Is Donald Trump the Omega Man?


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
To remind the illiterati, The Omega Man (based on the book I Am Legend) was a 1971 science fiction movie about a pandemic survivor in a post-apocalyptic world where infected zombies rule the streets. At the end of the movie, he is hunted down and killed by them. The book, however, went a step further and made him into an legendary murderer of innocent people (who finally mutated out of their zombie state).

Is this not evocative of the rabid hatred of Donald Trump displayed on the forum? Like zombies, his detractors spew forth their hatred in almost unintelligible rants which are virtually devoid of logical thought patterns. Is it possible that these outbursts are an undiagnosed side effect of the numerous Covid booster shots they have received? Or is it merely a political variant of Tourette Syndrome?

I wonder if these zombies will eventually mutate into rational human beings. In that event, will they remember Donald Trump as a prophetic voice in the wilderness or as an evil destroyer of their once-cherished political beliefs?
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Sadly they come out in the daylight too.

To remind the illiterati, The Omega Man (based on the book I Am Legend) was a 1971 science fiction movie about a pandemic survivor in a post-apocalyptic world where infected zombies rule the streets. At the end of the movie, he is hunted down and killed by them. The book, however, went a step further and made him into an legendary murderer of innocent people (who finally mutated out of their zombie state).

Is this not evocative of the rabid hatred of Donald Trump displayed on the forum? Like zombies, his detractors spew forth their hatred in almost unintelligible rants which are virtually devoid of logical thought patterns. Is it possible that these outbursts are an undiagnosed side effect of the numerous Covid booster shots they have received? Or is it merely a political variant of Tourette Syndrome?

I wonder if these zombies will eventually mutate into rational human beings. In that event, will they remember Donald Trump as a prophetic voice in the wilderness or as an evil destroyer of their once-cherished political beliefs?
I hope you don't expect anyone to take your rant seriously. :rolleyes:
he is not the alpha, or omega.

he is the antichrist. pull back that tribble living on his head & there will be a 666 branded into his scalp.
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The book came out in 1954 and everything was about nuclear war at the time. It might have been a reference to the Truman administration that dropped two nuclear weapons on Japan turning them into zombies. The Omega man fits Harry Truman a lot better than Trump. It's ironic that lefties are trying to make the connection to Trump while we have a mentally impaired old man with his trembling thumb on the nuclear button.

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