Jesus was not a Jew


VIP Member
Oct 5, 2016
The idea that Jesus was a Jew is a big lie.

Jesus, in fact, fought the Jews and was crucified for it.
The idea that Jesus was a Jew is a big lie.

Jesus, in fact, fought the Jews and was crucified for it.

circumcised, bar mitzvahed, debated with temple scholars, preached the torah, as rabbi taught others, observed passover
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The idea that Jesus was a Jew is a big lie.

Jesus, in fact, fought the Jews and was crucified for it.

1)A mythical figure is what created his mythology and what was being emulated.
Jesus is not a singular historical figure to claim an ethnicity or religious base teaching from it's image. You must therefore discuss the image from the reality and historical perspective and then the usage of that image perspective.
2) your first part is correct The Jesus character is not Jewish, because he is formed a created image of a man by Rome for reasons of propaganda and subversion, with the sole purpose of bringing Baal worship under a mask of the dying god mythology of the Canaanites using the Jewish image to mask the plagiarized Baal mythology to lure Jews into adhering to Rome as the new authority of the religion to supress insurrection.
3)But you are wrong about fighting the Jews, and crucifixion.
There are many Christs used to make the Jesus image. The one Rome(called the harlot church) favored in their trinity of christs was Yeshu son of Mary the harlot of around 100bc. He started as a rabinnic trained Jew, but when he fled to Egypt with his mentor Rabbi Yohoshua ben Perachyah to avoid the Jannaeus revolt he must have become disenfranchised and definitely influenced by forbidden Egyptian
mysticsm which against laws of his time got him sroned and *hanged on a tree* as the NT accounts not crucified.
When he returned, he brought back forbidden maggis and Egyptian underworld beliefs in which case his beliefs and teachings were Luciferous in nature and no longer Jewish and those teachings blended well with the many sun cults and death cults Rome was converging into a one world religion. The NT and iconographs are full of
cryptic sayings regarding PHYSICAL (luciferous) light and Baal harvest seed analogies used for the seed harvest scams you see even today.
The other 2 main Christs in the image were revolters and they were crucified.
One Yehuda the Galilean in the Herod(died4bc)
Lysanias (died 35bc) era was a tax revolter, the other died in 45ad the Pilate era was political revolter Theudas by he Jordan who's apostles were the martyrs.

When you have a combined character given an image of a man it will combine and contradict 2 or more of the blames(Rome & elect of the Jews), the method of sentencing(hanged & crucified)
2 job professions (carpenter & fisherman)
2 hometowns (Capernaum and Nazareth),
2 death ages (closer to 50 says John but 33 is taught), era he lived (Herod and Lysanias is another era from Pilates AD era) and most important combined figures are given new names. All the combined apostles and christs become new names.

*hanged on a tree source:*
Historical accts of Yeshu of 100bc was he was stoned and hanged at passover(rare event cause it was a holiday), hanging was the punishment in that era.
The NT sources Mark and John Passover sentencing and hanged as the process:

Acts 5:30 "Jesus, whom ye slew (stoned)and hanged on a tree" Acts 10:39 "whom they slew and hanged on a tree" Acts 13:29 "they took him down from the tree" 1 Peter 2:24 "who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree" Galatians 3:13 "Christ... being made a curse upon us... Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree"
Don't blame Jeesus on the Jews ... we have our own problems.
Not only was He a Jew, He was a rabbi who taught in the Temple, kept Jewish law, and died for the Jews who did not recognize the hour of their visitation. When He returns it will be in Israel, not Dublin, to prevent Abraham's legacy from being annihilated. His mother was a Jew. Her mother was a Jew. Jesus was a Jew.

Kept jewish law?? everything you say is only due to the NT. There were many rabbi's in the first century.
The idea that Jesus was a Jew is a big lie.

Jesus, in fact, fought the Jews and was crucified for it.

Who do you say Jesus was,

Jesus Barabbas or Jesus the Messiah? Remember the Jews wanted J. Barabbas set free, who was a rebel.
The idea that Jesus was a Jew is a big lie.

Jesus, in fact, fought the Jews and was crucified for it.
There are two extensive geneologies that obliterate your argument. Please go away.
The idea that Jesus was a Jew is a big lie.

