Jon Stewart: Am I A Stupid Man?


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
This is important because, believe it or not, a HUGE percentage of libturds actually get their News from Comedy Central.

And no, I am NOT kidding.

While I don't like Stewart all that much, he has been known to skewer dimocraps; though not as much as he does Republicans.

Stewart to Sebelius on health care law ?Am I a stupid man?? ? CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

<snip>The segment became more contentious as the Comedy Central host turned to the subject of the individual mandate, specifically the fact that while many businesses were given a one-year delay to comply with the law, individuals were not.

“If I’m an individual that doesn’t want this, it would be hard for me to look at a big business getting a waiver," Stewart said. "I would feel like you are favoring big business because they lobbied you ... but you’re not allowing individuals that same courtesy.”

Sebelius denied that was the case, but danced around answering the question directly, sticking instead to talking points.

After pressing her further on the issue to no avail, a somewhat exasperated Stewart finally smiled and asked, “Am I a stupid man?”<snip>

Worth reading.

dimocraps are going to take this one on the chin, boys and girls.

Believe it
This is not a news reporting show, if you had any brains you idiot RWer's could see that in the tittle. News reports are not done on shows. Shows mean a form of entertainment.

Like Rush is not a real news reporting segment, it's a show also. Duh!
Mostly what viewers of The Daily Show get is confirmation of what they already believe -- that our society has gone completely mad and that the DEMOCRATS and REPUBLICANS are entirely to blame.
Needless to say, come January - there will be a record number of "criminals" in U.S. history as so many, many, many 27-34 year olds cannot afford insurance and will not sign up.
Stewart is a worthless hypocrite. On one hand he complains about the "noise" that is politics, then he jumps right in and adds to it. Jon is heavily bias towards Democrats, it's sad watching him ask questions only to let horrible answers slide. It's sad watching the economy turn to utter chit for 5 years and 3/4th of his skits are about Republicans and not the Dems who own the Presidency and the Senate. When Dems owned the Senate and House under Bush Jon was still near 100% focused on Bush. Jon is a comedic dinosaur, he speaks the the politically uneducated and what is really sad is he is completely aware of it. When interviewing Democrats, you can see when he knows the guest is skirting an issue yet the audience cheers, and Jon becomes aware of his place in this world... A man used by the left to reach out to possible voters that care more about a laff than the policy being discussed directly in front of them. Jon is part of the noise.
The more DEVASTING part of this confrontation was when Sebelius OUTRIGHT LIED about the effect

Jon Stewart grills HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius about lack of individual Obamacare delay

Sebelius was the featured guest on Monday night&#8217;s episode of The Daily Show, and the host grilled her &#8212; for more than 5 minutes &#8212; about the apparent favoritism the Obama administration has showed to corporations with lobbyists.

And when the interview came to accusations that Obamacare is a job killer, as evidenced by retailers selling stores or cutting employees&#8217; hours due to the requirements of the healthcare law, Sebelius brushed off the inconvenient facts.

&#8220;At least the economists &#8212; not anecdotal folks &#8212; economists say there is absolutely no evidence that part-time work is going up,&#8221; she said, ignoring the fact that 97 percent of jobs created in the first six months of this year were part-time. &#8220;In fact, it&#8217;s going down.&#8221;

The amount of lying is NON-STOP and monumental.. Don't remember another time in my life when I felt like I was living in the old Soviet Union and listening to Pravda..

BTW: The vid connection to this Daily Show interview appears to be down.. Maybe Jon Stuart is about to be disciplined by his masters???
Jon Stewart does an entertainment show. It employs commentary for its humour. This isn't even commentary, but a probing question. And he's right to press it.

Some of you censorial freaks would have pressing questions like this condemned. It's weird.

Thread should be in Media.
I STRONGLY object in the move of this topic to "Media".. The KEY OBSERVATIONS here are the BLATANT LIES that the Admin is constantly making to the public..

Stuart is an influencial politico.. He CHOSE to do a hard interview with a high-ranking official of the Dear Leader's admin.. And the RESULT of that interview is PURE POLITICS.. Not entertainment.

