I believe in God, but CAN NOT believe in organized religion.

The Catholic Church has been riddled throughout its history with corruption, going through cycles of redemption and fall. It does much good and has done much bad. It is run by imperfect humans.

All human institutions have this problem.
to its credit ----the catholic church HIERARCHY has openly faced the problem of
celibate testosterone primed priests.
to its credit ----the catholic church HIERARCHY has openly faced the problem of
celibate testosterone primed priests.
After being forced to do so.

The LDS church will be facing the same issue when LEO starts arresting bishops for calling headquarters a week before calling the police.
No.... Never said I hated all Catholics. Hate knowing actions are tolerated in which the Bible clearly states should not be... Yep!
We could debate a million things, you aren't the type of person I care to do so with.... Go battle yourself about these choice verses:
Isaiah 31:2
Yet He also is wise and will bring disaster And does not retract His words, But will arise against the house of evildoers And against the help of the workers of iniquity.

2 Corinthians 6:14
Do not be bound together with unbelievers; for what partnership have righteousness and lawlessness, or what fellowship has light with darkness?

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1 Corinthians 10:21

You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons; you cannot partake of the table of the Lord and the table of demons.

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Atheists think that, yes.
So do scientific agnostics and philosophical ignostics, i.e., logical people.
What the most people call "agnosticism" since some time now is indeed intentional ignorance and political ideology - but not logic, not philosophy and not science.
Agnosticism = honest ignorance.
If you don't know, don't have evidence, and you are not afraid to admit it, then you're an emotionally secure agnostic.
All real scientists are agnostics.

It is logical to admit ignorance when you really don't know something, unless you are afraid of a negative reaction from authoritarian parents, teacher (for not studying), or delusional religious sucker (for not believing dogma).
No.... Never said I hated all Catholics. Hate knowing actions are tolerated in which the Bible clearly states should not be... Yep!
We could debate a million things, you aren't the type of person I care to do so with.... Go battle yourself about these choice verses:
Isaiah 31:2
Yet He also is wise and will bring disaster And does not retract His words, But will arise against the house of evildoers And against the help of the workers of iniquity.

2 Corinthians 6:14
Do not be bound together with unbelievers; for what partnership have righteousness and lawlessness, or what fellowship has light with darkness?

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Right from the git go, the bible is made up. If God truly wrote it , he would of known the moon is not a light.

Cain and Abel, same as Osiris and Set. Jews copied and so did Rome, except Rome did a better job.
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Lol. Actually I am Potowatomi AND German! Yes, I must have such disrespect for woman, being that an act committed and protected by your faith is the entire reason behind my issue boiling to a head. Since you don't know about this thing called Google or search engine (is it of the devil?) But have found your happy ass here on this forum, I will give you a few links... Would you like the information straight from the horse's mouth as well or does text suffice??

Sexual abuse scandal in Catholic archdiocese of Milwaukee - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Secrets of the Vatican

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I'm aware of it all, I also believe the pedophile Rabbis in NY ought to be made into eunuchs and imprisoned for life , but they are sent to Israel , go figure.
Trust me. I know statistics. I also know his Catholic priest harbored his dirty little secret. I see how the knowledge of such an offense is handled by your church. I come from Milwaukee, WI. Where the biggest scandal of your church began. I've heard one of those Catholic priests say "I didn't need the Vatican to transfer me, I needed to be in jail."

The Vatican doesn't make transfers within the diocese of Milwaukee.

I'm disgusted to know this guy thinks he could get to Heaven having committed such atrocities. I am disturbed and completely put off by this organization because their preachings have lead him, and sooooo many others to believe in such a ludicrous idea!

The Catholic Church does not know who, if anyone, is in hell or not. It does know which sins puts one in danger of hell--and child molestation is one of them.

I am talking about MORALS AND THE ETHICAL RESPONSIBILITY YOU -OF ALL PEOPLE- SHOULD HAVE, WHILE PREACHING ABOUT WHAT'S "RIGHT AND JUST" IN THE WORLD AND LEAD YOUR FOLLOWERS BY EXAMPLE! But you don't! And I thought I'd point out just how far off from the cause you truly are leading people to be!

