islam is a horrible ideology for human rights

1.Can you show the real case showing the illness can be cured?
( cause I never heard such a thing).
2.I want to know your idea of how to stop the disease of Islam as to compare with my proposal above?
3.You have so many data of Islam, yet I can't see any solution you propose for each of your data; I wonder what is your goal of showing those data?.
4.West are in serious situation even desperation,judging from so many video of Europe besieged by Muslims immigrant, Could some one "tell me why"- some West people seems didn't care or unaware?( I hope more audience join this discussion especially from SION, EDL, ADL, and the like , to make merrier climate.). Oct 31st 2012.

1. yes look at these websites & their link sections, they are run by ex-muslims & have many testimonies from other ex-muslims who decided to go apostate?
tarzan said:
I invite them to write their solution to help converts go out again from the cult. If they can't better support my proposal above.

tarzan said:
The url you are sending are full data,but not showing the solution needed;So I suggest you can write your idea of solution as well, which you don't do yet;
a. You are comparing Islam and xnity, it can place West in a weak position against Arab pylosophy. That's not the right thing to compare now, because the main aim at the moment is "How to stop the invasion of Arab using Non Arab immigrants as a pressing group".
b.Why the Admin tagged your reputation as will have own religion; So please tell a bit about your orientation, as I'm a new comer.
4. see #2 yes need to get more people involved :)
tarzan said:
What will you do to make more people do so?

[/QUOTE=tarzan]- About picture kicking out of Europe:
This picture is good for a plaque in the future Anti Islam Demo by EDL,ADL, SION and the like,

"Islam is a horrible ideology for human rights"
Well, unfortunately this is an obvious truth, in that Islam is based in Sharia Law, a cruel, medieval system of utmost brutality. We are all aware of their brutal punishments.
Westernized, secular, Muslims no doubt have different values but all Islamists wish to institute Sharia Law as their ultimate objective.
Sharia Law was conjured up by primitive desert dwellers 1.400 years ago and it would drag us up to the Dark Ages.

[/QUOTE=tarzan] Please state your own words about solutions to save or help EUROPE from being made into EURABIA. Would you?

Nuke Mecca.
[/QUOTE=tarzan] That is expensive and inhuman, so better support my solution above.

For the Admin:
I have question: what criteria is used in tagging my reputation not well liked ?; (I've been careful not to say words worse than Islam is Horrible, So that I can prevent from offending other parties.)
Nov 1st 2012.
Farzana Wahidy, Photographer

by NavyOne

It would be easy to caption the below picture with something wry and snarky, such as Are you my mommy? But the truth is, women in Afghanistan face a rough road. I won’t bow to their culture, forgive their quaint cultural mores. I like the fact that some of them are being empowered through photography:




Where are the NAGS about this? [National Association of Women]

Maybe we should ask all the little boys he molested.
Farzana Wahidy, Photographer

by NavyOne

It would be easy to caption the below picture with something wry and snarky, such as Are you my mommy? But the truth is, women in Afghanistan face a rough road. I won’t bow to their culture, forgive their quaint cultural mores. I like the fact that some of them are being empowered through photography:




Where are the NAGS about this? [National Association of Women]

Maybe we should ask all the little boys he molested. Sorry, I was responding to the picture of the priest.
Farzana Wahidy, Photographer

by NavyOne

It would be easy to caption the below picture with something wry and snarky, such as Are you my mommy? But the truth is, women in Afghanistan face a rough road. I won’t bow to their culture, forgive their quaint cultural mores. I like the fact that some of them are being empowered through photography:




Where are the NAGS about this? [National Association of Women]

Maybe we should ask all the little boys he molested. Sorry, I was responding to the picture of the priest.

So you choose to ignore "all the little boys" that are gang banged at all male islamic parties? Interesting.
Are they allowed to wash their burqas? Because the ones in the pictures above look filthy.
that's so true, what you've written...
time to stop this Obamination (killing/destruction of the youngest breed/ race of Americans, the Babies... (3 times vote of this man for partial-birth-abortion), rejection of talks with the Prime Minister of Israel several times, crippling & destruction of the economy of the US and worldwide, destruction of the moral and biblical foundations of America (cancelling the day of prayer while celebrating Ramadan in the white house...) & denouncing in his Homeland-Security-Papers people, who made the US great as terrorists (bible-believing Christians, 2nd amendment-groups & Veterans(!)) & then insulting candidate Romney, calling him a a "bullshitter" etc.; oh Bummer, this primitivity has got 2 stop...
You should ask them........... :cool:

They aren't "allowed" to speak to "non-believers".

