'Jane Roe' of Roe v. Wade Endorses Ron Paul for President

No, it's not any more than the earth is flat just because you believe so.

And no, a finger is not MERELY a bunch of cells. Hell, I can name half a dozen tissues, structures, circulatory passages and nerve endings that a zygote doesn't have. Hell, I COULD point out that having a cell structure is no more the definition of a human than a diploma is the definition of your education... So, according to YOUR definition PLANKTON are HUMAN? Bacteria colonies are HUMAN? Every plant on the fucking planet is HUMAN?



Your parents didn't like the idea of school learnin ya about dem dar birds and da bees, did they?

But can plankton turn into a BABY like a zygote? Wow, that's some trick if they can.

yes.. CLEARLY the fed should keep their nose out of state issues! Hell, if governor Wallace WANTS a white only school then it's HIS state right!
Clearly the fed should tell you when to wipe your nose too.

I'd rather err on the side of life, thanks.
I think this topic is just about worn out.
I don't have time to distribute pamphlets.

Don't have time? You've been on here for at LEAST 6 hours.

Go out into your community and fucking DO something. Guess what? People will listen.
Was it you or the Benny person who was distributing?

I'm at work, genius. I get paid to sit here. Otherwise, I'd be with my kids.
Was it you or the Benny person who was distributing?

I'm at work, genius. I get paid to sit here. Otherwise, I'd be with my kids.

I distribute, yeah. Wasn't me who said anything about distributing, though. I canvass my community and other surrounding communities to wake up to the steaming pile of horse shit that this country is becoming.

When fiscal conservatives lose a candidate they were supporting, and turn to a candidate like Romney, there's a serious consciousness problem. I'm part of that solution.

I manage to do all this, AND work, AND spend time with my kids. Matter of fact, my girlfriend's 4 year old daughter who I raise as my own because of a dead beat dad, comes with me and helps. Imagine...a 4 year old kid who cares about more than just toys and TV.
Way to indoctrinate.

And generally, somebody who says "I'm raising my g-friend's kid because the deadbeat dad won't" is just babysitting while the g-friend's at work.
Way to indoctrinate.
I don't make my kids do anything they don't want to do when it comes to things like that.

Again, pretending to know me. Log off and get a fucking life Babble.

And generally, somebody who says "I'm raising my g-friend's kid because the deadbeat dad won't" is just babysitting while the g-friend's at work.

Well, when you're laid off because the markets have completely fucked your employment sector up, you GENERALLY take more time to be with your kids, yes. There's a problem with "babysitting" your own kids? Because that includes my 6 month old son, as well. I'd rather be with them, then let a day care we can't even afford right now raise them.

What else you got Babble?
Can't log off, I'm at work.

4-year-olds hardly ever complain about what they're being indoctrinated to. No reason not to do it!

I won't get laid off, never fear.
Can't log off, I'm at work.

4-year-olds hardly ever complain about what they're being indoctrinated to. No reason not to do it!

I won't get laid off, never fear.

Indoctrinated. That's rich. Care to explain exactly what I'm "indoctrinating" her with?

Do you take your kids to church?
I don't know. She's helping you indoctrinate the masses, so I figured she was getting a healthy dose herself.

That's okay. At least she's getting some air. I imagine it's in short supply inside the house.


Wow. That ought to be a boost from the pro-life community.

I bet if she endorsed Huckabee, it'd be all over the MSM.

Wonder WHY she didn't endorse Huckabee...hmmm...

It took her 20 some odd years to realize that she made a mistake about abortion. How long will it take for her to realize she made the same mistake endorsing Paul?
I'm confused by the view that a baby at 6 weeks is any less a baby than a baby at 20 weeks. Just because our medicine hasn't come up with a way yet to keep a 6 week old baby alive (but it won't be long) doesn't mean it's a throw-away, and we should be allowed the option of yanking it out of the mechanism which keeps it alive.

