If this is true, we are in trouble...

These statistics are claimed to be true:
1. 50% of American wage earners earn less than $30k.
2. 63% of Americans can’t afford a $1,000 emergency.
3. 80% of American workers live pay check to pay check.
4. Since 1973 American productivity has increased by 77%, yet hourly pay has grown by 12%. If the minimum wage was tracked to productivity, it would be over $20 an hour today.
5. 41% of American workers earn less than $12 per hour, with most without employer provided HC.
6. Since 2008 the federal government and the Fed created $26 trillion out of nothing. Was any of this enormous sum spent on infrastructure, public education, universal HC, bail out 5.1 million people who lost their homes?

Not a pretty picture for the poor and middle class. Hopefully things are improving or we are headed for big trouble.

Trump is doing his best to fix this..... the more democrats we vote out of office the better off these people will be......

That is why November is so important....democrats thrive on poverty, racism, hate and violence......
How so? What have republicans done to fix this?
From where I'm sitting personally, one thousand dollars means very little. It's just something that happens.

Try facing the facts of what happens to hundreds of thousands of working people.

The economy is now going great, unemployment is down, job opportunites are up, and even for Black and Hispanics in America unemployment is down at historic levels.....

You don't know what you are talking about.

I have a issue with your "even blacks are working" comment like we are so type of animals
/-----/ The Japs and Krauts can afford healthcare because their national defense if paid for by the US Taxpayers. Russia is a third world country with a second world army and first world nuclear weapons.

Only problem is the government od Japan & Germany spend less healthcare per person.
/----/ Only problem is Japan and Germany have tort reform. With far fewer medical malpractice lawsuits medical care is significantly lower. But the American Trial Lawyers own the DNC.

Malpractice lawsuits account for 2.4% of healthcare spending. Even if we reduced healthcare costs by 2.4% we'd continue to have the most expensive healthcare in the world.

Yes, but we'd still have the best healthcare in the world. 2.4% is still a good chunk of change.

But that's only a small fraction of the problem. There are nearly a dozen ways to lower the cost of our care.

The US doesn't rank in the top 16 for healthcare. We used to be number one before Reagan deregulated the HMO act. Republicans and Corporate America will fuck you every time.

That's because the WHO mostly rates by how many people can get care--not actually the quality.

People come from all over the world to the US for serious medical procedures. I know this as a patient at the world renown Cleveland Clinic. But it's not only the patients, the doctors as well. Because we pay the best in the world, we attract the best talent in the world.

My sister is an employee at the Clinic. She told me many stories about wealthy foreigners who would go as far as to buy an entire hospital floor for security reasons. In fact the elevator would bypass the floor unless you had the code to stop it there.
If we get better healthcare, than Germany, or Japan, how come they live longer, exactly?

There are a number of reasons.

First off, we have more vehicle deaths than most any country in the world. Last time I checked, we were rated second place.

We have a huge drug problem in the US. An increasing number of OD deaths compared to the rest of the world, and like vehicle deaths, many are younger people which brings down our lifespan expectation.

Along with the drug problem are drug gangs. This is a problem in many major cities across the US, but most prominently in places like Chicago where dozens of shootings happen every weekend. I live in Cleveland, I understand this. Drive-by shootings kill many innocents as well.

Obesity is another cause. We are the fattest country in the world and that decreases lifespan.

American women are in the workforce. This is a factor in avoiding prenatal care. Work is important to all of us, so getting to work is more important than the success of having a child in good health.

Some countries have different standards in infant mortality. In other words, if a baby in the US takes one breath and dies, it's considered a loss of life. In other countries, a baby with health problems is not considered a life until a certain age. So if a child passes away from some medical condition, that child is not considered a loss of life.

If you think of it, most of the people that die in this country are on some government program such as Medicare or Medicaid. These are social programs or social medicine as you might wish to call it. But because many of our people die on some social program doesn't mean all social medical programs are terrible.

