If this is true, we are in trouble...

No, it's because of their population compared to ours. We have half the percentage of Muslims they do but well more than twice as many per capita. They don't even have 10 million people in Sweden. We have over 7 million people just in NYC.

Leftists get all pissy when you point out the differences between our country and Sweden, particularly the difference in population. They understand so little about what they spout that they really can't grasp why the numbers make a difference.

Japan, Russia, and Germany have quite big populations, each have national healthcare, and spend far less than the USA on healthcare.

Any questions?
/-----/ The Japs and Krauts can afford healthcare because their national defense if paid for by the US Taxpayers. Russia is a third world country with a second world army and first world nuclear weapons.

Only problem is the government of Japan & Germany spend less on healthcare per person.

Government is slowly trying to get more control over the people--particularly the left. The only two things stopping them from having total control over us is healthcare and energy. Once government has totally control over those two things, they have the ability to have total control over all of us.

Say goodbye to cigarettes and the massive taxes that fund all sorts of things. Say goodbye to alcohol as well. Fast food places, well......they'll just have to go out of business. And who knows, maybe daily internet and cable television blackouts so people will have to go out and get some exercise. Government will have total control over your life.

It can't happen here? Well just look at what they do in Japan that you keep bringing up:

Japan, Seeking Trim Waists, Measures Millions

Japan, Seeking Trim Waists, Measures Millions

Oh, so you're a person who comes from a fat family and can't lose weight? Too bad, you die!

Obese patients and smokers banned from routine surgery in 'most severe ever' rationing in the NHS

Yep, this is exactly what I want my America to look like.

What about the Patriot Act, Homeland Secuirty, SOPA, and the War in Iraq, I guess those had "Nothing" to do with Tyranny?

Yet, each were by Republicans.

I don't know how in the USA, people tolerate Corporations hiring illegals, Corporations outsourcing jobs, or the Patriot Act, or SOPA, or the War in Iraq.

Western Europeans are a "Problem", ESPECIALLY ones in the USA.

In Poland they constantly march in the streets for justice, when the Polish government wanted to bring in Muslim refugees, they marched in the streets by the thousands, SAME thing when the Polish government wanted to enact SOPA.

The bottomline, is watching NASCAR go around in circles while eating "Pork Rinds" isn't going to give you the kind of government you want, and justice you seek.

The problem is Americans are f*cking lazy, and stupid.
Leftists get all pissy when you point out the differences between our country and Sweden, particularly the difference in population. They understand so little about what they spout that they really can't grasp why the numbers make a difference.

Japan, Russia, and Germany have quite big populations, each have national healthcare, and spend far less than the USA on healthcare.

Any questions?

Like the old saying goes, you get what you pay for:

View attachment 225059

If we get better healthcare, than Germany, or Japan, how come they live longer, exactly?

There are a number of reasons.

First off, we have more vehicle deaths than most any country in the world. Last time I checked, we were rated second place.

We have a huge drug problem in the US. An increasing number of OD deaths compared to the rest of the world, and like vehicle deaths, many are younger people which brings down our lifespan expectation.

Along with the drug problem are drug gangs. This is a problem in many major cities across the US, but most prominently in places like Chicago where dozens of shootings happen every weekend. I live in Cleveland, I understand this. Drive-by shootings kill many innocents as well.

Obesity is another cause. We are the fattest country in the world and that decreases lifespan.

American women are in the workforce. This is a factor in avoiding prenatal care. Work is important to all of us, so getting to work is more important than the success of having a child in good health.

Some countries have different standards in infant mortality. In other words, if a baby in the US takes one breath and dies, it's considered a loss of life. In other countries, a baby with health problems is not considered a life until a certain age. So if a child passes away from some medical condition, that child is not considered a loss of life.

If you think of it, most of the people that die in this country are on some government program such as Medicare or Medicaid. These are social programs or social medicine as you might wish to call it. But because many of our people die on some social program doesn't mean all social medical programs are terrible.

We do have more obesity from a Capitaliat society, junk food is more readily available than in Europe & socialized medicine tries to get people to lose weight as preventive care.

As for car accidents same thing we have a lot less public transit than Europe.

Even Poland now has some faster & better trains than the USA.

We really are a nation behind the times.
Makes so much sense............Mr. Fascist here is gonna tell you what you can eat now...........then take your car so you can walk to work.............

Europe doesn't have so many dang cars because the fuel is too dang much and people pay too large of an amount to the gov't..................so they can decide what is best for you...

Sorry......I like my truck.......and lower gas prices.....and like to buy whatever the fuck I want......so piss off.
Well don't come here then.Stay in New York. LOL

We don't need any dang Fascist here.

Well, Capitalism is being tried in America with terrible results, Communism has been tried in Russia with terrible results.

So, obviously something in between is the anwser, no?

You know something similar to Fascism, no?
/——-/ If Socialism is so good and Capitalism is so bad, then why isn't the Caravan heading to Venezuela....?

It's one dimensional thinking to think that Venezuela a Communist style country, somehow represents everything other than Capitalism.

News-flash, Franco, and Hitler two Fascist type guys, both achieved faster economic growth than any U.S.A Presidents of the 20th Century.
And how did it end for those Fascists pricks.....................

Mussolini killed less than Churchill, FDR, Truman, LBJ, W Bush, & Abe Lincoln.

Why was it so important to get rid of him?

Maybe he was a threat to the establishment?
He was a Fascist prick hung by his own people..........Perhaps you should ask the Italians............

He joined Hitler..........they were at War.........and got their Fascists asses kicked................got what they deserved...............and the world is a better place for it.
Japan, Russia, and Germany have quite big populations, each have national healthcare, and spend far less than the USA on healthcare.

Any questions?

Like the old saying goes, you get what you pay for:

View attachment 225059

If we get better healthcare, than Germany, or Japan, how come they live longer, exactly?

There are a number of reasons.

First off, we have more vehicle deaths than most any country in the world. Last time I checked, we were rated second place.

We have a huge drug problem in the US. An increasing number of OD deaths compared to the rest of the world, and like vehicle deaths, many are younger people which brings down our lifespan expectation.

Along with the drug problem are drug gangs. This is a problem in many major cities across the US, but most prominently in places like Chicago where dozens of shootings happen every weekend. I live in Cleveland, I understand this. Drive-by shootings kill many innocents as well.

Obesity is another cause. We are the fattest country in the world and that decreases lifespan.

American women are in the workforce. This is a factor in avoiding prenatal care. Work is important to all of us, so getting to work is more important than the success of having a child in good health.

