islam is a horrible ideology for human rights


Active Member
islam is a horrible ideology for human rights

5 key things about islam

1. mythical beliefs - all religions have these (faith) because its part of being a religion: having beliefs without proof until after the believer dies. the problem is people will believe almost anything.

2. totalitarianism - islam has no seperation of church and state: sharia law governs all. there is no free will in islam: only submission to the will of allah as conveniently determined by the imams who spew vapors to feather their own nests. there are no moderate muslims: they all support sharia law.

3. violence - islam leads the pack of all religions in violent tenets for their ideology & history: having eternal canonical imperatives for supremacy at all costs and calling for violence & intimidation as basic tools to achieve these goals.

4. dishonesty - only islam has dishonesty as a fundamental tenet: this stems from allah speaking to mohamhead, abrogation in the koran which explains how mo's peaceful early life was superseded by his warlord role later & surahs about infidels.

5. misogyny - present day islam is still rooted in 8th century social ethics: treating females as property of men good only for children, severely limiting their activities, dressing them in shower curtains and worse.

conclusions ??

there really are NO redeeming qualities for this muddled pile of propaganda.

islam is just another fascist totalitarian ideology used by power hungry fanatics on yet another quest for worldwide domination and includes all the usual human rights abuses & suppression of freedoms.
islam is a horrible ideology for human rights

5 key things about islam

1. mythical beliefs - all religions have these (faith) because its part of being a religion: having beliefs without proof until after the believer dies. the problem is people will believe almost anything.

2. totalitarianism - islam has no seperation of church and state: sharia law governs all. there is no free will in islam: only submission to the will of allah as conveniently determined by the imams who spew vapors to feather their own nests. there are no moderate muslims: they all support sharia law.

3. violence - islam leads the pack of all religions in violent tenets for their ideology & history: having eternal canonical imperatives for supremacy at all costs and calling for violence & intimidation as basic tools to achieve these goals.

4. dishonesty - only islam has dishonesty as a fundamental tenet: this stems from allah speaking to mohamhead, abrogation in the koran which explains how mo's peaceful early life was superseded by his warlord role later & surahs about infidels.

5. misogyny - present day islam is still rooted in 8th century social ethics: treating females as property of men good only for children, severely limiting their activities, dressing them in shower curtains and worse.

conclusions ??

there really are NO redeeming qualities for this muddled pile of propaganda.

islam is just another fascist totalitarian ideology used by power hungry fanatics on yet another quest for worldwide domination and includes all the usual human rights abuses & suppression of freedoms.
It that was true, then why is it the 3 biggest examples of violence in earth history (The Crusades, WWII and GWOT) were all started by so-called Christians?
It that was true, then why is it the 3 biggest examples of violence in earth history (The Crusades, WWII and GWOT) were all started by so-called Christians?

don't forget the xtian crusades were a defensive response to 300 years of islamic land grabbing yes ? what territory was basically xtian around 700ad ? africa, east asia, spain etc. what territory was islamic around 700ad ? ZERO same questions at 1000ad time of 1st crusade showed islamic military expansion was extensive & threatening to overrun europe, ie. "reclaim" the holy land not "conquer for the 1st time" the holy land

i thought germany & japan started ww2 ? germany = nazis & japan = bushidos so how are these considered xtians ? are you really typing the nazis were xtians ? the nazi persecution of xtians is well documented, ditto HHs desires to crush them & all opponents etc

as for the GWOT can you be more specific ? i fully support all kinds of efforts to grow democracies planet wide & i'm convinced military efforts should be a last resort altho really there is no need to wait for the smoking mushroom cloud of proof.

otherwise, what is your point ? that because xnity also has problems this somehow makes islam better ? i call b.s. on that logic & assert that islamic ideology is far worse than xtian ideology. of course the FOLLOWERS of these ideologies are humans & have all the problems inherent in human nature which sadly leads to alot of hell raising, but xtian ideology does not have embedded as doctrine the same evils that islam does, so i think it's much easier for mooselimbs to morally devolve following their ideology

Educate yourself...
(i whacked those links because i haven't done 15 posts yet & will click thru them later)

as far as i know there is NO SEPERATION OF MOSQUE & STATE under sharia law, so by definition for infidels this is an abuse of their human rights. to hell with islam, i do not want to submit to the will of allah, crumble under creeping sharia dhimmi b.s., pay that jism tax whatever it is, i just want to live my life without dealing with religious nutcakes :)
islam is a horrible ideology for human rights

5 key things about islam

1. mythical beliefs - all religions have these (faith) because its part of being a religion: having beliefs without proof until after the believer dies. the problem is people will believe almost anything.

