Is Rand Paul a Racist?

Or just a very poor judge of character?

Jack Hunter
Christopher Hightower

Was Paul unaware of the racist positions of these two when he hired them?
Did he continue in the dark?
Or does he agree with them?

What "racists opinions?" So far I haven't seen anyone name any.
Or just a very poor judge of character?

Jack Hunter
Christopher Hightower

Was Paul unaware of the racist positions of these two when he hired them?
Did he continue in the dark?
Or does he agree with them?

He opposes Obama so the liberal line of thought is that he must be a racist.

Not a liberal so I couldn't speculate on that.

But are you suggesting that his frequent close association with racists (along with his statements about the 1964 Civil Rights Act) don't raise any flags? Just his opposition to Obama?

No one has named any racists he's associated with.

Of course, the libturds will do anything in their power to paint him as a racist. He's the biggest threat to their hold on power. What else would you expect them to do, run on their record?
There was less association by Paul with racists than by Obama. Why aren't you asking whether Obama is a racist?

no, lets just stick to the merits of the op. We already know Obama associates with racial scum.

racial scum or racist scum?

So do Paul supporters approve of these associations or not?
I know each Paul supporter can only speak for himself or herself. No one can speak for an entire group of people. So I'm interested in hearing as many different viewpoints as possible.

Which associations? Who are these so-called "racists" you accuse him of associating with?
Who cares? Nobody.

If Rand Paul supporters don't care ... then why don't they care?

Because racist no longer has a meaning beyond "something a minority doesn't like." Coke ran out at the fountain? Racist. Need to fill out a form? Racist. Asked to be quiet at the library? Racist. Disagree with the president? Racist. I was called a racist because I objected to a lady cutting in front of me in line.

Unless the aides were pushing for laws to make blacks and Hispanics second class citizens with abrogated rights, it doesn't matter. Bigots are ugly, but that's not a crime.
I'm merely asking you to defend your assertion that Jack Hunter is a racist, and therefore Rand Paul must be as well. Hunter has made incendiary remarks certainly, but I don't believe I've ever heard him say anything racist.

I believe many of Hunter's "incendiary" remarks expose racism. You don't. That's fine.

The fact that you believe it doesn't require us to believe it. You're a left-wing imbecile, so your beliefs don't cut much weight with us.

The only one trying to "impune" anybody is you

We both know that is not true. Posting this only damages your credibility.

We all know it is true.
Or just a very poor judge of character?

Jack Hunter
Christopher Hightower

Was Paul unaware of the racist positions of these two when he hired them?
Did he continue in the dark?
Or does he agree with them?

What "racists opinions?" So far I haven't seen anyone name any.

Really? So you were aware of Hightower's MLK Birthday posting "Happy N----R Day" that included a picture of a black man being lynched?

As for Hunter:

He was an avid supporter of Sam Francis. Who wrote:

"We also oppose all efforts to mix the races of mankind, to promote non-white races over the European-American people through so-called “affirmative action” and similar measures, to destroy or denigrate the European-American heritage, including the heritage of the Southern people, and to force the integration of the races. "
- Sam Francis Council of Conservative Citizens Statement of Principles

Hunter compared Abraham Lincoln to Adolf Hitler and Ike Turner, and continued to profess the erroneous claim that the primary cause of the Civil War was not the fight over slavery, ignoring the decades of American history leading up to war, the vice president of the confederacy Alexander Pope's "Conerstone Speech," and South Carolina’s very own Declaration of the Immediate Causes for Secession, which clearly note that protecting slavery was the preeminent motivation of state leaders.

Someone who knows Jack Hunter well and worked with him for years:
Former editor of Rand Paul?s Neo-Confederate staffer talks about the Southern Avenger | Haire of the Dog

“Let’s convince the producers of the Patriot to reshoot a scene in which Spike Lee and Kweisi Mfume are both tied to trees while Mel Gibson whips the hell out of them,” Hunter continued. “Mr. Lee and Mr. Mfume will get the pity they so desperately desire, and millions of Americans—especially the Southern Avenger—will get a real kick out of watching them squirm.”

Sothern Nationalist Network calling Hunter a coward because Hunter is now downplaying his racist views:

The cowardice of Jack Hunter | Southern Nationalist Network
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Who cares? Nobody.

If Rand Paul supporters don't care ... then why don't they care?

Because racist no longer has a meaning beyond "something a minority doesn't like." Coke ran out at the fountain? Racist. Need to fill out a form? Racist. Asked to be quiet at the library? Racist. Disagree with the president? Racist. I was called a racist because I objected to a lady cutting in front of me in line.

Unless the aides were pushing for laws to make blacks and Hispanics second class citizens with abrogated rights, it doesn't matter. Bigots are ugly, but that's not a crime.

I didn't say anyone committed a crime. I said Rand Paul has hired racists into his inner circle. If he is comfortable with that, then maybe some folks wouldn't be comfortable with him in the White House.
I'm at the point where I don't care if the guy in the White House is a cross-dressing albino midget lesbian with a leather fetish cannibal Satanist who thinks beans belong in chili at this point and that Nickelback is a good band. Just give me someone who can get the economy going again, government out of my bedroom, out of my gun safe, and out of my wallet.
Rand Paul is an extreme ideologue; only extreme ideologues support him. Are some of the extreme ideologues racists? Yep, and some are misogynists, homophobic, psychotic and just run of the mill callous conservatives.
Or just a very poor judge of character?

Jack Hunter
Christopher Hightower

Was Paul unaware of the racist positions of these two when he hired them?
Did he continue in the dark?
Or does he agree with them?

What "racists opinions?" So far I haven't seen anyone name any.

Really? So you were aware of Hightower's MLK Birthday posting "Happy N----R Day" that included a picture of a black man being lynched?

