Is this the Hope and Change you were hoping for?

It has nothing to do with his race, it has to do with him being a Socialist/ Communist.
Of course it has to do with race. You must think I am as dumb as you are. :laugh:

No, electing DumBama had to do with race. Not supporting Socialism/ Communism has nothing to do with race.
Hating your POTUS had everything to do with race. We know because you guys were incensed when your white vote couldnt stop him.

Better look again, because it's the white vote that got him into office. There is no way he could even win the primaries on the black vote alone.
Sorry but whites were the only and I do mean only demographic that was below 45% in voting for Obama and that was the first election. The second election whites were at 39%. You peckerwoods were upset.
The only reason why Obummer got elected was "WHITE GUILT" from the liberals. They wanted a black president that would be able to "Heal the planet and lower the oceans" and all that happened is the Middle East is on Fire, and more MURDER in the inner cities. When I asked black people why they voted for Obummer, they said it was because he was "Black". Boy talk about "RACISTS", they are people of color.
Don't vote for someone because of the color of ones skin, but the content of that person character, unless it is a black guy who promises to Fundamentally Transform America. I will not insult a moron by comparing a liberals intelligence to it, but since a box of rocks, may not have feelings, that is about where a liberals mental capacity is.
Of course it has to do with race. You must think I am as dumb as you are. :laugh:

No, electing DumBama had to do with race. Not supporting Socialism/ Communism has nothing to do with race.
Hating your POTUS had everything to do with race. We know because you guys were incensed when your white vote couldnt stop him.

Better look again, because it's the white vote that got him into office. There is no way he could even win the primaries on the black vote alone.
Sorry but whites were the only and I do mean only demographic that was below 45% in voting for Obama and that was the first election. The second election whites were at 39%. You peckerwoods were upset.
The only reason why Obummer got elected was "WHITE GUILT" from the liberals. They wanted a black president that would be able to "Heal the planet and lower the oceans" and all that happened is the Middle East is on Fire, and more MURDER in the inner cities. When I asked black people why they voted for Obummer, they said it was because he was "Black". Boy talk about "RACISTS", they are people of color.
Don't vote for someone because of the color of ones skin, but the content of that person character, unless it is a black guy who promises to Fundamentally Transform America. I will not insult a moron by comparing a liberals intelligence to it, but since a box of rocks, may not have feelings, that is about where a liberals mental capacity is.
Sorry but Obama got elected twice because all the other races dictated so. Evidently you have a hard time with math.
Illegal Alien Arrested In Connection With Five Murders
An illegal alien from Mexico who was recently released from jail in Kansas despite having a deportation detainer placed against him, has been arrested and charged with murdering four people in Kansas City, Kan. and is the prime suspect in another slaying in Missouri.
Talk about a most inept administration that cant close the borders, get rid of the violent illegals who KILL, U.S. citizens. If I was one of the family members of the slain, I would get legal counsel, file a failure to protect action against, DNC, Homeland Security and Barrack Hussein Obama. I would seek millions of dollars not from the government but those who FAILED in their positions to stop this guy from MURDERING innocent citizens. I would bankrupt the DNC, have DHS closed, and put Obama in the poor farm, so he could live in a tent under a bridge like others in DC.
Crime in Chicago -- Chicago Tribune
The map below shows where people were shot in Chicago, broken down by community area. Darker shades of blue indicate greater numbers of victims in those community areas.

This data is compiled from reporting done by the Chicago Tribune Breaking News staff and is typically updated more than once per week. Therefore, the most recent shootings may not be displayed immediately.
Black on black murders occur weekly, yet you don't see Al Sharlaton, Barrackus Obamus, or other prominent BLACK leaders speaking out against this violence. Yet when a black person is shot by a white person, then the immaculate one and his white house visitor are out there banging the tin pots. Without double standards liberals would have no standards at all.
Seems to me that it is the black "FOLKS" that are frothing, and lost their shit. But then again, since you are a RACIST, you don't give a shit when black people are dying weekly. That is why you post the bullshit that you do. I guess your avatar should be more like this.