We do have more obesity from a Capitaliat society, junk food is more readily available than in Europe & socialized medicine tries to get people to lose weight as preventive care.

As for car accidents same thing we have a lot less public transit than Europe.

Even Poland now has some faster & better trains than the USA.

We really are a nation behind the times.
Makes so much sense............Mr. Fascist here is gonna tell you what you can eat now...........then take your car so you can walk to work.............

Europe doesn't have so many dang cars because the fuel is too dang much and people pay too large of an amount to the gov't..................so they can decide what is best for you...

Sorry......I like my truck.......and lower gas prices.....and like to buy whatever the fuck I want......so piss off.

It was once said "A car in every driveway and a chicken in every pot."

That was a goal years ago when many people used public transportation. You didn't have the liberty to go anywhere you wanted as most in the US do today. Private transportation is liberty. If I want to go to the store at midnight to buy some milk, I can do that. If I want to go to work all by myself and sing with the radio, I can do that.

My employer likes to visit Italy. He said he loves it because his grandfather was from Italy. But public transportation is a killer he said. He watched as beautiful models would get out of a building for a photo shoot and jump on mopeds to go home.

I don't want to live like that.

"A car in every driveway and a chicken in every pot."

Are you sure that isn't a marketing slogan?

It was a campaign slogan for Herbert Hoover.
/-----/ The Japs and Krauts can afford healthcare because their national defense if paid for by the US Taxpayers. Russia is a third world country with a second world army and first world nuclear weapons.

Only problem is the government od Japan & Germany spend less healthcare per person.
/----/ Only problem is Japan and Germany have tort reform. With far fewer medical malpractice lawsuits medical care is significantly lower. But the American Trial Lawyers own the DNC.

Malpractice lawsuits account for 2.4% of healthcare spending. Even if we reduced healthcare costs by 2.4% we'd continue to have the most expensive healthcare in the world.

Yes, but we'd still have the best healthcare in the world. 2.4% is still a good chunk of change.

But that's only a small fraction of the problem. There are nearly a dozen ways to lower the cost of our care.

The US doesn't rank in the top 16 for healthcare. We used to be number one before Reagan deregulated the HMO act. Republicans and Corporate America will fuck you every time.

Ranked according to whom? What standard of measurement did they use?
Only problem is the government od Japan & Germany spend less healthcare per person.
/----/ Only problem is Japan and Germany have tort reform. With far fewer medical malpractice lawsuits medical care is significantly lower. But the American Trial Lawyers own the DNC.

Malpractice lawsuits account for 2.4% of healthcare spending. Even if we reduced healthcare costs by 2.4% we'd continue to have the most expensive healthcare in the world.

Yes, but we'd still have the best healthcare in the world. 2.4% is still a good chunk of change.

But that's only a small fraction of the problem. There are nearly a dozen ways to lower the cost of our care.

The US doesn't rank in the top 16 for healthcare. We used to be number one before Reagan deregulated the HMO act. Republicans and Corporate America will fuck you every time.

That's because the WHO mostly rates by how many people can get care--not actually the quality.

People come from all over the world to the US for serious medical procedures. I know this as a patient at the world renown Cleveland Clinic. But it's not only the patients, the doctors as well. Because we pay the best in the world, we attract the best talent in the world.

My sister is an employee at the Clinic. She told me many stories about wealthy foreigners who would go as far as to buy an entire hospital floor for security reasons. In fact the elevator would bypass the floor unless you had the code to stop it there.

Here ya go!

The US Ranks Last in Health Care System Performance

FYI; Those that have means always receive preferential care.
Yeah, the U.S.A has more "Minorities" than Western Europe, and Western Europe has more "Minorities" than Eastern Europe, this is because this is a SYMPTOM of Capitalism. This is because Capitalists tend to demand more labor, and cheaper labor.

The U.S.A always being more Capitalist than Western Europe, and Western Europe being more Capitalist than Eastern Europe is EXACTLY why there are more "Minorities" towards the West.

