Is this the Hope and Change you were hoping for?

Indeed. Herman is a fine man. Speaking the truth usually has consequences, though. Blacks are just as much in "slavery" today - as they were 150 years ago. Difference? It's called democrats. Generational handouts have left the black community just as bound to "the man" as they were when they were first brought here. These "black leaders" like the race-baiting Sharpton, and the huckster Jackson have done NOTHING to help except to fill their pockets with the liberals cash.

So, where does that leave us - when the truth is being spoken? Liberals line up to invoke every invective they can against those "boys who have left the plantation". Liberals never change. just their methods.
Did you know that the first slaves brought to America were white?
The Irish slave trade began when James II sold 30,000 Irish prisoners as slaves to the New World. His Proclamation of 1625 required Irish political prisoners be sent overseas and sold to English settlers in the West Indies. By the mid 1600s, the Irish were the main slaves sold to Antigua and Montserrat. At that time, 70% of the total population of Montserrat were Irish slaves.
African slaves were very expensive during the late 1600s (50 Sterling). Irish slaves came cheap (no more than 5 Sterling). If a planter whipped or branded or beat an Irish slave to death, it was never a crime. A death was a monetary setback, but far cheaper than killing a more expensive African.
Why this isn't talked about? Because it doesn't fit in the liberal agenda. Liberal edumaction institutes wont touch this as it would show the BIG LIE, that liberalism really is.
Its probably not talked about because they werent enslaved for multiple centuries in the uUS and those that were enslaved are now considered white and have the benefits of white privilege. They never went through Jim Crow and were able to vote without several amendments to the constitution being passed Your post is just another example of white boy whine and fails on the logical fallacy of false equivalence.
Ah now, just because white people were enslaved by whites and for 100 years but not 150 years, that doesn't matter, right? How about black people who enslaved black people for 100 to 150 years?
America’s first slave owner was a black man.
America’s first slave owner was a black man.
Oops , bet this doesn't fit the liberal agenda either, shame they don't teach this in public schools either. Dumbass

View attachment 63898
Unfortunately youre still doing your white boy whine and being emotional you fell for a common internet prank. The guy you have in your post wasnt the first slave owner and the guy enslaved wasnt the first slave. Funny coincidence is that the first documented slave turns out to be the ancestor of Obamas mother. His name was John Punch. You should look him up and educate yourself.

Now lets address your white boy whine. I dont recall whites enslaving other whites because they were white. They enslaved them because they could. Even if a Black guy was the first slave owner what does that have to do with anything? What would be the significance of that?
Researchers: Obama's Mother 'Descended from African Slave'
A team of genealogists has found evidence that President Barack Obama could be a descendent of an African slave — but not through the lineage of his black father, the most likely route researchers had followed and exhausted.

The link, genealogists with said Monday, is, in fact, through an examination of his white mother's family history.

"We were surprised and excited to make that connection," said Joseph Shumway, a member of the Utah-based team.

Obama's father was from Kenya and his mother was from Kansas. It had been generally assumed that the president had no slave ancestors because researchers couldn't find it through the lineage of his father. However, no one had yet performed any exhaustive research into the lineage of his white mother, who turns out to have a mixed-raced family history.
Maybe he is, or maybe he isn't, but when he was asked about being in the fight for civil rights, and he had lived with his white grandparents, because both parents couldn't stand to be with him, nice of the liberals to try to stir up something that could show he was ????? You know when a liberal is lying? Their mouths are open.
Youre rambling. What did your post have to do with anything?
Find me a KKK member (probably in your contact list) that says they are a democrat and I'll send you a penny and triple your net worth.

I'm not the idiot that made the assertion that there are no Democrats involved with the KKK
You seem to be the idiot who believes there are...with zero proof of course.

C' want that penny don't you?

I know that there are racists in every political party it's human nature

And I can't take any money from you you need it more than I

"you you"...perhaps you can invest it grammar lessons?

It's perfectly fine to repeat the word in a sentence, honey

punctuation often takes a back seat on message boards as you yourself should know because you are as guilty as anyone

Another shot in the dark that hit nothing....
I'm not the idiot that made the assertion that there are no Democrats involved with the KKK
You seem to be the idiot who believes there are...with zero proof of course.

C' want that penny don't you?

I know that there are racists in every political party it's human nature

And I can't take any money from you you need it more than I

"you you"...perhaps you can invest it grammar lessons?