2. totalitarianism - islam has no seperation of church and state: sharia law governs all. there is no free will in islam: only submission to the will of allah as conveniently determined by the imams who spew vapors to feather their own nests. there are no moderate muslims: they all support sharia law.

3. violence - islam leads the pack of all religions in violent tenets for their ideology & history: having eternal canonical imperatives for supremacy at all costs and calling for violence & intimidation as basic tools to achieve these goals.

4. dishonesty - only islam has dishonesty as a fundamental tenet: this stems from allah speaking to mohamhead, abrogation in the koran which explains how mo's peaceful early life was superseded by his warlord role later & surahs about infidels.

5. misogyny - present day islam is still rooted in 8th century social ethics: treating females as property of men good only for children, severely limiting their activities, dressing them in shower curtains and worse.

conclusions ??

there really are NO redeeming qualities for this muddled pile of propaganda.

islam is just another fascist totalitarian ideology used by power hungry fanatics on yet another quest for worldwide domination and includes all the usual human rights abuses & suppression of freedoms.

Oh look. Another anti Muslim troll who talks out of his arse.:eusa_whistle:
2. totalitarianism - islam has no seperation of church and state: sharia law governs all

no free speech under sharia law. cannot criticize the sacred cow islam or protected species muslims
Saudi Arabia is studying new regulations to criminalise insulting Islam, including in social media, and the law could carry heavy penalties, a Saudi paper said on Sunday...

"Within the next two months the Shura Council will reveal the outcome of study on the regulations to combat the criticism of the basic tenets of Islamic sharia," unnamed sources with knowledge of the matter told al-Watan, adding that there could be "severe punishments" for violators...

"The (regulations) are important at the present time because violations over social networks on the Internet have been observed in the past months," the sources said.

no freedom of religion under sharia law. no other religions at all
But when the most influential leader in the Muslim world issues a fatwa to destroy Christian churches, the silence is deafening...

On March 12, Sheik Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah, the grand mufti of Saudi Arabia, declared that it is “necessary to destroy all the churches of the region.” The ruling came in response to a query from a Kuwaiti delegation over proposed legislation to prevent construction of churches in the emirate. The mufti based his decision on a story that on his deathbed, Muhammad declared, “There are not to be two religions in the [Arabian] Peninsula.” This passage has long been used to justify intolerance in the kingdom. Churches have always been banned in Saudi Arabia, and until recently Jews were not even allowed in the country...
Islam: Making a True Difference in the World - One Body at a Time

Where Islam is "Misunderstood"

For some very odd reason, the perfect religion of Islam
is routinely "misunderstood" each and every day to sanction
terrorism in the name of Allah. Since 9/11, this occurs in:

India and the Sudan and Algeria and New York and Pakistan and Israel and Russia and Chechnya and the Philippines and Indonesia and Nigeria and England and Thailand and Spain and Egypt and Bangladesh and Saudi Arabia and Turkey and Morocco and Yemen and Arkansas and France and Uzbekistan and Gaza and Tunisia and Kosovo and Bosnia and Mauritania and Kenya and Eritrea and Syria and Somalia and California and Kuwait and Virginia and Ethiopia and Georgia and Jordan and United Arab Emirates and Louisiana and Texas and Tanzania and Illinois and Australia and Pennsylvania and Belgium and Denmark and East Timor and Qatar and Maryland and Tajikistan and the Netherlands and Afghanistan and Chad and Canada and China and Nepal and the Maldives and Argentina and Mali and Angola and the Ukraine and Uganda and North Carolina and Germany and Arizona and Lebanon and Iran and Kazakhstan and Sweden and Azerbaijan and Iraq and Scotland and Macedonia and Bulgaria and...