Many parts of Eastern Europe in the 1990's were basically 0 Immigrant nations, now-a-days there's literally millions of Muslims in Moscow, alone, and over a million Ukrainians in Poland, and well other countries too have seen similar, following a larger degree of "Immigration" following Capitalism.

Now, Russia's not a heck of a lot richer than it was in 1990 now-a-days, so it seems it's not even a sign of wealth, it is a sign of Capitalism to bring in the poor, huddled masses for "Cheap Labor".

Actually minority growth is more of Democrat policies than capitalism. Democrats have fixed it so these people could have endless size families whether they could support them or not. Immigrants come here for jobs and to have anchor babies and get on welfare that way. Kids get SNAP's, free school lunches, free medical care, and the ability for the parents to apply for HUD.

After the black invasion of our suburb, at least a dozen new daycare businesses opened up, and it's government subsidies why they can afford them.

No Mike, workers wages of the cause of that, or I should say the lack of workers wages.

WTF is Mike and what do wages have to do with the expansion of minorities in the US?

Because of your earlier faux pas, we now know you are also Miketx.

So how did I get from Cleveland to Texas? I believe Mike is also a truck driver, but that doesn't mean we're the same person. By all means, give me a quote that made you think we are the same person.

Here ya go!

/----/ Only problem is Japan and Germany have tort reform. With far fewer medical malpractice lawsuits medical care is significantly lower. But the American Trial Lawyers own the DNC.

Malpractice lawsuits account for 2.4% of healthcare spending. Even if we reduced healthcare costs by 2.4% we'd continue to have the most expensive healthcare in the world.

Yes, but we'd still have the best healthcare in the world. 2.4% is still a good chunk of change.

But that's only a small fraction of the problem. There are nearly a dozen ways to lower the cost of our care.

The US doesn't rank in the top 16 for healthcare. We used to be number one before Reagan deregulated the HMO act. Republicans and Corporate America will fuck you every time.

That's because the WHO mostly rates by how many people can get care--not actually the quality.

People come from all over the world to the US for serious medical procedures. I know this as a patient at the world renown Cleveland Clinic. But it's not only the patients, the doctors as well. Because we pay the best in the world, we attract the best talent in the world.

My sister is an employee at the Clinic. She told me many stories about wealthy foreigners who would go as far as to buy an entire hospital floor for security reasons. In fact the elevator would bypass the floor unless you had the code to stop it there.

Here ya go!

The US Ranks Last in Health Care System Performance

FYI; Those that have means always receive preferential care.
/----/ Well if you dig down deep enough you find the American hating UN did the study:
Data for life expectancy and number of healthy years used in this article are from the UN World Development Indicators (WDI) and use the most recent year given for each nation.Data for life satisfaction come from the 2015 World Happiness Report.
Malpractice lawsuits account for 2.4% of healthcare spending. Even if we reduced healthcare costs by 2.4% we'd continue to have the most expensive healthcare in the world.

Yes, but we'd still have the best healthcare in the world. 2.4% is still a good chunk of change.

But that's only a small fraction of the problem. There are nearly a dozen ways to lower the cost of our care.

The US doesn't rank in the top 16 for healthcare. We used to be number one before Reagan deregulated the HMO act. Republicans and Corporate America will fuck you every time.

That's because the WHO mostly rates by how many people can get care--not actually the quality.

People come from all over the world to the US for serious medical procedures. I know this as a patient at the world renown Cleveland Clinic. But it's not only the patients, the doctors as well. Because we pay the best in the world, we attract the best talent in the world.

My sister is an employee at the Clinic. She told me many stories about wealthy foreigners who would go as far as to buy an entire hospital floor for security reasons. In fact the elevator would bypass the floor unless you had the code to stop it there.

Here ya go!

