Judge dismisses female genital mutilation charges in historic case

Millions of little girls and young women have been subjected to a painful rite of passage that involves cutting their genitals — often without anesthesia — for centuries in parts of Asia, Africa and the Middle East. Detroit Free Press

Judge dismisses female genital mutilation charges in historic case

It's mind blowing how many bimbo's think this doesn't exist and isn't real . Yet here is a real case on it.
This is how creeping Sharia begins in civilized nations.
Michigan again. The epicenter of Muslim troubles in the United States. Combine that with Detroit and it's an incredibly dysfunctional state and it makes me wish that Ohio State crushes the Wolverines when they meet up in anything,
and I don't even like Ohio State. Eff the Buckeyes.
The old double standard yet again
That doesn't make any sense. How the hell should I know? I'm commenting on an article in which a judge ruled. You are playing "what if" games. If you really need to know, find out by researching it or waiting until a case addressing your concern comes before the court. Simple.
Michigan again. The epicenter of Muslim troubles in the United States. Combine that with Detroit and it's an incredibly dysfunctional state and it makes me wish that Ohio State crushes the Wolverines when they meet up in anything,
and I don't even like Ohio State. Eff the Buckeyes.
Michigan's a great state to live in. I don't judge all of Illinois by Chicago. It's only the dark, cold winters I despise (and Detroit)

Michigan again. The epicenter of Muslim troubles in the United States. Combine that with Detroit and it's an incredibly dysfunctional state and it makes me wish that Ohio State crushes the Wolverines when they meet up in anything,
and I don't even like Ohio State. Eff the Buckeyes.
Michigan's a great state to live in. I don't judge all of Illinois by Chicago. It's only the dark, cold winters I despise (and Detroit)
Just like California where I lived for over forty years. Lots and lots of nice places overshadowed by LA, San Francisco, Marin, Sacramento, etc. I miss the weather and the chicken burritos from the Sunshine Market in St. Helena, California. But that's all.
No, it's not.

"As laudable as the prohibition of a particular type of abuse of girls may be ... federalism concerns deprive Congress of the power to enact this statute," Friedman wrote in his 28-page opinion, noting: "Congress overstepped its bounds by legislating to prohibit FGM ... FGM is a 'local criminal activity' which, in keeping with long-standing tradition and our federal system of government, is for the states to regulate, not Congress."

This ruling, all too rare, properly upholds the Constitutional limits on federal power. Per the Tenth Amendment, the federal government only has that authority which the Constitution explicitly delegates to it; all other powers being reserved to the states or the people. As savage and brutal as the practice of FGM is, and as unacceptable as it ought to be in any civilized society, the power to enact and enforce laws against it belongs to the states, not to the federal government.
Why shouldn't the federal government step in and act on this brutality ? Why only individual states ?
Happens all the time in death cult territory.

Along with stoning, beating and honor killing.

Just part of the death cults "religion."

Millions of little girls and young women have been subjected to a painful rite of passage that involves cutting their genitals — often without anesthesia — for centuries in parts of Asia, Africa and the Middle East. Detroit Free Press

Judge dismisses female genital mutilation charges in historic case

It's mind blowing how many bimbo's think this doesn't exist and isn't real . Yet here is a real case on it.
This is how creeping Sharia begins in civilized nations.

FGM has nothing to do with "Sharia". Because it has nothing to do with "religion".

We've done this a thousand times. FGM is way WAY older than Islam, Christianism, Buddhism or any other religion with which it is coincident. So is male circumcision. So is "honor killing". These are ancient cultural artifacts. So ancient they make religions look like they got here last week.

Sorry to take your demonization fantasy and cut its balls off but deal with it.
He didn't rule that is OK.
He ruled that the law against it was unconstitutional.
That's the same thing as saying it's OK. Ho hum.
No it isn''t

Yes, it is. He is saying it's okay to do that. He's saying a law against this type of child abuse is wrong. Muslims call this abuse religious freedom. Their beliefs go against our laws and Bill of Rights. I'll say again that Islam is more government than religion. Muslims cannot separate church and state because they are one and the same for them. Women and children have no rights. And the left welcome this culture with open arms. They shouldn't be allowed to cite religious freedom for insisting on sharia law or any of the other bullshit.

When people come here and claim religious freedom should allow them to have their own laws and oppress all children and female members of their religion, we can't let them get away with this.
He didn't rule that is OK.
He ruled that the law against it was unconstitutional.
That's the same thing as saying it's OK. Ho hum.
No it isn''t

Yes, it is. He is saying it's okay to do that. He's saying a law against this type of child abuse is wrong. Muslims call this abuse religious freedom. I'll say again that Islam is more government than religion. Muslims cannot separate church and state because they are one and the same for them. Women and children have no rights. And the left welcome this culture with open arms.

From what I read he is saying a federal level law criminalizing this is wrong, as it gets involved in what should be a State level crime.

The simple solution is for Michigan to ban FGM.
No, it's not.

"As laudable as the prohibition of a particular type of abuse of girls may be ... federalism concerns deprive Congress of the power to enact this statute," Friedman wrote in his 28-page opinion, noting: "Congress overstepped its bounds by legislating to prohibit FGM ... FGM is a 'local criminal activity' which, in keeping with long-standing tradition and our federal system of government, is for the states to regulate, not Congress."

This ruling, all too rare, properly upholds the Constitutional limits on federal power. Per the Tenth Amendment, the federal government only has that authority which the Constitution explicitly delegates to it; all other powers being reserved to the states or the people. As savage and brutal as the practice of FGM is, and as unacceptable as it ought to be in any civilized society, the power to enact and enforce laws against it belongs to the states, not to the federal government.
Why shouldn't the federal government step in and act on this brutality ? Why only individual states ?
According to the judge...it's a Constitution thing.
Don't you agree with the Constitution?
He didn't rule that is OK.
He ruled that the law against it was unconstitutional.
That's the same thing as saying it's OK. Ho hum.
No it isn''t

Yes, it is. He is saying it's okay to do that. He's saying a law against this type of child abuse is wrong. Muslims call this abuse religious freedom. I'll say again that Islam is more government than religion. Muslims cannot separate church and state because they are one and the same for them. Women and children have no rights. And the left welcome this culture with open arms.
No it isn't and no he isn't.
No it isn't and no he isn't.
Oh bullshit. He's an Obama plant/hack, and he's legislating from the bench, and all this crap about what is or isn't the Constitution, is just another subjective opinion call about what is or isn't "Constitutional". Like we haven't seen all this before , right ? Give us a break. :rolleyes:
This is how creeping Sharia begins in civilized nations.
Pogo's "funny" only shows how clueless and dangerous tards are in power. And their concern for basic human rights. I'm sure he has no problem with a 16 year old girl being sold on Zuckerbergs Facebook
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He didn't rule that is OK.
He ruled that the law against it was unconstitutional.
That's the same thing as saying it's OK. Ho hum.
No it isn''t

Yes, it is. He is saying it's okay to do that. He's saying a law against this type of child abuse is wrong.

Bullshit. He's saying the Constitution doesn't allow for it, regardless how necessary it might be. When you have to lie about what the issue is you have no argument.

Muslims call this abuse religious freedom. Their beliefs go against our laws and Bill of Rights.

--- she said, offering no evidence whatsoever. Ipse dixit aside, they couldn't do if they wanted to because ---- again ---- it's not a religious custom. Has nothing to do with anyone's religion. This too is not an argument.

If FGM had something to do with Islam then essplain to the class why it's also practiced by those who happen to be Christians. Or the indigenous Emberá in South America. Or the indigenous animists in Africa. Happy hunting.

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