International Women's Day


Staff member
Gold Supporting Member
Apr 17, 2009
Canis Latrans
Is today....

And NPR is marking it with 7 interesting women most of whom got little attention from the media.

7 Gutsy Women To Know For International Women's Day

Alika Kinan, a sex trafficking activist who successfully sued her captors.

When Kinan was a teenager in her native Argentina, a woman offered to buy her a plane ticket. Kinan thought was going to go on a great adventure. Instead, she was trafficked — stripped of her travel documents and taken to a brothel, where she was expected to have sex with 15 to 30 men a day. It was nearly 20 years before she was rescued.

Chinai Mathabire from Zimbabwe

This year, she received an International AIDS Society prize for showing that a faster tuberculosis test could be implemented at health centers in southeast Africa. Her goal is save the lives of HIV-positive patients who contract TB.

And many more fascinating women.
Is today....

And NPR is marking it with 7 interesting women most of whom got little attention from the media.

7 Gutsy Women To Know For International Women's Day

Alika Kinan, a sex trafficking activist who successfully sued her captors.

When Kinan was a teenager in her native Argentina, a woman offered to buy her a plane ticket. Kinan thought was going to go on a great adventure. Instead, she was trafficked — stripped of her travel documents and taken to a brothel, where she was expected to have sex with 15 to 30 men a day. It was nearly 20 years before she was rescued.

Chinai Mathabire from Zimbabwe

This year, she received an International AIDS Society prize for showing that a faster tuberculosis test could be implemented at health centers in southeast Africa. Her goal is save the lives of HIV-positive patients who contract TB.

And many more fascinating women.

Thanks Coyote

Historically I find Victoria Woodhull fascinating
for running for President with Frederick Douglass under the Equal Rights Party
at a time women couldn't even vote. So she made a statement by running which was legal.
She was as radical as liberals in the 60's but this was in the 1870's over
a century ahead of her time. And totally ostracized, and chased out of the country for
her politics that scared people to death.

Today for the antitrafficking heroes I believe set the best examples to follow
* Dottie Laster of the Heidi Search Center
She consults with communities and law enforcement on applying RICO laws on restitution
and reclaiming houses and property abused for trafficking so victims and communities can convert them into
community centers and programs to rebuild and recover from poverty crime and abuse
* Kathryn Griffin in Houston who helps women go from being pimped in jail to working steady
jobs and being financially self-sustaining within 5 years
* Deepa Willingham of Pace Universal who builds schools and daycares
for women and children in poor regions otherwise overrun by poverty and trafficking

I also promote the leadership and model programs of
Mary Cunningham Agee who has expanded the Nurturing Network
to provide financial, educational and career alternatives to college and working women to prevent abortion
and Juda Myers founder of choices4life who supports rape victims from being forced into abortion against their beliefs.

The day more women unite across party lines to end rape, trafficking, bullying and abuse,
we will win the war against war, violence and coercion and truly establish free choice and consent as the rule of law.

Everyone wants liberty and freedom when it comes to our own beliefs.
So it makes no sense to abuse party or group power to collectively dominate
and abridge the same freedom of others.

The "patriarchal" system of domination by one "alpha" leader beating down all the other competition for the title
only goes so far. It doesn't solve the root problems left for the people to suffer the consequences,
while our resources get diverted into these battles for turf and dominance in public.

The work done behind the scenes is disproportionately carried by women
who can cross over social lines and barriers and work with other women,
families and communities suffering from lack or diversion of resources.

Women have this ironic advantage: because women are not seen equally
as men and taken seriously as leaders of whole groups, women can work
behind the scenes while men are conditioned to stand for a group and stick to their guns without budging
or else they are weak. Women are expected to be weak, so we can bend and work with other
groups and this doesn't threaten our "manhood" the way men's ego's are designed.

Women are conditioned either socially or spiritually to respond to "relations" with others
and process decisions in that larger context. Some men choose to develop this approach
but the male brain does not operate the same as women's brains who process 'holistically"
all the time. There is both a gender bias, and cultural, where collectively oriented cultures
"of color" do not process decisions as "linearly" as European based cultural thinking
that is more individualistic in approach. Men also are conditioned to think and prioritize
more "autonomously" separating their turf and responsibility from what belongs to others.
While women and minority cultures tend to think in terms of "collective" or "shared" responsibility
putting family and community first before one's individual needs and trying to balance these equally.

We need both styles of leadership to play the roles and serve the purpose that best fit
each person.

The role and contributions that women serve in society are harder to capture
in the media than just announcing somebody got elected or issued a public ruling, order or mandate.

It's easier to publicize that you stand for something by summarizing it in political sound bytes
and then sticking to that one point or one position.

The true solutions in society require diverse input and angles from all sides, all voices and all communities.

The work that women do in the world doesn't even show up in the GNP unless it's a formal company
that exchanges goods and services in dollars and cents tracked by numbers and stats we can measure.

To value people equally, we can't depend on politics or media or elections to tell us who's in charge.
If we look at who is doing the work locally to build community programs and
serve whether paid or not, that's where we vote with our voices, time and energy.
That labor we invest in our local community and relationships
becomes the capital that all other systems grow from.
Is today....

And NPR is marking it with 7 interesting women most of whom got little attention from the media.

7 Gutsy Women To Know For International Women's Day

Alika Kinan, a sex trafficking activist who successfully sued her captors.

When Kinan was a teenager in her native Argentina, a woman offered to buy her a plane ticket. Kinan thought was going to go on a great adventure. Instead, she was trafficked — stripped of her travel documents and taken to a brothel, where she was expected to have sex with 15 to 30 men a day. It was nearly 20 years before she was rescued.

Chinai Mathabire from Zimbabwe

This year, she received an International AIDS Society prize for showing that a faster tuberculosis test could be implemented at health centers in southeast Africa. Her goal is save the lives of HIV-positive patients who contract TB.

And many more fascinating women.
Bless all of you international women and ladies !!

Don't forget to keep making babies. Otherwise human populations and civilization itself will become extinct like the dinosaurs.
They don't have " MENS" day this is NOT equal =) it's bs. Who gives a fk about women who have to brag about being one.

I'm such a bubble buster aint I. :iyfyus.jpg:
Happy INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S DAY! Children need to be cared for, diapers have to be changed, meals need to be cooked, kitchen clean-up needs to be done, living quarters have to be cleaned, laundry needs to be done, so does shopping. So many men know that these services are essential. To those who want to sneak out of doing their share, a big kick in the pants! Lovely to see on the BBC of what is happening in Spain this day!
Who gives a shit. Truly strong women don't require a woman's day; what utter rubbish. Sounds like a group of women that men would pay NOT to take off their clothes.
Most of the women I know are not international. Interstate perhaps, but not international.
Are they teaching women to raise smarter daughters who don't run off with strangers????
Well, the term 'international' is also a theme for deciphering arrogant, pedophiliac, avaricious theologians on the LGBT thread.
Are they teaching women to raise smarter daughters who don't run off with strangers????
Hopefully they are raising some genuine feminists who will have the courage to take on Islam, and not just another bunch of phoney misandrists who go out of their way to either ignore real issues, or side with shariah supporters, murderers and antisemites (ie the pink pussy idiots).

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