His Mainspring is About to Go “Boiinnggggggg”


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016

His Mainspring is About to Go “Boiinnggggggg”

"'ANOTHER Psychiatrist: Trump dementia evidence "overwhelming'"

More and more psychiatrists are noting the increased speed in trump’s mental decline from one week to the next. At his political rallies and other instances when he communicates with his devoted fans, he exhibits lapses in memory and is often delusional.

Of course, trump’s MAGA devotees “understand” his every statement, regardless of the gibberish he spews, so his base remains solid. However, it’s the undecided voters that will gradually notice trump’s deteriorating faculties between now and Election Day, which, is many weeks away.

As trump’s legal troubles pile up that situation stresses his mind even more.



His Mainspring is About to Go “Boiinnggggggg”

"'ANOTHER Psychiatrist: Trump dementia evidence "overwhelming'"

More and more psychiatrists are noting the increased speed in trump’s mental decline from one week to the next. At his political rallies and other instances when he communicates with his devoted fans, he exhibits lapses in memory and is often delusional.

Of course, trump’s MAGA devotees “understand” his every statement, regardless of the gibberish he spews, so his base remains solid. However, it’s the undecided voters that will gradually notice trump’s deteriorating faculties between now and Election Day, which, is many weeks away.

As trump’s legal troubles pile up that situation stresses his mind even more.

View attachment 922562



His Mainspring is About to Go “Boiinnggggggg”

"'ANOTHER Psychiatrist: Trump dementia evidence "overwhelming'"

More and more psychiatrists are noting the increased speed in trump’s mental decline from one week to the next. At his political rallies and other instances when he communicates with his devoted fans, he exhibits lapses in memory and is often delusional.

Of course, trump’s MAGA devotees “understand” his every statement, regardless of the gibberish he spews, so his base remains solid. However, it’s the undecided voters that will gradually notice trump’s deteriorating faculties between now and Election Day, which, is many weeks away.

As trump’s legal troubles pile up that situation stresses his mind even more.

View attachment 922562



ORANGE MAN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The "psychiatrist" needs to have his medical license revoked for diagnosing a person he's never been in the same room with, much less consulted with.

But you desperate fools just keep pounding away at your obsession with the man.

You obviously haven't been looking at raw video of him. He looked younger and more vigorous and confident than ever in the statement he made after leaving court yesterday.


His Mainspring is About to Go “Boiinnggggggg”

"'ANOTHER Psychiatrist: Trump dementia evidence "overwhelming'"
That's simply projection by another dumbass jackass Democratic party of slavery supporter.

They know that Joe Biden is clearly suffering from dementia. And his handlers refuse to release the results of a cognitive assessment.

DJT had a cognitive assessment just a few years ago and passed with flying colors.

Fuck you, low IQ jackass.

Let's hope that President Trump remembers this bit of silliness and, soon after he takes back the White House, begins the process by which this lying leftist fruit loop of a "doctor" shall lose his license to practice medicine.

Boy! Our new President will have to appoint a committee all for the purpose of handling all his lawsuits against those who have slandered him and also on behalf of those who have suffered the incredible personal losses wrought by Cadaver Joe.

This is classic projection.

The leftists know full well that their Potato is a stumbling demented mess, so they have to make the Bad Orange Man out to be worse... to make themselves fell better.

View attachment 922571
Well I guess we need to cut the leftists some slack.....They were REEEEEEEEEEEing so hard at the time that they may have missed it. ;)

His Mainspring is About to Go “Boiinnggggggg”

"'ANOTHER Psychiatrist: Trump dementia evidence "overwhelming'"

More and more psychiatrists are noting the increased speed in trump’s mental decline from one week to the next. At his political rallies and other instances when he communicates with his devoted fans, he exhibits lapses in memory and is often delusional.

Of course, trump’s MAGA devotees “understand” his every statement, regardless of the gibberish he spews, so his base remains solid. However, it’s the undecided voters that will gradually notice trump’s deteriorating faculties between now and Election Day, which, is many weeks away.

As trump’s legal troubles pile up that situation stresses his mind even more.

View attachment 922562


It's hard not to notice Trump's decline.

I hope his family is keeping an eye on his health.
That's simply projection by another dumbass jackass Democratic party of slavery supporter.

They know that Joe Biden is clearly suffering from dementia. And his handlers refuse to release the results of a cognitive assessment.

DJT had a cognitive assessment just a few years ago and passed with flying colors.

Fuck you, low IQ jackass.
What shows how depraved they are is knowing Joe had these problems before he was installed as President. No concern for the general population as the almighty Progressive Party must be knelt to.

His Mainspring is About to Go “Boiinnggggggg”

"'ANOTHER Psychiatrist: Trump dementia evidence "overwhelming'"

More and more psychiatrists are noting the increased speed in trump’s mental decline from one week to the next. At his political rallies and other instances when he communicates with his devoted fans, he exhibits lapses in memory and is often delusional.

Of course, trump’s MAGA devotees “understand” his every statement, regardless of the gibberish he spews, so his base remains solid. However, it’s the undecided voters that will gradually notice trump’s deteriorating faculties between now and Election Day, which, is many weeks away.

As trump’s legal troubles pile up that situation stresses his mind even more.

View attachment 922562


and in about 7 months, approximately 150m people will vote for either him, or the other loony bin candidate, to be president for 4 years, or however long they live up to 4 years.


His Mainspring is About to Go “Boiinnggggggg”

"'ANOTHER Psychiatrist: Trump dementia evidence "overwhelming'"

More and more psychiatrists are noting the increased speed in trump’s mental decline from one week to the next. At his political rallies and other instances when he communicates with his devoted fans, he exhibits lapses in memory and is often delusional.

Of course, trump’s MAGA devotees “understand” his every statement, regardless of the gibberish he spews, so his base remains solid. However, it’s the undecided voters that will gradually notice trump’s deteriorating faculties between now and Election Day, which, is many weeks away.

As trump’s legal troubles pile up that situation stresses his mind even more.

View attachment 922562


You know that this is a complete fabrication.
Everyone knows.
Describe what possible positive thing for your side could come from you posting this.

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