It's perfectly fine to repeat the word in a sentence, honey

punctuation often takes a back seat on message boards as you yourself should know because you are as guilty as anyone

Another shot in the dark that hit nothing....

Just like your assertion that no democrats are in the KKK

Why is that anyway are democrats incapable of being racist?

And are you naive enough to believe that?
How do you know? Because they told you so? Come on man, you look at the first black president(I did not have sexual relations with that woman) his vice president(both fathers were Southern White Democrats) and you can bet secretly they have white sheets and hoods. Even Barry called Slick Willie a racist back in 2008.

For Albert Gore Sr., the white hood was no secret. Gore was openly Klan.
Oh, okay....

I thought the black panthers were the terrorist wing or the weather underground was....

You guys got to get on the same page with your lies... they are hard to keep track of.

You're not capable of thought.

That the KKK was the terrorist wing of the democratic party is historical fact. You may be an ignorant hack, but that doesn't alter history.
Did you know that the first slaves brought to America were white? Why this isn't talked about? Because it doesn't fit in the liberal agenda. Liberal edumaction institutes wont touch this as it would show the BIG LIE, that liberalism really is.
Its probably not talked about because they werent enslaved for multiple centuries in the uUS and those that were enslaved are now considered white and have the benefits of white privilege. They never went through Jim Crow and were able to vote without several amendments to the constitution being passed Your post is just another example of white boy whine and fails on the logical fallacy of false equivalence.
Ah now, just because white people were enslaved by whites and for 100 years but not 150 years, that doesn't matter, right? How about black people who enslaved black people for 100 to 150 years?
America’s first slave owner was a black man.
America’s first slave owner was a black man.
Oops , bet this doesn't fit the liberal agenda either, shame they don't teach this in public schools either. Dumbass

View attachment 63898
Unfortunately youre still doing your white boy whine and being emotional you fell for a common internet prank. The guy you have in your post wasnt the first slave owner and the guy enslaved wasnt the first slave. Funny coincidence is that the first documented slave turns out to be the ancestor of Obamas mother. His name was John Punch. You should look him up and educate yourself.

Now lets address your white boy whine. I dont recall whites enslaving other whites because they were white. They enslaved them because they could. Even if a Black guy was the first slave owner what does that have to do with anything? What would be the significance of that?
Researchers: Obama's Mother 'Descended from African Slave'
A team of genealogists has found evidence that President Barack Obama could be a descendent of an African slave — but not through the lineage of his black father, the most likely route researchers had followed and exhausted.

The link, genealogists with said Monday, is, in fact, through an examination of his white mother's family history.

"We were surprised and excited to make that connection," said Joseph Shumway, a member of the Utah-based team.

Obama's father was from Kenya and his mother was from Kansas. It had been generally assumed that the president had no slave ancestors because researchers couldn't find it through the lineage of his father. However, no one had yet performed any exhaustive research into the lineage of his white mother, who turns out to have a mixed-raced family history.
Maybe he is, or maybe he isn't, but when he was asked about being in the fight for civil rights, and he had lived with his white grandparents, because both parents couldn't stand to be with him, nice of the liberals to try to stir up something that could show he was ????? You know when a liberal is lying? Their mouths are open.
Youre rambling. What did your post have to do with anything?
At one time I was sorry for you liberals, because you were executing your children in the name of CHOICE. Today, I am glad of it, because like Margaret Sanger(Hillary accept that award) there were people NOT DEEMED worthy to live, and there is proof today, that it is going on. Otherwise, America would have many more liberals in it today, and Conservatives would be in the minority. Keep that CHOICE going, you deserve it, and thank the liberals for the eugenics program of planned parenthood.
Its probably not talked about because they werent enslaved for multiple centuries in the uUS and those that were enslaved are now considered white and have the benefits of white privilege. They never went through Jim Crow and were able to vote without several amendments to the constitution being passed Your post is just another example of white boy whine and fails on the logical fallacy of false equivalence.
Ah now, just because white people were enslaved by whites and for 100 years but not 150 years, that doesn't matter, right? How about black people who enslaved black people for 100 to 150 years?
America’s first slave owner was a black man.
America’s first slave owner was a black man.
Oops , bet this doesn't fit the liberal agenda either, shame they don't teach this in public schools either. Dumbass

View attachment 63898
Unfortunately youre still doing your white boy whine and being emotional you fell for a common internet prank. The guy you have in your post wasnt the first slave owner and the guy enslaved wasnt the first slave. Funny coincidence is that the first documented slave turns out to be the ancestor of Obamas mother. His name was John Punch. You should look him up and educate yourself.