Jesus, in fact, fought the Jews and was crucified for it.
There are two extensive geneologies that obliterate your argument. Please go away.
Actually the NT places the character through all the harlots of the Bible (once again why it's called the Harlot church).
One of those harlots was a Canaanite woman (non Jew).
=epic failed argument.
Matthew mentions four sinful harlot women of the bible conveniently and coincidentally in the Joseph genealogy:
1) (Genesis 38:12-19) Tamar who was the one who disguised herself as a harlot to seduce her father-in-law Judah.
2) (Joshua 2:1) Rahab who was a harlot living in the city of Jericho. And note wasn’t even of Jewish lineage, she was a Canaanite. The creators of the legend/image icon in trying to create his lineage and plagiarizing the OT goofed this one big time.
3) (Ruth 3:1-14) Ruth who was the one through her mother-in-law Naomi's request, came secretly to where Boaz was sleeping and spent the night with him. Later Ruth and Boaz were married.
4) (2 Samuel 11:2-5) Bathsheba was the controversial one who became pregnant by King David while she was still married to Uriah.
The idea that Jesus was a Jew is a big lie.

Jesus, in fact, fought the Jews and was crucified for it.
There are two extensive geneologies that obliterate your argument. Please go away.
Actually the NT places the character through all the harlots of the Bible (once again why it's called the Harlot church).
One of those harlots was a Canaanite woman (non Jew).
=epic failed argument.
Matthew mentions four sinful harlot women of the bible conveniently and coincidentally in the Joseph genealogy:
1) (Genesis 38:12-19) Tamar who was the one who disguised herself as a harlot to seduce her father-in-law Judah.
2) (Joshua 2:1) Rahab who was a harlot living in the city of Jericho. And note wasn’t even of Jewish lineage, she was a Canaanite. The creators of the legend/image icon in trying to create his lineage and plagiarizing the OT goofed this one big time.
3) (Ruth 3:1-14) Ruth who was the one through her mother-in-law Naomi's request, came secretly to where Boaz was sleeping and spent the night with him. Later Ruth and Boaz were married.
4) (2 Samuel 11:2-5) Bathsheba was the controversial one who became pregnant by King David while she was still married to Uriah.
Yup. God used Gentile women in the geneology of Yeshua. Just another indication that He intended from the start to include the whole world in HIs plan of salvation and reconciliation.
The idea that Jesus was a Jew is a big lie.

Jesus, in fact, fought the Jews and was crucified for it.
There are two extensive geneologies that obliterate your argument. Please go away.
Actually the NT places the character through all the harlots of the Bible (once again why it's called the Harlot church).
One of those harlots was a Canaanite woman (non Jew).
=epic failed argument.
Matthew mentions four sinful harlot women of the bible conveniently and coincidentally in the Joseph genealogy:
1) (Genesis 38:12-19) Tamar who was the one who disguised herself as a harlot to seduce her father-in-law Judah.
2) (Joshua 2:1) Rahab who was a harlot living in the city of Jericho. And note wasn’t even of Jewish lineage, she was a Canaanite. The creators of the legend/image icon in trying to create his lineage and plagiarizing the OT goofed this one big time.
3) (Ruth 3:1-14) Ruth who was the one through her mother-in-law Naomi's request, came secretly to where Boaz was sleeping and spent the night with him. Later Ruth and Boaz were married.
4) (2 Samuel 11:2-5) Bathsheba was the controversial one who became pregnant by King David while she was still married to Uriah.
Yup. God used Gentile women in the geneology of Yeshua. Just another indication that He intended from the start to include the whole world in HIs plan of salvation and reconciliation.

Rome used the OT to place the created character into, which is revealed in comical and embarassing mistakes like this.
The idea that Jesus was a Jew is a big lie.

Jesus, in fact, fought the Jews and was crucified for it.
There are two extensive geneologies that obliterate your argument. Please go away.
Actually the NT places the character through all the harlots of the Bible (once again why it's called the Harlot church).
One of those harlots was a Canaanite woman (non Jew).
=epic failed argument.
Matthew mentions four sinful harlot women of the bible conveniently and coincidentally in the Joseph genealogy:
1) (Genesis 38:12-19) Tamar who was the one who disguised herself as a harlot to seduce her father-in-law Judah.
2) (Joshua 2:1) Rahab who was a harlot living in the city of Jericho. And note wasn’t even of Jewish lineage, she was a Canaanite. The creators of the legend/image icon in trying to create his lineage and plagiarizing the OT goofed this one big time.
3) (Ruth 3:1-14) Ruth who was the one through her mother-in-law Naomi's request, came secretly to where Boaz was sleeping and spent the night with him. Later Ruth and Boaz were married.
4) (2 Samuel 11:2-5) Bathsheba was the controversial one who became pregnant by King David while she was still married to Uriah.
Yup. God used Gentile women in the geneology of Yeshua. Just another indication that He intended from the start to include the whole world in HIs plan of salvation and reconciliation.

Rome used the OT to place the created character into, which is revealed in comical and embarassing mistakes like this.
Rome didn't do that. Judea wasn't that important to them.

The Church sprang from the Jewish community in Jerusalem. In fact, Rome bitterly opposed the Church for hundreds of years.

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