...and pretty much wherever Islam is taken seriously.

MOHAMHEAD was a 7th century murdering warlord who rose to power on a river of blood surrounded by thugs and gangsters using intimidation, violence, deception and trickery to expand their criminal empire while mercilessly suppressing and killing their opponents and enriching themselves on stolen booty

the EVIL KORAN is a collection of sayings and speeches by this diabolical madman claiming divine guidance from some mythical sky-god which has inspired generations of crazed fanatics to abhorrent behavior resulting in historys worst ever crimes against humanity starting 1400 years ago and still continuing even today

ISLAM IS JUST ANOTHER FASCIST TOTALITARIAN IDEOLOGY used by power hungry fanatics on yet another quest for worldwide domination and includes all the usual human rights abuses & suppression of freedoms


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XY, I agree with Yah! not the least reason is that I have read the quran myself and found it is full of crap. See my thread, "is the quran the words of God" for some details of my reasoning.

The quran has one message, and only one message, and that is "OBEY MUHAMMAD" If not he will set Allah onto you. Then you will burn in eternal hellfire. See the following rotten verses from the quran, designed to scare silly Arabs into fighting and dying in Muhammads sordid little wars.

22.19 These two antagonists dispute with each other about their Lord: But those who deny (their Lord),- for them will be cut out a garment of Fire: over their heads will be poured out boiling water.

22.20 With it will be scalded what is within their bodies, as well as (their) skins.

22.21 In addition there will be maces of iron (to punish) them.

22.22 Every time they wish to get away therefrom, from anguish, they will be forced back therein, and (it will be said), "Taste ye the Penalty of Burning!"
islam is a horrible ideology for human rights

5 key things about islam

1. mythical beliefs - all religions have these (faith) because its part of being a religion: having beliefs without proof until after the believer dies. the problem is people will believe almost anything.

2. totalitarianism - islam has no seperation of church and state: sharia law governs all. there is no free will in islam: only submission to the will of allah as conveniently determined by the imams who spew vapors to feather their own nests. there are no moderate muslims: they all support sharia law.

3. violence - islam leads the pack of all religions in violent tenets for their ideology & history: having eternal canonical imperatives for supremacy at all costs and calling for violence & intimidation as basic tools to achieve these goals.

4. dishonesty - only islam has dishonesty as a fundamental tenet: this stems from allah speaking to mohamhead, abrogation in the koran which explains how mo's peaceful early life was superseded by his warlord role later & surahs about infidels.

5. misogyny - present day islam is still rooted in 8th century social ethics: treating females as property of men good only for children, severely limiting their activities, dressing them in shower curtains and worse.

conclusions ??

there really are NO redeeming qualities for this muddled pile of propaganda.

islam is just another fascist totalitarian ideology used by power hungry fanatics on yet another quest for worldwide domination and includes all the usual human rights abuses & suppression of freedoms.
It that was true, then why is it the 3 biggest examples of violence in earth history (The Crusades, WWII and GWOT) were all started by so-called Christians?

GWOT, really? Not only was that started by Islamic extremists but it is not carried out by ‘so called’ Christians. Seems that you are not all right with calling this a Christian nation when it is convenient to you but other times (when you need to make Christians look bad) suddenly it is a Christian nation.

Face it, the OP might be overstating what the state of Islam is but jumping on the ‘who’s religion is worse’ bandwagon gets us nowhere. How about addressing the real heart of the issue: the tendancy for Islam to not separate church and state. IMHO, that is where the problem is at currently with Islam and Islamic extremists.
3. violence - islam leads the pack of all religions in violent tenets for their ideology & history...

tears of jihad 250+ millions killed for allah

120 million Africans
Thomas Sowell [Thomas Sowell, Race and Culture, BasicBooks, 1994, p. 188] estimates that 11 million slaves were shipped across the Atlantic and 14 million were sent to the Islamic nations of North Africa and the Middle East. For every slave captured many others died... The renowned missionary David Livingstone estimated that for every slave who reached a plantation, five others were killed in the initial raid or died of illness and privation on the forced march...