BTW: The answer to the thread is --- YES.. Jon Stuart is a stupid man. If he thinks he can take pokes at the Dear Leader's top officials and come out of this with just a laugh.. Guaranteed -- he's gonna discover who's in charge of the truth.. And that THEY don't have a sense of humor when it comes to their power and control...
I STRONGLY object in the move of this topic to "Media".. The KEY OBSERVATIONS here are the BLATANT LIES that the Admin is constantly making to the public..

Stuart is an influencial politico.. He CHOSE to do a hard interview with a high-ranking official of the Dear Leader's admin.. And the RESULT of that interview is PURE POLITICS.. Not entertainment.

BTW: The answer to the thread is --- YES.. Jon Stuart is a stupid man. If he thinks he can take pokes at the Dear Leader's top officials and come out of this with just a laugh.. Guaranteed -- he's gonna discover who's in charge of the truth.. And that THEY don't have a sense of humor when it comes to their power and control...

Jon Stewart is media, not "an inflential politico" or "the Admin". And in this case he's questioning that Admin anyway. What the fuck is your prob?

You didn't even read the transcript, didja?


I mean by that pretzel logic, every thread about Hannity or O'Reilly or Limblob belongs in "Politics" too. Even though all of them, Stewart included, are entirely media (i.e. without media they would not exist) and all of them are simply using it to raise questions.
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I STRONGLY object in the move of this topic to "Media".. The KEY OBSERVATIONS here are the BLATANT LIES that the Admin is constantly making to the public..

Stuart is an influencial politico.. He CHOSE to do a hard interview with a high-ranking official of the Dear Leader's admin.. And the RESULT of that interview is PURE POLITICS.. Not entertainment.

BTW: The answer to the thread is --- YES.. Jon Stuart is a stupid man. If he thinks he can take pokes at the Dear Leader's top officials and come out of this with just a laugh.. Guaranteed -- he's gonna discover who's in charge of the truth.. And that THEY don't have a sense of humor when it comes to their power and control...

Jon Stewart is media, not "the Admin". And in this case he's questioning that Admin anyway. What the fuck is your prob?

You didn't even read the transcript, didja?


Doesn't freakin matter WHERE the lies were told does it? If they were told on SPORTSCENTER --- they are still lies.. If they were told on OPRAH -- would it matter?

It's NOT JON STUART that is the subject of this story.. It's Kathleen Sebelius walking into an interview she THOUGHT was gonna be fun and frivolity and having to lie her ass off when REAL QUESTIONS came at her...

We got more FUNDAMENTAL info out of that 5 minute interview than any 20 minute Lie-fest on the Sunday morning talk shows..

BTW: WHat's YOUR PROBLEM?? Why can't you suck-uops get your story straight?? When is Jon Stuart MEDIA and when is he a COMEDIAN.. Seems your drfinition changes convieniently with the political advantage.
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I STRONGLY object in the move of this topic to "Media".. The KEY OBSERVATIONS here are the BLATANT LIES that the Admin is constantly making to the public..

Stuart is an influencial politico.. He CHOSE to do a hard interview with a high-ranking official of the Dear Leader's admin.. And the RESULT of that interview is PURE POLITICS.. Not entertainment.

BTW: The answer to the thread is --- YES.. Jon Stuart is a stupid man. If he thinks he can take pokes at the Dear Leader's top officials and come out of this with just a laugh.. Guaranteed -- he's gonna discover who's in charge of the truth.. And that THEY don't have a sense of humor when it comes to their power and control...

Jon Stewart is media, not "the Admin". And in this case he's questioning that Admin anyway. What the fuck is your prob?

You didn't even read the transcript, didja?


Doesn't freakin matter WHERE the lies were told does it? If they were told on SPORTSCENTER --- they are still lies.. If they were told on OPRAH -- would it matter?

It's NOT JON STUART that is the subject of this story.. It's Kathleen Sebelius walking into an interview she THOUGHT was gonna be fun and frivolity and having to lie her ass off when REAL QUESTIONS came at her...