Some countries have different standards in infant mortality. In other words, if a baby in the US takes one breath and dies, it's considered a loss of life. In other countries, a baby with health problems is not considered a life until a certain age. So if a child passes away from some medical condition, that child is not considered a loss of life.

If you think of it, most of the people that die in this country are on some government program such as Medicare or Medicaid. These are social programs or social medicine as you might wish to call it. But because many of our people die on some social program doesn't mean all social medical programs are terrible.

We do have more obesity from a Capitaliat society, junk food is more readily available than in Europe & socialized medicine tries to get people to lose weight as preventive care.

As for car accidents same thing we have a lot less public transit than Europe.

Even Poland now has some faster & better trains than the USA.

We really are a nation behind the times.

Well when I want government telling me what to eat and how to travel, I'll move to one of those countries. But I like freedom. Nobody has more freedom than the US. So I'll choose freedom over anything.

Yeah, it's so "Inferior" that Europe will often pay for "Weight loss coach" type of peoples to try, and bring down obesity, for better health, and less healthcare costs.

Not, that I'd support a major ban on "Big Sodas" or on "McDonalds" or anything.

Just it makes sense to have a government that promotes "PREVENTIVE CARE".
Well, Capitalism is being tried in America with terrible results, Communism has been tried in Russia with terrible results.

So, obviously something in between is the anwser, no?

You know something similar to Fascism, no?
/——-/ If Socialism is so good and Capitalism is so bad, then why isn't the Caravan heading to Venezuela....?

It's one dimensional thinking to think that Venezuela a Communist style country, somehow represents everything other than Capitalism.

News-flash, Franco, and Hitler two Fascist type guys, both achieved faster economic growth than any U.S.A Presidents of the 20th Century.
And how did it end for those Fascists pricks.....................

Mussolini killed less than Churchill, FDR, Truman, LBJ, W Bush, & Abe Lincoln.

Why was it so important to get rid of him?

Maybe he was a threat to the establishment?
He was a Fascist prick hung by his own people..........Perhaps you should ask the Italians............

He joined Hitler..........they were at War.........and got their Fascists asses kicked................got what they deserved...............and the world is a better place for it.

Mussolini killed over 150,000 in Ethiopia, and just over 50,000 in Greece.

Give or take 200,000 +.

Now, the USA has killed 13,000,000 - 30,000,000 since WW2.

Now, you tell me who are the "Real Predatory Punks"?????????

When are "Americans" going to stand up to, or at least stop voting for their "Predatory" political parties like Democrats, and Republicans?
Like the old saying goes, you get what you pay for:

View attachment 225059

If we get better healthcare, than Germany, or Japan, how come they live longer, exactly?

There are a number of reasons.

First off, we have more vehicle deaths than most any country in the world. Last time I checked, we were rated second place.

We have a huge drug problem in the US. An increasing number of OD deaths compared to the rest of the world, and like vehicle deaths, many are younger people which brings down our lifespan expectation.

Along with the drug problem are drug gangs. This is a problem in many major cities across the US, but most prominently in places like Chicago where dozens of shootings happen every weekend. I live in Cleveland, I understand this. Drive-by shootings kill many innocents as well.

Obesity is another cause. We are the fattest country in the world and that decreases lifespan.

American women are in the workforce. This is a factor in avoiding prenatal care. Work is important to all of us, so getting to work is more important than the success of having a child in good health.

Some countries have different standards in infant mortality. In other words, if a baby in the US takes one breath and dies, it's considered a loss of life. In other countries, a baby with health problems is not considered a life until a certain age. So if a child passes away from some medical condition, that child is not considered a loss of life.

If you think of it, most of the people that die in this country are on some government program such as Medicare or Medicaid. These are social programs or social medicine as you might wish to call it. But because many of our people die on some social program doesn't mean all social medical programs are terrible.

We do have more obesity from a Capitaliat society, junk food is more readily available than in Europe & socialized medicine tries to get people to lose weight as preventive care.

As for car accidents same thing we have a lot less public transit than Europe.

Even Poland now has some faster & better trains than the USA.

We really are a nation behind the times.

Well when I want government telling me what to eat and how to travel, I'll move to one of those countries. But I like freedom. Nobody has more freedom than the US. So I'll choose freedom over anything.

Yeah, it's so "Inferior" that Europe will often pay for "Weight loss coach" type of peoples to try, and bring down obesity, for better health, and less healthcare costs.

Not, that I'd support a major ban on "Big Sodas" or on "McDonalds" or anything.

Just it makes sense to have a government that promotes "PREVENTIVE CARE".

Promoting is putting ads out suggesting people do X. When government tells you that you will do X, it's more than just promotion.

Give Democrats and inch and they will take a mile. Their strategy of incremental advancement has been quite successful for their party.

Years ago the gay community said they just want to be out of the closet. That's all, just let them come out of the closet and they will be happy. Fast forward 40 years or so, now they are forcing states to accept their marriages, adopting children, and kissing in front of our children in the park.

They said they wanted to ban smoking in movie theaters. That's all, just let them enjoy a movie without cigarettes. Fast forward to today, and smoking isn't even allowed outside in some places. States (like mine) even made it law you cannot smoke anyplace inside, and now some places are working to make it illegal to smoke in your own home or car.

I remember them complaining about lead in gasoline and paint. That's all they wanted, the elimination of lead and they will be happy. Fast forward to today and trillions of dollars later, they are still unhappy. They want to pressure people into electric cars, give subsidies for it, close down our power plants and some places it's illegal to have a wood fire to have a cookout.

It never stops with these people. It will not stop at government "just" taking over healthcare. That's only the start.
Japan, Russia, and Germany have quite big populations, each have national healthcare, and spend far less than the USA on healthcare.

Any questions?

Like the old saying goes, you get what you pay for:

View attachment 225059

If we get better healthcare, than Germany, or Japan, how come they live longer, exactly?

There are a number of reasons.

First off, we have more vehicle deaths than most any country in the world. Last time I checked, we were rated second place.

We have a huge drug problem in the US. An increasing number of OD deaths compared to the rest of the world, and like vehicle deaths, many are younger people which brings down our lifespan expectation.

Along with the drug problem are drug gangs. This is a problem in many major cities across the US, but most prominently in places like Chicago where dozens of shootings happen every weekend. I live in Cleveland, I understand this. Drive-by shootings kill many innocents as well.

Obesity is another cause. We are the fattest country in the world and that decreases lifespan.

American women are in the workforce. This is a factor in avoiding prenatal care. Work is important to all of us, so getting to work is more important than the success of having a child in good health.