Joel Osteen just endorsed Donald Trump. And why shouldn't he? They both worship the same Trinity: Money, Fame, and Adulation. When reached for comment, Jesus responded: "I don't know them"

I got something for your throat alright Trump boy
Joel Osteen just endorsed Donald Trump. And why shouldn't he? They both worship the same Trinity: Money, Fame, and Adulation. When reached for comment, Jesus responded: "I don't know them"

I got something for your throat alright Trump boy
Ku Klux Klan leader endorses Hillary Clinton for president
“We want Hillary Clinton to win. She is telling everybody one thing, but she has a hidden agenda. She’s telling everybody what they want to hear so she can get elected, because she’s Bill Clinton’s wife, she’s close to the Bushes. Once she’s in the presidency, she’s going to come out and her true colors are going to show. Border policies are going to be put in place. Our second amendment rights that she’s saying she’s against now, she’s not against. She’s just our choice for the presidency.”
It goes back to those Southern White Democrats, once a clansman always a clansman. Right Tyrone? I must of really hit a sore spot on finding out how much of a closet case RACIST you are.
The KKK is made up of Democrats? :rofl:
Robert Byrd - Conservapedia
Byrd first joined the Ku Klux Klan in the 1940s and attained the rank of Exalted Cyclops, the leader of the local chapter of the organization.[1] He repeatedly expressed his desire for the Klan to expand to its previous size and power, once remarking in a letter that "The Klan is needed today as never before and I am anxious to see its rebirth here in West Virginia" and "in every state in the nation." [2]

Byrd commented on the 1945 controversy raging over the idea of racially integrating the military. In his book When Jim Crow Met John Bull, Graham Smith referred to a letter written that year by Byrd, when he was 28 years old, to segregationist Senator Theodore Bilbo of Mississippi, in which Byrd vowed never to fight:

“ Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds. ”
He had earlier written Bilbo:

“ I shall never fight in the armed forces with a Negro by my side
Funny how liberals are dumber than a box of rocks.

People who use partisan resources and think they "are credible are dumber than a box of rocks."
It is true, that Southern Democrats were instrumental in the KKK, about 50 or so years ago. But then that was 50 plus years ago. Those Southern Democrats became Republicans in the 60's-70's, thanks to the GOP's "Southern Strategy". This explains two things, the South is solid GOP territory and second, why the Black community overwhelmingly votes Democratic consistently.

The black community votes for democrats because democrats make it a point to pander complete and non-stop BS to them. They never fail to do this. They never fail to promote racism. The establishment never fails to continue promoting racism and hammering away at an artificially created racial divide. Racism is a very, very, very powerful political weapon utilized by the left. They are the party that WANTS racism because it enables them to pander their empty narrative, like they always do...Like how the media greatly misconstrued the Trayvon and Mike Brown incidents...Like 'hands up don't shoot' is still alive and well even though it has been proven Mike Brown didn't do any of that and did in fact violently attack the cop that killed him.

Forgive me, sir, I'm trying hard to remain civil and not do what people always do in these political discussions and just call someone an idiot. I have to wonder though. No matter what political spectrum you subscribe to, how is it possible for you to miss this blatant propaganda 100% of the time? It is a political maneuver. It has nothing to do with reality. It is the same as democrats wanting unlimited Mexicans to freely cross the border. Mexicans consume BY FAR the most amount of welfare. Moreso than any other race. They're extremely easy to pander to and they can use them to grow their voting base... Honestly, my friend, how can you miss this? I've met very, very few leftists who have a cunning mind. The common thread between them is they're power of discernment is extremely limited. That doesn't mean they're dumb. It simply means they are willfully naive and so horribly easy to manipulate and pander to. Being a democrat politician is the easiest job in the history of mankind.

Racism is a political weapon. Without it, the democrat party would be INCREDIBLY WOUNDED. A wound they would never recover from. It is in the democrat establishment's interest to inflame racial tensions. That is a fact.
Last edited:
The KKK is made up of Democrats? :rofl:
Robert Byrd - Conservapedia
Byrd first joined the Ku Klux Klan in the 1940s and attained the rank of Exalted Cyclops, the leader of the local chapter of the organization.[1] He repeatedly expressed his desire for the Klan to expand to its previous size and power, once remarking in a letter that "The Klan is needed today as never before and I am anxious to see its rebirth here in West Virginia" and "in every state in the nation." [2]

Byrd commented on the 1945 controversy raging over the idea of racially integrating the military. In his book When Jim Crow Met John Bull, Graham Smith referred to a letter written that year by Byrd, when he was 28 years old, to segregationist Senator Theodore Bilbo of Mississippi, in which Byrd vowed never to fight:

“ Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds. ”
He had earlier written Bilbo:

“ I shall never fight in the armed forces with a Negro by my side
Funny how liberals are dumber than a box of rocks.

