wanting to sleep with men. Of course, if they are raped, the women still get punished because rape makes them impure. Women are just things to Muslim men. Mutilate them. Beat them. Stone them to death if they bring shame on the family. Muslims are here and they bought their fucked up culture with them.

And the left approves. You guys just can't bring yourselves to criticize your precious Muslims, can you? What the hell is up with that? You guys bash Christians and demand that they go against their religion all the time yet Muslims do whatever they hell they please and you cite freedom of religion.

So, Muslims don't have to bake cakes for gays. There is video of many stores refusing to do that. It's okay. Muslims don't approve of gays and say it's a sin. In Muslim countries, gays are murdered in cold blood for their "crimes." You think that's okay and not worth speaking out against.

Muslims don't allow women to vote. It's okay with you guys if they are oppressed. Muslim television shows actually discuss the best ways to beat their wives. The suggestion is that guys beat the women enough to hurt them and get their message across but not enough to where they'll have to pay a medical bill for the injuries. Isn't that special.

Damn you leftists are screwed up in the head. You openly defend Muslims even though Islam is more government than religion. You never criticize them for the horrible way they treat women or the hatred they show towards infidels. You guys blame the infidels for pissing them off. Do you also blame the women for the brutal treatment they endure at the hands of Muslim men?
Just another example of liberal insanity, and how the insanity of Islam has no place in America, and where the Constitution bans Islam (and other supremacisms), this ban needs to be enforced. (Article 6, Section 2)

Not only should this absurd practice which contains assault & battery, aggravated assault, child abuse, sex discrimination etc, continue to be banned, but so should all of Islam. Should be no mosques, no Korans, no prayer rooms or rugs, no footwashing basins, or any other manifestations of this screwball ideology, masquerading as a religion.

What's next ? Allowing noses to be cut off ?

So, these young Muslim girls have to endure the pain of having their genitals mutilated and the judge says the U.S. cannot outlaw this barbaric practice. Sometimes, they even give the girl's pain meds but the poor girls have to be awake for this. Usually they scream as they are held down. So much for the left believing in choice. These young girls go through intense pain and are permanently scarred, both physically and emotionally. They will never have a choice in life because they were unfortunate enough to be born into a Muslim family. Might as well teach them young that all decisions will be made for them by men. And the left will continue to stand up for Muslims and their fucked up culture.

Now we have this shit going on here. Good job, libs.

Federal judge finds female genital mutilation law unconstitutional

The judge should be castrated - without anesthetic.
So, these young Muslim girls have to endure the pain of having their genitals mutilated and the judge says the U.S. cannot outlaw this barbaric practice. Sometimes, they even give the girl's pain meds but the poor girls have to be awake for this. Usually they scream as they are held down. So much for the left believing in choice. These young girls go through intense pain and are permanently scarred, both physically and emotionally. They will never have a choice in life because they were unfortunate enough to be born into a Muslim family. Might as well teach them young that all decisions will be made for them by men. And the left will continue to stand up for Muslims and their fucked up culture.

Now we have this shit going on here. Good job, libs.

Federal judge finds female genital mutilation law unconstitutional

One liberal on this thread? That's it, just one?

What is it about Female Genital Mutilation that you love so much, Leftists--or at least that makes you run and hide when Muslims commit it on their little girls?
So, these young Muslim girls have to endure the pain of having their genitals mutilated and the judge says the U.S. cannot outlaw this barbaric practice. Sometimes, they even give the girl's pain meds but the poor girls have to be awake for this. Usually they scream as they are held down. So much for the left believing in choice. These young girls go through intense pain and are permanently scarred, both physically and emotionally. They will never have a choice in life because they were unfortunate enough to be born into a Muslim family. Might as well teach them young that all decisions will be made for them by men. And the left will continue to stand up for Muslims and their fucked up culture.

Now we have this shit going on here. Good job, libs.

Federal judge finds female genital mutilation law unconstitutional

The court did not rule that laws against FGM were non unconstitutional, that is they were not a violation of the Constitution. The judge ruled that the Constitution did not address the issue and that laws about FGM were left to the individual states to decide.

“U.S. District Judge Bernard Friedman said Congress lacked authority under the Commerce Clause to adopt the 1996 law, and that the power to outlaw female genital mutilation, or FGM, belonged to individual states.

“As despicable as this practice may be, it is essentially a criminal assault,” Friedman wrote. “FGM is not part of a larger market and it has no demonstrated effect on interstate commerce. The Commerce Clause does not permit Congress to regulate a crime of this nature.”

Judge voids U.S. female genital mutilation law | Reuters

“In his 28-page decision, Judge Friedman writes, “Congress had no authority to pass this statute under either the Necessary and Proper Clause or the Commerce Clause” of the Constitution. Female genital mutilation is against the law in Michigan and 26 other states.”

Judge rules federal law against female genital mutilation 'unconstitutional', dismisses some charges

CONCLUSION: According to the Court's ruling, a law against FGM is not a violation of the Constitution. If it were, individual states could not prohibit it. The judge was very specific in saying the matter was for the various states to decide.
Says Congress lacks the authority to enact such a law.

I can think of hundreds of similar laws that can be overturned now.

In a major blow to the government, a federal judge in Detroit has declared the nation’s female genital mutilation law unconstitutional, thereby dismissing nearly all of the charges against two Michigan doctors and seven others accused of subjecting at least nine minor girls to genital cutting in the nation’s first FGM case.

