James Carville sounds the alarm as Sanders surges in primary: 'I'm scared to death' for Democrats

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Democratic strategist James Carville expressed his concerns as the Democratic primary race is officially underway, saying he's "scared to death" of the direction his party is going.

Appearing on MSNBC, Carville began by pointing to the success Democrats had during the 2018 midterm elections and stressed that it "matters" who the candidates are and what the party chooses to talk about.

"I'm 75 years old, why am I here doing this? Because I'm scared to death, that's why," Carville exclaimed. "Let's get relevant here ... all the Sanders people are taking pictures wishing Jeremy Corbyn the best. ... I don't want to go down that path."

(Excerpt) Read more at foxnews.com ...


If Carville is suddenly being resurrected , then Hillary cant be too far away... take that to the bank.... she is DEFINITELY going to be available UNLES Trump is able to see it coming and gets Barr to investigate and indict her in the next 8 months.... fairly impossible BUT AN INVESTIGATION would probably do the trick.... use the Comey charges and finally indict that corrupt badtard!
Democratic strategist James Carville expressed his concerns as the Democratic primary race is officially underway, saying he's "scared to death" of the direction his party is going.

Appearing on MSNBC, Carville began by pointing to the success Democrats had during the 2018 midterm elections and stressed that it "matters" who the candidates are and what the party chooses to talk about.

"I'm 75 years old, why am I here doing this? Because I'm scared to death, that's why," Carville exclaimed. "Let's get relevant here ... all the Sanders people are taking pictures wishing Jeremy Corbyn the best. ... I don't want to go down that path."

(Excerpt) Read more at foxnews.com ...


If Carville is suddenly being resurrected , then Hillary cant be too far away... take that to the bank.... she is DEFINITELY going to be available UNLES Trump is able to see it coming and gets Barr to investigate and indict her in the next 8 months.... fairly impossible BUT AN INVESTIGATION would probably do the trick.... use the Comey charges and finally indict that corrupt badtard!


I think Hillary has been so distraught
because the election was supposed to be rigged, at the polls
but, someone fucked up

Paper ballots

I think pelosi and waters have been rigging their elections
James Carville --- trying to remain relevant.

Bless his heart
The MSM puts up Carville without a counter debater because they know that the dems are toast.
No matter which candidate they choose, there will be several factions of their voters either staying home or doing a protest vote for Trump.
The MSM puts up Carville without a counter debater because they know that the dems are toast.
No matter which candidate they choose, there will be several factions of their voters either staying home or doing a protest vote for Trump.

The ultimate is Bernie taking a huge lead and the DNC not allowing him to be the nominee. That will keep a lot of Democrats home on election day, or some may even come out to vote for Trump in anger.
I think Hillary has been so distraught
because the election was supposed to be rigged, at the polls
but, someone fucked up

Paper ballots

I think pelosi and waters have been rigging their elections

That's how they "send the message," they vote Green.

AOC said that she and Low IQ Joe are not really in the same party, or something like that. Extreme leftists won't vote Trump, but they may vote Green or not vote at all, which helps Trump.

Hillary's hate of Jill Stein is hilarious. Read some from that link. Jill Stein is another "Russian asset" like Tulsi. Anyone who didn't support Hillary is a Putin puppet according to Hillary.....

Democratic strategist James Carville expressed his concerns as the Democratic primary race is officially underway, saying he's "scared to death" of the direction his party is going.

Appearing on MSNBC, Carville began by pointing to the success Democrats had during the 2018 midterm elections and stressed that it "matters" who the candidates are and what the party chooses to talk about.

"I'm 75 years old, why am I here doing this? Because I'm scared to death, that's why," Carville exclaimed. "Let's get relevant here ... all the Sanders people are taking pictures wishing Jeremy Corbyn the best. ... I don't want to go down that path."

(Excerpt) Read more at foxnews.com ...


If Carville is suddenly being resurrected , then Hillary cant be too far away... take that to the bank.... she is DEFINITELY going to be available UNLES Trump is able to see it coming and gets Barr to investigate and indict her in the next 8 months.... fairly impossible BUT AN INVESTIGATION would probably do the trick.... use the Comey charges and finally indict that corrupt badtard!
Hillary again?

at this point nothing would surprise me

its only been a few months since libs were assuring us that biden would wipe the floor with trump

now he cant even get elected dog catcher

instead the demo race is shaping up between a commie or a homosexual

some may even come out to vote for Trump in anger.

No, they vote for the GREEN PARTY candidate.

How did Hillary feel about Green Party candidate Jill Stein???

hillary jill stein - Google Search

They may, but getting ripped off by the Democrat party two elections in a row would probably piss off some so much that they will send their party a message, just like we Republicans did when we elected Trump.

If the RNC ever tried to subvert the GOP voters by having "establishment super-delegates" they would be lynched.
After the 2016 disaster, you'd think that the DNC would listen to their voters, win or lose without "super-delegates".
Lucky for Trump the DNC thinks that they know better than the democrat voters.
If the RNC ever tried to subvert the GOP voters by having "establishment super-delegates" they would be lynched.
After the 2016 disaster, you'd think that the DNC would listen to their voters, win or lose without "super-delegates".
Lucky for Trump the DNC thinks that they know better than the democrat voters.

Dem voters just "take it." When Dems get busted stealing, they yawn and just continue to vote Dem. When they are cheated out of their vote, they yawn and continue to vote Dem.

Republicans are mostly not like that. Republicans fight.
Clintonistas sabotaged Iowa, now the Serpent slithers out from under his rock.

Hitlery is about to steal another nomination.
Warren is tanking.

It's looking more and more like Joe, Bernie, and Pete.

Two of them are:

1. Old
2. White
3. Guys

Pete is just a white guy.

What do I keep hearding coming from the left about old white guys ?




What do I keep hearing from the left about old (rich) white guys ?
If Carville is suddenly being resurrected , then Hillary cant be too far away... take that to the bank.... she is DEFINITELY going to be available UNLES Trump is able to see it coming and gets Barr to investigate and indict her in the next 8 months.... fairly impossible BUT AN INVESTIGATION would probably do the trick.... use the Comey charges and finally indict that corrupt badtard!
So you want Trump to use his power to instigate an investigation into a political opponent? You're saying that corruption would be just a cover, the real reason would be to damage a potential opponent?

Well it almost worked against Biden in the Ukraine. Certainly the GOP wouldn't object.
Is Carville still around? If I was him I would be scared to death of America's crazy uncle too. Who is left, the gay guy and Fauxahontis?
If Carville is suddenly being resurrected , then Hillary cant be too far away... take that to the bank.... she is DEFINITELY going to be available UNLES Trump is able to see it coming and gets Barr to investigate and indict her in the next 8 months.... fairly impossible BUT AN INVESTIGATION would probably do the trick.... use the Comey charges and finally indict that corrupt badtard!
So you want Trump to use his power to instigate an investigation into a political opponent? You're saying that corruption would be just a cover, the real reason would be to damage a potential opponent?

Well it almost worked against Biden in the Ukraine. Certainly the GOP wouldn't object.

Trump did NOT instigate the investigation into Operation Crossfire Hurricane and the abuses of the FBI and DOJ spying on the Trump campaign.
Horowitz identified the crimes and the criminals even though Crossfire Hurricane was legitimately started, it went off the rails into illegality.
So please be advised that the Barr/Durham investigation is ongoing, and the indictments are expected in late spring.
There is no investigation into any political opponent.

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