They are allowed to speak to kufar (non muslims) as long as they have permission from their mahram (male guardian). :cool:

Yeah, same thing. What muslim man is going to allow his burka wearing wife to have a conversation with a western dressed woman? According to what the idiots are saying in the ME, that man would attack the western dressed woman, because he couldn't control his sexual urges since she wasn't dressed like a sack of potatoes.
I invite them to write their solution to help converts go out again from the cult. If they can't better support my proposal above.

The url you are sending are full data,but not showing the solution needed;So I suggest you can write your idea of solution as well, which you don't do yet;
a. You are comparing Islam and xnity, it can place West in a weak position against Arab pylosophy. That's not the right thing to compare now, because the main aim at the moment is "How to stop the invasion of Arab using Non Arab immigrants as a pressing group".
b.Why the Admin tagged your reputation as will have own religion; So please tell a bit about your orientation, as I'm a new comer.
4. see #2 yes need to get more people involved :)
What will you do to make more people do so?

more interesting stuff :)

i think the only solution to islamic problem is to marginalize its followers & accurately classify islam as just another violent fascist totalitarian ideology based on the life of a murdering warlord claiming divine guidance from some mythical sky fairy.

after much time & effort human nature will then take care of this problem and the disease of islam will be eradicated from earths population and end up in the history books where it so rightly belongs. if you are concerned about this issue then get involved, read internet, post at blogs, news, forums, join groups etc.

those other websites have their own forums, comments & readers etc. to learn more about this forum here, look in the "announcements" forum. there are many posts about reputation points, little green/red dots, thumbs up/down icon. also post a hello message in the introduction forums
The West is rapidly starting to decaying and will soon self implode under it's own decadence and create a spiritual vacuum.

When this happens people will be searching for answers.

Islam will fill this gap quite nicely. :cool:
The West is rapidly starting to decaying and will soon self implode under it's own decadence and create a spiritual vacuum.

When this happens people will be searching for answers.

Islam will fill this gap quite nicely. :cool:

Islam is for people who like to wipe their ass with rocks, just like their prophet Mohammy the child rapist.
Sunni, I bet you had your gap filled nicely when you where a young lad by 4 or 5 other fake muslims.
And the answer isn't kissing some smelly carpet inches away from someones dirty sweaty feet 5 times a day.
The West is rapidly starting to decaying and will soon self implode under it's own decadence and create a spiritual vacuum.

When this happens people will be searching for answers.

Islam will fill this gap quite nicely. :cool:

That's pretty much the way it's working in other secularized western nations.

I just hope we get to play cowboys and muslims before it comes here.

You would be surprised at how many burqas I see on Wilshire Blvd, and women in abayas too. It's becoming quite common.
To play a little devil's advocate, this reminds me of a quote from Malcolm X, referencing his Islamic beliefs: "Be peaceful, be courteous, obey the law, respect everyone; but if someone puts his hand on you, send him to the cemetery." Or, in other words, to reference that the ideology allows for violence, which is part of human nature.

And that in Islam, while in general there's the requirement that you don't have extramarital relations, one can also have multiple wives, and who wouldn't want that?

What I'm saying is the ideology is more accepting of people being human (compared to other religions, that is, not to any secular standard) least, if you're a man. :p
As bad as islam is, and it's pretty bad, it's still better than liberalism. That's why islam is getting so strong in the most liberal countries.
The West is rapidly starting to decaying and will soon self implode under it's own decadence and create a spiritual vacuum.

When this happens people will be searching for answers.

Islam will fill this gap quite nicely. :cool:

That's pretty much the way it's working in other secularized western nations.

I just hope we get to play cowboys and muslims before it comes here.

You would be surprised at how many burqas I see on Wilshire Blvd, and women in abayas too. It's becoming quite common.

The only gap Islam fills is a little boy's asshole. Isn't that right sunni, you fake fakir?

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