Iraq War veteran critically injured after being hit with a grenade by Oakland Police

We should get rid of all police they are brutal and of no use to us, all they do is purposefully harm our returning vets.

Or, maybe, just maybe, we shouldn't try to sick the police on innocent people who are exercising their constitutionally guaranteed rights.

But no, that would be too simple. I guess we'll have to stick with hyperbole.

I doubt seriously that police are throwing flash bang grenades at people sitting around singing folks songs.

Act like an asshole, you get treated like an asshole.
As for the sympathy angle behind this thread for some so-called Vet being "hurt" as this "peaceful" rally.....uh, no.

As a Vet myself, I don't give a crap about your Vet status when you are an idiot. There are plenty of Vets that return from battle and go off the deep end because they get sick of the system. WWII had the biker gangs come out of the Vets. Vietnam had the drug culture crowd from many Vets. Many left-wing politicians are Vets of both Iraq wars and Afghanistan since their Vet status really sells to voters.

At the end of the day, most Vets are right-wing people from my who gives a crap if this clown got his butt lit up by a flash bang or not.
You do understand that the officers had legal orders to clear the protesters out of the park and that they obviously (Watching the videos) resisted this. Sorry but I will not pity stupidity.

What videos would those be exactly?

Please feel free to share.
There is no self-defense against a police officer in the performance of his duties. There is only resisting arrest.

At least as far as the police are concerned. As far as everyone else is concerned, there is more.

The rule of law is all that matters. So, resist, and get your ass beat. Come to New Orleans and resist.... you might end up in a burned out car in New orleans East.

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Oakland Police critically injured Scott Olsen, a Marine Corps veteran twice deployed to Iraq, with a flash bang grenade.

Occupy Oakland protests - live coverage | World news |

According to a video of the encounter, seen here:

Oakland Policeman Throws Flash Grenade Into Crowd Trying To Help Injured Protester - YouTube

Olsen was wounded while he was attempting to come to the aid of a second injured protester.

At the 10 second mark in the OP video link, you can see the protestor drop like a stone. However, there is no one and nothing near him. No trails of smoke leading to him, which you can clearly see for all the other smoke grenades in the background of the video.

Now, the cop that tossed a smoke grenade into the group trying to help the injured man... he should be disciplined.
Uh, when the Mayor ordered the police to remove the bums, the police had the authority to remove them.

The only argument the bums have is the police used illegal force on them but even in that case you cannot fight back unless they are killing would have to rely on the media and other video to take down the police in court.

You fight the police that have the right to remove and arrest you, they can use non-lethal force on you with no recourse.

There is no self-defense against a police officer in the performance of his duties. There is only resisting arrest.

At least as far as the police are concerned. As far as everyone else is concerned, there is more.
Once again for the slow and amazingly stupid. They were ordered to CLEAR the park. The right to assemble does not give you the right to camp in a city park in mass without the cities permission. It wasn't about jaywalking or litter. It was about physically removing people and their crap from a city park.

And there would have been no violence if the protestors had simply left. THEY chose to resist. They chose to counter attack to reclaim the park.

Again, what you just said gives States and municipalities the right to unconstitutionally ban firearms.

If you believe that States and cities cannot ban the bearing of firearms, then you must also logically agree with my point.

And, you used the phrase "counter attack", which implies self defense. People are allowed to act in self defense, even if it's against the police.

But there has been no proof presented that anyone attacked the police in the first place, now has there? Just Hearsay.

I'm sorry, but by your logic, any regulations on arms are unconstitutional, so I should be allowed to walk around with a nuke. To be less extreme, you seem to be saying that yelling, "Fire!" in a crowded theater IS constitutionally protected; otherwise our right to free speech is being violated.
You do understand that the officers had legal orders to clear the protesters out of the park and that they obviously (Watching the videos) resisted this. Sorry but I will not pity stupidity.

What videos would those be exactly?