The US Ranks Last in Health Care System Performance

FYI; Those that have means always receive preferential care.
/----/ Well if you dig down deep enough you find the American hating UN did the study:
Data for life expectancy and number of healthy years used in this article are from the UN World Development Indicators (WDI) and use the most recent year given for each nation.Data for life satisfaction come from the 2015 World Happiness Report.

Post your own numbers. Good luck with that.
Yes, but we'd still have the best healthcare in the world. 2.4% is still a good chunk of change.

But that's only a small fraction of the problem. There are nearly a dozen ways to lower the cost of our care.

The US doesn't rank in the top 16 for healthcare. We used to be number one before Reagan deregulated the HMO act. Republicans and Corporate America will fuck you every time.

That's because the WHO mostly rates by how many people can get care--not actually the quality.

People come from all over the world to the US for serious medical procedures. I know this as a patient at the world renown Cleveland Clinic. But it's not only the patients, the doctors as well. Because we pay the best in the world, we attract the best talent in the world.

My sister is an employee at the Clinic. She told me many stories about wealthy foreigners who would go as far as to buy an entire hospital floor for security reasons. In fact the elevator would bypass the floor unless you had the code to stop it there.

Here ya go!

The US Ranks Last in Health Care System Performance

FYI; Those that have means always receive preferential care.
/----/ Well if you dig down deep enough you find the American hating UN did the study:
Data for life expectancy and number of healthy years used in this article are from the UN World Development Indicators (WDI) and use the most recent year given for each nation.Data for life satisfaction come from the 2015 World Happiness Report.

Post your own numbers. Good luck with that.
/----/ Sorry - we don't have a fake, biased, slanted poll on your topic. All we can say is people come to America for the best healthcare in the world.
Actually minority growth is more of Democrat policies than capitalism. Democrats have fixed it so these people could have endless size families whether they could support them or not. Immigrants come here for jobs and to have anchor babies and get on welfare that way. Kids get SNAP's, free school lunches, free medical care, and the ability for the parents to apply for HUD.

After the black invasion of our suburb, at least a dozen new daycare businesses opened up, and it's government subsidies why they can afford them.

No Mike, workers wages of the cause of that, or I should say the lack of workers wages.

WTF is Mike and what do wages have to do with the expansion of minorities in the US?

Because of your earlier faux pas, we now know you are also Miketx.

So how did I get from Cleveland to Texas? I believe Mike is also a truck driver, but that doesn't mean we're the same person. By all means, give me a quote that made you think we are the same person.

Here ya go!


So in other words, you failed again. No surprise.
/----/ Only problem is Japan and Germany have tort reform. With far fewer medical malpractice lawsuits medical care is significantly lower. But the American Trial Lawyers own the DNC.

Malpractice lawsuits account for 2.4% of healthcare spending. Even if we reduced healthcare costs by 2.4% we'd continue to have the most expensive healthcare in the world.

Yes, but we'd still have the best healthcare in the world. 2.4% is still a good chunk of change.

But that's only a small fraction of the problem. There are nearly a dozen ways to lower the cost of our care.

The US doesn't rank in the top 16 for healthcare. We used to be number one before Reagan deregulated the HMO act. Republicans and Corporate America will fuck you every time.

That's because the WHO mostly rates by how many people can get care--not actually the quality.

People come from all over the world to the US for serious medical procedures. I know this as a patient at the world renown Cleveland Clinic. But it's not only the patients, the doctors as well. Because we pay the best in the world, we attract the best talent in the world.

My sister is an employee at the Clinic. She told me many stories about wealthy foreigners who would go as far as to buy an entire hospital floor for security reasons. In fact the elevator would bypass the floor unless you had the code to stop it there.

Here ya go!

The US Ranks Last in Health Care System Performance

FYI; Those that have means always receive preferential care.

OMG, you really picked a far-left one, didn't you? From your article:

Simply put, one's health overview—meaning access to care, affordability, and quality of outcomes—has a dramatic affect on one's level of happiness.

