How the GOP Can Slaughter Obama

Spoken like a true, well, never mind. Of course. You're absolutely right. Independents, Moderates etc... never decide elections. You betcha!

You missed the point sparky. Even "moderates" are losing their jobs, homes, and 401ks. They will put aside their usual flukey capricious behavior in favor of surviving.

Well, let's put that to the test. How many Independents & Moderates here would vote for Bachmann over Obama?

I prefer a scientific survery to your off-the-cuff brainfarts.

By november 2012, people in this country may be truly desperate, and it goes against all reason that EVEN the "moderates", admittedly the dumbest rank of the electorate, will be saying WHOOPEE - four more years!!

Thanks. As an Independent, I'd love to see the GOP take this idiot down.
This is year has been a real head scratcher for me though. The Tea Party could very well have a Ross Perot effect if the GOP isn't careful. I mean, could you imagine if they were able to push the GOP into getting Bachmann on the ticket??? Huge numbers of Independent, Moderate and even a lot of Republicans, would vote Obama just to keep her out (including me). She definitely hands Obama the entire Hispanic vote. La Raza and even Somos Republicans (We are Republicans, the Hispanic political group) have already made it clear that if she's anywhere near the ticket, they hand their votes to the Dems.
So basically, you're left with lots of nice, white, Conservatives - the people who will vote GOP anyway and a close defeat for the GOP. It amazes me that there are so many people who think that will be enough. Let's hope they don't influence the nomination too heavily.

Well, this should make the Dems strategy very clear. Since Obama is running unchallenged, all Dems should register as Republicans for the Primaries and vote Bachmann.
Seriously, those of you who believe that any Republican candidate is going to win the election by a landslide is smokin sum reelly goood shite. The first thing that any Republican will need to overcome is a big discrepancy in money, as Obama is going to have at least 30% more to spend. Since he doesn't have to worry about any primary battle, he can do as much fundraising as possible during the primary season and just sock that money away for the general. On top of that, he has proven to be very good at raising money. The other problem the Republicans have is that no matter which of the wanna bees they nominate, none of them are strong candidates. Perry could be, but the whole Bush/Texas thing will keep him from being as strong as he could.
Seriously, those of you who believe that any Republican candidate is going to win the election by a landslide is smokin sum reelly goood shite. The first thing that any Republican will need to overcome is a big discrepancy in money, as Obama is going to have at least 30% more to spend. Since he doesn't have to worry about any primary battle, he can do as much fundraising as possible during the primary season and just sock that money away for the general. On top of that, he has proven to be very good at raising money. The other problem the Republicans have is that no matter which of the wanna bees they nominate, none of them are strong candidates. Perry could be, but the whole Bush/Texas thing will keep him from being as strong as he could.

YOU'RE the one smokin the shit - obama has made enemies of almost everyone with money, and you want people to believe that the GOP candidate won't get money??? :rofl:
Seriously, those of you who believe that any Republican candidate is going to win the election by a landslide is smokin sum reelly goood shite. The first thing that any Republican will need to overcome is a big discrepancy in money, as Obama is going to have at least 30% more to spend. Since he doesn't have to worry about any primary battle, he can do as much fundraising as possible during the primary season and just sock that money away for the general. On top of that, he has proven to be very good at raising money. The other problem the Republicans have is that no matter which of the wanna bees they nominate, none of them are strong candidates. Perry could be, but the whole Bush/Texas thing will keep him from being as strong as he could.

Dude, I hate to break this to you but the only thing that Obama is good at is campaigning. He won in '08 because he had no record and talked a good game. People elected him on a vague promise of "Change You Can Believe In". The difference between then and now? People now realize that he doesn't have a clue when it comes to running the country. Why would anyone give this guy four more years? He ran out of ideas to fix things a year after he got the job. So we're going to give him another term?
Obama is so vulnerable right now that 2012 is the GOP's race to win or lose. If they manage things even fairly well, they own him. All they have to do is coordinate a decent strategy and avoid some mistakes. Right now, they seem determined to f*ck this up but once they have their nominee that will hopefully change.