Some countries have different standards in infant mortality. In other words, if a baby in the US takes one breath and dies, it's considered a loss of life. In other countries, a baby with health problems is not considered a life until a certain age. So if a child passes away from some medical condition, that child is not considered a loss of life.

If you think of it, most of the people that die in this country are on some government program such as Medicare or Medicaid. These are social programs or social medicine as you might wish to call it. But because many of our people die on some social program doesn't mean all social medical programs are terrible.

We do have more obesity from a Capitaliat society, junk food is more readily available than in Europe & socialized medicine tries to get people to lose weight as preventive care.

As for car accidents same thing we have a lot less public transit than Europe.

Even Poland now has some faster & better trains than the USA.

We really are a nation behind the times.
Makes so much sense............Mr. Fascist here is gonna tell you what you can eat now...........then take your car so you can walk to work.............

Europe doesn't have so many dang cars because the fuel is too dang much and people pay too large of an amount to the gov't..................so they can decide what is best for you...

Sorry......I like my truck.......and lower gas prices.....and like to buy whatever the fuck I want......so piss off.

It was once said "A car in every driveway and a chicken in every pot."

That was a goal years ago when many people used public transportation. You didn't have the liberty to go anywhere you wanted as most in the US do today. Private transportation is liberty. If I want to go to the store at midnight to buy some milk, I can do that. If I want to go to work all by myself and sing with the radio, I can do that.

My employer likes to visit Italy. He said he loves it because his grandfather was from Italy. But public transportation is a killer he said. He watched as beautiful models would get out of a building for a photo shoot and jump on mopeds to go home.

I don't want to live like that.
If we get better healthcare, than Germany, or Japan, how come they live longer, exactly?

There are a number of reasons.

First off, we have more vehicle deaths than most any country in the world. Last time I checked, we were rated second place.

We have a huge drug problem in the US. An increasing number of OD deaths compared to the rest of the world, and like vehicle deaths, many are younger people which brings down our lifespan expectation.

Along with the drug problem are drug gangs. This is a problem in many major cities across the US, but most prominently in places like Chicago where dozens of shootings happen every weekend. I live in Cleveland, I understand this. Drive-by shootings kill many innocents as well.

Obesity is another cause. We are the fattest country in the world and that decreases lifespan.

American women are in the workforce. This is a factor in avoiding prenatal care. Work is important to all of us, so getting to work is more important than the success of having a child in good health.

Some countries have different standards in infant mortality. In other words, if a baby in the US takes one breath and dies, it's considered a loss of life. In other countries, a baby with health problems is not considered a life until a certain age. So if a child passes away from some medical condition, that child is not considered a loss of life.

If you think of it, most of the people that die in this country are on some government program such as Medicare or Medicaid. These are social programs or social medicine as you might wish to call it. But because many of our people die on some social program doesn't mean all social medical programs are terrible.

We do have more obesity from a Capitaliat society, junk food is more readily available than in Europe & socialized medicine tries to get people to lose weight as preventive care.

As for car accidents same thing we have a lot less public transit than Europe.

Even Poland now has some faster & better trains than the USA.

We really are a nation behind the times.

Well when I want government telling me what to eat and how to travel, I'll move to one of those countries. But I like freedom. Nobody has more freedom than the US. So I'll choose freedom over anything.

Yeah, it's so "Inferior" that Europe will often pay for "Weight loss coach" type of peoples to try, and bring down obesity, for better health, and less healthcare costs.

Not, that I'd support a major ban on "Big Sodas" or on "McDonalds" or anything.

Just it makes sense to have a government that promotes "PREVENTIVE CARE".

Promoting is putting ads out suggesting people do X. When government tells you that you will do X, it's more than just promotion.

Give Democrats and inch and they will take a mile. Their strategy of incremental advancement has been quite successful for their party.

Years ago the gay community said they just want to be out of the closet. That's all, just let them come out of the closet and they will be happy. Fast forward 40 years or so, now they are forcing states to accept their marriages, adopting children, and kissing in front of our children in the park.

They said they wanted to ban smoking in movie theaters. That's all, just let them enjoy a movie without cigarettes. Fast forward to today, and smoking isn't even allowed outside in some places. States (like mine) even made it law you cannot smoke anyplace inside, and now some places are working to make it illegal to smoke in your own home or car.

I remember them complaining about lead in gasoline and paint. That's all they wanted, the elimination of lead and they will be happy. Fast forward to today and trillions of dollars later, they are still unhappy. They want to pressure people into electric cars, give subsidies for it, close down our power plants and some places it's illegal to have a wood fire to have a cookout.

It never stops with these people. It will not stop at government "just" taking over healthcare. That's only the start.

Republicans have "Tolerated" Democrats, Republicans are basically just Democrats who cut-taxes, that's ALL THEY HAVE to show for the past 50, or so years is "Tax cuts"

Meanwhile, Democrats started pushing Liberal propaganda in school. REPUBLICANS did NOTHING.

Meanwhile, Democrats started pushing Liberal propaganda in media, and Hollywood. REPUBLICANS did NOTHING.

Meanwhile, Democrats started pushing Liberal propaganda in Science. REPUBLICANS did NOTHING.

Meanwhile, Democrats started pushing Abortion (Baby murder). REPUBLICANS did NOTHING.

Meanwhile, Democrats started pushing Illegal Immigrants. REPUBLICANS Joined them.

Meanwhile, Democrats started pushing Gay Marriage. REPUBLICANS did NOTHING.

Meanwhile, Democrats started pushing Liberal propaganda in silencing the Right Wing opinions with Facebook, Youtube, and Twitter.REPUBLICANS do NOTHING.

Meanwhile, Democrats started pushing Liberal biases in Google search engines, and REPUBLICANS do NOTHING.

The Republican motto must be "Do Nothing" and everything "Political" will somehow "Pan out"
Talk about Very Impotent people.
Last edited:
/——-/ If Socialism is so good and Capitalism is so bad, then why isn't the Caravan heading to Venezuela....?

It's one dimensional thinking to think that Venezuela a Communist style country, somehow represents everything other than Capitalism.

News-flash, Franco, and Hitler two Fascist type guys, both achieved faster economic growth than any U.S.A Presidents of the 20th Century.
And how did it end for those Fascists pricks.....................

Mussolini killed less than Churchill, FDR, Truman, LBJ, W Bush, & Abe Lincoln.

Why was it so important to get rid of him?

Maybe he was a threat to the establishment?
He was a Fascist prick hung by his own people..........Perhaps you should ask the Italians............

