In health care debate, the GOP is pushing fiction as fact


Aug 11, 2009
In the 24-hour news cycle, many of those who play dirty pool and feel comfortable passing off huge lies as facts take comfort in the belief that the American public has an advanced case of Alzheimer's.

Proof of that is the Republican line about health care reform threatening to destroy our health care system by pushing costs through the roof.

In our technological time, however, certain truths are kept on the record.

Steve Kroft did a report for "60 Minutes" in 2007 that will reveal uncomfortable truths to those interested in the truth. Take a look for yourself at Search for "under the influence."

Obviously, the ones uninterested in the truth are those who doggedly argue along the lines of the elephantine lies about "socialized" medicine, which we are being told is always the result of big government going into the running of health care. This is heard from right-wing talk show hosts, Fox News and anyone else given to either buying or selling toxic horsefeathers.

As shown on "60 Minutes," just two years ago the Republicans sold out to the drug lobbies by binding Medicare so that its representatives could not barter with the pharmaceutical companies over the price of drugs.

As Kroft reports, the vote was held late at night and long after all cameras had left. When the elephants had served their drug company masters, windfall profits were in the $500 billion range. Strange for a party so given to supposedly saving the public's money and holding back the rabid dog of big government.

This cannot be soft-pedaled. These are shameless political sellouts who assume that the public is so feeble-minded that it will not care to recall what happened in 2007. Just more polluted water under the bridge. Now you see it, now you forgot that you did.

When the Democrats decide to take off the gloves, that episode of "60 Minutes" should be a required part of their information strategy to the American public, which loves nothing more than proof that some of us in high places have sold out to monied interests.

The public might then begin to ask the one question that should be asked. "If you Republicans are so interested in keeping health care costs from becoming exorbitant, why did you agree to stiff the public to the tune of half a trillion dollars?" Answer me that.

And after the prescription drug law passed, why did at least 15 members of Congress and the federal government leave Washington to become lobbyists for big drug companies?

A $2 million-a-year salary might explain why one guy left and why he fought so hard for the corrupt legislation. Corrupt not in terms of illegality, but in terms of complete disinterest in serving those who elected him and the rest of those who sold out.

Not all Republicans sold out, however. But those who didn't were candid about feeling that the bill was much too expensive and was, in fact, a sellout to the drug companies.

An argument made by those against health care reform is that competition keeps prices down. That is another lie because the drug lobby fought against challenges to its prices, and it got what it paid for.

The numbers tell you what is true and what is not. They bring the strongest of all arguments.

Under Medicare, the in-demand cholesterol drug Zocor costs $1,485 for a year's supply. The Veterans Administration, which can negotiate with drug companies over prices, gets the same year-long supply for $127! In GOP math class, I assume that tallies as a small difference.

This is the kind of stuff for which the elephants have to answer. Steve Kroft and "60 Minutes" did their job and provided damning evidence.

Fortunately, the evidence remains available and everyone should take a look. It might change your tune.

Read more: In health care debate, the GOP is pushing fiction as fact

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