In re: Election Nov 3rd

Rye Catcher

Platinum Member
Nov 21, 2019
In my opinion, and why I won't vote for Sen. Sanders or Sen. Warren in our Primary March 3rd, is they have been attacked by a noun, i.e. Socialism!

If either of them receive the nomination AM Radio and ads seen and heard on TV will focus on this single word, which too many American voters equate with totalitarian states, such as Russia, N. Korea and China. The same hate and fear rhetoric, coming from the White House and the Internet will assure trump will win in Nov.

I don't believe democracy as we know it will survive if trump is given four more years in the office of President. He has lied to the people, mislead them on too many issues and used the BIG LIE strategy to convince his base that the Democratic Party supports a society where profit is evil and the people deserve free stuff.

The evidence is incontrovertible that trump believes he is above the law, and that he has the power to do whatever he wants; he is dangerous because he rejects counsel when they disagree with his inclinations, and it seems he never considers any consequence other than the singular one which motivated him (generally, how will this effect me).

Thus, I've decided to cast my vote for Bloomberg in our Primary, March 3rd. He's 78 and will likely serve only one term: He's predictable; he is fiscally responsible; has empathy; and I suspect his choice for VP might be Sen. Klobuchar.

His cabinet will be diverse, D's & R's, minorities and the best and the brightest - which is necessary to drain the swamp and establish a more perfect union, one which adds justice to law and order, and apply the principles left to us by the framers in the Preamble, all of which we have seen to have eroded under Trumpism.
If die-hard angry anti-Trump democrats won't vote for Sanders or Warren, what's left? America's crazy uncle or mayor butt-kiss.
When large sodas were banned, I thought, is that what this man spends his time thinking about in a crime ridden city? I hope he never gets elected to anything important. Well, looky here. Good Grief!
In my opinion, and why I won't vote for Sen. Sanders or Sen. Warren in our Primary March 3rd, is they have been attacked by a noun, i.e. Socialism!

If either of them receive the nomination AM Radio and ads seen and heard on TV will focus on this single word, which too many American voters equate with totalitarian states, such as Russia, N. Korea and China. The same hate and fear rhetoric, coming from the White House and the Internet will assure trump will win in Nov.

I don't believe democracy as we know it will survive if trump is given four more years in the office of President. He has lied to the people, mislead them on too many issues and used the BIG LIE strategy to convince his base that the Democratic Party supports a society where profit is evil and the people deserve free stuff.

The evidence is incontrovertible that trump believes he is above the law, and that he has the power to do whatever he wants; he is dangerous because he rejects counsel when they disagree with his inclinations, and it seems he never considers any consequence other than the singular one which motivated him (generally, how will this effect me).

Thus, I've decided to cast my vote for Bloomberg in our Primary, March 3rd. He's 78 and will likely serve only one term: He's predictable; he is fiscally responsible; has empathy; and I suspect his choice for VP might be Sen. Klobuchar.

His cabinet will be diverse, D's & R's, minorities and the best and the brightest - which is necessary to drain the swamp and establish a more perfect union, one which adds justice to law and order, and apply the principles left to us by the framers in the Preamble, all of which we have seen to have eroded under Trumpism.
Feel the Bern.
If die-hard angry anti-Trump democrats won't vote for Sanders or Warren, what's left? America's crazy uncle or mayor butt-kiss.
The leadership the D Party is shitting on Bernie. Apparently they would rather have Donnie re-electioned.
I'm not surprised, posting in the politics former and expressing an opinion is forbidden by the usual jerks who mock or attack the poster. Once upon a time there were rules which required a response in the Politics Forum to be on topic.

Of course the jerks above believe rules and laws are for others, not themselves.

If you didn't post wild crazy claims like Trump will be the end of democracy people wouldn't mock your posts.
I don't believe democracy as we know it will survive if trump is given four more years in the office of President.