He joined Hitler..........they were at War.........and got their Fascists asses kicked................got what they deserved...............and the world is a better place for it.

Mussolini killed over 150,000 in Ethiopia, and just over 50,000 in Greece.

Give or take 200,000 +.

Now, the USA has killed 13,000,000 - 30,000,000 since WW2.

Now, you tell me who are the "Real Predatory Punks"?????????

When are "Americans" going to stand up to, or at least stop voting for their "Predatory" political parties like Democrats, and Republicans?
Stalin butchered his own people..........Killed anybody who was a threat to him............Hitler the same.....Mao the same............In places like Korea who caused the deaths..........It was N. Korea who invaded the South not the other way around.......Vietnam was a dumb ass war.....just as Russia in Afghanistan was a dumb as War..........

In the Middle East most of the deaths are Muslim against Muslim.............Not the United States.....In Kosovo we went in to save Muslims from Genocide........not the other way around........Somalia to try and stop people from starving......Kuwait because Iraq invaded...Syria because the ISIS crazies had to be killed.
It's one dimensional thinking to think that Venezuela a Communist style country, somehow represents everything other than Capitalism.

News-flash, Franco, and Hitler two Fascist type guys, both achieved faster economic growth than any U.S.A Presidents of the 20th Century.
And how did it end for those Fascists pricks.....................

Mussolini killed less than Churchill, FDR, Truman, LBJ, W Bush, & Abe Lincoln.

Why was it so important to get rid of him?

Maybe he was a threat to the establishment?
He was a Fascist prick hung by his own people..........Perhaps you should ask the Italians............

He joined Hitler..........they were at War.........and got their Fascists asses kicked................got what they deserved...............and the world is a better place for it.

Mussolini killed over 150,000 in Ethiopia, and just over 50,000 in Greece.

Give or take 200,000 +.

Now, the USA has killed 13,000,000 - 30,000,000 since WW2.

Now, you tell me who are the "Real Predatory Punks"?????????

When are "Americans" going to stand up to, or at least stop voting for their "Predatory" political parties like Democrats, and Republicans?
Stalin butchered his own people..........Killed anybody who was a threat to him............Hitler the same.....Mao the same............In places like Korea who caused the deaths..........It was N. Korea who invaded the South not the other way around.......Vietnam was a dumb ass war.....just as Russia in Afghanistan was a dumb as War..........

In the Middle East most of the deaths are Muslim against Muslim.............Not the United States.....In Kosovo we went in to save Muslims from Genocide........not the other way around........Somalia to try and stop people from starving......Kuwait because Iraq invaded...Syria because the ISIS crazies had to be killed.

Eh, more like Lenin mostly butchered Russians, and Stalin mostly butchered Ruthenians.

Yet, the crude Capitalist British Empire killed more by famine than Soviets had.

Ever hear of the Holodomor, or Volga Famine caused by Soviet policies in Russia / Ukraine?????????????

Well, there's literally more than a dozen such famines in Raj India (British controlled India) and it was a proto-Capitalist / Crude Capitalist society, where they stole Indian resources from underneath them, and let 30 - 60 million die from famine, all to sustain British Capitalist companies, particularly the East India Company.

So, it's absolutely a falsehood to say that "Just Socialism Kills"

That's nonsense, we just don't hear much about the British terror genocides on every continent, because most Americans are British, and they are continuing on Global brutality as the USA.
Like the old saying goes, you get what you pay for:

View attachment 225059

If we get better healthcare, than Germany, or Japan, how come they live longer, exactly?

There are a number of reasons.

First off, we have more vehicle deaths than most any country in the world. Last time I checked, we were rated second place.

We have a huge drug problem in the US. An increasing number of OD deaths compared to the rest of the world, and like vehicle deaths, many are younger people which brings down our lifespan expectation.

Along with the drug problem are drug gangs. This is a problem in many major cities across the US, but most prominently in places like Chicago where dozens of shootings happen every weekend. I live in Cleveland, I understand this. Drive-by shootings kill many innocents as well.

Obesity is another cause. We are the fattest country in the world and that decreases lifespan.

American women are in the workforce. This is a factor in avoiding prenatal care. Work is important to all of us, so getting to work is more important than the success of having a child in good health.

Some countries have different standards in infant mortality. In other words, if a baby in the US takes one breath and dies, it's considered a loss of life. In other countries, a baby with health problems is not considered a life until a certain age. So if a child passes away from some medical condition, that child is not considered a loss of life.

If you think of it, most of the people that die in this country are on some government program such as Medicare or Medicaid. These are social programs or social medicine as you might wish to call it. But because many of our people die on some social program doesn't mean all social medical programs are terrible.

We do have more obesity from a Capitaliat society, junk food is more readily available than in Europe & socialized medicine tries to get people to lose weight as preventive care.

As for car accidents same thing we have a lot less public transit than Europe.

Even Poland now has some faster & better trains than the USA.

We really are a nation behind the times.
Makes so much sense............Mr. Fascist here is gonna tell you what you can eat now...........then take your car so you can walk to work.............

Europe doesn't have so many dang cars because the fuel is too dang much and people pay too large of an amount to the gov't..................so they can decide what is best for you...

Sorry......I like my truck.......and lower gas prices.....and like to buy whatever the fuck I want......so piss off.

It was once said "A car in every driveway and a chicken in every pot."

That was a goal years ago when many people used public transportation. You didn't have the liberty to go anywhere you wanted as most in the US do today. Private transportation is liberty. If I want to go to the store at midnight to buy some milk, I can do that. If I want to go to work all by myself and sing with the radio, I can do that.

My employer likes to visit Italy. He said he loves it because his grandfather was from Italy. But public transportation is a killer he said. He watched as beautiful models would get out of a building for a photo shoot and jump on mopeds to go home.

I don't want to live like that.

The biggest bottleneck roads in the World are in the USA, rather than more overpopulated Europe for a reason, and that's plain, and simple, they do have more public transit.

As for Mopeds in Italy, they simply have very chaotic, and many narrow streets, and centrally located cities, it doesn't make much sense to drive big pick up trucks there.
Japan, Russia, and Germany have quite big populations, each have national healthcare, and spend far less than the USA on healthcare.

Any questions?

Like the old saying goes, you get what you pay for:

View attachment 225059

If we get better healthcare, than Germany, or Japan, how come they live longer, exactly?

There are a number of reasons.

First off, we have more vehicle deaths than most any country in the world. Last time I checked, we were rated second place.

We have a huge drug problem in the US. An increasing number of OD deaths compared to the rest of the world, and like vehicle deaths, many are younger people which brings down our lifespan expectation.