1. Realize who already has title on what real estate and go for the open land.

The GOP is going to get the Conservative vote no matter what. Even if the economy surges, all wars end, unemployment goes to zero and angels come down singing Obama's name, they will vote against him. This includes the vast majority of Tea Partiers and Libertarians.
Obama is going to get the TrueBlue Dems, Far Left Liberals, Union Workers, Gay and Black vote. Period.

That leaves Reagan Democrats, Moderates, Independents and maybe the Hispanic vote up for grabs.

So they can almost ignore their base and they should. Tea Partiers can claim they'll refuse to vote if the GOP goes with Romney (and several here have!) but come election day, are they going to give Obama another term out of spite? Doubtful.

They need to end this war that Conservatives have declared on all those Independents, Moderates etc... who are not "Conservative Enough" (i.e. agrees with them on absolutely everything) if they want to win. This means that Bachman can't be on the ticket. Paul is great. He's honest. And he's unelectable. Perry would be okay but he has some HUGE challenges that might drive away the very folks needed to win an election. The only people who don't / wouldn't see the Reincarnation of "W" in Perry, are people who would already vote GOP anyway.
Romney would be the smartest choice so far but of GEEZ wouldn't it be great if they could come up with a last minute entry that was better. Oh well.
For now, Romney would be the smartest choice.

2. Get Smart on VP. McCain actually had the right idea with Palin, he just had the wrong candidate. How many Dems, Libs, Mods & Indies think Bachmann or Palin are genuinely intelligent? None I know of. They're probably out there but they're the minority. The only people who love Palin or Bachmann are smart, are people whose vote is 100% guaranteed GOP anyway.
But look at Susana Martinez of NM. She actually is smart! She's strong, talented, was prosecutor of the year, so Conservative that the Tea Partiers would drink her like kool-aid and Hispanic. Okay, she's light on experience but that doesn't seem to be a big deal to Palin supporters and obviously wasn't to Obama supporters. Someone like Martinez would bring in women, Hispanics, Conservatives and a lot of Independents.

3. Gay marriage? Abortion? Gun laws? Who Cares! One of the biggest mistakes a couple of GOP candidates are making right now, is focusing on social issues. People who are out of work, could give a flying fartsicle about gay marriage. It's the economy stupid. They need to focus on that one thing like a laser.

4. Don't Excuse Bush. Right now, Obama is doing a great job of deflection. According to several polls, over 60% of the country still believes the Bush and the GOP are major contributing facotrs to the current situation. I'm surprised but oh well. So instead of blaming Obama, they would do better to flow with it. Something along the lines of:
"Well sure, President Obama was left a challenging situation. Obviously he wasn't the right guy to handle it because he's just made it worse. So as your next president, it will be my job to show you how we can turn things around."

5. Poach From His Previous Voters. One of the areas in which Obama is most vulnerable, is that he hasn't been Liberal enough. Now that OBL is out, why are we still in Afghanistan? I sure as hell don't support this. Or Iraq. Find the issues that even Conservatives could stomach and capitalize on them.
"I've supported our troops but now we've done what we need to do. We don't need to stay there and spend all that money, just to make an inexperienced president look more presidential.

If the GOP can avoid going with Bachmann or some other disaster candidate, pick a good VP, stop alienating everyone who isn't a Rush listener, avoid making this about social issues and focus on what people care about - the economy, then the WH should easily be theirs for the taking.

We'll see.

You seem awfully confident, but I only see a few things I agree with.

1."The GOP is going to get the Conservative vote no matter what."
2."For now, Romney would be the smartest choice."

Why wouldn't Liberals get the Latino vote? The GOP declared war on the American workers, attacked the illegals in every conservative state, and your going to pay for that in the voting booth. The GOP also attacked the average workers payroll taxes that can cost the worker $1-2,000. a year, in favor of giving the rich more tax cuts.

Romney is a poster child for the Top 10%, which isn't going to bode well with moderate - poor voters.

