Is Bush A Racist?

Originally posted by LoneVoice
We're not talking about equality of means.... I've never said redistribute wealth.

We're talking about equality of access... So that people can perform based on their merits.

Statistically women are more likely to leave the workforce at times in their lives, some return, some don't. They will do this even when they SAY they won't. That incurs a cost to the company. It's also possible in dealing with corporations in other cultures that a female executive could be a liability. I'm not saying it's right, I'm saying it is. You cannot penalize companies for operating in the real world and paying what THEY feel is fair to retain a given resource.
Originally posted by rtwngAvngr
What do you agree with? Lots of people had had decks stacked against them before. People overcome. And they will. The improvements here since the fifties are staggering by an honest measure.

So what are you advocating exactly. Are you for affirmative action, discrimination against whites. Where do you feel you disagree with me?

Lets be honest, i'm sure that we all know a few people who are complete bigots and wouldn't work with or hire a minority, well hell there are even a few on this board. So if everybody in America knows a few my god man thats a lot of discrimination, these people have no chance, they will not overcome because racial discrimination is a rampant and prevalent disease in our society. Hell most people don't even know they are discriminating they just do it out of habit.
And be aware when the side you take serves to open the doors to equality for people of all walks of life. [/B][/QUOTE]

And be aware that sometimes what you perceive as a grand exodus of some into the land of "equality" is actually a reign of persecution to others. Sometimes the door you open is smacking some other hapless group of people in the face.
Originally posted by OCA
Lets be honest, i'm sure that we all know a few people who are complete bigots and wouldn't work with or hire a minority, well hell there are even a few on this board. So if everybody in America knows a few my god man thats a lot of discrimination, these people have no chance, they will not overcome because racial discrimination is a rampant and prevalent disease in our society. Hell most people don't even know they are discriminating they just do it out of habit.

What are you advocating. Your words are nice, but you're saying nothing. Of course I know racists, some hate blacks, some hate whites, some hate jews, some hate mexicans. Some are mexican, some are jews, some are whites. What is your point?

So do you believe in racial discrimination in college admissions or what? What do you want done?
Originally posted by rtwngAvngr
What are you advocating. Your words are nice, but you're saying nothing. Of course I know racists, some hate blacks, some hate whites, some hate jews, some hate mexicans. Some are mexican, some are jews, some are whites. What is your point?

So do you believe in racial discrimination in college admissions or what? What do you want done?

Why don't we simply start with racial balance, as a way of starting the process to resolving the racial divide?
Originally posted by LoneVoice
Why don't we simply start with racial balance, as a way of starting the process to resolving the racial divide?

What the hell is racial balance? Please inform us all.
I hate this "diversity trumps all" mentality. It's sickening. True fairness would be an equal number of all races on the planet according to this perverse doctrine, exemplifying an extreme of foolish consistency. Let's just subtract the number of blacks from the number of whites and then machine gun that number of whites, or gas them. Wouldn't that be so teriffically fucking fair?
Originally posted by rtwngAvngr
What are you advocating. Your words are nice, but you're saying nothing. Of course I know racists, some hate blacks, some hate whites, some hate jews, some hate mexicans. Some are mexican, some are jews, some are whites. What is your point?

So do you believe in racial discrimination in college admissions or what? What do you want done?

I don't know lets just stay the course and keep affirmative action because as we know from history when the white man has free reign, and in the case of universities and big corporations they are pretty much run by whites, that they have completely abused the system for their own personal gain and everybody else be damned, yeah thats the ticket.

I am against affirmative action and quotas but as long as there are people such as Willie and D who exist it might just still be needed as abhorrent a practice as it is. I mean lets face it, this country was founded by racists, its as American as apple pie and Chevrolet.
Originally posted by OCA
I don't know lets just stay the course and keep affirmative action because as we know from history when the white man has free reign, and in the case of universities and big corporations they are pretty much run by whites, that they have completely abused the system for their own personal gain and everybody else be damned, yeah thats the ticket.

I am against affirmative action and quotas but as long as there are people such as Willie and D who exist it might just still be needed as abhorrent a practice as it is. I mean lets face it, this country was founded by racists, its as American as apple pie and Chevrolet.

So do you want to keep it or not? Which paragraph was "sarcastic"?

So much for moving to raceblind society, right? you make me sick. You and willie have fun in your idiotic race war.
When you can't get to your point you just give up or go on the personal attack, seems to be a pattern with you in your discussions with people here.

I just said that as long as there is rampant racism maybe affirmative action is needed although I wish it weren't. You i'm seeing think the problem will just work itself out. Wrong, the proof is overwhelming. Maybe there is a reading comprehension problem you should deal with?
So if we truelly have a colorblind society where people are judged soley on merit and conten of character can you RWA guarantee that people such as our resident racists will not abuse the system? Its because of abuses that the current laws are in place.
Originally posted by LoneVoice
Why don't we simply start with racial balance, as a way of starting the process to resolving the racial divide?

For example, let's use football as a model.