Along with the drug problem are drug gangs. This is a problem in many major cities across the US, but most prominently in places like Chicago where dozens of shootings happen every weekend. I live in Cleveland, I understand this. Drive-by shootings kill many innocents as well.

Obesity is another cause. We are the fattest country in the world and that decreases lifespan.

American women are in the workforce. This is a factor in avoiding prenatal care. Work is important to all of us, so getting to work is more important than the success of having a child in good health.

Some countries have different standards in infant mortality. In other words, if a baby in the US takes one breath and dies, it's considered a loss of life. In other countries, a baby with health problems is not considered a life until a certain age. So if a child passes away from some medical condition, that child is not considered a loss of life.

If you think of it, most of the people that die in this country are on some government program such as Medicare or Medicaid. These are social programs or social medicine as you might wish to call it. But because many of our people die on some social program doesn't mean all social medical programs are terrible.

We do have more obesity from a Capitaliat society, junk food is more readily available than in Europe & socialized medicine tries to get people to lose weight as preventive care.

As for car accidents same thing we have a lot less public transit than Europe.

Even Poland now has some faster & better trains than the USA.

We really are a nation behind the times.
Makes so much sense............Mr. Fascist here is gonna tell you what you can eat now...........then take your car so you can walk to work.............

Europe doesn't have so many dang cars because the fuel is too dang much and people pay too large of an amount to the gov't..................so they can decide what is best for you...

Sorry......I like my truck.......and lower gas prices.....and like to buy whatever the fuck I want......so piss off.

I don't know about "Banning foods" for being unhealthy.

However, having the government use "Health coaches / Weight loss coaches" reaps benefits for EVERYBODY, not only do they get healthier TYPICALLY themselves, they therefor are less likely to get sick, and pass on the tab to society, including the tax-payer.
If we get better healthcare, than Germany, or Japan, how come they live longer, exactly?

There are a number of reasons.

First off, we have more vehicle deaths than most any country in the world. Last time I checked, we were rated second place.

We have a huge drug problem in the US. An increasing number of OD deaths compared to the rest of the world, and like vehicle deaths, many are younger people which brings down our lifespan expectation.

Along with the drug problem are drug gangs. This is a problem in many major cities across the US, but most prominently in places like Chicago where dozens of shootings happen every weekend. I live in Cleveland, I understand this. Drive-by shootings kill many innocents as well.

Obesity is another cause. We are the fattest country in the world and that decreases lifespan.

American women are in the workforce. This is a factor in avoiding prenatal care. Work is important to all of us, so getting to work is more important than the success of having a child in good health.

Some countries have different standards in infant mortality. In other words, if a baby in the US takes one breath and dies, it's considered a loss of life. In other countries, a baby with health problems is not considered a life until a certain age. So if a child passes away from some medical condition, that child is not considered a loss of life.

If you think of it, most of the people that die in this country are on some government program such as Medicare or Medicaid. These are social programs or social medicine as you might wish to call it. But because many of our people die on some social program doesn't mean all social medical programs are terrible.

We do have more obesity from a Capitaliat society, junk food is more readily available than in Europe & socialized medicine tries to get people to lose weight as preventive care.

As for car accidents same thing we have a lot less public transit than Europe.

Even Poland now has some faster & better trains than the USA.

We really are a nation behind the times.
Makes so much sense............Mr. Fascist here is gonna tell you what you can eat now...........then take your car so you can walk to work.............

Europe doesn't have so many dang cars because the fuel is too dang much and people pay too large of an amount to the gov't..................so they can decide what is best for you...

Sorry......I like my truck.......and lower gas prices.....and like to buy whatever the fuck I want......so piss off.

It was once said "A car in every driveway and a chicken in every pot."

That was a goal years ago when many people used public transportation. You didn't have the liberty to go anywhere you wanted as most in the US do today. Private transportation is liberty. If I want to go to the store at midnight to buy some milk, I can do that. If I want to go to work all by myself and sing with the radio, I can do that.

My employer likes to visit Italy. He said he loves it because his grandfather was from Italy. But public transportation is a killer he said. He watched as beautiful models would get out of a building for a photo shoot and jump on mopeds to go home.

I don't want to live like that.

The biggest bottleneck roads in the World are in the USA, rather than more overpopulated Europe for a reason, and that's plain, and simple, they do have more public transit.

As for Mopeds in Italy, they simply have very chaotic, and many narrow streets, and centrally located cities, it doesn't make much sense to drive big pick up trucks there.

Of course it doesn't, especially when you are paying seven or eight bucks for a gallon of gasoline. I seriously doubt you'll find many models riding around on mopeds in the US; maybe NYC, I don't know. But I value the ability to get in my car anytime I want and drive to anywhere I want.

My grandparents never had a license, and my mother followed in their footsteps. I always hear her say "I would like to go here, or I would like to go there!" But she can't unless she gets a ride from one of us. She can't just jump in a car and go to another state for a little vacation.
There are a number of reasons.

First off, we have more vehicle deaths than most any country in the world. Last time I checked, we were rated second place.

We have a huge drug problem in the US. An increasing number of OD deaths compared to the rest of the world, and like vehicle deaths, many are younger people which brings down our lifespan expectation.

Along with the drug problem are drug gangs. This is a problem in many major cities across the US, but most prominently in places like Chicago where dozens of shootings happen every weekend. I live in Cleveland, I understand this. Drive-by shootings kill many innocents as well.

Obesity is another cause. We are the fattest country in the world and that decreases lifespan.

American women are in the workforce. This is a factor in avoiding prenatal care. Work is important to all of us, so getting to work is more important than the success of having a child in good health.

Some countries have different standards in infant mortality. In other words, if a baby in the US takes one breath and dies, it's considered a loss of life. In other countries, a baby with health problems is not considered a life until a certain age. So if a child passes away from some medical condition, that child is not considered a loss of life.

If you think of it, most of the people that die in this country are on some government program such as Medicare or Medicaid. These are social programs or social medicine as you might wish to call it. But because many of our people die on some social program doesn't mean all social medical programs are terrible.

We do have more obesity from a Capitaliat society, junk food is more readily available than in Europe & socialized medicine tries to get people to lose weight as preventive care.

As for car accidents same thing we have a lot less public transit than Europe.

Even Poland now has some faster & better trains than the USA.

We really are a nation behind the times.
Makes so much sense............Mr. Fascist here is gonna tell you what you can eat now...........then take your car so you can walk to work.............