As for Hunter:

He was an avid supporter of Sam Francis. Who wrote:

"We also oppose all efforts to mix the races of mankind, to promote non-white races over the European-American people through so-called “affirmative action” and similar measures, to destroy or denigrate the European-American heritage, including the heritage of the Southern people, and to force the integration of the races. "
- Sam Francis Council of Conservative Citizens Statement of Principles

Hunter compared Abraham Lincoln to Adolf Hitler and Ike Turner, and continued to profess the erroneous claim that the primary cause of the Civil War was not the fight over slavery, ignoring the decades of American history leading up to war, the vice president of the confederacy Alexander Pope's "Conerstone Speech," and South Carolina’s very own Declaration of the Immediate Causes for Secession, which clearly note that protecting slavery was the preeminent motivation of state leaders.

Someone who knows Jack Hunter well and worked with him for years:
Former editor of Rand Paul?s Neo-Confederate staffer talks about the Southern Avenger | Haire of the Dog

“Let’s convince the producers of the Patriot to reshoot a scene in which Spike Lee and Kweisi Mfume are both tied to trees while Mel Gibson whips the hell out of them,” Hunter continued. “Mr. Lee and Mr. Mfume will get the pity they so desperately desire, and millions of Americans—especially the Southern Avenger—will get a real kick out of watching them squirm.”

Sothern Nationalist Network calling Hunter a coward because Hunter is now downplaying his racist views:

The cowardice of Jack Hunter | Southern Nationalist Network

What exactly does Jack Hunter say about Sam Francis? Has he professed support for the statement you quoted, or could it be based on other views such as Francis not supporting the war in Iraq which Hunter also opposed? I'm going to assume you support Abraham Lincoln based on this post, but you may correct me if I'm wrong. Are you aware that Lincoln stated:

"I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of … making voters or jurors of Negroes nor of qualifying them to hold office nor to intermarry with white people; and I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the white and black races, which I believe will forever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality."

If Jack Hunter's alleged support for Sam Francis, which you've yet to prove by the way, means he's a racist based on racist statements made by Francis, does your support for Lincoln make you a racist for racist statements made by him?

As for comparing Lincoln to Hitler, there's obviously no contest between the two. This is not evidence of racism, however, but merely evidence that Hunter made incendiary remarks designed for controversy. However, Lincoln was certainly a totalitarian who waged war against innocent southern civilians. He locked up hundreds of northern newspaper editors who disagreed with his policies, shut down their newspapers, and even issued an arrest warrant for the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court for issuing an opinion that the President does not have the authority to suspend habeas corpus. He also deported possibly his chief political rival, Clement Vallandigham, for giving a speech against policies. And, of course, his backing of Sherman's march through the south, where Sherman's troops purposefully targeted civilian populations including slaves, is well known.

As for saying the Civil War was not fought over slavery, you simply have to understand Hunter's position. He is not saying that the southern states didn't secede over the issue of slavery, though not all of them did, but merely that there would have been no war had Lincoln allowed the south to peacefully secede and that Lincoln's motivations to inciting the Civil War had nothing to do with ending slavery as Lincoln himself made clear. Especially considering that there were five slave states who remained in the Union during the Civil War.
Rand Paul is an extreme ideologue; only extreme ideologues support him. Are some of the extreme ideologues racists? Yep, and some are misogynists, homophobic, psychotic and just run of the mill callous conservatives.

Ideologue, adj.: Someone who holds a set of principles which lead to conclusions other than what I happen to believe.
Perhaps we should spend less time calling people racists, and more time trying to fix actual problems.


That IS an actual problem.

It's not the racism, per's the racism IN GOVERNMENT.

you mean like Eric Holder, Barack Obama and the congressional black caucus?

When you post crap like this you point out something..

The problem with racists is they don't understand racism. At all.
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If Rand Paul supporters don't care ... then why don't they care?

Because racist no longer has a meaning beyond "something a minority doesn't like." Coke ran out at the fountain? Racist. Need to fill out a form? Racist. Asked to be quiet at the library? Racist. Disagree with the president? Racist. I was called a racist because I objected to a lady cutting in front of me in line.

Unless the aides were pushing for laws to make blacks and Hispanics second class citizens with abrogated rights, it doesn't matter. Bigots are ugly, but that's not a crime.

I didn't say anyone committed a crime. I said Rand Paul has hired racists into his inner circle. If he is comfortable with that, then maybe some folks wouldn't be comfortable with him in the White House.

Where were you when Obama was handing out jobs to self admitted communist?
The PC Police have, in their never-ending efforts to control the conversation through intimidation, diluted a very important word. It's damn near a punchline now, and they don't even see it.

Sad, because the real racism that does exist (some fraction of what is claimed) needs to be identified and addressed. The law of unintended consequences, again.

But remember, they "care".


It's not the PC police..

I mean..seriously..what the fuck?

I don't know.

Nor do I know what those videos have to do with my post.


You seem to be saying the problem is the "PC police".

That's not the problem. The problem is the crap that real live GOP politicians are actually saying.
One of the dangers in creating entire classes of enemies is that the enemies will shortly out number liberals.

When everyone is a racist no one is a racist. The way racism is being used, by election day the word might well become meaningless. No one will care.
One of the dangers in creating entire classes of enemies is that the enemies will shortly out number liberals.

When everyone is a racist no one is a racist. The way racism is being used, by election day the word might well become meaningless. No one will care.

IMO it's already meaningless.
Perhaps we should spend less time calling people racists, and more time trying to fix actual problems.


That IS an actual problem.

It's not the racism, per's the racism IN GOVERNMENT.

If there is racism in government, I believe it is a two-way street.

Both sides have their bad apples and inequal policies.

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