First, access was denied to minorities. The oppressive majority, even justified it by saying that Blacks were inferior.

At some point, Blacks were given access. Even then they were put under intense scrutiny to perform even when the cards were stacked against them. Players didn't support em. Fans were against them and even made death threats. Coaches often held em back. Refs even made blatant rulings against them. Throughout much persecution, and against overwhelming odds, they still succeeded.

Eventually, that opened the doors for other minorities. But, the process has often repeated itself, in different positions. The last of which has been for Black quarterbacks.

Now, that that access has been firmly grounded, playing in the NFL is primarily based on merit now. No matter what walk of life you come from, you can compete based on merit, be it Blacks, Whites, Hispanics, or Hawiian (Polynesian).

The next levels of the same persecution involve Black coaches, and Black ownership.

Obviously, the goal is to make it so that minorities don't have to go through those same levels of fighting against the oppressive majority, in all other endeavors of life.
Originally posted by OCA
When you can't get to your point you just give up or go on the personal attack, seems to be a pattern with you in your discussions with people here.

I just said that as long as there is rampant racism maybe affirmative action is needed although I wish it weren't. You i'm seeing think the problem will just work itself out. Wrong, the proof is overwhelming. Maybe there is a reading comprehension problem you should deal with?

Maybe I was abrupt, but there are very real questions and content. I've gotten to my point. I don't feel racism is as rampant as you claim, it's only decreased recently. It's on the DECLINE. And besides, Affirmative Action is a backward and racist policy which violates any notion of an individuals right to NOT be discriminated against based on his/her skin color. Because you cannot see this obvious conflict in your stated beliefs, I'm beginning to think that you may be the one in need of a head examination. We should work to eradicate the racism that does exist, not try to balance it out in some kind of perverted, morally suspect, communism tinged, blatant democratic party pandering scheme. Get real, meatball. Is meatball a personal attack worthy of banning me? Do you think?
Originally posted by rtwngAvngr
Maybe I was abrupt, but there are very real questions and content. I've gotten to my point. I don't feel racism is as rampant as you claim, it's only decreased recently. It's on the DECLINE. And besides, Affirmative Action is a backward and racist policy which violates any notion of an individuals right to NOT be discriminated against based on his/her skin color. Because you cannot see this obvious conflict in your stated beliefs, I'm beginning to think that you may be the one in need of a head examination. We should work to eradicate the racism that does exist, not try to balance it out in some kind of perverted, morally suspect, communism tinged, blatant democratic party pandering scheme. Get real, meatball. Is meatball a personal attack worthy of banning me? Do you think?

What if Affirmative Action does work to eradicate the racism that does exist? Is that even possible?

For the sake of furthering the discussion, exclude your little simplistic response that it's discriminatory and then go into attack mode. What other opinions would you have about it?

Are there any other bad things about it?
Are there any good things about?
Now meatball lol, what is your solution?

"we should work to eradicate the racism that does exist"

Lets use our two resident racists as case studies, do you think they are rehabilitatible? Also could you quote some studies or statistics that show that racism is on the decline? I believe that blatant racism such as the style of the KKK is declining but the shadowy, just benath the surface racism is prevalent.
Originally posted by LoneVoice
What if Affirmative Action does work to eradicate the racism that does exist? Is that even possible?
No. I do not believe so. I believe it is morally wrong to the extent that it should not even be tried. "Let's punish whites of today for what whites as group have done in the past". There is no precedent in any known justice system for logic of this sort. It's sick.
For the sake of furthering the discussion, exclude your little simplistic response that it's discriminatory and then go into attack mode. What other opinions would you have about it?

Are there any other bad things about it?
Are there any good things about?

I think you get my drift by now.

No. No good things. Not one.

Can i get hell yeah from someone for pete's sake? Zhukov? WTF, bro. You're just gonna leave me here swinging in fucking breeze at the end of this lynching noose?
Originally posted by rtwngAvngr
No. I do not believe so. I believe it is morally wrong to the extent that it should not even be tried. "Let's punish whites of today for what whites as group have done in the past". There is no precedent in any known justice system for logic of this sort. It's sick.

I think you get my drift by now.

No. No good things. Not one.

Can i get hell yeah from someone for pete's sake? Zhukov? WTF, bro. You're just gonna leave me here swinging in fucking breeze at the end of this lynching noose?

The fact that you can see nothing, is a prime example of your inability to understand both sides of an issue. Or other possibilities is that your being racist, or maybe even affected by the oppressive majority viewpoints of the time.

As a demonstration: Your viewpoint is that by selecting people based on racial factors, that in an of itself is discriminatory, which is the alleged issues that is trying to be resolved. So, you view that eliminating those discriminatory issues will provide access to minorities. Maybe not now truly, but eventually, someday, down the road in the future, it could happen. And you believe that the degree to which it doesn't it a clearcut sign of inferiority from those minorities.

Furthering the example for Black football players.

The point of affirmative action is simply to provide access to those people to the positions. After they are firmly grounded in that access, then merit will truly be the main requirement for getting the position. Affirmative action accelerate the process.

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