Europe doesn't have so many dang cars because the fuel is too dang much and people pay too large of an amount to the gov't..................so they can decide what is best for you...

Sorry......I like my truck.......and lower gas prices.....and like to buy whatever the fuck I want......so piss off.

It was once said "A car in every driveway and a chicken in every pot."

That was a goal years ago when many people used public transportation. You didn't have the liberty to go anywhere you wanted as most in the US do today. Private transportation is liberty. If I want to go to the store at midnight to buy some milk, I can do that. If I want to go to work all by myself and sing with the radio, I can do that.

My employer likes to visit Italy. He said he loves it because his grandfather was from Italy. But public transportation is a killer he said. He watched as beautiful models would get out of a building for a photo shoot and jump on mopeds to go home.

I don't want to live like that.

The biggest bottleneck roads in the World are in the USA, rather than more overpopulated Europe for a reason, and that's plain, and simple, they do have more public transit.

As for Mopeds in Italy, they simply have very chaotic, and many narrow streets, and centrally located cities, it doesn't make much sense to drive big pick up trucks there.

Of course it doesn't, especially when you are paying seven or eight bucks for a gallon of gasoline. I seriously doubt you'll find many models riding around on mopeds in the US; maybe NYC, I don't know. But I value the ability to get in my car anytime I want and drive to anywhere I want.

My grandparents never had a license, and my mother followed in their footsteps. I always hear her say "I would like to go here, or I would like to go there!" But she can't unless she gets a ride from one of us. She can't just jump in a car and go to another state for a little vacation.

In NYC it can cost a bundle just to store a "Car"

Since everything's basically there, they can walk to, or use transit pretty quickly.

NYC would be a lot worse without public transit, it would be a lot more crowded, AKA a lot worse of a travel nightmare.
There are a number of reasons.

First off, we have more vehicle deaths than most any country in the world. Last time I checked, we were rated second place.

We have a huge drug problem in the US. An increasing number of OD deaths compared to the rest of the world, and like vehicle deaths, many are younger people which brings down our lifespan expectation.

Along with the drug problem are drug gangs. This is a problem in many major cities across the US, but most prominently in places like Chicago where dozens of shootings happen every weekend. I live in Cleveland, I understand this. Drive-by shootings kill many innocents as well.

Obesity is another cause. We are the fattest country in the world and that decreases lifespan.

American women are in the workforce. This is a factor in avoiding prenatal care. Work is important to all of us, so getting to work is more important than the success of having a child in good health.

Some countries have different standards in infant mortality. In other words, if a baby in the US takes one breath and dies, it's considered a loss of life. In other countries, a baby with health problems is not considered a life until a certain age. So if a child passes away from some medical condition, that child is not considered a loss of life.

If you think of it, most of the people that die in this country are on some government program such as Medicare or Medicaid. These are social programs or social medicine as you might wish to call it. But because many of our people die on some social program doesn't mean all social medical programs are terrible.

We do have more obesity from a Capitaliat society, junk food is more readily available than in Europe & socialized medicine tries to get people to lose weight as preventive care.

As for car accidents same thing we have a lot less public transit than Europe.

Even Poland now has some faster & better trains than the USA.

We really are a nation behind the times.

Well when I want government telling me what to eat and how to travel, I'll move to one of those countries. But I like freedom. Nobody has more freedom than the US. So I'll choose freedom over anything.

Yeah, it's so "Inferior" that Europe will often pay for "Weight loss coach" type of peoples to try, and bring down obesity, for better health, and less healthcare costs.

Not, that I'd support a major ban on "Big Sodas" or on "McDonalds" or anything.

Just it makes sense to have a government that promotes "PREVENTIVE CARE".

Promoting is putting ads out suggesting people do X. When government tells you that you will do X, it's more than just promotion.

Give Democrats and inch and they will take a mile. Their strategy of incremental advancement has been quite successful for their party.

Years ago the gay community said they just want to be out of the closet. That's all, just let them come out of the closet and they will be happy. Fast forward 40 years or so, now they are forcing states to accept their marriages, adopting children, and kissing in front of our children in the park.

They said they wanted to ban smoking in movie theaters. That's all, just let them enjoy a movie without cigarettes. Fast forward to today, and smoking isn't even allowed outside in some places. States (like mine) even made it law you cannot smoke anyplace inside, and now some places are working to make it illegal to smoke in your own home or car.

I remember them complaining about lead in gasoline and paint. That's all they wanted, the elimination of lead and they will be happy. Fast forward to today and trillions of dollars later, they are still unhappy. They want to pressure people into electric cars, give subsidies for it, close down our power plants and some places it's illegal to have a wood fire to have a cookout.

It never stops with these people. It will not stop at government "just" taking over healthcare. That's only the start.

Republicans have "Tolerated" Democrats, Republicans are basically just Democrats who cut-taxes, that's ALL THEY HAVE to show for the past 50, or so years is "Tax cuts"

Meanwhile, Democrats started pushing Liberal propaganda in school. REPUBLICANS did NOTHING.

Meanwhile, Democrats started pushing Liberal propaganda in media, and Hollywood. REPUBLICANS did NOTHING.

Meanwhile, Democrats started pushing Liberal propaganda in Science. REPUBLICANS did NOTHING.

Meanwhile, Democrats started pushing Abortion (Baby murder). REPUBLICANS did NOTHING.

Meanwhile, Democrats started pushing Illegal Immigrants. REPUBLICANS Joined them.

Meanwhile, Democrats started pushing Gay Marriage. REPUBLICANS did NOTHING.

Meanwhile, Democrats started pushing Liberal propaganda in silencing the Right Wing opinions with Facebook, Youtube, and Twitter.REPUBLICANS do NOTHING.

Meanwhile, Democrats started pushing Liberal biases in Google search engines, and REPUBLICANS do NOTHING.

The Republican motto must be "Do Nothing" and everything "Political" will somehow "Pan out"
Talk about Very Impotent people.

Republicans don't believe in controlling companies to their liking. That's what they do in Cuba. Furthermore some of the items you listed were stopped by the liberal courts--not because Republicans didn't do anything.

Facebook, Google, Twitter are all private entities. We don't do anything but heavily criticize them because that's all we can do. Wanting government control over social media is like saying Democrats should have control over Fox or AM radio. We don't do that in a free country. All we can do is boycott them.

You must really have your head in the sand if you think Republicans didn't try to stop gay marriage which again, was ultimately decided by the Supreme Court.
We do have more obesity from a Capitaliat society, junk food is more readily available than in Europe & socialized medicine tries to get people to lose weight as preventive care.

As for car accidents same thing we have a lot less public transit than Europe.