You think people on social programs, government workers, seniors, disabled, medical needy, and women in general who Obama gave free health screenings to, are going to vote GOP? LMAO! Nah, that ain't happening. They know who the right really represents, and the cuts they have planned if they get the power.

Some social issues will be on the back burner, but National Health Care in these tuff times won't be one the items the GOP can hide from. Most people are smart enough to know it is the economy, and that medical insurance is eating them alive.

As for Obama making it worse? LMAO! I guarantee you these are among the sound bites the WH will remind voters about: "I don't care if workers lose their jobs." Boner. "Do Whatever it takes," "The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president," McConnell said,....... Internal RNC Memo: "Engage In Every Activity" To Slow Down Health Care Reform."

The GOP wanted to default on America and let go into the Abyss. Do you think the voters will forget the day the GOP turned their back on America?
Why wouldn't Liberals get the Latino vote? The GOP declared war on the American workers, attacked the illegals in every conservative state, and your going to pay for that in the voting booth. The GOP also attacked the average workers payroll taxes that can cost the worker $1-2,000. a year, in favor of giving the rich more tax cuts.

Romney is a poster child for the Top 10%, which isn't going to bode well with moderate - poor voters.

You think people on social programs, government workers, seniors, disabled, medical needy, and women in general who Obama gave free health screenings to, are going to vote GOP? LMAO! Nah, that ain't happening. They know who the right really represents, and the cuts they have planned if they get the power.

Some social issues will be on the back burner, but National Health Care in these tuff times won't be one the items the GOP can hide from. Most people are smart enough to know it is the economy, and that medical insurance is eating them alive.

As for Obama making it worse? LMAO! I guarantee you these are among the sound bites the WH will remind voters about: "I don't care if workers lose their jobs." Boner. "Do Whatever it takes," "The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president," McConnell said,....... Internal RNC Memo: "Engage In Every Activity" To Slow Down Health Care Reform."

The GOP wanted to default on America and let go into the Abyss. Do you think the voters will forget the day the GOP turned their back on America?

Amen and praise Gawd.
The number one reason why I am voting for Obama is because it looks like the GOP is going to take the Senate and keep the house. There's no way in hell I would give them or any party a controlled government ever again.
The number one reason why I am voting for Obama is because it looks like the GOP is going to take the Senate and keep the house. There's no way in hell I would give them or any party a controlled government ever again.

keep the house? interesting. it seems congress is polling lower than ever, no?
The number one reason why I am voting for Obama is because it looks like the GOP is going to take the Senate and keep the house. There's no way in hell I would give them or any party a controlled government ever again.

Okay, but I think Dems will likely keep Senate majority.
:clap2::clap2::clap2: Very well put together.

Thanks. As an Independent, I'd love to see the GOP take this idiot down.
This is year has been a real head scratcher for me though. The Tea Party could very well have a Ross Perot effect if the GOP isn't careful. I mean, could you imagine if they were able to push the GOP into getting Bachmann on the ticket??? Huge numbers of Independent, Moderate and even a lot of Republicans, would vote Obama just to keep her out (including me). She definitely hands Obama the entire Hispanic vote. La Raza and even Somos Republicans (We are Republicans, the Hispanic political group) have already made it clear that if she's anywhere near the ticket, they hand their votes to the Dems.
So basically, you're left with lots of nice, white, Conservatives - the people who will vote GOP anyway and a close defeat for the GOP. It amazes me that there are so many people who think that will be enough. Let's hope they don't influence the nomination too heavily.

Well, this should make the Dems strategy very clear. Since Obama is running unchallenged, all Dems should register as Republicans for the Primaries and vote Bachmann.
Operation Chaos 2012. :lol:
The number one reason why I am voting for Obama is because it looks like the GOP is going to take the Senate and keep the house. There's no way in hell I would give them or any party a controlled government ever again.

keep the house? interesting. it seems congress is polling lower than ever, no?

Yeah, they prolly are but Congress' numbers are always in the toilet.