People who use partisan resources and think they "are credible are dumber than a box of rocks."
It is true, that Southern Democrats were instrumental in the KKK, about 50 or so years ago. But then that was 50 plus years ago. Those Southern Democrats became Republicans in the 60's-70's, thanks to the GOP's "Southern Strategy". This explains two things, the South is solid GOP territory and second, why the Black community overwhelmingly votes Democratic consistently.

The black community votes for democrats because democrats make it a point to pander complete and non-stop BS to them. They never fail to do this. They never fail to promote racism. The establishment never fails to continue promoting racism and hammering away at an artificially created racial divide. Racism is a very, very, very powerful political weapon utilized by the left. They are the party that WANTS racism because it enables them to pander their empty narrative, like they always do...Like how the media greatly misconstrued the Trayvon and Mike Brown incidents...Like 'hands up don't shoot' is still alive and well even though it has been proven Mike Brown didn't do any of that and did in fact violently attack the cop that killed him.

Forgive me, sir, I'm trying hard to remain civil and not do what people always do in these political discussions and just call someone an idiot. I have to wonder though. No matter what political spectrum you subscribe to, how is it possible for you to miss this blatant propaganda 100% of the time? It is a political maneuver. It has nothing to do with reality. It is the same as democrats wanting unlimited Mexicans to freely cross the border. Mexicans consume BY FAR the most amount of welfare. Moreso than any other race. They're extremely easy to pander to and they can use them to grow their voting base... Honestly, my friend, how can you miss this? I've met very, very few leftists who have a cunning mind. The common thread between them is they're power of discernment is extremely limited. That doesn't mean they're dumb. It simply means they are willfully naive and so horribly easy to manipulate and pander to. Being a democrat politician is the easiest job in the history of mankind.

Racism is a political weapon. Without it, the democrat party would be INCREDIBLY WOUNDED. A wound they would never recover from. It is in the democrat establishment's interest to inflame racial tensions. That is a fact.

Good job!
I have read my share of hyper-partisan blogs/resources and you repeat their version of history word-for-word. Too bad you so easily accept the highly slanted conjecture.
Conservapedia? :dig:
From coast to coast, middle class communities are shrinking
From coast to coast, middle class communities are shrinking
When you vote for Hope and Change, lowering the ocean and healing the planet, the fundamental transformation of America, and the redistribution of wealth, you eventually have the MOST IN POVERY ever in the history of the US. You can thank your liberal buddy for having this happen to you, and the liberal doesn't give a shit how you feel either. Since they are miserable, then everyone else needs to be miserable, then everyone is equal. That is called "FAIRNESS".

How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job
#3) Sociopaths are incapable of feeling shame, guilt or remorse. Their brains simply lack the circuitry to process such emotions. This allows them to betray people, threaten people or harm people without giving it a second thought. They pursue any action that serves their own self interest even if it seriously harms others.
For first time in 130 years, more young Americans live with parents
For the first time in more than 130 years, American adults age 18 to 34 were more likely to be living in their parents’ home than living with a spouse or partner in their own household, according to a new report released Tuesday by the Pew Research Center, a nonprofit, nonpartisan think tank in Washington, D.C.
Another 1st for the first White Black President all you (white guilt) folks voted for. You can see the desperation from the vagina campaign on trying to reach these young adults, who will be voting in the next elections. Of course when these "folks" have to be driven to the voting polls, with their parents, behind the wheel, they will be told who was the mastermind behind the fundamental transformation of America.
Old and on the Street: The Graying of America’s Homeless
LOS ANGELES — They lean unsteadily on canes and walkers, or roll along the sidewalks of Skid Row here in beat-up wheelchairs, past soiled sleeping bags, swaying tents and piles of garbage. They wander the streets in tattered winter coats, even in the warmth of spring. They worry about the illnesses of age and how they will approach death without the help of children who long ago drifted from their lives.
Back in the day, when the family was nuclear, the whole family was a unit from sunup to sundown. I remember when grandma and grandpa would be on the front porch while mom was in taking care of the children and dad was out in the field bringing in the meal. But then along came Uncle Sugar, who broke up the family, had a surrogate daddy who would give the mom and her 10 bastard children enough money to get by, while providing an indoctrination(public schools) to brainwash those to keep the status quo. Now after 3 generations of this, those who voted for those who were "FOR THE CHILDREN", are now feeling the effects of the ME FIRST attitudes. It is more important to exercise your fingers and thumbs while defeating the likes of Arnold in the war game on the I phone than spending the time talking to the moms and dads now put on the street in this great Hope and Change country. Elections have consequences, we are seeing this more and more, and when it is your turn to be either in a happy family or out on the street, it will be YOUR CHOICE, choose wisely when you elect the next president.