Now lets address your white boy whine. I dont recall whites enslaving other whites because they were white. They enslaved them because they could. Even if a Black guy was the first slave owner what does that have to do with anything? What would be the significance of that?
Researchers: Obama's Mother 'Descended from African Slave'
A team of genealogists has found evidence that President Barack Obama could be a descendent of an African slave — but not through the lineage of his black father, the most likely route researchers had followed and exhausted.

The link, genealogists with said Monday, is, in fact, through an examination of his white mother's family history.

"We were surprised and excited to make that connection," said Joseph Shumway, a member of the Utah-based team.

Obama's father was from Kenya and his mother was from Kansas. It had been generally assumed that the president had no slave ancestors because researchers couldn't find it through the lineage of his father. However, no one had yet performed any exhaustive research into the lineage of his white mother, who turns out to have a mixed-raced family history.
Maybe he is, or maybe he isn't, but when he was asked about being in the fight for civil rights, and he had lived with his white grandparents, because both parents couldn't stand to be with him, nice of the liberals to try to stir up something that could show he was ????? You know when a liberal is lying? Their mouths are open.
Youre rambling. What did your post have to do with anything?
At one time I was sorry for you liberals, because you were executing your children in the name of CHOICE. Today, I am glad of it, because like Margaret Sanger(Hillary accept that award) there were people NOT DEEMED worthy to live, and there is proof today, that it is going on. Otherwise, America would have many more liberals in it today, and Conservatives would be in the minority. Keep that CHOICE going, you deserve it, and thank the liberals for the eugenics program of planned parenthood.
Now youre venting with your rambling.
Ah now, just because white people were enslaved by whites and for 100 years but not 150 years, that doesn't matter, right? How about black people who enslaved black people for 100 to 150 years?
America’s first slave owner was a black man. Oops , bet this doesn't fit the liberal agenda either, shame they don't teach this in public schools either. Dumbass

View attachment 63898
Unfortunately youre still doing your white boy whine and being emotional you fell for a common internet prank. The guy you have in your post wasnt the first slave owner and the guy enslaved wasnt the first slave. Funny coincidence is that the first documented slave turns out to be the ancestor of Obamas mother. His name was John Punch. You should look him up and educate yourself.

Now lets address your white boy whine. I dont recall whites enslaving other whites because they were white. They enslaved them because they could. Even if a Black guy was the first slave owner what does that have to do with anything? What would be the significance of that?
Researchers: Obama's Mother 'Descended from African Slave'
A team of genealogists has found evidence that President Barack Obama could be a descendent of an African slave — but not through the lineage of his black father, the most likely route researchers had followed and exhausted.

The link, genealogists with said Monday, is, in fact, through an examination of his white mother's family history.

"We were surprised and excited to make that connection," said Joseph Shumway, a member of the Utah-based team.

Obama's father was from Kenya and his mother was from Kansas. It had been generally assumed that the president had no slave ancestors because researchers couldn't find it through the lineage of his father. However, no one had yet performed any exhaustive research into the lineage of his white mother, who turns out to have a mixed-raced family history.
Maybe he is, or maybe he isn't, but when he was asked about being in the fight for civil rights, and he had lived with his white grandparents, because both parents couldn't stand to be with him, nice of the liberals to try to stir up something that could show he was ????? You know when a liberal is lying? Their mouths are open.
Youre rambling. What did your post have to do with anything?
At one time I was sorry for you liberals, because you were executing your children in the name of CHOICE. Today, I am glad of it, because like Margaret Sanger(Hillary accept that award) there were people NOT DEEMED worthy to live, and there is proof today, that it is going on. Otherwise, America would have many more liberals in it today, and Conservatives would be in the minority. Keep that CHOICE going, you deserve it, and thank the liberals for the eugenics program of planned parenthood.
Now youre venting with your rambling.
Funny how liberals say Conservatives rant and rave when we present the truth while liberals are the ones doing the ranting, raving, and destruction. Why else did the Black Lives Matter Goons beat up a Marine at McD's who just wanted to eat his meal in peace? Liberals MUST get in the face of those who disagree with them until the rest of US bow down to your immoral ways. Problem for the liberals ..... See 2nd amendment.
Unfortunately youre still doing your white boy whine and being emotional you fell for a common internet prank. The guy you have in your post wasnt the first slave owner and the guy enslaved wasnt the first slave. Funny coincidence is that the first documented slave turns out to be the ancestor of Obamas mother. His name was John Punch. You should look him up and educate yourself.