We got more FUNDAMENTAL info out of that 5 minute interview than any 20 minute Lie-fest on the Sunday morning talk shows..

.... and we got it out of Media, without which it would not exist.


Seems to me the thrust of the OP (read it) is Jon Stewart and how he works with the media he has to work with. The Sibelius interview is the example he gives. You could give other examples of what Stewart does, unrelated to Sibelius, and you'd be on topic.
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Jon Stewart is media, not "the Admin". And in this case he's questioning that Admin anyway. What the fuck is your prob?

You didn't even read the transcript, didja?


Doesn't freakin matter WHERE the lies were told does it? If they were told on SPORTSCENTER --- they are still lies.. If they were told on OPRAH -- would it matter?

It's NOT JON STUART that is the subject of this story.. It's Kathleen Sebelius walking into an interview she THOUGHT was gonna be fun and frivolity and having to lie her ass off when REAL QUESTIONS came at her...

We got more FUNDAMENTAL info out of that 5 minute interview than any 20 minute Lie-fest on the Sunday morning talk shows..

.... and we got it out of Media, without which it would not exist.


Seems to me the thrust of the OP (read it) is Jon Stewart and how he works with the media he has to work with. The Sibelius interview is the example he gives. You could give other examples of what Stewart does, unrelated to Sibelius, and you'd be on topic.

No -- you're wrong.. I don't give a SHIT about Stuart, just like I don't give a Shit about Hannity... But when NEWS OCCURS on their shows because some politico decides to take a dump --- that's politics.. Don't care WHO the interviewer was.

This thread WOULDN"T EXIST if K. Sebelius hadn't lied her ass off.. THAT'S the story and it's 100% political..

If you wanted the thread filed under the next most PLAUSIBLE forum -- it would have to go into Comedy and Humor wouldn't it? Because no one considers Stuart or Hannity as credible media...
Doesn't freakin matter WHERE the lies were told does it? If they were told on SPORTSCENTER --- they are still lies.. If they were told on OPRAH -- would it matter?

It's NOT JON STUART that is the subject of this story.. It's Kathleen Sebelius walking into an interview she THOUGHT was gonna be fun and frivolity and having to lie her ass off when REAL QUESTIONS came at her...

We got more FUNDAMENTAL info out of that 5 minute interview than any 20 minute Lie-fest on the Sunday morning talk shows..

.... and we got it out of Media, without which it would not exist.


Seems to me the thrust of the OP (read it) is Jon Stewart and how he works with the media he has to work with. The Sibelius interview is the example he gives. You could give other examples of what Stewart does, unrelated to Sibelius, and you'd be on topic.

No -- you're wrong.. I don't give a SHIT about Stuart, just like I don't give a Shit about Hannity... But when NEWS OCCURS on their shows because some politico decides to take a dump --- that's politics.. Don't care WHO the interviewer was.

This thread WOULDN"T EXIST if K. Sebelius hadn't lied her ass off.. THAT'S the story and it's 100% political..

No, it isn't. Again, read the OP. Whether Sebelius "lied" is your subjective opinion. So their topic was political. So what?

Got news for you, pun intended... an interview isn't "news". It's a talking head discussing some topic. Unless that talking head is making some announcement not previously known, like "I'm running for President", that ain't news. That's talking about the news. That's exactly why Hannity isn't news either. Same thing.

If you wanted the thread filed under the next most PLAUSIBLE forum -- it would have to go into Comedy and Humor wouldn't it? Because no one considers Stuart or Hannity as credible media...

Humor is both part of media, and a tool used for political commentary. In Stewart's case he uses satire to pick apart flaws in arguments that are very often political ones. Satire is a comedic tool, and simultaneously a commentative one. Whether the topic is politics or something else.

In any case, the topic's still here so once again, what the fuck is your prob?
.... and we got it out of Media, without which it would not exist.


