If you were a god, what if any, religion would you be about?


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
An experiment from school involved asking us what would we do if we could have any superpower(s?) Little personal spin on it so it becomes 'if you were a god, if you had religion for your followers, how would that religion be?'

My commandments: (credits for everyone I'm ripping off at the end.) :)

-Be excellent to each other
-If it harm none, do as you will
-Everything in this tome is just our opinion, we could be wrong
-Anyone who claims to have spoken with me was lying and should be hit in the face with a custard cream pie (that's all me hehe)
-There is no afterlife, I wont come and save you if you do something stupid, you wont be rewarded for listening to me, but I will try and make things better without violating my own rules. (also me)

Credits to first, second, and third are (in order): "Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure," "The Wiccan Rede," and Dennis Miller
God had a choice of all the religions in the world

He wanted his son to be a Jew
You forgot:

Party on, dudes!

Seriously though, "This is our opinion, we could be wrong." Why on earth would anyone trust a God who doesn't know whether he or she is right or wrong? The reason we can put faith in God is because He does not lie and does know everything. If He didn't know any better than we did, we couldn't have faith in Him.
Respect one an other!
Also respect the imaginary gods of others as you do me!
Do not cross yourself and point to the heavens at the beginning of a sporting event and think I had anything to do with the result, the losers also crossed themselves!
Live your life the best you can, you are only fuel for the fire or food for worms, YOU WILL LIVE ON in the memories of some, perhaps more if a future relative goes on Who Do You Think You Are!
You forgot:

Party on, dudes!

Seriously though, "This is our opinion, we could be wrong." Why on earth would anyone trust a God who doesn't know whether he or she is right or wrong? The reason we can put faith in God is because He does not lie and does know everything. If He didn't know any better than we did, we couldn't have faith in Him.

Why does God who know everything want people to believe in Him when He don't show his face. How can people know God when people can not understand God

You forgot:

Party on, dudes!

Seriously though, "This is our opinion, we could be wrong." Why on earth would anyone trust a God who doesn't know whether he or she is right or wrong? The reason we can put faith in God is because He does not lie and does know everything. If He didn't know any better than we did, we couldn't have faith in Him.

Why does God who know everything want people to believe in Him when He don't show his face. How can people know God when people can not understand God



dunno that this question can be answered...

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You forgot:

Party on, dudes!

Seriously though, "This is our opinion, we could be wrong." Why on earth would anyone trust a God who doesn't know whether he or she is right or wrong? The reason we can put faith in God is because He does not lie and does know everything. If He didn't know any better than we did, we couldn't have faith in Him.

God/Gods don't know everything. If they did then everything they ever do is very suspect. From walking through Eden asking "Where are you?" becomming merely a literary device and begs the question then, what other literary devices are being used, to seeming to make mistakes like punishing Adam and Eve for their disobediance. If they had free will, why punish them for making their choice? And if God knew everything past, rpesent, and future, did he not forsee their choice? If he did why the whole set up at all? Why not just start em off out in the harsh cruel world instead of in a paradisical setting? Another literary device?

As our own technology and knowledge advances I think we have to be more realistic about gods and conceed we can do most of what we read about in religious texts already. So is a god's power really all that fantastic? Are they exceptions to the laws of physics, or bound to them as we are? If exceptions how do we reconcile that with our understanding of physics? Our understanding can't be wrong or we wouldn't have things like nuclear weapons and particle accelerators. You can't just make the laws of physics not work when it's convenient, the entire universe would literally cease to exist because it's those laws that make everything 'stick' together.

If people don't wanna participate in fun threads once in a while fine. But what's the point of living if not to have fun? Is your faith so tenuous you can't see the humor of it and laugh at yourself? God gave us a sense of humor, if humans are unique in any sense it's gotta be that. So it's reasonable God likes us to laugh and embrace frivolity. If serious and grim all the time you're not really human.
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It would be a five common sense religion even with satan the devil and jehovah god which is heart and mind, I believe that community service but honorable responsibility, see smell taste hear breath all alone. As a man, I wouldn't be a jealous one and if they said I was they wrong I am a angry African Bambara I compliment all personal individuals for speaking not against others but at mine.
If I was god, I'd whack the earth with another huge meteor and start all over... again.

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