And you will never find pro-abortionists state that they think there should be any limit on when a mother should be able to kill her baby before 9 months. The ones who waffle aren't truly committed to the concept, and know in their hearts it's wrong.

When the mothers life is on the line it makes a major difference. That and rape are the only two reasons I support. With rape I think the morning after pill is the best way. Now for life of the mother (like in a tubal pregnancy) I support abortion in all cases. If the mother dies it makes no difference if you had an abortion or not. The baby will die one way or the other.

As far as choice goes... The time to choose if you want to be a parent or not is before you have sex, not after. If you choose to have sex, you choose to risk being a parent. If at that point you don't want to own up to it, well there's adoption. It is the better choice than abortion in 99.9% of cases.
Nobody has ever lobbied that women whose lives are in danger, or victims of rape, should be "forced" to bring their pregnancies to term. Even before abortion was illegal, women were not forced to carry to term babies if their lives were in danger, or if they had been raped. It's a non-issue, always has been.

It's a myth created by the abortionists to scare people into supporting them.

Then they refuse to collect statistics on what really is going on in abortion clinics, so they can't be proven liars when they state late-term abortion is really rare...so they can continue to feed the public pap about what's really going on.
how many times have you read my abortion compromise which is set at the development of the heartbeat?

Before that point nature aborts (miscarries) high number of pregnancies. It's not until the heartbeat that I really feel it has life. Unless we can detect any neurological system before the heart kicks in. Problem that many would have with that... It's very early in pregnancy. So early that many women might not even know they where pregnant.
Actually as someone who did try to have a child (and did) it is pretty amazing that anyone ever gets pregnant. It is actually pretty common for fertilized eggs to just "not take" or to be blighted, meaning that they are not viable.

One of my pregnancies was a blighted ovum. It means there was a sack but no baby inside of it. I had what's called a D&X. It can also be called an abortion by most. I have no issue with it.

How ever for those that argue that it's it's own DNA from the get go... So was the sack... But it would never grow to a human. In those early weeks, most conceptions end up being no more than just a clump of cells and a heavy period for the woman.
Nobody has ever lobbied that women whose lives are in danger, or victims of rape, should be "forced" to bring their pregnancies to term. Even before abortion was illegal, women were not forced to carry to term babies if their lives were in danger, or if they had been raped. It's a non-issue, always has been.

It's a myth created by the abortionists to scare people into supporting them.

Then they refuse to collect statistics on what really is going on in abortion clinics, so they can't be proven liars when they state late-term abortion is really rare...so they can continue to feed the public pap about what's really going on.

Actually there is are groups out there that think you must let 'God's will' be done. 'If the pregnancy ends up taking the mothers life, it's God's will'. They're the same ones that will say in cases of rape it's wrong.


Public opinion on abortion has remained remarkably stable over the years. A CNN/Opinion Research survey in October found 36 percent of Americans think abortion should be legal in most or all circumstances, 40 percent believe it should be available in a few circumstances, such as to save the mother's life, and 22 percent say abortion should never be legal. That is almost unchanged in the past 15 years.

22% of the country say it should NEVER (even in rape or life of the mother) should be legal.
I don't believe that. Is that another CNN poll? Can you get any information on it? Because, as usual, CNN doesn't provide any information. Who was polled, who did the polling, what questions were asked, and so on.
And the article doesn't clarify whether or not "abortion should never be legal" means on-demand abortion, or medical abortion, period.
Before that point nature aborts (miscarries) high number of pregnancies. It's not until the heartbeat that I really feel it has life. Unless we can detect any neurological system before the heart kicks in. Problem that many would have with that... It's very early in pregnancy. So early that many women might not even know they where pregnant.

Perhaps.. but then no one is keeping a sexually active gal from stocking up on pregnancy tests either. Or, using every method of birth control available including morning after pills. I do not question the female libido but I do imagine that a compramise will also prompt a greater degree of personal responsibility for sexual behaviour.

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