:21::21::21: Democracy survived the Clintons, things will be fine snowflake just relax. :itsok:
In what way do you imagine the Clintons endangered our democracy?
Let's be honest here. Many people DID NOT SURVIVE the Clintons. Too many to count were Vince Fostered.
Stupid debunked conspiracy theory. Stop repeating that shit.
If die-hard angry anti-Trump democrats won't vote for Sanders or Warren, what's left? America's crazy uncle or mayor butt-kiss.
They will probably vote for whoever it takes to get the low life, corrupt asshole out our white house and his criminal supporting toadies with him.
I'm not surprised, posting in the politics former and expressing an opinion is forbidden by the usual jerks who mock or attack the poster. Once upon a time there were rules which required a response in the Politics Forum to be on topic.

Of course the jerks above believe rules and laws are for others, not themselves.

If you didn't post wild crazy claims like Trump will be the end of democracy people wouldn't mock your posts.

What claims were "wild and crazy" in you opinion? My claims, such as reporting trump is inept, incompetent and mentally unfit to be POTUS with evidence is mocked by biddable fools like you.

Would you like to debate me on the fitness of trump to hold the power of the presidency? I will bury you with evidence from the DSM 5, citing videos and tweets which will be probative that trump has personality disorders in all three Clusters.
In my opinion, and why I won't vote for Sen. Sanders or Sen. Warren in our Primary March 3rd, is they have been attacked by a noun, i.e. Socialism!

If either of them receive the nomination AM Radio and ads seen and heard on TV will focus on this single word, which too many American voters equate with totalitarian states, such as Russia, N. Korea and China. The same hate and fear rhetoric, coming from the White House and the Internet will assure trump will win in Nov.

I don't believe democracy as we know it will survive if trump is given four more years in the office of President. He has lied to the people, mislead them on too many issues and used the BIG LIE strategy to convince his base that the Democratic Party supports a society where profit is evil and the people deserve free stuff.

The evidence is incontrovertible that trump believes he is above the law, and that he has the power to do whatever he wants; he is dangerous because he rejects counsel when they disagree with his inclinations, and it seems he never considers any consequence other than the singular one which motivated him (generally, how will this effect me).

Thus, I've decided to cast my vote for Bloomberg in our Primary, March 3rd. He's 78 and will likely serve only one term: He's predictable; he is fiscally responsible; has empathy; and I suspect his choice for VP might be Sen. Klobuchar.

His cabinet will be diverse, D's & R's, minorities and the best and the brightest - which is necessary to drain the swamp and establish a more perfect union, one which adds justice to law and order, and apply the principles left to us by the framers in the Preamble, all of which we have seen to have eroded under Trumpism.

So go move to North Korea.
I'm not surprised, posting in the politics former and expressing an opinion is forbidden by the usual jerks who mock or attack the poster. Once upon a time there were rules which required a response in the Politics Forum to be on topic.

Of course the jerks above believe rules and laws are for others, not themselves.

If you didn't post wild crazy claims like Trump will be the end of democracy people wouldn't mock your posts.

What claims were "wild and crazy" in you opinion? My claims, such as reporting trump is inept, incompetent and mentally unfit to be POTUS with evidence is mocked by biddable fools like you.

Would you like to debate me on the fitness of trump to hold the power of the presidency? I will bury you with evidence from the DSM 5, citing videos and tweets which will be probative that trump has personality disorders in all three Clusters.

LOL your posts are nuttier than a fruitcake. :itsok:
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In my opinion, and why I won't vote for Sen. Sanders or Sen. Warren in our Primary March 3rd, is they have been attacked by a noun, i.e. Socialism!

If either of them receive the nomination AM Radio and ads seen and heard on TV will focus on this single word, which too many American voters equate with totalitarian states, such as Russia, N. Korea and China. The same hate and fear rhetoric, coming from the White House and the Internet will assure trump will win in Nov.

