Jesus and the New World


que sera, sera
Feb 13, 2013
He Walked the Americas – Evidence of Jesus by Native Americans

Interesting and thought I'd share.

Friend of mine I met here in the mountains told me this I googled it. Never heard of it before, myself, so I was surprised to actually find it.

*He was a white man with a beard
*He said He came from across the sea
*He would choose twelve “disciples”
*He spoke of His Father’s Kingdom
*He wore a bright white garment with golden sandals
*He made references to the future
*He had control over the wind and all elements
*He had the ability to heal wounds
*His sign was the cross
*He taught love and peace
*He taught that good deeds were important
*He referred them to the Dawn Star
Sample of stories told by many different nations (tribes):

Algonquin of the Eastern Seaboard” tell they received their name for the Dawn Light from the Pale One. They wouldn’t name the Prophet as He had asked them to do. They wanted to know what He was called where He grew up and He told them a namethat was strange and hard to say. But they tried hard to say it: Chee-Zoos, God of the Dawn Light, basically the same as the Puants.

**The Chippewa remember very well the “pale Great Master.” They tell He gave them medicine lodges where the signs and emblems are secret and taken from those across the ocean. And according to the author, they keep this secret to this day.


**The Prophet was known to come across a Puant city in the now known area of Oklahoma. It was the Prophet’s custom to always take their established temples and change them. He would chose the twelve to teach them the priesthood and then lectured the people. This was again done here as usual. But here, the people wanted to hear about his childhood. He told them he was born across the ocean where all men had beards. Even in the legends, he told them of his virgin birth and about the bright star that shone over his city of his birth. The heavens opened up and winged beings sang chants of exquisite beauty.

”When the University of Oklahoma was digging the Spiro Mound, they found mush pottery showing winged beings singing, and also the hand with the cross through the palm. To them, He was known as Chee-Zoos, the Dawn God, and they whisper of Him about the campfires when no white man can listen. To quote the book, “The love they bear Him is beyond measurement, for well they know He watches over them, and that when their journey here is over, He will meet them in the Land of Shadows, for such was His sacred promise.

“They smoke the Sacred Peace Pipe in His memory, and blow the smoke to the four directions (sign of the cross), knowing that to each man comes his retribution, no matter how flows the river of history. Thus in great pride walks the Red Man, even though now dire poverty stalks him and starvation or hunger sits at his table. In the mask like calm of his expression there smiles a secret satisfaction, a something which to puzzled white men is entirely beyond understanding.”


**They tell that He always wore a long white toga, with black crosses embroidered along the bottom, and had golden sandals


*It is said the hot springs of Tacobya mark the passage of the Healer. In a canyon nearby isthe hand with the T cross in it, and near this the Great Cross. It is understood that He traveled to the Havasu, raising one arm in greeting meaning “Peace and Prosperity to you”. He then stopped and tapped a large rock with his staff and water gushed out of it. He drank from this sacred water and today it is called the Spring of Tacobya.


“Have you ever wondered about the cedar…every tribe revere it…high priests mix its shavings with the leaves of our tobacco? And why do we blow smoke across our bodies, when we are returning from the war trail? Is it not to ask His forgiveness, as was once taught by the Pale Prophet? Why do we plant these trees upon the Great Mound-those ancient histories of our cities? Was it not to warn all men that once He walked here; the Sacred One, the Miracle Worker?

And the color of snow: among all the nations it stands for peace. Why is this so? Because He wore it, as he traveled from nation to nation He taught the people to live in peace and to speak in council, thus settling all their problems. This was His way and the way of His Father.

Why do we raise our hands up in greeting? Because that was His sign, a tradition which we still follow.”