Other determinants of unhappiness—including poor working conditions, unemployment, poverty—are themselves strongly associated with poor health outcomes, especially in the absence of universal access to (quality) care.

More generally, financial insecurity (especially fearof unemployment or underemployment) contribute to chronic stress and anxiety, among other psychological problems, that in turn are detrimental to physical well-being. All of these conditions are clearly determined in part by our economic and social policies, which we can—if we wish—change so as to maximize our health and happiness.

In short, what this guy is saying is that Socialism is the answer to happiness and health. The Commonwealth Fund is an organization that promotes Socialized medical care. It's as bogus as it gets.
Malpractice lawsuits account for 2.4% of healthcare spending. Even if we reduced healthcare costs by 2.4% we'd continue to have the most expensive healthcare in the world.

Yes, but we'd still have the best healthcare in the world. 2.4% is still a good chunk of change.

But that's only a small fraction of the problem. There are nearly a dozen ways to lower the cost of our care.

The US doesn't rank in the top 16 for healthcare. We used to be number one before Reagan deregulated the HMO act. Republicans and Corporate America will fuck you every time.

That's because the WHO mostly rates by how many people can get care--not actually the quality.

People come from all over the world to the US for serious medical procedures. I know this as a patient at the world renown Cleveland Clinic. But it's not only the patients, the doctors as well. Because we pay the best in the world, we attract the best talent in the world.

My sister is an employee at the Clinic. She told me many stories about wealthy foreigners who would go as far as to buy an entire hospital floor for security reasons. In fact the elevator would bypass the floor unless you had the code to stop it there.

Here ya go!

The US Ranks Last in Health Care System Performance

FYI; Those that have means always receive preferential care.

OMG, you really picked a far-left one, didn't you? From your article:

Simply put, one's health overview—meaning access to care, affordability, and quality of outcomes—has a dramatic affect on one's level of happiness.

Other determinants of unhappiness—including poor working conditions, unemployment, poverty—are themselves strongly associated with poor health outcomes, especially in the absence of universal access to (quality) care.

More generally, financial insecurity (especially fearof unemployment or underemployment) contribute to chronic stress and anxiety, among other psychological problems, that in turn are detrimental to physical well-being. All of these conditions are clearly determined in part by our economic and social policies, which we can—if we wish—change so as to maximize our health and happiness.

In short, what this guy is saying is that Socialism is the answer to happiness and health. The Commonwealth Fund is an organization that promotes Socialized medical care. It's as bogus as it gets.

The United States once DID have the best health care in the world when it was strictly privately or local government controlled. But almost the very day that the federal government began getting involved, fraud was evident and prices began spiraling upwards to the point that the average family HAS to have insurance to afford even a routine visit to the doctor. And even though medical science has advanced dramatically--many conditions that were once essentially a death sentence no longer are--American health care has deteriorated to a less than optimum policies and procedures dictated by the insurance companies and the government rather than hands on diagnosis and treatment tailored to a specific patient. Your doctor probably uses the computer more than medical insight and skill to diagnose, treat, and prescribe for you.

Obamacare was supposed to fix all that, right? Alas it only made it much much worse and accelerated the downward spiral into automated medicine instead of medicine as a science and an art. Many wonderfully skilled doctors gave up trying and left medicine altogether. And we all know the promised savings to government and individuals never materialized and the costs escalated.

Government run healthcare may seem cheaper, simpler, easier. But it is not the best way to have a healthcare system.
Yes, but we'd still have the best healthcare in the world. 2.4% is still a good chunk of change.

But that's only a small fraction of the problem. There are nearly a dozen ways to lower the cost of our care.

The US doesn't rank in the top 16 for healthcare. We used to be number one before Reagan deregulated the HMO act. Republicans and Corporate America will fuck you every time.

That's because the WHO mostly rates by how many people can get care--not actually the quality.

People come from all over the world to the US for serious medical procedures. I know this as a patient at the world renown Cleveland Clinic. But it's not only the patients, the doctors as well. Because we pay the best in the world, we attract the best talent in the world.