60 million Christians
The number of Christians martyred by Islam is 9 million [David B. Barrett, Todd M. Johnson, World Christian Trends AD 30-AD 2200, William Carey Library, 2001, p. 230, table 4-10...

80 million Hindus
Koenard Elst in Negationism in India gives an estimate of 80 million Hindus killed in the total jihad against India. [Koenard Elst, Negationism in India, Voice of India, New Delhi, 2002, pg. 34...

10 million Buddhists
Jihad killed the Buddhists in Turkey, Afghanistan, along the Silk Route, and in India. The total is roughly 10 million. [David B. Barrett, Todd M. Johnson, World Christian Trends AD 30-AD 2200, William Carey Library, 2001, p. 230, table 4-1...

same author has many well written & documented polemics
here's a freebie pdf download about life of mohamhead, the 7th century murdering warlord
72 pages about 2.7mb, right clik save target the look inside button
islam doesn't pretend to be an ideology for human rights. Islam means submission to allah, which doesn't include the rights of the submissives.
islam doesn't pretend to be an ideology for human rights. Islam means submission to allah, which doesn't include the rights of the submissives.

islam doesn't "pretend" it asserts itself...

Educate yourself...
from post 3 page 1 this thread, presumably these 3 sites are mainstream islam as they were posted by muslim(?) i hacked the quote because i can't post links yet
The main article on this page is the booklet, "Human Rights in Islam" by Syed Maududi, a great Muslim scholar of the 20th century. The booklet is divided into four chapters with links given on this page at the left column.

"...when we speak of human rights in Islam we really mean that
these rights have been granted by God; they have not been granted by
any king or by any legislative assembly. The rights granted by the
kings or the legislative assemblies, can also be withdrawn in the same
manner in which they are conferred. The same is the case with the
rights accepted and recognized by the dictators. They can confer them
when they please and withdraw them when they wish; and they can
openly violate them when they like. But since in Islam human rights
have been conferred by God, no legislative assembly in the world, or
any government on earth has the right or authority to make any
amendment or change in the rights conferred by God...."
Human Rights in Islam. Islam has laid down universal and fundamental rights for humanity as a whole, which are to be observed and respected under all circumstances. These basic rights are associated with Islamic faith and belief because they are divinely ordained. Thus, human rights in Islam are religious obligations, meaning that it is obligatory for every Muslim to protect them and restore them if they are violated....
In this booklet, we shall address, in a general way, the human rights in the light of Islam. These rights are based on the Divine Book of Muslims, the Glorious Qur'ân and from Sunnah practice of Allah's Messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), the two main sources of Islamic life and jurisprudence...
The Judicial System in Islam. The Islamic system follows the directives of Allah (subhanahu wa ta'ala) and the Sunnah, (traditions) of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)....
4. dishonesty - only islam has dishonesty as a fundamental tenet...

Due to the state of war between dar al-Islam and dar al-harb, ruses of war, i.e., systematic lying to the infidel, must be considered part and parcel of Islamic tactics. The parroting by Muslim organizations throughout dar al-harb that "Islam is a religion of peace," or that the origins of Muslim violence lie in the unbalanced psyches of particular individual "fanatics," must be considered as disinformation intended to induce the infidel world to let down its guard...

Islam must seem a paradoxical religion to non-Muslims. On the one hand, it is constantly being portrayed as the religion of peace; on the other, its adherents are responsible for the majority of terror attacks around the world. Apologists for Islam emphasize that it is a faith built upon high ethical standards; others stress that it is a religion of the law. Islam's dual notions of truth and falsehood further reveal its paradoxical nature: While the Qur'an is against believers deceiving other believers—for "surely God guides not him who is prodigal and a liar"[1]—deception directed at non-Muslims, generally known in Arabic as taqiyya, also has Qur'anic support and falls within the legal category of things that are permissible for Muslims...