Now lets address your white boy whine. I dont recall whites enslaving other whites because they were white. They enslaved them because they could. Even if a Black guy was the first slave owner what does that have to do with anything? What would be the significance of that?
Researchers: Obama's Mother 'Descended from African Slave'
A team of genealogists has found evidence that President Barack Obama could be a descendent of an African slave — but not through the lineage of his black father, the most likely route researchers had followed and exhausted.

The link, genealogists with said Monday, is, in fact, through an examination of his white mother's family history.

"We were surprised and excited to make that connection," said Joseph Shumway, a member of the Utah-based team.

Obama's father was from Kenya and his mother was from Kansas. It had been generally assumed that the president had no slave ancestors because researchers couldn't find it through the lineage of his father. However, no one had yet performed any exhaustive research into the lineage of his white mother, who turns out to have a mixed-raced family history.
Maybe he is, or maybe he isn't, but when he was asked about being in the fight for civil rights, and he had lived with his white grandparents, because both parents couldn't stand to be with him, nice of the liberals to try to stir up something that could show he was ????? You know when a liberal is lying? Their mouths are open.
Youre rambling. What did your post have to do with anything?
At one time I was sorry for you liberals, because you were executing your children in the name of CHOICE. Today, I am glad of it, because like Margaret Sanger(Hillary accept that award) there were people NOT DEEMED worthy to live, and there is proof today, that it is going on. Otherwise, America would have many more liberals in it today, and Conservatives would be in the minority. Keep that CHOICE going, you deserve it, and thank the liberals for the eugenics program of planned parenthood.
Now youre venting with your rambling.
Funny how liberals say Conservatives rant and rave when we present the truth while liberals are the ones doing the ranting, raving, and destruction. Why else did the Black Lives Matter Goons beat up a Marine at McD's who just wanted to eat his meal in peace? Liberals MUST get in the face of those who disagree with them until the rest of US bow down to your immoral ways. Problem for the liberals ..... See 2nd amendment.
I didnt say cons rant and rave I said you specifically are rambling and venting. You deflected from the discussion we were having regarding Obamas genetic makeup and who was the first documented slave without warning.
Researchers: Obama's Mother 'Descended from African Slave' Maybe he is, or maybe he isn't, but when he was asked about being in the fight for civil rights, and he had lived with his white grandparents, because both parents couldn't stand to be with him, nice of the liberals to try to stir up something that could show he was ????? You know when a liberal is lying? Their mouths are open.
Youre rambling. What did your post have to do with anything?
At one time I was sorry for you liberals, because you were executing your children in the name of CHOICE. Today, I am glad of it, because like Margaret Sanger(Hillary accept that award) there were people NOT DEEMED worthy to live, and there is proof today, that it is going on. Otherwise, America would have many more liberals in it today, and Conservatives would be in the minority. Keep that CHOICE going, you deserve it, and thank the liberals for the eugenics program of planned parenthood.
Now youre venting with your rambling.
Funny how liberals say Conservatives rant and rave when we present the truth while liberals are the ones doing the ranting, raving, and destruction. Why else did the Black Lives Matter Goons beat up a Marine at McD's who just wanted to eat his meal in peace? Liberals MUST get in the face of those who disagree with them until the rest of US bow down to your immoral ways. Problem for the liberals ..... See 2nd amendment.
I didnt say cons rant and rave I said you specifically are rambling and venting. You deflected from the discussion we were having regarding Obamas genetic makeup without warning.
No I was talking about how a marine got beat up by some black thugs looking for a quick hit and stash of cash. If it was me, it wouldn't have ended with the good guy on the floor or in the hospital, you were the one then who ranted or raved about my actions. Sorry that you are very angry, but Obama has been in office for 7 years now and George Bush hasn't.

Is this not your post? I know you are embarrassed you were tricked but now your trying to pretend you never brought it up.