The KKK is made up of Democrats? :rofl:
Robert Byrd - Conservapedia
Byrd first joined the Ku Klux Klan in the 1940s and attained the rank of Exalted Cyclops, the leader of the local chapter of the organization.[1] He repeatedly expressed his desire for the Klan to expand to its previous size and power, once remarking in a letter that "The Klan is needed today as never before and I am anxious to see its rebirth here in West Virginia" and "in every state in the nation." [2]

Byrd commented on the 1945 controversy raging over the idea of racially integrating the military. In his book When Jim Crow Met John Bull, Graham Smith referred to a letter written that year by Byrd, when he was 28 years old, to segregationist Senator Theodore Bilbo of Mississippi, in which Byrd vowed never to fight:

“ Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds. ”
He had earlier written Bilbo:

“ I shall never fight in the armed forces with a Negro by my side
Funny how liberals are dumber than a box of rocks.

People who use partisan resources and think they "are credible are dumber than a box of rocks."
It is true, that Southern Democrats were instrumental in the KKK, about 50 or so years ago. But then that was 50 plus years ago. Those Southern Democrats became Republicans in the 60's-70's, thanks to the GOP's "Southern Strategy". This explains two things, the South is solid GOP territory and second, why the Black community overwhelmingly votes Democratic consistently.

The black community votes for democrats because democrats make it a point to pander complete and non-stop BS to them. They never fail to do this. They never fail to promote racism. The establishment never fails to continue promoting racism and hammering away at an artificially created racial divide. Racism is a very, very, very powerful political weapon utilized by the left. They are the party that WANTS racism because it enables them to pander their empty narrative, like they always do...Like how the media greatly misconstrued the Trayvon and Mike Brown incidents...Like 'hands up don't shoot' is still alive and well even though it has been proven Mike Brown didn't do any of that and did in fact violently attack the cop that killed him.

Forgive me, sir, I'm trying hard to remain civil and not do what people always do in these political discussions and just call someone an idiot. I have to wonder though. No matter what political spectrum you subscribe to, how is it possible for you to miss this blatant propaganda 100% of the time? It is a political maneuver. It has nothing to do with reality. It is the same as democrats wanting unlimited Mexicans to freely cross the border. Mexicans consume BY FAR the most amount of welfare. Moreso than any other race. They're extremely easy to pander to and they can use them to grow their voting base... Honestly, my friend, how can you miss this? I've met very, very few leftists who have a cunning mind. The common thread between them is they're power of discernment is extremely limited. That doesn't mean they're dumb. It simply means they are willfully naive and so horribly easy to manipulate and pander to. Being a democrat politician is the easiest job in the history of mankind.

Racism is a political weapon. Without it, the democrat party would be INCREDIBLY WOUNDED. A wound they would never recover from. It is in the democrat establishment's interest to inflame racial tensions. That is a fact.

Good job!
I have read my share of hyper-partisan blogs/resources and you repeat their version of history word-for-word. Too bad you so easily accept the highly slanted conjecture.
Conservapedia? :dig:

The hypocrisy is mind-numbing since Obama can't win either way! If he does ANYTHING for Black people they would find fault with that, critiquing his being the President for all people! You can't rationalize with these animals! :argue:
The KKK is made up of Democrats? :rofl:
Robert Byrd - Conservapedia
Byrd first joined the Ku Klux Klan in the 1940s and attained the rank of Exalted Cyclops, the leader of the local chapter of the organization.[1] He repeatedly expressed his desire for the Klan to expand to its previous size and power, once remarking in a letter that "The Klan is needed today as never before and I am anxious to see its rebirth here in West Virginia" and "in every state in the nation." [2]

Byrd commented on the 1945 controversy raging over the idea of racially integrating the military. In his book When Jim Crow Met John Bull, Graham Smith referred to a letter written that year by Byrd, when he was 28 years old, to segregationist Senator Theodore Bilbo of Mississippi, in which Byrd vowed never to fight:

“ Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds. ”
He had earlier written Bilbo:

“ I shall never fight in the armed forces with a Negro by my side
Funny how liberals are dumber than a box of rocks.