My sister is an employee at the Clinic. She told me many stories about wealthy foreigners who would go as far as to buy an entire hospital floor for security reasons. In fact the elevator would bypass the floor unless you had the code to stop it there.

Here ya go!

The US Ranks Last in Health Care System Performance

FYI; Those that have means always receive preferential care.

OMG, you really picked a far-left one, didn't you? From your article:

Simply put, one's health overview—meaning access to care, affordability, and quality of outcomes—has a dramatic affect on one's level of happiness.

Other determinants of unhappiness—including poor working conditions, unemployment, poverty—are themselves strongly associated with poor health outcomes, especially in the absence of universal access to (quality) care.

More generally, financial insecurity (especially fearof unemployment or underemployment) contribute to chronic stress and anxiety, among other psychological problems, that in turn are detrimental to physical well-being. All of these conditions are clearly determined in part by our economic and social policies, which we can—if we wish—change so as to maximize our health and happiness.

In short, what this guy is saying is that Socialism is the answer to happiness and health. The Commonwealth Fund is an organization that promotes Socialized medical care. It's as bogus as it gets.

The United States once DID have the best health care in the world when it was strictly privately or local government controlled. But almost the very day that the federal government began getting involved, fraud was evident and prices began spiraling upwards to the point that the average family HAS to have insurance to afford even a routine visit to the doctor. And even though medical science has advanced dramatically--many conditions that were once essentially a death sentence no longer are--American health care has deteriorated to a less than optimum policies and procedures dictated by the insurance companies and the government rather than hands on diagnosis and treatment tailored to a specific patient. Your doctor probably uses the computer more than medical insight and skill to diagnose, treat, and prescribe for you.

Obamacare was supposed to fix all that, right? Alas it only made it much much worse and accelerated the downward spiral into automated medicine instead of medicine as a science and an art. Many wonderfully skilled doctors gave up trying and left medicine altogether. And we all know the promised savings to government and individuals never materialized and the costs escalated.

Government run healthcare may seem cheaper, simpler, easier. But it is not the best way to have a healthcare system.

If we really look at it, it's government that's responsible for much of the cost today. Yet the left screams we need more of it.

I worked in medical for about ten years. We used to have meetings constantly to talk about the ever changing government regulations. That had very little to do with me, I was a driver and repairman, but it was mandatory all employees attend the meetings.

The office girls always had a ton of questions, and after being answered, they would say "That's just more work and nothing gets done." or "That's only going to make things worse!" As the workload increased because of new government standards, we had to hire more office girls to process all the new paperwork.

Back in the late 70's and early 80's, government was very generous with funds. For instance we would buy a quad cane for about $30.00, and rent that out for $15.00 a month to government patients that Medicare or Medicaid paid for. This was common with most of our equipment. We supplied well over a dozen items that we rented to the government and broke even in the first few months. After that, it was all profit.

When funds began to dry up, government payouts became less and less. It eventually ended up they would only pay 2/3 of the bill for any of their patients. Doctors and facilities had to increase prices to recoup those losses, and that's how healthcare insurance eventually became unaffordable.
/----/ Only problem is Japan and Germany have tort reform. With far fewer medical malpractice lawsuits medical care is significantly lower. But the American Trial Lawyers own the DNC.

Malpractice lawsuits account for 2.4% of healthcare spending. Even if we reduced healthcare costs by 2.4% we'd continue to have the most expensive healthcare in the world.

Yes, but we'd still have the best healthcare in the world. 2.4% is still a good chunk of change.

But that's only a small fraction of the problem. There are nearly a dozen ways to lower the cost of our care.

The US doesn't rank in the top 16 for healthcare. We used to be number one before Reagan deregulated the HMO act. Republicans and Corporate America will fuck you every time.

That's because the WHO mostly rates by how many people can get care--not actually the quality.