Even Poland now has some faster & better trains than the USA.

We really are a nation behind the times.

Well when I want government telling me what to eat and how to travel, I'll move to one of those countries. But I like
freedom. Nobody has more freedom than the US. So I'll choose freedom over anything.

Yeah, it's so "Inferior" that Europe will often pay for "Weight loss coach" type of peoples to try, and bring down obesity, for better health, and less healthcare costs.

Not, that I'd support a major ban on "Big Sodas" or on "McDonalds" or anything.

Just it makes sense to have a government that promotes "PREVENTIVE CARE".

Promoting is putting ads out suggesting people do X. When government tells you that you will do X, it's more than just promotion.

Give Democrats and inch and they will take a mile. Their strategy of incremental advancement has been quite successful for their party.

Years ago the gay community said they just want to be out of the closet. That's all, just let them come out of the closet and they will be happy. Fast forward 40 years or so, now they are forcing states to accept their marriages, adopting children, and kissing in front of our children in the park.

They said they wanted to ban smoking in movie theaters. That's all, just let them enjoy a movie without cigarettes. Fast forward to today, and smoking isn't even allowed outside in some places. States (like mine) even made it law you cannot smoke anyplace inside, and now some places are working to make it illegal to smoke in your own home or car.

I remember them complaining about lead in gasoline and paint. That's all they wanted, the elimination of lead and they will be happy. Fast forward to today and trillions of dollars later, they are still unhappy. They want to pressure people into electric cars, give subsidies for it, close down our power plants and some places it's illegal to have a wood fire to have a cookout.

It never stops with these people. It will not stop at government "just" taking over healthcare. That's only the start.

Republicans have "Tolerated" Democrats, Republicans are basically just Democrats who cut-taxes, that's ALL THEY HAVE to show for the past 50, or so years is "Tax cuts"

Meanwhile, Democrats started pushing Liberal propaganda in school. REPUBLICANS did NOTHING.

Meanwhile, Democrats started pushing Liberal propaganda in media, and Hollywood. REPUBLICANS did NOTHING.

Meanwhile, Democrats started pushing Liberal propaganda in Science. REPUBLICANS did NOTHING.

Meanwhile, Democrats started pushing Abortion (Baby murder). REPUBLICANS did NOTHING.

Meanwhile, Democrats started pushing Illegal Immigrants. REPUBLICANS Joined them.

Meanwhile, Democrats started pushing Gay Marriage. REPUBLICANS did NOTHING.

Meanwhile, Democrats started pushing Liberal propaganda in silencing the Right Wing opinions with Facebook, Youtube, and Twitter.REPUBLICANS do NOTHING.

Meanwhile, Democrats started pushing Liberal biases in Google search engines, and REPUBLICANS do NOTHING.

The Republican motto must be "Do Nothing" and everything "Political" will somehow "Pan out"
Talk about Very Impotent people.

Republicans don't believe in controlling companies to their liking. That's what they do in Cuba. Furthermore some of the items you listed were stopped by the liberal courts--not because Republicans didn't do anything.

Facebook, Google, Twitter are all private entities. We don't do anything but heavily criticize them because that's all we can do. Wanting government control over social media is like saying Democrats should have control over Fox or AM radio. We don't do that in a free country. All we can do is boycott them.

You must really have your head in the sand if you think Republicans didn't try to stop gay marriage which again, was ultimately decided by the Supreme Court.

So, basically Republicans believe in Capitalism over Conservative values, Interesting, indeed.
Well when I want government telling me what to eat and how to travel, I'll move to one of those countries. But I like
freedom. Nobody has more freedom than the US. So I'll choose freedom over anything.

Yeah, it's so "Inferior" that Europe will often pay for "Weight loss coach" type of peoples to try, and bring down obesity, for better health, and less healthcare costs.

Not, that I'd support a major ban on "Big Sodas" or on "McDonalds" or anything.

Just it makes sense to have a government that promotes "PREVENTIVE CARE".

Promoting is putting ads out suggesting people do X. When government tells you that you will do X, it's more than just promotion.

Give Democrats and inch and they will take a mile. Their strategy of incremental advancement has been quite successful for their party.

Years ago the gay community said they just want to be out of the closet. That's all, just let them come out of the closet and they will be happy. Fast forward 40 years or so, now they are forcing states to accept their marriages, adopting children, and kissing in front of our children in the park.

They said they wanted to ban smoking in movie theaters. That's all, just let them enjoy a movie without cigarettes. Fast forward to today, and smoking isn't even allowed outside in some places. States (like mine) even made it law you cannot smoke anyplace inside, and now some places are working to make it illegal to smoke in your own home or car.

I remember them complaining about lead in gasoline and paint. That's all they wanted, the elimination of lead and they will be happy. Fast forward to today and trillions of dollars later, they are still unhappy. They want to pressure people into electric cars, give subsidies for it, close down our power plants and some places it's illegal to have a wood fire to have a cookout.

It never stops with these people. It will not stop at government "just" taking over healthcare. That's only the start.

Republicans have "Tolerated" Democrats, Republicans are basically just Democrats who cut-taxes, that's ALL THEY HAVE to show for the past 50, or so years is "Tax cuts"

Meanwhile, Democrats started pushing Liberal propaganda in school. REPUBLICANS did NOTHING.

Meanwhile, Democrats started pushing Liberal propaganda in media, and Hollywood. REPUBLICANS did NOTHING.

Meanwhile, Democrats started pushing Liberal propaganda in Science. REPUBLICANS did NOTHING.

Meanwhile, Democrats started pushing Abortion (Baby murder). REPUBLICANS did NOTHING.

Meanwhile, Democrats started pushing Illegal Immigrants. REPUBLICANS Joined them.

Meanwhile, Democrats started pushing Gay Marriage. REPUBLICANS did NOTHING.

Meanwhile, Democrats started pushing Liberal propaganda in silencing the Right Wing opinions with Facebook, Youtube, and Twitter.REPUBLICANS do NOTHING.

Meanwhile, Democrats started pushing Liberal biases in Google search engines, and REPUBLICANS do NOTHING.

The Republican motto must be "Do Nothing" and everything "Political" will somehow "Pan out"
Talk about Very Impotent people.

Republicans don't believe in controlling companies to their liking. That's what they do in Cuba. Furthermore some of the items you listed were stopped by the liberal courts--not because Republicans didn't do anything.

Facebook, Google, Twitter are all private entities. We don't do anything but heavily criticize them because that's all we can do. Wanting government control over social media is like saying Democrats should have control over Fox or AM radio. We don't do that in a free country. All we can do is boycott them.