The scandal in Milwaukee occurred over forty years ago. Since that time the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops has put many safeguards in place--safeguards others who oversee children have begun to emulate as well. It is because of our morals and ethical responsibilities that Catholics all over this country have worked to correct these wrongs--and are now known as an example of how to go about correcting such wrongs.

Judas was one of the twelve people closest to Christ. When he went wrong, the other Apostles didn't fall apart. The came together and Matthias was selected to fill the spot Judas once held. Christ's words and ways continued to be spread to the ends of the earth. Nor did the Catholic Church fall apart. It did correct the scandal--not the first one which started with Judas--and probably not the last one. But correct we did and will continue to do so.

By the way, try researching pedophilia scandals within Pentecostal and Baptist churches. Compare percentages of Protestant cases to Catholic cases. Unfortunately this type of sin (some say it qualifies as a mental illness) knows no boundaries. It's within Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Atheism, and so on and so forth.
Lol. Actually I am Potowatomi AND German!

Astonishing. Why do you not live in harmony with yoursleve by taking the best elements of your roots?

Yes, I must have such disrespect for woman, being that an act committed and protected by your faith is the entire reason behind my issue boiling to a head.

Seems to me you think indeed I am a woman. No - I'm not a Gerwoman. "Zaangalewa" is an expression from Afrika. It came to me via the song "Zamina mina" also known under "Waka Waka". But nice that I found out in this way that Michael Jacksons song "wanna get starting something" came from Kamerun. So your connection with the Holy Spirit seems not to be broken down totally.

Since you don't know about this thing called Google or search engine (is it of the devil?) But have found your happy ass here on this forum, I will give you a few links... Would you like the information straight from the horse's mouth as well or does text suffice??

Sexual abuse scandal in Catholic archdiocese of Milwaukee - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Secrets of the Vatican ...

I'm not able to open this links, so I did not read what's written there. Anyway I gave it up to try o find out what's going on in the USA with sex. An exhausting theme there. I had the hope that someone could really tell me something besides all this propagandistic bullshit everyone speaks about, while no one seems to know something concrete. I know for example that a priest in Boston was imprisoned - I don't know why concrete - and later he was murdered in jail. I also don't know why he was murdered. As far as I know this was the first case of this "scandal". What I never understood was it why the members of the catholic church - the owners of their own dioceses - had to pay billons of Dollars for the deeds of priests, who attacked their own children. Strange.

When I tried to find out what was going on in Germany - the people here drove very crazy about "secrets", which I knew since a long time, because it was written in newpapers here nearly everything about any scandal with a priest - even decades ago. Some things were new for me - not many. When I tried to calculate this I found out, that priests of our church are 25 times more harmless than other men. Later I read from a psychiatrist that he calulated priests are about 36 times more harmelss than married people in the delict "sexual abuse of children". And the scandal had not only to do with priests of the catholic church. It had also to do with atheists in schools or priests of the protestant church and also with sportsmen. But everyone was concentrated always only on priests of the catholic church.

PS: I was able now to open the link Sexual abuse scandal in Catholic archdiocese of Milwaukee - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - what has nothing to do with wikipedia as far as I can see, has it? The page looks reliable - I read the first article about "Lawrence Murphy" - but I was not able to find out, what he made concrete. In general I don't understand why something what had happened in 197x is in 201x suddenly a gigantic problem. I linked myselve here in Germany for example into conversations between people, who grew up in children's homes. We know in Germany very well that there was a desaster after world war 2 when so many children had no parents any longer. The bad situation was corrected slowly but continously step by step during decades. This long term process was a result of the good work of organisations of the churches too. Nevertheless I was very astonished how completly different the old people now spoke about the same persons they met there decades ago. The same person was able to be a devil and an angel the same time for different children who grew up there.

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I also believe in God, but don't attend any church - strictly between Him and me relationship - and it's been a good one. MAN has a way of translating things the way MAN sees it and sometimes they can take things to the extreme.
Atheists think that, yes.
So do scientific agnostics and philosophical ignostics, i.e., logical people.
What the most people call "agnosticism" since some time now is indeed intentional ignorance and political ideology - but not logic, not philosophy and not science.
Agnosticism = honest ignorance.
If you don't know, don't have evidence, and you are not afraid to admit it, then you're an emotionally secure agnostic.
All real scientists are agnostics.

If you think so, "scientist". In case you like to know why I said so, then your are able to find this out on your own or you are able to ask me. Your decision.