I don't believe democracy as we know it will survive if trump is given four more years in the office of President. He has lied to the people, mislead them on too many issues and used the BIG LIE strategy to convince his base that the Democratic Party supports a society where profit is evil and the people deserve free stuff.

The evidence is incontrovertible that trump believes he is above the law, and that he has the power to do whatever he wants; he is dangerous because he rejects counsel when they disagree with his inclinations, and it seems he never considers any consequence other than the singular one which motivated him (generally, how will this effect me).

Thus, I've decided to cast my vote for Bloomberg in our Primary, March 3rd. He's 78 and will likely serve only one term: He's predictable; he is fiscally responsible; has empathy; and I suspect his choice for VP might be Sen. Klobuchar.

His cabinet will be diverse, D's & R's, minorities and the best and the brightest - which is necessary to drain the swamp and establish a more perfect union, one which adds justice to law and order, and apply the principles left to us by the framers in the Preamble, all of which we have seen to have eroded under Trumpism.

So go move to North Korea.

IDIOT-GRAM ^^^; Variety, not only is this post not substantive, thoughtful or thought provoking, it is patently stupid and completely off topic.
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I'm not surprised, posting in the politics former and expressing an opinion is forbidden by the usual jerks who mock or attack the poster. Once upon a time there were rules which required a response in the Politics Forum to be on topic.

Of course the jerks above believe rules and laws are for others, not themselves.

If you didn't post wild crazy claims like Trump will be the end of democracy people wouldn't mock your posts.

What claims were "wild and crazy" in you opinion? My claims, such as reporting trump is inept, incompetent and mentally unfit to be POTUS with evidence is mocked by biddable fools like you.

Would you like to debate me on the fitness of trump to hold the power of the presidency? I will bury you with evidence from the DSM 5, citing videos and tweets which will be probative that trump has personality disorders in all three Clusters.

LOL your posts are nuttier than a fruitcake. :itsok:

Odd how my posts and threads have dozens more responses than anything you post, and the only negative responses come from RWers like you. Maybe you ought to try, really hard, to write something substantive, thoughtful and/or thought provoking, instead of whining and calling others idiots, morons or nuttier than a fruitcake.

You might need to find a remedial course in reading and writing, aka, bonehead English.
“I don't believe democracy as we know it will survive if trump is given four more years in the office of President.”

It’s the rule of law in greatest jeopardy.

Yep, and voter suppression is the goal of the GOP and now they have a supporter in D Tramp.
In my opinion, and why I won't vote for Sen. Sanders or Sen. Warren in our Primary March 3rd, is they have been attacked by a noun, i.e. Socialism!

If either of them receive the nomination AM Radio and ads seen and heard on TV will focus on this single word, which too many American voters equate with totalitarian states, such as Russia, N. Korea and China. The same hate and fear rhetoric, coming from the White House and the Internet will assure trump will win in Nov.

I don't believe democracy as we know it will survive if trump is given four more years in the office of President. He has lied to the people, mislead them on too many issues and used the BIG LIE strategy to convince his base that the Democratic Party supports a society where profit is evil and the people deserve free stuff.

The evidence is incontrovertible that trump believes he is above the law, and that he has the power to do whatever he wants; he is dangerous because he rejects counsel when they disagree with his inclinations, and it seems he never considers any consequence other than the singular one which motivated him (generally, how will this effect me).

Thus, I've decided to cast my vote for Bloomberg in our Primary, March 3rd. He's 78 and will likely serve only one term: He's predictable; he is fiscally responsible; has empathy; and I suspect his choice for VP might be Sen. Klobuchar.

His cabinet will be diverse, D's & R's, minorities and the best and the brightest - which is necessary to drain the swamp and establish a more perfect union, one which adds justice to law and order, and apply the principles left to us by the framers in the Preamble, all of which we have seen to have eroded under Trumpism.
A long-winded bore-o-gram that says next to nothing....You'd vote for a chunk of shit if it had a (D) next to its name.

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