People come from all over the world to the US for serious medical procedures. I know this as a patient at the world renown Cleveland Clinic. But it's not only the patients, the doctors as well. Because we pay the best in the world, we attract the best talent in the world.

My sister is an employee at the Clinic. She told me many stories about wealthy foreigners who would go as far as to buy an entire hospital floor for security reasons. In fact the elevator would bypass the floor unless you had the code to stop it there.

Here ya go!

The US Ranks Last in Health Care System Performance

FYI; Those that have means always receive preferential care.

So what I'm hearing you say is that you read an article ABOUT the report, and then just ran with the headline, without actually reading or internalizing what the report itself said or how it arrived at its conclusions.

Commonwealth Fund is infamous for cherrypicking and shading its "facts" for its healthcare studies.
The US doesn't rank in the top 16 for healthcare. We used to be number one before Reagan deregulated the HMO act. Republicans and Corporate America will fuck you every time.

That's because the WHO mostly rates by how many people can get care--not actually the quality.

People come from all over the world to the US for serious medical procedures. I know this as a patient at the world renown Cleveland Clinic. But it's not only the patients, the doctors as well. Because we pay the best in the world, we attract the best talent in the world.

My sister is an employee at the Clinic. She told me many stories about wealthy foreigners who would go as far as to buy an entire hospital floor for security reasons. In fact the elevator would bypass the floor unless you had the code to stop it there.

Here ya go!

The US Ranks Last in Health Care System Performance

FYI; Those that have means always receive preferential care.
/----/ Well if you dig down deep enough you find the American hating UN did the study:
Data for life expectancy and number of healthy years used in this article are from the UN World Development Indicators (WDI) and use the most recent year given for each nation.Data for life satisfaction come from the 2015 World Happiness Report.

Post your own numbers. Good luck with that.
/----/ Sorry - we don't have a fake, biased, slanted poll on your topic. All we can say is people come to America for the best healthcare in the world.

You can't refute fact.
No Mike, workers wages of the cause of that, or I should say the lack of workers wages.

WTF is Mike and what do wages have to do with the expansion of minorities in the US?

Because of your earlier faux pas, we now know you are also Miketx.

So how did I get from Cleveland to Texas? I believe Mike is also a truck driver, but that doesn't mean we're the same person. By all means, give me a quote that made you think we are the same person.

Here ya go!


So in other words, you failed again. No surprise.

I called put-up or shut-up. YOU got caught.
Malpractice lawsuits account for 2.4% of healthcare spending. Even if we reduced healthcare costs by 2.4% we'd continue to have the most expensive healthcare in the world.

Yes, but we'd still have the best healthcare in the world. 2.4% is still a good chunk of change.

But that's only a small fraction of the problem. There are nearly a dozen ways to lower the cost of our care.

The US doesn't rank in the top 16 for healthcare. We used to be number one before Reagan deregulated the HMO act. Republicans and Corporate America will fuck you every time.

That's because the WHO mostly rates by how many people can get care--not actually the quality.

People come from all over the world to the US for serious medical procedures. I know this as a patient at the world renown Cleveland Clinic. But it's not only the patients, the doctors as well. Because we pay the best in the world, we attract the best talent in the world.

My sister is an employee at the Clinic. She told me many stories about wealthy foreigners who would go as far as to buy an entire hospital floor for security reasons. In fact the elevator would bypass the floor unless you had the code to stop it there.

Here ya go!

The US Ranks Last in Health Care System Performance

FYI; Those that have means always receive preferential care.

OMG, you really picked a far-left one, didn't you? From your article:

Simply put, one's health overview—meaning access to care, affordability, and quality of outcomes—has a dramatic affect on one's level of happiness.

Other determinants of unhappiness—including poor working conditions, unemployment, poverty—are themselves strongly associated with poor health outcomes, especially in the absence of universal access to (quality) care.