Why do we use the Cross as a sacred symbol? Was it not because He wore it about the hem of His full white garment, and carried the sign on His two hands, those hands so gifted in healing?…In the Wisacoo Lodge and many others there are some who still know His secret language, but those things are being fast forgotten.”
So the question is...did he come to the Americas after rising? Or before, in some spiritual manifestation in two places at once?
I would guess, afterwards...since the CROSS was important only AFTER Christ was crucified....?
Smoke usually means there is fire. So..with so many nations (tribes) describing the same kind of man with the same words or close to it, with the same messages....yeah. I think He did come here to the Americas. Why not? He has the power to do so.
Smoke usually means there is fire. So..with so many nations (tribes) describing the same kind of man with the same words or close to it, with the same messages....yeah. I think He did come here to the Americas. Why not? He has the power to do so.
Or alternatively, it was 1 myth that got retold throughout the America's. A reason for instance that Cortes had it so easy was that the natives thought he and his people were gods. As to the white bearded man being Jesus. It's been proven that vikings did made the trek to North-America. In a society were information is exclusively passed orally this could very easily take a different meaning.
Smoke usually means there is fire. So..with so many nations (tribes) describing the same kind of man with the same words or close to it, with the same messages....yeah. I think He did come here to the Americas. Why not? He has the power to do so.
Or alternatively, it was 1 myth that got retold throughout the America's. A reason for instance that Cortes had it so easy was that the natives thought he and his people were gods. As to the white bearded man being Jesus. It's been proven that vikings did made the trek to North-America. In a society were information is exclusively passed orally this could very easily take a different meaning.
True. But..I prefer to believe what The People claim.

To each his or her own. :)
And..many were warring tribes. So...did they tell stories as they killed each other on the warpath to enemy tribes?
Nah. He came here. Jews are not the only chosen people. We all are.
The only thing I disagree with that my mountain friend claims is that Jesus was NOT killed on the cross. She thinks he was smuggled away and another man was in his place. He escaped with help, married Mary, and traveled to spread His word.'s her belief so I listened and let her have her own personal path..just as she has listened to mine and we both just exchange ideas, etc.

Like I told my sister the other day...she started in on how I should be holding my Bible while grieving my recent loss. I told her kindly as I could that I don't read the bible. She got mad. So..I had to explain to her a strawman story she could understand.

Me: I have a purse. I love this purse. I know you have one EXACTLY like it. Same color. Same style. Same manufacturer. Exact replicas. You love your purse too. Neither of us will ever get rid of our purses. The only problem we will ever have, we, two (and millions of others) is when she tries to put the contents of HER purse in MY purse and vice versa. What is in my purse..and personal items. Unique items. Private items. She is to keep her stuff in HER purse, and mine will stay in mine.

When I said that...she said ok. She got it. Noted. We are still speaking. Which is a miracle in itself.
He Walked the Americas – Evidence of Jesus by Native Americans

Interesting and thought I'd share.

Friend of mine I met here in the mountains told me this I googled it. Never heard of it before, myself, so I was surprised to actually find it.

*He was a white man with a beard
*He said He came from across the sea
*He would choose twelve “disciples”
*He spoke of His Father’s Kingdom
*He wore a bright white garment with golden sandals
*He made references to the future
*He had control over the wind and all elements
*He had the ability to heal wounds
*His sign was the cross
*He taught love and peace
*He taught that good deeds were important
*He referred them to the Dawn Star
The cross is the prexisting symbol for death & destruction thus the mark of the beast.
So they met Lucifer who had 12 disciples and called Morning star son of Dawn?
Or are they just one of many lies cooked up to keep people embedded in the scam?
He Walked the Americas – Evidence of Jesus by Native Americans

Interesting and thought I'd share.

Friend of mine I met here in the mountains told me this I googled it. Never heard of it before, myself, so I was surprised to actually find it.

*He was a white man with a beard
*He said He came from across the sea
*He would choose twelve “disciples”
*He spoke of His Father’s Kingdom
*He wore a bright white garment with golden sandals
*He made references to the future
*He had control over the wind and all elements
*He had the ability to heal wounds
*His sign was the cross
*He taught love and peace
*He taught that good deeds were important
*He referred them to the Dawn Star
The cross is the prexisting symbol for death & destruction thus the mark of the beast.
So they met Lucifer who had 12 disciples and called Morning star son of Dawn?
Or are they just one of many lies cooked up to keep people embedded in the scam?

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