Please feel free to share.

Gee did you know that Google was your friend? Of course as with things like 911 conspiracies you have to dig a bit to get at the unedited facts...........
Oakland Police critically injured Scott Olsen, a Marine Corps veteran twice deployed to Iraq, with a flash bang grenade.

Occupy Oakland protests - live coverage | World news |

According to a video of the encounter, seen here:

Oakland Policeman Throws Flash Grenade Into Crowd Trying To Help Injured Protester - YouTube

Olsen was wounded while he was attempting to come to the aid of a second injured protester.

At the 10 second mark in the OP video link, you can see the protestor drop like a stone. However, there is no one and nothing near him. No trails of smoke leading to him, which you can clearly see for all the other smoke grenades in the background of the video.

Now, the cop that tossed a smoke grenade into the group trying to help the injured man... he should be disciplined.

Looked to me that he dropped because of an explosion to the left and further away from the camera. No clue what could have hit him. And Whoever popped more smoke did as he should have, they were clearing the area and those people were advancing. The Police would have got the young fool medical attention faster than the idiots in that crowd.

'Occupy Oakland' Protesters Vow To Return To Streets

October 26, 2011

OAKLAND, Calif. -- Oakland demonstrators vowed on Wednesday to return to their protest site just hours after police cleared hundreds of people from the streets with tear gas and bean bag rounds.

A Twitter feed used by Oakland's Occupy Wall Street movement called on protesters to return to downtown at 6 p.m. for another round, and some demonstrators vowed to return as soon as possible.

Max Alper, 31, a union organizer from Berkeley, gathered with a handful of other protesters Wednesday at the scene of Tuesday night's clash.

"As soon as these barricades are moved, hundreds of people are going to come back. These actions by police were wrong, but they're just going to strengthen the movement," Alper said.

Read more: 'Occupy Oakland' Protesters Vow To Return To Streets - Politics News Story - KSBW The Central Coast
Did I miss when rioting became a Constitutional right?

There was no mention, at all, of "rioting", either by police or protesters.

Not moving is not generally considered "rioting" last I checked.

Perhaps the fact that the police were dressed in "riot gear" is what confused you...

What caused them to wear "riot gear?" Throwing bottles perhaps?

As well as rocks and blue paint. Its linked in post #71. And if you listen to the video, you can hear laughter. The cop made NO effort to hide the fact that he was about to throw that grenade. He made quite a show of it.
Lw is a troll, he repeatedly admits he takes protestors anarchist and criminals at their word and does not believe a single word from the police.
Were they targeting him specifically or targeting him for being an Iraq War Vet? I'm not defending the police but i don't think they targeted him specifically. Also,war veterans have been involved with protests for years so i don't think that's anything unusual. Maybe the OP could be more clear about his point?
As a veteran, it does to me.

I feel it's particularly upsetting that someone should survive two tours in Iraq, only to be critically injured by police for exercising their constitutional rights after returning home.

It's the irony of "fighting for our freedom" against a country that didn't threaten them to come back and have your freedom squashed by the country you were fighting for..

Hope he comes out of it okay.
Oakland Police critically injured Scott Olsen, a Marine Corps veteran twice deployed to Iraq, with a flash bang grenade.

Occupy Oakland protests - live coverage | World news |

According to a video of the encounter, seen here:

Oakland Policeman Throws Flash Grenade Into Crowd Trying To Help Injured Protester - YouTube

Olsen was wounded while he was attempting to come to the aid of a second injured protester.

I have nothing really to say since I hate the police and hate OWS...

I wish a TEA Party member shot him with the bean bag in his face.....
My bad,i just watched the video. The Police have to be held accountable for this. One officer actually shot a grenade right into the crowd trying to help the wounded man. This is criminal behavior. These officers were way out of line. There is no excuse for intentionally firing grenades directly at citizens. They should no longer be police officers and should be prosecuted as well.

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