People who use partisan resources and think they "are credible are dumber than a box of rocks."
It is true, that Southern Democrats were instrumental in the KKK, about 50 or so years ago. But then that was 50 plus years ago. Those Southern Democrats became Republicans in the 60's-70's, thanks to the GOP's "Southern Strategy". This explains two things, the South is solid GOP territory and second, why the Black community overwhelmingly votes Democratic consistently.

The black community votes for democrats because democrats make it a point to pander complete and non-stop BS to them. They never fail to do this. They never fail to promote racism. The establishment never fails to continue promoting racism and hammering away at an artificially created racial divide. Racism is a very, very, very powerful political weapon utilized by the left. They are the party that WANTS racism because it enables them to pander their empty narrative, like they always do...Like how the media greatly misconstrued the Trayvon and Mike Brown incidents...Like 'hands up don't shoot' is still alive and well even though it has been proven Mike Brown didn't do any of that and did in fact violently attack the cop that killed him.

Forgive me, sir, I'm trying hard to remain civil and not do what people always do in these political discussions and just call someone an idiot. I have to wonder though. No matter what political spectrum you subscribe to, how is it possible for you to miss this blatant propaganda 100% of the time? It is a political maneuver. It has nothing to do with reality. It is the same as democrats wanting unlimited Mexicans to freely cross the border. Mexicans consume BY FAR the most amount of welfare. Moreso than any other race. They're extremely easy to pander to and they can use them to grow their voting base... Honestly, my friend, how can you miss this? I've met very, very few leftists who have a cunning mind. The common thread between them is they're power of discernment is extremely limited. That doesn't mean they're dumb. It simply means they are willfully naive and so horribly easy to manipulate and pander to. Being a democrat politician is the easiest job in the history of mankind.

Racism is a political weapon. Without it, the democrat party would be INCREDIBLY WOUNDED. A wound they would never recover from. It is in the democrat establishment's interest to inflame racial tensions. That is a fact.

Good job!
I have read my share of hyper-partisan blogs/resources and you repeat their version of history word-for-word. Too bad you so easily accept the highly slanted conjecture.
Conservapedia? :dig:

The hypocrisy is mind-numbing since Obama can't win either way! If he does ANYTHING for Black people they would find fault with that, critiquing his being the President for all people! You can't rationalize with these animals! :argue:
The president is supposed to be for ALL people not just one ethnicity. Problem with liberals is that they are only out for themselves, to make themselves very rich, while the rest of US must live in squalor. Why is it after 7 1/2 years with 2 years of Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid(both democrats) that Obama didn't make the US a socialist Utopia? Because it was more important to FORCE upon all of US a healthcare system that was supposed to save US $2,500. Talk about hypocrisy. That is why the most in poverty ever in the history of the US. 1 in 5(used to be 1 in 6) children go to bed hungry, Warren Buffet and other liberal elites are more wealthy, and the old are forgotten and barely making it on Social Security because the FED Chairmoron says there is no inflation, yet the dollar cant buy shit these days.

The Road to Serfdom - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Road to Serfdom (German: Der Weg zur Knechtschaft) is a book written by the Austrian-born economist and philosopher Friedrich von Hayek between 1940–1943, in which he "[warns] of the danger of tyranny that inevitably results from government control of economic decision-making through central planning."[1] He further argues that the abandonment of individualism and classical liberalism inevitably leads to a loss of freedom, the creation of an oppressive society, the tyranny of a dictator, and the serfdom of the individual.
We are one generation away from serfdom. We either turn away from Socialists like Bernie Sanders or go all the way and be like Venezuela.

Have you even listened to the youtube video? Just like I thought, nothing there, you think him saying his granny gets nervous when a black man walks by is throwing her under the bus? Fail!

So every time Barrack Hussein Obama walks by his grandmother she got nervous? Oh too funny... ROTFLMAO... You libidiots are the most stupid people on the planet..
While I never agreed with Obama's politics, he hasn't ticked me off as much as previous presidents. Perhaps it is because I found both him and McCain to be totally unacceptable in 2008 and I knew going in that I was between a rock and a hard place. Then in 2012 when I voted for Romney I figured any attempt to stop the re-election of any president was an uphill battle.

Will vote for Trump this fall. Right now I don't figure he has much of a chance, not sure GOP was thinking by nominating this guy. If he does indeed lose once again I'll go on like most and simply make the best of it.

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