If This Had Been Reported 3 Weeks Ago?


Diamond Member
Nov 22, 2003
Would never happen. However, one does wonder if the conservatives stop the ability of the liberals to be portrayed as the obstructionists to the great ideas of the left, the press may play their part:

This graph should scare you

Posted by Neil Irwin on November 15, 2012 at 11:32 am


A new study from the Congressional Budget Office starts with the scariest graph you’ll see today.

Source: Congressional Budget Office

In other words, you’re not imagining it: This economic recovery has been a big disappointment relative to what the United States has usually experienced after a recession. Growth has been 9 percent below what was seen in past recoveries on average in its first three years. The CBO report tries to disentangle where that underperformance is coming from and its answer is deeply unsettling: The U.S. economy just isn’t as good at growing as it used to be.

The new CBO report claims that two-thirds of the underperformance of the economy over the past three years compared to a typical recovery is due to a slower rate of growth in potential GDP. Only one-third, in this analysis, is due to factors related to this recession.

Potential GDP is the measure of what the economy is capable of producing if almost all of the people who want jobs are able to get one and almost all its machines and buildings were humming at their potential. While it has grown consistently through modern U.S. history (we can thank a growing population and steadily improving technology for that), it doesn’t always grow at the same rate. In periods when baby boomers were reaching their working years and women were entering the workforce in large numbers, the rate at which potential GDP rose was very high, over 4 percent at times, by the CBO’s reckoning.

In recent years, though, those trends have reversed. Baby boomers are starting to retire and the proportion of women who work has leveled off. The CBO’s estimate of potential GDP was rising at gradually steady rates for most of the 2000s even before the great recession hit, and has continued that downward trend since then.

So part of what is showing up in the CBO’s analysis of how this recovery has proceeded since 2009 reflects the simple fact that earlier post-war recoveries took place in times when potential GDP was growing faster. “Although some of the sluggishness of potential GDP since the end of the last recession can be traced to unusual factors in the current business cycle, much of it is the result of longterm trends unrelated to the cycle, including the nation’s changing demographics,” the study said.

But even with that slower rate of growth in the nation’s economic potential, the United States still has a very large gap: $973 billion separating what the economy could be producing from what it is producing, about 6 percent of potential GDP, and unprecedented in modern U.S. history three years after a recession ended.

So what the CBO study is really saying is that there remains a gigantic cyclical gap in the U.S. economy, and this recovery has been awfully slow. And it has also occurred at a time when our potential economic growth isn’t rising as fast as it used to, mainly for reasons unconnected to the unique impact of the financial crisis. And while both those trends are big, the second one is bigger than the first.

This was/is not just another recession. US banks were in literal collapse. The symbiotic nature of the global economy, far more symbiotic than in the 1930's, exacerbated an already horrific meltdown. The unwinding of this disaster could easily take another five to ten years.

Comparing this to other recessions is an exercise in naivete, political partisanship, or both.


This was/is not just another recession. US banks were in literal collapse. The symbiotic nature of the global economy, far more symbiotic than in the 1930's, exacerbated an already horrific meltdown. The unwinding of this disaster could easily take another five to ten years.

Comparing this to other recessions is an exercise in naivete, political partisanship, or both.


Right. Uh Huh!

This was/is not just another recession. US banks were in literal collapse. The symbiotic nature of the global economy, far more symbiotic than in the 1930's, exacerbated an already horrific meltdown. The unwinding of this disaster could easily take another five to ten years.

Comparing this to other recessions is an exercise in naivete, political partisanship, or both.


Right. Uh Huh!

Well I must admit, I wasn't prepared for such a rational, well-thought out response.

The excess in spending, the orgy in spending, is the cause of the lack of recovery. Some folks never will understand economics.

However, bowing to the great minds here at USMB and the US electorate as a whole, I do believe that the most 'conservatives' should do is to voice their opposition and get out of the way. Let those that won, lead and prosper or fail. Whichever.

This was/is not just another recession. US banks were in literal collapse. The symbiotic nature of the global economy, far more symbiotic than in the 1930's, exacerbated an already horrific meltdown. The unwinding of this disaster could easily take another five to ten years.

Comparing this to other recessions is an exercise in naivete, political partisanship, or both.

The implosion of the economy went like it was planned by those in Congress when it begin in 2007-2008. I forget who controlled congress then and would have more to politically gain with a bad economy with a Republican as president.
An old LBJ quote comes to mind.
“I’ll have those ******* voting Democratic for the next 200 years.”
- Lyndon B. Johnson

20 great moments in liberal bigotry
I don't think Obama really thought this thru.

God Bless Atlas Shrugged.

Hostess telling the bastards in the unions to go screw themselves. Papa John is on the brink.

Denny's CEO is laying it on the table. I love it.