The historic case involves minor girls from Michigan, Illinois and Minnesota, including some who cried, screamed and bled during the procedure and one who was given Valium ground in liquid Tylenol to keep her calm, court records show.

U.S. District Judge Bernard Friedman concluded that Congress did not have the authority to pass the 22-year-old federal law that criminalizes female genital mutilation in America. FGM is banned worldwide and has been outlawed in more than 50 countries, though the U.S. statute had never been tested before this case.

Friedman’s ruling stems from a request by Dr. Jumana Nagarwala and her co-defendants to dismiss the genital mutilation charges, claiming the law they are being prosecuted under is unconstitutional.

More specifically, the defendants have argued that “Congress lacked authority to enact” the genital mutilation statute, “thus the female genital mutilation charges must be dismissed.”

Federal judge finds female genital mutilation law unconstitutional

Listen, if adult women want to basically turn their ladybits over to a meat grinder for religious reasons, they can go for it. To me it shows that Muslim men don't want to be bothered to satisfy them, which to me speaks little of their manhood, but that's just my little opinion. They are all adults, they can do whatever they like with their bodies. If they want to sew the entire thing shut go for it.

But we are talking about CHILDREN. And that's a whole different ballgame, which is why this should be OUTLAWED, if not by the federal gov't, at least by the states.
One liberal on this thread? That's it, just one?

What is it about Female Genital Mutilation that you love so much, Leftists--or at least that makes you run and hide when Muslims commit it on their little girls?
Nothing scares liberals more than the thought of being called a bigot. The fear is so great that they even won't oppose the worst bigotry the world has ever known >> Islam.

I'll give Lakota credit though, for speaking out against this abomination.
One liberal on this thread? That's it, just one?

What is it about Female Genital Mutilation that you love so much, Leftists--or at least that makes you run and hide when Muslims commit it on their little girls?
Nothing scares liberals more than the thought of being called a bigot. The fear is so great that they even won't oppose the worst bigotry the world has ever known >> Islam.

I'll give Lakota credit though, for speaking out against this abomination.

Oh, I think it's much worse than that for many liberals to be honest.

I think they actually admire Islam. It's not that they fear being called a bigot if they don't support it. They admire Islam because they hate the same things liberals hate, only more ferociously: Jews and Christians. And they subjugate people liberals also fear and hate even more ferociously. Like gays and women.

Here is another interesting statistics about female genital mutilation. This statistics is also evident on this forum. Only men care about it.
Oh, I think it's much worse than that for many liberals to be honest.

I think they actually admire Islam. It's not that they fear being called a bigot if they don't support it. They admire Islam because they hate the same things liberals hate, only more ferociously: Jews and Christians. And they subjugate people liberals also fear and hate even more ferociously. Like gays and women.

I think it's just fear of being called a bigot - GONE WILD.
So, these young Muslim girls have to endure the pain of having their genitals mutilated and the judge says the U.S. cannot outlaw this barbaric practice. Sometimes, they even give the girl's pain meds but the poor girls have to be awake for this. Usually they scream as they are held down. So much for the left believing in choice. These young girls go through intense pain and are permanently scarred, both physically and emotionally. They will never have a choice in life because they were unfortunate enough to be born into a Muslim family. Might as well teach them young that all decisions will be made for them by men. And the left will continue to stand up for Muslims and their fucked up culture.

Now we have this shit going on here. Good job, libs.

Federal judge finds female genital mutilation law unconstitutional

So the judge is saying these females can't have an orgasm and just need to be cum buckets?

Some girl help me out here..

Where is

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More specifically, the defendants have argued that “Congress lacked authority to enact” the genital mutilation statute, “thus the female genital mutilation charges must be dismissed.”

Actually, this is true. Nowhere in the Constitution is the federal government assigned any authority to enact such a law, so, per the Tenth Amendment, such a law is indeed blatantly unconstitutional. This legitimately falls under the jurisdiction of the states.

But then, the same is equally true of the overwhelmingly-vast majority of federal laws and activities.

That said, I am all for every state passing laws against this savage practice, and imposing the most serious of penalties for those subhuman filth convicted of engaging in it. Life in prison, without possibility of parole, would not be too serious a punishment for such a crime.
And what should be the punishment for male circumcision?
So, these young Muslim girls have to endure the pain of having their genitals mutilated and the judge says the U.S. cannot outlaw this barbaric practice. Sometimes, they even give the girl's pain meds but the poor girls have to be awake for this. Usually they scream as they are held down. So much for the left believing in choice. These young girls go through intense pain and are permanently scarred, both physically and emotionally. They will never have a choice in life because they were unfortunate enough to be born into a Muslim family. Might as well teach them young that all decisions will be made for them by men. And the left will continue to stand up for Muslims and their fucked up culture.

Now we have this shit going on here. Good job, libs.

Federal judge finds female genital mutilation law unconstitutional

So the judge is saying these females can't have an orgasm and just need to be cum buckets?

Some girl help me out here..

Where is


God bless those women--that African woman is so brave to speak out on this issue. Can't imagine the pain she went through, mental, emotional and physical. I had no idea the practice had been going on for two thousand years....
I remember when my parents bitched me out when I refused to get my daughter babtised ..

I am like no it's a personal decision, she can do it later.


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