Why this isn't talked about? Because it doesn't fit in the liberal agenda. Liberal edumaction institutes wont touch this as it would show the BIG LIE, that liberalism really is.
Ah now, just because white people were enslaved by whites and for 100 years but not 150 years, that doesn't matter, right? How about black people who enslaved black people for 100 to 150 years?
America’s first slave owner was a black man.
America’s first slave owner was a black man.
Oops , bet this doesn't fit the liberal agenda either, shame they don't teach this in public schools either. Dumbass

The year of ‘enormous rage': Number of hate groups rose by 14 percent in 2015
Swelling numbers of Ku Klux Klan chapters and black separatist groups drove last year’s surge, though organizations classified as anti-gay, anti-immigrant and anti-Muslim saw small increases, too.
KKK is the organization of Southern White Democrats, and Black Panthers are the organization of angry liberal black people. Poor whites are seeing how poor blacks can get away with murder and not a peep from the O. admin, while police if they shoot a criminal who is attacking them, is demonized for "black lives matter". The biggest injustice was the libtards for voting in an extreme racist 1/2 white president(who threw grandma under the bus) in the hope he could Heal the World. In the youtube video, you can see how the liberals fell for such a smooth talker but one who couldn't deliver. Such stupid people who vote Dumbocrat.

Original post. You squirreled away with a tangent and I tried to give you reason why Obama does what he does. Cant help it when a boy is abandoned by his mother and father, and not have an issue with life, but hey he is the epitome of a liberal family.
The year of ‘enormous rage': Number of hate groups rose by 14 percent in 2015
Swelling numbers of Ku Klux Klan chapters and black separatist groups drove last year’s surge, though organizations classified as anti-gay, anti-immigrant and anti-Muslim saw small increases, too.
KKK is the organization of Southern White Democrats, and Black Panthers are the organization of angry liberal black people. Poor whites are seeing how poor blacks can get away with murder and not a peep from the O. admin, while police if they shoot a criminal who is attacking them, is demonized for "black lives matter". The biggest injustice was the libtards for voting in an extreme racist 1/2 white president(who threw grandma under the bus) in the hope he could Heal the World. In the youtube video, you can see how the liberals fell for such a smooth talker but one who couldn't deliver. Such stupid people who vote Dumbocrat.

Original post. You squirreled away with a tangent and I tried to give you reason why Obama does what he does. Cant help it when a boy is abandoned by his mother and father, and not have an issue with life, but hey he is the epitome of a liberal family.

You went on tangent. I just called you on it. You did try to give me a reason but since you are not Obama your opinion is less than credible. I know you white guys are desperately unhappy a Black guy was elected to POTUS twice but you white guys have to get over it just like you are going to have to get over your daughters desires to mate with the genetically dominant men of the Black race.
The year of ‘enormous rage': Number of hate groups rose by 14 percent in 2015
Swelling numbers of Ku Klux Klan chapters and black separatist groups drove last year’s surge, though organizations classified as anti-gay, anti-immigrant and anti-Muslim saw small increases, too.
KKK is the organization of Southern White Democrats, and Black Panthers are the organization of angry liberal black people. Poor whites are seeing how poor blacks can get away with murder and not a peep from the O. admin, while police if they shoot a criminal who is attacking them, is demonized for "black lives matter". The biggest injustice was the libtards for voting in an extreme racist 1/2 white president(who threw grandma under the bus) in the hope he could Heal the World. In the youtube video, you can see how the liberals fell for such a smooth talker but one who couldn't deliver. Such stupid people who vote Dumbocrat.

Original post. You squirreled away with a tangent and I tried to give you reason why Obama does what he does. Cant help it when a boy is abandoned by his mother and father, and not have an issue with life, but hey he is the epitome of a liberal family.

You went on tangent. I just called you on it. You did try to give me a reason but since you are not Obama your opinion is less than credible. I know you white guys are desperately unhappy a Black guy was elected to POTUS twice but you white guys have to get over it just like you are going to have to get over your daughters desires to mate with the genetically dominant men of the Black race.

I didn't give a rats ass that a black guy was elected, you libs hated George Bush though, I didn't like that he Obama was going to fundamentally transform America, that he was going to redistribute wealth, or lower the oceans and heal the planet. You blacks, swooned over the new messiah who before his 2nd victory was against homosexual marriage but then when he won the 2nd time, was for homosexual marriage knowing the blacks wouldn't of voted him again. Didn't like it when he said he was going to lower my healthcare costs by $2,500 and now I am paying 4 times more. I didn't like how no one under $250,000 was going to have a tax increase, yet my taxes have increased. I don't like LIARS, but then liberals couldn't open their mouths then. Are you a follower of "LUCIFER", why do you like Obama who does?
Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals
"Obama learned his lesson well. I am proud to see that my father's model for organizing is being applied successfully beyond local community organizing to affect the Democratic campaign in 2008. It is a fine tribute to Saul Alinsky as we approach his 100th birthday." --Letter from L. DAVID ALINSKY, son of Neo-Marxist Saul Alinsky
Opening page - Dedication

“Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history... the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom — Lucifer.”
The year of ‘enormous rage': Number of hate groups rose by 14 percent in 2015
Swelling numbers of Ku Klux Klan chapters and black separatist groups drove last year’s surge, though organizations classified as anti-gay, anti-immigrant and anti-Muslim saw small increases, too.
KKK is the organization of Southern White Democrats, and Black Panthers are the organization of angry liberal black people. Poor whites are seeing how poor blacks can get away with murder and not a peep from the O. admin, while police if they shoot a criminal who is attacking them, is demonized for "black lives matter". The biggest injustice was the libtards for voting in an extreme racist 1/2 white president(who threw grandma under the bus) in the hope he could Heal the World. In the youtube video, you can see how the liberals fell for such a smooth talker but one who couldn't deliver. Such stupid people who vote Dumbocrat.

Original post. You squirreled away with a tangent and I tried to give you reason why Obama does what he does. Cant help it when a boy is abandoned by his mother and father, and not have an issue with life, but hey he is the epitome of a liberal family.

You went on tangent. I just called you on it. You did try to give me a reason but since you are not Obama your opinion is less than credible. I know you white guys are desperately unhappy a Black guy was elected to POTUS twice but you white guys have to get over it just like you are going to have to get over your daughters desires to mate with the genetically dominant men of the Black race.

I didn't give a rats ass that a black guy was elected, you libs hated George Bush though, I didn't like that he Obama was going to fundamentally transform America, that he was going to redistribute wealth, or lower the oceans and heal the planet. You blacks, swooned over the new messiah who before his 2nd victory was against homosexual marriage but then when he won the 2nd time, was for homosexual marriage knowing the blacks wouldn't of voted him again. Didn't like it when he said he was going to lower my healthcare costs by $2,500 and now I am paying 4 times more. I didn't like how no one under $250,000 was going to have a tax increase, yet my taxes have increased. I don't like LIARS, but then liberals couldn't open their mouths then. Are you a follower of "LUCIFER", why do you like Obama who does?
Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals
"Obama learned his lesson well. I am proud to see that my father's model for organizing is being applied successfully beyond local community organizing to affect the Democratic campaign in 2008. It is a fine tribute to Saul Alinsky as we approach his 100th birthday." --Letter from L. DAVID ALINSKY, son of Neo-Marxist Saul Alinsky
Opening page - Dedication

“Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history... the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom — Lucifer.”

Its amazing how ignorant you are. I guess one would call you a functioning illiterate. The POTUS cant redistribute wealth dummy. America needs to be fundamentally transformed but Obama doesnt have the time to accomplish that. I cant help that your panties are in a bunch but maybe your angst will be calmed by realizing you dont know enough about the fundamental truths to make an educated opinion on them.
The year of ‘enormous rage': Number of hate groups rose by 14 percent in 2015
Swelling numbers of Ku Klux Klan chapters and black separatist groups drove last year’s surge, though organizations classified as anti-gay, anti-immigrant and anti-Muslim saw small increases, too.
KKK is the organization of Southern White Democrats, and Black Panthers are the organization of angry liberal black people. Poor whites are seeing how poor blacks can get away with murder and not a peep from the O. admin, while police if they shoot a criminal who is attacking them, is demonized for "black lives matter". The biggest injustice was the libtards for voting in an extreme racist 1/2 white president(who threw grandma under the bus) in the hope he could Heal the World. In the youtube video, you can see how the liberals fell for such a smooth talker but one who couldn't deliver. Such stupid people who vote Dumbocrat.

Original post. You squirreled away with a tangent and I tried to give you reason why Obama does what he does. Cant help it when a boy is abandoned by his mother and father, and not have an issue with life, but hey he is the epitome of a liberal family.

You went on tangent. I just called you on it. You did try to give me a reason but since you are not Obama your opinion is less than credible. I know you white guys are desperately unhappy a Black guy was elected to POTUS twice but you white guys have to get over it just like you are going to have to get over your daughters desires to mate with the genetically dominant men of the Black race.