It is logical to admit ignorance when you really don't know something, unless you are afraid of a negative reaction from authoritarian parents, teacher (for not studying), or delusional religious sucker (for not believing dogma).

I prefer to stay to be in your eyes a delusional religious sucker who follows doctrines of which he thinks this doctrines are correct.

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Agnosticism = honest ignorance.
If you don't know, don't have evidence, and you are not afraid to admit it, then you're an emotionally secure agnostic.
All real scientists are agnostics.
If you think so, "scientist". In case you like to know why I said so, then your are able to find this out on your own or you are able to ask me. Your decision.

I prefer to stay to be in your eyes a delusional religious sucker who follows doctrines of which he thinks this doctrines are correct.
Whatever makes you happy (short & long term); that's life in a nutshell.
If you have something to say, go ahead.

I have my own mind, and I'm not afraid of using it. We can agree to disagree, and move on.
I was raised without God in my household. I found God on my own journey. I speak to God regularly. I've tried different denominations and am grateful for anything I've learned from those visits.... However... Catholicism. Wow. This is one organization that has me thinking it's anything but holy. One prime example:
If you have opened the good book, you are sure to have heard about this place called Sodom and Gomorrah. God IS a forgiving one.. But I am pretty sure he had a boiling point. You really think that a guy on the other side of a closet wall is the "chosen" one to give you forgiveness??! The one who just finished up "teaching lessons to his alter boys"??! And I am not ignorant, I understand NOT every priest did such horrific acts... But the hierarchy of the guys that did, in which they go to for forgiveness, chose to simply spread the gift of pedophilia to a different location. This religion and the whole confession/oath of secrecy pretty much sums up the type of follower. "You can commit any sin in this world, regardless of how disgusting and despicable it may be, then step into a closet, confess these actions to a person who can not tell regardless of how dangerous the person may be, and ask THEM to FORGIVE you. Lol. C'mon. I have a hard time believing God will turn a blind eye on judgement day to those who robbed this earth of his most precious gift... The innocence of a child. I mean, he had so much pity on those who dwelled in that city he turned to dust... Right??! No. He actually ended the existence of anyone who was tempted to simply turn back and look! Call this what you will... I'm not making the judgement call. Simply pointing out cold, hard facts written in the Bible. And this isn't prompted specifically by what a priest did to my child. It's prompted by a member of the church whom simply feels accepted by such faith in doing what he does and "knowing" if he repents, he has his ticket to Heaven. If this is true, it isn't a place I want my kids or self subjected to. But I know better.
So do your religion a favor and stop tolerating actions that the Bible clearly states is inexcusable. Don't you see this is the very reason more and more people do not attend church and even stop believing in God all together??!

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Many people feel the way you do. I know many "religious" people, and you see them posting here everyday. It's as if once they accepted a religion, they quit thinking and questioning, some are otherwise intelligent people too, it remarkable. I can't understand it, much less explain it.
Agnosticism = honest ignorance.
If you don't know, don't have evidence, and you are not afraid to admit it, then you're an emotionally secure agnostic.
All real scientists are agnostics.
If you think so, "scientist". In case you like to know why I said so, then your are able to find this out on your own or you are able to ask me. Your decision.

I prefer to stay to be in your eyes a delusional religious sucker who follows doctrines of which he thinks this doctrines are correct.
Whatever makes you happy (short & long term); that's life in a nutshell.

Yeah - I miss him. I miss the man who produced the hazelnut knights and a complete world all around them. In summer he worked out his ideas in Spain and in winter he organiced his material and sold his goods in Germany. Practically he lived only for Christmas in the last years of his wonderful life - fully in the grace of god. Unfortunatelly one day his cancer killed him - but he fought a very long time in an astonishing wonderful way.

If you have something to say, go ahead.

I have my own mind, and I'm not afraid of using it. We can agree to disagree, and move on.

I disagree. And it's for me personally completly unimporant what you think or not think.

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... Many people feel the way you do. I know many "religious" people, and you see them posting here everyday. It's as if once they accepted a religion, they quit thinking and questioning, some are otherwise intelligent people too, it remarkable. I can't understand it, much less explain it.

What a luck that you don't suffer prejudices. Are you also one of the allknowing enlightened "scientists" of the english speaking world, who have a plan about everything and nothing except science and/or religion?

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