You must really have your head in the sand if you think Republicans didn't try to stop gay marriage which again, was ultimately decided by the Supreme Court.

So, basically Republicans believe in Capitalism over Conservative values, Interesting, indeed.
/---/ One is not mutually exclusive of the other - YOU DIM BULB.
are you a moron.gif
We do have more obesity from a Capitaliat society, junk food is more readily available than in Europe & socialized medicine tries to get people to lose weight as preventive care.

As for car accidents same thing we have a lot less public transit than Europe.

Even Poland now has some faster & better trains than the USA.

We really are a nation behind the times.
Makes so much sense............Mr. Fascist here is gonna tell you what you can eat now...........then take your car so you can walk to work.............

Europe doesn't have so many dang cars because the fuel is too dang much and people pay too large of an amount to the gov't..................so they can decide what is best for you...

Sorry......I like my truck.......and lower gas prices.....and like to buy whatever the fuck I want......so piss off.

It was once said "A car in every driveway and a chicken in every pot."

That was a goal years ago when many people used public transportation. You didn't have the liberty to go anywhere you wanted as most in the US do today. Private transportation is liberty. If I want to go to the store at midnight to buy some milk, I can do that. If I want to go to work all by myself and sing with the radio, I can do that.

My employer likes to visit Italy. He said he loves it because his grandfather was from Italy. But public transportation is a killer he said. He watched as beautiful models would get out of a building for a photo shoot and jump on mopeds to go home.

I don't want to live like that.

The biggest bottleneck roads in the World are in the USA, rather than more overpopulated Europe for a reason, and that's plain, and simple, they do have more public transit.

As for Mopeds in Italy, they simply have very chaotic, and many narrow streets, and centrally located cities, it doesn't make much sense to drive big pick up trucks there.

Of course it doesn't, especially when you are paying seven or eight bucks for a gallon of gasoline. I seriously doubt you'll find many models riding around on mopeds in the US; maybe NYC, I don't know. But I value the ability to get in my car anytime I want and drive to anywhere I want.

My grandparents never had a license, and my mother followed in their footsteps. I always hear her say "I would like to go here, or I would like to go there!" But she can't unless she gets a ride from one of us. She can't just jump in a car and go to another state for a little vacation.

In NYC it can cost a bundle just to store a "Car"

Since everything's basically there, they can walk to, or use transit pretty quickly.

NYC would be a lot worse without public transit, it would be a lot more crowded, AKA a lot worse of a travel nightmare.

That is true because they packed so many people there and no streets can be wide enough to handle that amount of travelers. But I would never want to see that across the country like DumBama tried to do. Our Governor told DumBama to shove his mass transit money for our state. Good thing he did too, because places like California are spending billions on top of the federal grant to complete their rail systems. The funny thing is nobody will use the damn thing.
Gay marriage is a non issue. It is no threat to my traditional marriage. There are bigger issues out there. Being in shape is very very easy to do. Eat right exercise daily. It's called personal responsibility. In fact it gets easier to do as you age.
Yeah, it's so "Inferior" that Europe will often pay for "Weight loss coach" type of peoples to try, and bring down obesity, for better health, and less healthcare costs.

Not, that I'd support a major ban on "Big Sodas" or on "McDonalds" or anything.

Just it makes sense to have a government that promotes "PREVENTIVE CARE".

Promoting is putting ads out suggesting people do X. When government tells you that you will do X, it's more than just promotion.

Give Democrats and inch and they will take a mile. Their strategy of incremental advancement has been quite successful for their party.

Years ago the gay community said they just want to be out of the closet. That's all, just let them come out of the closet and they will be happy. Fast forward 40 years or so, now they are forcing states to accept their marriages, adopting children, and kissing in front of our children in the park.

They said they wanted to ban smoking in movie theaters. That's all, just let them enjoy a movie without cigarettes. Fast forward to today, and smoking isn't even allowed outside in some places. States (like mine) even made it law you cannot smoke anyplace inside, and now some places are working to make it illegal to smoke in your own home or car.

I remember them complaining about lead in gasoline and paint. That's all they wanted, the elimination of lead and they will be happy. Fast forward to today and trillions of dollars later, they are still unhappy. They want to pressure people into electric cars, give subsidies for it, close down our power plants and some places it's illegal to have a wood fire to have a cookout.

It never stops with these people. It will not stop at government "just" taking over healthcare. That's only the start.

Republicans have "Tolerated" Democrats, Republicans are basically just Democrats who cut-taxes, that's ALL THEY HAVE to show for the past 50, or so years is "Tax cuts"

Meanwhile, Democrats started pushing Liberal propaganda in school. REPUBLICANS did NOTHING.

Meanwhile, Democrats started pushing Liberal propaganda in media, and Hollywood. REPUBLICANS did NOTHING.

Meanwhile, Democrats started pushing Liberal propaganda in Science. REPUBLICANS did NOTHING.

Meanwhile, Democrats started pushing Abortion (Baby murder). REPUBLICANS did NOTHING.

Meanwhile, Democrats started pushing Illegal Immigrants. REPUBLICANS Joined them.

Meanwhile, Democrats started pushing Gay Marriage. REPUBLICANS did NOTHING.

Meanwhile, Democrats started pushing Liberal propaganda in silencing the Right Wing opinions with Facebook, Youtube, and Twitter.REPUBLICANS do NOTHING.

Meanwhile, Democrats started pushing Liberal biases in Google search engines, and REPUBLICANS do NOTHING.

The Republican motto must be "Do Nothing" and everything "Political" will somehow "Pan out"
Talk about Very Impotent people.

Republicans don't believe in controlling companies to their liking. That's what they do in Cuba. Furthermore some of the items you listed were stopped by the liberal courts--not because Republicans didn't do anything.

Facebook, Google, Twitter are all private entities. We don't do anything but heavily criticize them because that's all we can do. Wanting government control over social media is like saying Democrats should have control over Fox or AM radio. We don't do that in a free country. All we can do is boycott them.

You must really have your head in the sand if you think Republicans didn't try to stop gay marriage which again, was ultimately decided by the Supreme Court.

So, basically Republicans believe in Capitalism over Conservative values, Interesting, indeed.
/---/ One is not mutually exclusive of the other - YOU DIM BULB.
View attachment 225134

Liberalism of the market means to loosen regulations.

The first Leftists were Capitalists.

Those are the classical definitions.

How Americans turned everything upside down politically, and called Republicans as "Conservatives" or "Right-Wingers" is beyond me.

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