It would be interesting to hear the spin coming out of an election night where Obama loses and the Tea Party gets kicked out of Congress.
The number one reason why I am voting for Obama is because it looks like the GOP is going to take the Senate and keep the house. There's no way in hell I would give them or any party a controlled government ever again.

keep the house? interesting. it seems congress is polling lower than ever, no?

Yeah, they prolly are but Congress' numbers are always in the toilet.

It would be interesting to hear the spin coming out of an election night where Obama loses and the Tea Party gets kicked out of Congress.

I'm considering voting that way: fire everyone.
Thanks. As an Independent, I'd love to see the GOP take this idiot down.
This is year has been a real head scratcher for me though. The Tea Party could very well have a Ross Perot effect if the GOP isn't careful. I mean, could you imagine if they were able to push the GOP into getting Bachmann on the ticket??? Huge numbers of Independent, Moderate and even a lot of Republicans, would vote Obama just to keep her out (including me). She definitely hands Obama the entire Hispanic vote. La Raza and even Somos Republicans (We are Republicans, the Hispanic political group) have already made it clear that if she's anywhere near the ticket, they hand their votes to the Dems.
So basically, you're left with lots of nice, white, Conservatives - the people who will vote GOP anyway and a close defeat for the GOP. It amazes me that there are so many people who think that will be enough. Let's hope they don't influence the nomination too heavily.

Well, this should make the Dems strategy very clear. Since Obama is running unchallenged, all Dems should register as Republicans for the Primaries and vote Bachmann.
Operation Chaos 2012. :lol:

It's actually a damn good idea.

Thanks. As an Independent, I'd love to see the GOP take this idiot down.
This is year has been a real head scratcher for me though. The Tea Party could very well have a Ross Perot effect if the GOP isn't careful. I mean, could you imagine if they were able to push the GOP into getting Bachmann on the ticket??? Huge numbers of Independent, Moderate and even a lot of Republicans, would vote Obama just to keep her out (including me). She definitely hands Obama the entire Hispanic vote. La Raza and even Somos Republicans (We are Republicans, the Hispanic political group) have already made it clear that if she's anywhere near the ticket, they hand their votes to the Dems.
So basically, you're left with lots of nice, white, Conservatives - the people who will vote GOP anyway and a close defeat for the GOP. It amazes me that there are so many people who think that will be enough. Let's hope they don't influence the nomination too heavily.
It really is amazing to watch. The idiots on both sides are consistently parroting about how they will easily win because the other is so messed up but in truth, this will not be a shoe-in on either side. I agree with your points though they don't make me happy. I do not want to see another tried and true same old same old but that is all that will take the ticket come election time. As you pointed out, this is almost all about what the GOP does and I can really see the screwing the pooch here. If they continue to press the radical side without voicing what fixes for what matters then they will sink. I, personally, think that is exactly what is going to happen. Almost all elections seem to revolve around social issues that I don't give a damn about mainly because the issues that matter the candidates are all the same. Any republican that gets into office will not change much on the fiscal side that we have been doing for decades because that is what they like to do. It's easy and assures more power.

I am interested in your VP pick though. I disagree with Palin as the wrong person but right idea. I don't like Palin BUT from what I have seen, the media does not care to even bother when it comes to conservative females. If the Virgin Marry was running with Mother Teresa as her VP they would attack like rabid dogs. I think it is just expected...
The OP is baloney - the GOP doesn't need to go after the "moderates". People's lives are being destroyed in a way not seen for 80 years - voters will give obama and his leftwing entourage the boot just as a matter of survival.

Not for another Texas Republican like the one who so helped America get into this mess.
Obama is so vulnerable right now that 2012 is the GOP's race to win or lose. If they manage things even fairly well, they own him. All they have to do is coordinate a decent strategy and avoid some mistakes. Right now, they seem determined to f*ck this up but once they have their nominee that will hopefully change.

1. Realize who already has title on what real estate and go for the open land.

The GOP is going to get the Conservative vote no matter what. Even if the economy surges, all wars end, unemployment goes to zero and angels come down singing Obama's name, they will vote against him. This includes the vast majority of Tea Partiers and Libertarians.
Obama is going to get the TrueBlue Dems, Far Left Liberals, Union Workers, Gay and Black vote. Period.