It has nothing to do with his race, it has to do with him being a Socialist/ Communist.
The year of ‘enormous rage': Number of hate groups rose by 14 percent in 2015
Swelling numbers of Ku Klux Klan chapters and black separatist groups drove last year’s surge, though organizations classified as anti-gay, anti-immigrant and anti-Muslim saw small increases, too.
KKK is the organization of Southern White Democrats, and Black Panthers are the organization of angry liberal black people. Poor whites are seeing how poor blacks can get away with murder and not a peep from the O. admin, while police if they shoot a criminal who is attacking them, is demonized for "black lives matter". The biggest injustice was the libtards for voting in an extreme racist 1/2 white president(who threw grandma under the bus) in the hope he could Heal the World. In the youtube video, you can see how the liberals fell for such a smooth talker but one who couldn't deliver. Such stupid people who vote Dumbocrat.

Original post. You squirreled away with a tangent and I tried to give you reason why Obama does what he does. Cant help it when a boy is abandoned by his mother and father, and not have an issue with life, but hey he is the epitome of a liberal family.

You went on tangent. I just called you on it. You did try to give me a reason but since you are not Obama your opinion is less than credible. I know you white guys are desperately unhappy a Black guy was elected to POTUS twice but you white guys have to get over it just like you are going to have to get over your daughters desires to mate with the genetically dominant men of the Black race.

It has nothing to do with his race, it has to do with him being a Socialist/ Communist.

Of course it has to do with race. You must think I am as dumb as you are. :laugh:
The year of ‘enormous rage': Number of hate groups rose by 14 percent in 2015
Swelling numbers of Ku Klux Klan chapters and black separatist groups drove last year’s surge, though organizations classified as anti-gay, anti-immigrant and anti-Muslim saw small increases, too.
KKK is the organization of Southern White Democrats, and Black Panthers are the organization of angry liberal black people. Poor whites are seeing how poor blacks can get away with murder and not a peep from the O. admin, while police if they shoot a criminal who is attacking them, is demonized for "black lives matter". The biggest injustice was the libtards for voting in an extreme racist 1/2 white president(who threw grandma under the bus) in the hope he could Heal the World. In the youtube video, you can see how the liberals fell for such a smooth talker but one who couldn't deliver. Such stupid people who vote Dumbocrat.

Original post. You squirreled away with a tangent and I tried to give you reason why Obama does what he does. Cant help it when a boy is abandoned by his mother and father, and not have an issue with life, but hey he is the epitome of a liberal family.

You went on tangent. I just called you on it. You did try to give me a reason but since you are not Obama your opinion is less than credible. I know you white guys are desperately unhappy a Black guy was elected to POTUS twice but you white guys have to get over it just like you are going to have to get over your daughters desires to mate with the genetically dominant men of the Black race.

It has nothing to do with his race, it has to do with him being a Socialist/ Communist.

Of course it has to do with race. You must think I am as dumb as you are. :laugh:

You are dumb. I'd vote for Ben Carson in a heartbeat. It's not about race as you leftists are spewing. It's about ideals.
The year of ‘enormous rage': Number of hate groups rose by 14 percent in 2015 KKK is the organization of Southern White Democrats, and Black Panthers are the organization of angry liberal black people. Poor whites are seeing how poor blacks can get away with murder and not a peep from the O. admin, while police if they shoot a criminal who is attacking them, is demonized for "black lives matter". The biggest injustice was the libtards for voting in an extreme racist 1/2 white president(who threw grandma under the bus) in the hope he could Heal the World. In the youtube video, you can see how the liberals fell for such a smooth talker but one who couldn't deliver. Such stupid people who vote Dumbocrat.

Original post. You squirreled away with a tangent and I tried to give you reason why Obama does what he does. Cant help it when a boy is abandoned by his mother and father, and not have an issue with life, but hey he is the epitome of a liberal family.

You went on tangent. I just called you on it. You did try to give me a reason but since you are not Obama your opinion is less than credible. I know you white guys are desperately unhappy a Black guy was elected to POTUS twice but you white guys have to get over it just like you are going to have to get over your daughters desires to mate with the genetically dominant men of the Black race.

It has nothing to do with his race, it has to do with him being a Socialist/ Communist.

Of course it has to do with race. You must think I am as dumb as you are. :laugh:

You are dumb. I'd vote for Ben Carson in a heartbeat. It's not about race as you leftists are spewing. It's about ideals.

Youre stupid. You are only saying that because you know there is no way in hell the GOP would nominate a Black guy.

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