Seems to me the thrust of the OP (read it) is Jon Stewart and how he works with the media he has to work with. The Sibelius interview is the example he gives. You could give other examples of what Stewart does, unrelated to Sibelius, and you'd be on topic.

No -- you're wrong.. I don't give a SHIT about Stuart, just like I don't give a Shit about Hannity... But when NEWS OCCURS on their shows because some politico decides to take a dump --- that's politics.. Don't care WHO the interviewer was.

This thread WOULDN"T EXIST if K. Sebelius hadn't lied her ass off.. THAT'S the story and it's 100% political..

No, it isn't. Again, read the OP. Whether Sebelius "lied" is your subjective opinion. So their topic was political. So what?

Got news for you, pun intended... an interview isn't "news". It's a talking head discussing some topic. Unless that talking head is making some announcement not previously known, like "I'm running for President", that ain't news. That's talking about the news. That's exactly why Hannity isn't news either. Same thing.

If you wanted the thread filed under the next most PLAUSIBLE forum -- it would have to go into Comedy and Humor wouldn't it? Because no one considers Stuart or Hannity as credible media...

Humor is both part of media, and a tool used for political commentary. In Stewart's case he uses satire to pick apart flaws in arguments that are very often political ones. Satire is a comedic tool, and simultaneously a commentative one. Whether the topic is politics or something else.

In any case, the topic's still here so once again, what the fuck is your prob?

It's not MY OPINION that she lied about the part time employment "going down". That's a fact Jack.. The thread is about what Sebelius SAID --- NOT where she said it..

The fact you don't recognize OUTRIGHT LIES is the reason you can logically see the political IMPORTANCE of the comments.. See no evil, hear no evil..

You're in denial... AND possibly very uninformed about the Part time rate employment statistics.. THAT'S what needs attention here.. People are getting SCREWED and the Dems don't care...
No -- you're wrong.. I don't give a SHIT about Stuart, just like I don't give a Shit about Hannity... But when NEWS OCCURS on their shows because some politico decides to take a dump --- that's politics.. Don't care WHO the interviewer was.

This thread WOULDN"T EXIST if K. Sebelius hadn't lied her ass off.. THAT'S the story and it's 100% political..

No, it isn't. Again, read the OP. Whether Sebelius "lied" is your subjective opinion. So their topic was political. So what?

Got news for you, pun intended... an interview isn't "news". It's a talking head discussing some topic. Unless that talking head is making some announcement not previously known, like "I'm running for President", that ain't news. That's talking about the news. That's exactly why Hannity isn't news either. Same thing.

If you wanted the thread filed under the next most PLAUSIBLE forum -- it would have to go into Comedy and Humor wouldn't it? Because no one considers Stuart or Hannity as credible media...

Humor is both part of media, and a tool used for political commentary. In Stewart's case he uses satire to pick apart flaws in arguments that are very often political ones. Satire is a comedic tool, and simultaneously a commentative one. Whether the topic is politics or something else.

In any case, the topic's still here so once again, what the fuck is your prob?

It's not MY OPINION that she lied about the part time employment "going down". That's a fact Jack.. The thread is about what Sebelius SAID --- NOT where she said it..

You don't understand the difference between fact and opinion, and you want to be in charge of thread categories? :eek:

Sebelius says A, B and C. That's a fact. It's on tape.
Sebelius "lied" when she said B and C. That's an opinion. Can't be proven.

The fact you don't recognize OUTRIGHT LIES is the reason you can logically see the political IMPORTANCE of the comments.. See no evil, hear no evil..

Again, what you think I recognize or don't recognize is opinion. Not fact.

I gather from the non-mention that you have conceded my point that an interview isn't "news". Or abandoned yours that it is.

You're in denial... AND possibly very uninformed about the Part time rate employment statistics.. THAT'S what needs attention here.. People are getting SCREWED and the Dems don't care...

I haven't even brought up such statistics so I can hardly be in "denial". The fact is, this thread is about Jon Stewart. And that's documented -- again, read the OP.

Go start a thread on it if it floats your boat. Use this thread to quote Sebelius if you want. Take a pill. Some damn thing.
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