That leaves Reagan Democrats, Moderates, Independents and maybe the Hispanic vote up for grabs.

So they can almost ignore their base and they should. Tea Partiers can claim they'll refuse to vote if the GOP goes with Romney (and several here have!) but come election day, are they going to give Obama another term out of spite? Doubtful.

They need to end this war that Conservatives have declared on all those Independents, Moderates etc... who are not "Conservative Enough" (i.e. agrees with them on absolutely everything) if they want to win. This means that Bachman can't be on the ticket. Paul is great. He's honest. And he's unelectable. Perry would be okay but he has some HUGE challenges that might drive away the very folks needed to win an election. The only people who don't / wouldn't see the Reincarnation of "W" in Perry, are people who would already vote GOP anyway.
Romney would be the smartest choice so far but of GEEZ wouldn't it be great if they could come up with a last minute entry that was better. Oh well.
For now, Romney would be the smartest choice.

2. Get Smart on VP. McCain actually had the right idea with Palin, he just had the wrong candidate. How many Dems, Libs, Mods & Indies think Bachmann or Palin are genuinely intelligent? None I know of. They're probably out there but they're the minority. The only people who love Palin or Bachmann are smart, are people whose vote is 100% guaranteed GOP anyway.
But look at Susana Martinez of NM. She actually is smart! She's strong, talented, was prosecutor of the year, so Conservative that the Tea Partiers would drink her like kool-aid and Hispanic. Okay, she's light on experience but that doesn't seem to be a big deal to Palin supporters and obviously wasn't to Obama supporters. Someone like Martinez would bring in women, Hispanics, Conservatives and a lot of Independents.

3. Gay marriage? Abortion? Gun laws? Who Cares! One of the biggest mistakes a couple of GOP candidates are making right now, is focusing on social issues. People who are out of work, could give a flying fartsicle about gay marriage. It's the economy stupid. They need to focus on that one thing like a laser.

4. Don't Excuse Bush. Right now, Obama is doing a great job of deflection. According to several polls, over 60% of the country still believes the Bush and the GOP are major contributing facotrs to the current situation. I'm surprised but oh well. So instead of blaming Obama, they would do better to flow with it. Something along the lines of:
"Well sure, President Obama was left a challenging situation. Obviously he wasn't the right guy to handle it because he's just made it worse. So as your next president, it will be my job to show you how we can turn things around."

5. Poach From His Previous Voters. One of the areas in which Obama is most vulnerable, is that he hasn't been Liberal enough. Now that OBL is out, why are we still in Afghanistan? I sure as hell don't support this. Or Iraq. Find the issues that even Conservatives could stomach and capitalize on them.
"I've supported our troops but now we've done what we need to do. We don't need to stay there and spend all that money, just to make an inexperienced president look more presidential.

If the GOP can avoid going with Bachmann or some other disaster candidate, pick a good VP, stop alienating everyone who isn't a Rush listener, avoid making this about social issues and focus on what people care about - the economy, then the WH should easily be theirs for the taking.

We'll see.

About the only part I disagree with is your somewhat naive assessment of Afghanistan. In that situation, we cannot just pull out. We must ensure that Afghanistan is stable before we leave, otherwise we are going to leave the place in a hugely vulnerable situation - ripe for yet another group of whackjobs to take over.

The GOP must put a smart ticket up to run against Obama, otherwise people us - the independents - will not vote for them. I didn't vote for McCain, and I will not vote for some idiot like Bachmann. I like Martinez, she's an intelligent, calm, rational woman. I like intelligent, calm rational women. :lol:
Republicans need to focus on the economy with both their policies. Tax breaks for the rich and subsidies for corporations.

They can use, "Government can't make jobs" as their slogan.

Sounds like a "winner".

Obama intends on winning on a smile and a handshake as everything crashes down around his ears.......

...... saying;

"Nothing to see here.....nothing to see here....don't I look good in my suit???" :dance:

"BTW, none of this is my fault!!!"

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