How the GOP Can Slaughter Obama

Obama is so vulnerable right now that 2012 is the GOP's race to win or lose. If they manage things even fairly well, they own him. All they have to do is coordinate a decent strategy and avoid some mistakes. Right now, they seem determined to f*ck this up but once they have their nominee that will hopefully change.

1. Realize who already has title on what real estate and go for the open land.

The GOP is going to get the Conservative vote no matter what. Even if the economy surges, all wars end, unemployment goes to zero and angels come down singing Obama's name, they will vote against him. This includes the vast majority of Tea Partiers and Libertarians.
Obama is going to get the TrueBlue Dems, Far Left Liberals, Union Workers, Gay and Black vote. Period.

That leaves Reagan Democrats, Moderates, Independents and maybe the Hispanic vote up for grabs.

So they can almost ignore their base and they should. Tea Partiers can claim they'll refuse to vote if the GOP goes with Romney (and several here have!) but come election day, are they going to give Obama another term out of spite? Doubtful.

They need to end this war that Conservatives have declared on all those Independents, Moderates etc... who are not "Conservative Enough" (i.e. agrees with them on absolutely everything) if they want to win. This means that Bachman can't be on the ticket. Paul is great. He's honest. And he's unelectable. Perry would be okay but he has some HUGE challenges that might drive away the very folks needed to win an election. The only people who don't / wouldn't see the Reincarnation of "W" in Perry, are people who would already vote GOP anyway.
Romney would be the smartest choice so far but of GEEZ wouldn't it be great if they could come up with a last minute entry that was better. Oh well.
For now, Romney would be the smartest choice.

2. Get Smart on VP. McCain actually had the right idea with Palin, he just had the wrong candidate. How many Dems, Libs, Mods & Indies think Bachmann or Palin are genuinely intelligent? None I know of. They're probably out there but they're the minority. The only people who love Palin or Bachmann are smart, are people whose vote is 100% guaranteed GOP anyway.
But look at Susana Martinez of NM. She actually is smart! She's strong, talented, was prosecutor of the year, so Conservative that the Tea Partiers would drink her like kool-aid and Hispanic. Okay, she's light on experience but that doesn't seem to be a big deal to Palin supporters and obviously wasn't to Obama supporters. Someone like Martinez would bring in women, Hispanics, Conservatives and a lot of Independents.

3. Gay marriage? Abortion? Gun laws? Who Cares! One of the biggest mistakes a couple of GOP candidates are making right now, is focusing on social issues. People who are out of work, could give a flying fartsicle about gay marriage. It's the economy stupid. They need to focus on that one thing like a laser.

4. Don't Excuse Bush. Right now, Obama is doing a great job of deflection. According to several polls, over 60% of the country still believes the Bush and the GOP are major contributing facotrs to the current situation. I'm surprised but oh well. So instead of blaming Obama, they would do better to flow with it. Something along the lines of:
"Well sure, President Obama was left a challenging situation. Obviously he wasn't the right guy to handle it because he's just made it worse. So as your next president, it will be my job to show you how we can turn things around."

5. Poach From His Previous Voters. One of the areas in which Obama is most vulnerable, is that he hasn't been Liberal enough. Now that OBL is out, why are we still in Afghanistan? I sure as hell don't support this. Or Iraq. Find the issues that even Conservatives could stomach and capitalize on them.
"I've supported our troops but now we've done what we need to do. We don't need to stay there and spend all that money, just to make an inexperienced president look more presidential.

If the GOP can avoid going with Bachmann or some other disaster candidate, pick a good VP, stop alienating everyone who isn't a Rush listener, avoid making this about social issues and focus on what people care about - the economy, then the WH should easily be theirs for the taking.

We'll see.
other than the viable VP pick,you are asking the right to move towards the left..Conservative Rick Perry is you next president.And the attacks on Perry by the filthy traitors [already]on the left proves this!!the left is very,very,afraid of the plain spoken,tell it like it is PERRY!!
We'll see. other than the viable VP pick,you are asking the right to move towards the left..Conservative Rick Perry is you next president.And the attacks on Perry by the filthy traitors [already]on the left proves this!!the left is very,very,afraid of the plain spoken,tell it like it is PERRY!!

LOLOL. You're funny ;)
Quit whining. I am not LDS, I am pro-sanity GOP, and I can vote for Romney before Perry, but Perry before Obama.

Oh, don't worry, man, by November, you'll be telling us why Perry is unacceptable to you, too.

Sorry, believing that Jesus visited the Indians, and rode around on elephants, and God thought Joseph Smith should bang as many 14 year olds as he could get his hands on is not my definition of "Sanity".
Quit whining. I am not LDS, I am pro-sanity GOP, and I can vote for Romney before Perry, but Perry before Obama.

Oh, don't worry, man, by November, you'll be telling us why Perry is unacceptable to you, too.

Sorry, believing that Jesus visited the Indians, and rode around on elephants, and God thought Joseph Smith should bang as many 14 year olds as he could get his hands on is not my definition of "Sanity".

I doubt it. He voted for Perry in the "perry vs obama" poll.
We'll see. other than the viable VP pick,you are asking the right to move towards the left..Conservative Rick Perry is you next president.And the attacks on Perry by the filthy traitors [already]on the left proves this!!the left is very,very,afraid of the plain spoken,tell it like it is PERRY!!

LOLOL. You're funny ;)

Yidnar is actually very entertaining. Because I hadn't met any in real life, I just never really thought about the fact that there are complete whackjobs like him, running around (Okay, maybe scooter-chairing around) out there. He's WHY I hope Glenn Beck stays on the air! It's not that I buy all the lies and bullsh1t Beck spews or that he himself, is all that's funny. What makes me laugh when I watch him, is knowing that there are people like Yidnar out there who actually believe that bullsh1T!

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