That Islam legitimizes deceit during war is, of course, not all that astonishing; after all, as the Elizabethan writer John Lyly put it, "All's fair in love and war."[24] Other non-Muslim philosophers and strategists—such as Sun Tzu, Machiavelli, and Thomas Hobbes—justified deceit in warfare. Deception of the enemy during war is only common sense. The crucial difference in Islam, however, is that war against the infidel is a perpetual affair—until, in the words of the Qur'an, "all chaos ceases, and all religion belongs to God." In his entry on jihad from the Encyclopaedia of Islam, Emile Tyan states: "The duty of the jihad exists as long as the universal domination of Islam has not been attained. Peace with non-Muslim nations is, therefore, a provisional state of affairs only; the chance of circumstances alone can justify it temporarily."...

5. misogyny - present day islam is still rooted in 8th century social ethics...

Honor killings, which occur with shocking regularity in certain parts of the Middle East and South Asia, target women whose actions – actual or suspected – violate the honor of their family, an honor which is thought to depend on the sexual purity of its female members. Victims are always being killed/slaughtered mercilessly by her own family members. Honor killing is a manifestation of global phenomenon in general and Muslim nations in particular...

Domestic violence happens everywhere, including the most secular of families. What Canadian CAIR and other defenders of Islam deliberately choose to ignore, though, is that a substantial body of Muslim scripture and tradition teaches people like Muhammad and Waqas Parvez that it is God’s will for them to impose this kind of punishment on disobedient daughters...

Even closer to the honor killing point is the Koran’s approving discussion of the murder of a boy by a God expert, in order to prevent the boy’s apostasy from corrupting his parents. [Koran 18:74-80] According to tradition, Muhammad himself opposed the killing of children, except where the killer knew that the child would grow up to be a non-believer...

and a great meme jpg :eek: :evil:


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As a general rule religion is a horrible ideology for human rights.

usc, I have to disagree. If 10 simple commandments were followed, we would need no locks on our door. Our courts wouldn't be jammed with judges trying to figure out who's lying. There would be no need for guns, or war. We could let our children go outside and play with no fear.
You can actually narrow it down to one. One golden rule. What is so horrible about the idea of treating others the way we would like to be treated? And can you imagine how nice the world would become?

Studies have shown that people who had cheated on tests when given the opportunity, and then were asked to think about the 10 commandments for 10 minutes, stopped cheating on the rest of the testing. Everyone of them stopped cheating.

Biblical ideology is, "love your brother". We have to stop attaching God's word to the humans that mangle it. The two are not the same. :eusa_angel:
islam is a horrible ideology for human rights

5 key things about islam

1. mythical beliefs - all religions have these (faith) because its part of being a religion: having beliefs without proof until after the believer dies. the problem is people will believe almost anything.

2. totalitarianism - islam has no seperation of church and state: sharia law governs all. there is no free will in islam: only submission to the will of allah as conveniently determined by the imams who spew vapors to feather their own nests. there are no moderate muslims: they all support sharia law.

3. violence - islam leads the pack of all religions in violent tenets for their ideology & history: having eternal canonical imperatives for supremacy at all costs and calling for violence & intimidation as basic tools to achieve these goals.

4. dishonesty - only islam has dishonesty as a fundamental tenet: this stems from allah speaking to mohamhead, abrogation in the koran which explains how mo's peaceful early life was superseded by his warlord role later & surahs about infidels.

5. misogyny - present day islam is still rooted in 8th century social ethics: treating females as property of men good only for children, severely limiting their activities, dressing them in shower curtains and worse.

conclusions ??

there really are NO redeeming qualities for this muddled pile of propaganda.

islam is just another fascist totalitarian ideology used by power hungry fanatics on yet another quest for worldwide domination and includes all the usual human rights abuses & suppression of freedoms.
It that was true, then why is it the 3 biggest examples of violence in earth history (The Crusades, WWII and GWOT) were all started by so-called Christians?

WW2 was not over religion, it was over a Hitler attempt to take over the world and for the USA, Japan's bombing of Peral Harbor, and the GWOT is because Islam bombed the TWC. As Opposed to 1400 years of Nonstop violence over specifically allah and the insane rantings of a murdering thief pedo occult leader.
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