18,000 lib morons are now going to be on the dole. YAY.

You dumb fucks.
Last edited:

This was/is not just another recession. US banks were in literal collapse. The symbiotic nature of the global economy, far more symbiotic than in the 1930's, exacerbated an already horrific meltdown. The unwinding of this disaster could easily take another five to ten years.

Comparing this to other recessions is an exercise in naivete, political partisanship, or both.

The implosion of the economy went like it was planned by those in Congress when it begin in 2007-2008. I forget who controlled congress then and would have more to politically gain with a bad economy with a Republican as president.
An old LBJ quote comes to mind.
“I’ll have those ******* voting Democratic for the next 200 years.”
- Lyndon B. Johnson

20 great moments in liberal bigotry

Ding ding ding..... that would be Democrats.

I don't think Obama really thought this through.

God Bless Atlas Shrugged.

Hostess telling the bastards in the unions to go screw themselves. Papa John is on the brink.

Denny's CEO is laying it on the table. I love it.

18,000 lib morons are now going to be on the dole. YAY.

You dumb fucks.

I don't think you understand what "on the brink" means.

I don't think you understand the democrats had more to gain from a bad economy with a Republican president. Now if the democrats can't fix their mess you're going to have a bad economy with no Republican president to blame.
I can hear it now it's not the presidents fault. I'll say hell yes the democrats were the master minds behind the implosion of the economy.

This was/is not just another recession. US banks were in literal collapse. The symbiotic nature of the global economy, far more symbiotic than in the 1930's, exacerbated an already horrific meltdown. The unwinding of this disaster could easily take another five to ten years.

Comparing this to other recessions is an exercise in naivete, political partisanship, or both.

The implosion of the economy went like it was planned by those in Congress when it begin in 2007-2008. I forget who controlled congress then and would have more to politically gain with a bad economy with a Republican as president.
An old LBJ quote comes to mind.
“I’ll have those ******* voting Democratic for the next 200 years.”
- Lyndon B. Johnson

20 great moments in liberal bigotry

Ding ding ding..... that would be Democrats.


Thank you. I blame the democrats for me being correct.
I don't think Obama really thought this through.

God Bless Atlas Shrugged.

Hostess telling the bastards in the unions to go screw themselves. Papa John is on the brink.

Denny's CEO is laying it on the table. I love it.

18,000 lib morons are now going to be on the dole. YAY.

You dumb fucks.

I don't think you understand what "on the brink" means.

AmyNation with all due respect, I put out the "on the brink" for a reason.

I am a very successful businesswoman with accolades out the ying yang (your version of Grammys but I have a gold, platinum and double platinum up here and a Juno award) that I won with my second husband.

I've also been retired and partying down for quite a while now.

When I put out "on the brink" I did it for a reason. The brink is when and I do believe that this is what these executives at Hostess were facing is not a financial brink.Although that comes into play.

It's when you hit the point that you know the union is determined to nuke you. There lies the message.

The brink is deciding, well if they all hate me, screw them. Fold the company. Screw the people I have given jobs to for decades and pass.

Now what company have you ever run? I'm not asking this to be a smart ass. I'm just wondering if you understand this.
I don't think Obama really thought this through.

God Bless Atlas Shrugged.

Hostess telling the bastards in the unions to go screw themselves. Papa John is on the brink.

Denny's CEO is laying it on the table. I love it.

18,000 lib morons are now going to be on the dole. YAY.

You dumb fucks.

I don't think you understand what "on the brink" means.


And a majority of the voters correctly understood the depth and severity of the December 2007 recession, that it was ridiculous to expect a ‘quick’ recovery, or for any president of any party to ‘fix’ the economy in under four years.
I don't think Obama really thought this through.

God Bless Atlas Shrugged.

Hostess telling the bastards in the unions to go screw themselves. Papa John is on the brink.

Denny's CEO is laying it on the table. I love it.

18,000 lib morons are now going to be on the dole. YAY.

You dumb fucks.

I don't think you understand what "on the brink" means.

AmyNation with all due respect, I put out the "on the brink" for a reason.

I am a very successful businesswoman with accolades out the ying yang (your version of Grammys but I have a gold, platinum and double platinum up here and a Juno award) that I won with my second husband.

I've also been retired and partying down for quite a while now.

When I put out "on the brink" I did it for a reason. The brink is when and I do believe that this is what these executives at Hostess were facing is not a financial brink.Although that comes into play.

It's when you hit the point that you know the union is determined to nuke you. There lies the message.

The brink is deciding, well if they all hate me, screw them. Fold the company. Screw the people I have given jobs to for decades and pass.

Now what company have you ever run? I'm not asking this to be a smart ass. I'm just wondering if you understand this.


Have they recently changed your medication? Serious question. Because your posts remind me of a bipolar friend of mine when she's "up".

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