More generally, financial insecurity (especially fearof unemployment or underemployment) contribute to chronic stress and anxiety, among other psychological problems, that in turn are detrimental to physical well-being. All of these conditions are clearly determined in part by our economic and social policies, which we can—if we wish—change so as to maximize our health and happiness.

In short, what this guy is saying is that Socialism is the answer to happiness and health. The Commonwealth Fund is an organization that promotes Socialized medical care. It's as bogus as it gets.

No, the "guy" is pointing out that the socialist ideal is better than the "company store" ideal.
Yes, but we'd still have the best healthcare in the world. 2.4% is still a good chunk of change.

But that's only a small fraction of the problem. There are nearly a dozen ways to lower the cost of our care.

The US doesn't rank in the top 16 for healthcare. We used to be number one before Reagan deregulated the HMO act. Republicans and Corporate America will fuck you every time.

That's because the WHO mostly rates by how many people can get care--not actually the quality.

People come from all over the world to the US for serious medical procedures. I know this as a patient at the world renown Cleveland Clinic. But it's not only the patients, the doctors as well. Because we pay the best in the world, we attract the best talent in the world.

My sister is an employee at the Clinic. She told me many stories about wealthy foreigners who would go as far as to buy an entire hospital floor for security reasons. In fact the elevator would bypass the floor unless you had the code to stop it there.

Here ya go!

The US Ranks Last in Health Care System Performance

FYI; Those that have means always receive preferential care.

OMG, you really picked a far-left one, didn't you? From your article:

Simply put, one's health overview—meaning access to care, affordability, and quality of outcomes—has a dramatic affect on one's level of happiness.

Other determinants of unhappiness—including poor working conditions, unemployment, poverty—are themselves strongly associated with poor health outcomes, especially in the absence of universal access to (quality) care.

More generally, financial insecurity (especially fearof unemployment or underemployment) contribute to chronic stress and anxiety, among other psychological problems, that in turn are detrimental to physical well-being. All of these conditions are clearly determined in part by our economic and social policies, which we can—if we wish—change so as to maximize our health and happiness.

In short, what this guy is saying is that Socialism is the answer to happiness and health. The Commonwealth Fund is an organization that promotes Socialized medical care. It's as bogus as it gets.

The United States once DID have the best health care in the world when it was strictly privately or local government controlled. But almost the very day that the federal government began getting involved, fraud was evident and prices began spiraling upwards to the point that the average family HAS to have insurance to afford even a routine visit to the doctor. And even though medical science has advanced dramatically--many conditions that were once essentially a death sentence no longer are--American health care has deteriorated to a less than optimum policies and procedures dictated by the insurance companies and the government rather than hands on diagnosis and treatment tailored to a specific patient. Your doctor probably uses the computer more than medical insight and skill to diagnose, treat, and prescribe for you.

Obamacare was supposed to fix all that, right? Alas it only made it much much worse and accelerated the downward spiral into automated medicine instead of medicine as a science and an art. Many wonderfully skilled doctors gave up trying and left medicine altogether. And we all know the promised savings to government and individuals never materialized and the costs escalated.

Government run healthcare may seem cheaper, simpler, easier. But it is not the best way to have a healthcare system.

You're 100% wrong. Th HMO Act was on of the best bipartisan regulations written, because both sides of the aisle saw where Corporate America was headed. The HMO Act worked well until it was deregulated by Reagan, and today we have the results of deregulation.

We buy our healthcare from the company store, and the company store is making record profits.
WTF is Mike and what do wages have to do with the expansion of minorities in the US?

Because of your earlier faux pas, we now know you are also Miketx.

So how did I get from Cleveland to Texas? I believe Mike is also a truck driver, but that doesn't mean we're the same person. By all means, give me a quote that made you think we are the same person.

Here ya go!


So in other words, you failed again. No surprise.

I called put-up or shut-up. YOU got caught.

No, that’s what I called when I told you to quote what I said that would make anybody think Mike and I are the same people. You couldn’t because you lied about it. You lose.

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