How Obama can BEAT Romney and Insure Re-election


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
He can get his friends back in Chicago to sponsor a Super PAC to attack Romney's soft underbelly; his lack of support among social conservatives. Teavangelicals do not like Romney, and many are beggining to see after this past convention what a fascist scum bag Romney and his whores really are.

All the Dems have to do is have adds run in the Southern battleground states that have high levels of evangelical voters and remind them how Romney's hacks smeared all Romneys competition and hounded them out of the process. Remind them of his flip flops on all the social issues and how the man lies with almost every other sentence. Remind them of the heavy handed process the GOP used to silence the Tea PArty people in this last convention.

All the goal is, instead of getting these people to vote for Obama is to get them to become apathetic and not vote or even if the vote, have little enthusiasm and not do any volunteer effort to get out the vote.

If this can cost Romney even 5% of his normal Teavangelical support, that should be enough to let Obama carry Virginia, N Carolina, Iowa and Florida.

Please do this country a favor and bury Romney in this election by a landslide.
Or Obama can start running ads highlighting his stellar record, that'll get him elected for sure.....:thup:
White Evangelists are not going to vote for Obama..

The best that can be hoped for by such an action is that they stay home. Which they will not do.

Obama's best bet is to motivate the base and just keep replaying quips from the Republican debates.

As well as hammering Mitt on Bain and his Taxes.
Or Obama can start running ads highlighting his stellar record, that'll get him elected for sure.....:thup:

yes indeed, he will.

The broader Standard & Poor’s index is up 66.1 percent for Mr. Obama’s first term and the Nasdaq stock market has more than doubled, both increases more than was seen in the first terms of Presidents Carter, Reagan, George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton and George W. Bush, even as Mr. Obama has had sometimes difficult relations with Wall Street on issues ranging from financial regulation and taxes to the virtues of equity capitalism.

Read more: Stocks, gas prices offer hard election numbers for Obama - Washington Times
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All he has to do is let Romney and his minions continue opening their mouth...every time that happens they open mouth and insert foot...its quite amusing.
He can get his friends back in Chicago to sponsor a Super PAC to attack Romney's soft underbelly; his lack of support among social conservatives. Teavangelicals do not like Romney, and many are beggining to see after this past convention what a fascist scum bag Romney and his whores really are.

All the Dems have to do is have adds run in the Southern battleground states that have high levels of evangelical voters and remind them how Romney's hacks smeared all Romneys competition and hounded them out of the process. Remind them of his flip flops on all the social issues and how the man lies with almost every other sentence. Remind them of the heavy handed process the GOP used to silence the Tea PArty people in this last convention.

All the goal is, instead of getting these people to vote for Obama is to get them to become apathetic and not vote or even if the vote, have little enthusiasm and not do any volunteer effort to get out the vote.

If this can cost Romney even 5% of his normal Teavangelical support, that should be enough to let Obama carry Virginia, N Carolina, Iowa and Florida.

Please do this country a favor and bury Romney in this election by a landslide.

Romney's going to win the southern states regardless, unless there is some horrible October Surprise that's going to sink him.

And in all probability, Obama's going to carry FL, IA, VA anyway. The only one I see Romney possibly winning is NC.

All three of those states have lots of retirees, and when they see what Ryan/Romney have in store for their medicare and social security, it's going to be very ugly.
Or Obama can start running ads highlighting his stellar record, that'll get him elected for sure.....:thup:

yes indeed, he will.

The broader Standard & Poor’s index is up 66.1 percent for Mr. Obama’s first term and the Nasdaq stock market has more than doubled, both increases more than was seen in the first terms of Presidents Carter, Reagan, George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton and George W. Bush, even as Mr. Obama has had sometimes difficult relations with Wall Street on issues ranging from financial regulation and taxes to the virtues of equity capitalism.

Read more: Stocks, gas prices offer hard election numbers for Obama - Washington Times Stocks, gas prices offer hard election numbers for Obama - Washington Times
Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter


When's he going to start doing it himself instead of some message board shrill doing it for him? ......:eusa_whistle:
All he has to do is let Romney and his minions continue opening their mouth...every time that happens they open mouth and insert foot...its quite amusing.

Romney's extremely rehearsed and inconsistent speech appears to be the best he's every going to do in terms of a political speech. That was his "best" mind you..and in terms of other probably ranks as fair.

He was outshined by Rubio, Martinez, Christie and, amazingly enough..Rice.

And being that he was the "main event"..that's pretty poor.
Hearing from evangelicals like Mike Huckabee, Ralph Reed and even some individuals, there isn't a problem at all with Romney. His values are more like theirs than obama's is.
White Evangelists are not going to vote for Obama..

The best that can be hoped for by such an action is that they stay home. Which they will not do.

Obama's best bet is to motivate the base and just keep replaying quips from the Republican debates.

As well as hammering Mitt on Bain and his Taxes.

Obamas base i s going to show, but Teavangelicals are weak. I know because I speak to bunches of them all the time.

But dont let me get in the way of your Master of the Universe fantasy, Swallow. you know everything, right?
Hearing from evangelicals like Mike Huckabee, Ralph Reed and even some individuals, there isn't a problem at all with Romney. His values are more like theirs than obama's is.

Yeah that is why they all jumped on the Romney bandwagon only after Palin, Huckabee, Cain, Bachman, Perry, Gingrich and Santorum couldnt beat Romnuts.

Yeah, real enthusiasm.

The TPm and evangelicals do not trust Mormons and a little nudging prior to the election will keep many ifnot most of them at home on voting day.
All he has to do is let Romney and his minions continue opening their mouth...every time that happens they open mouth and insert foot...its quite amusing.

Romney's extremely rehearsed and inconsistent speech appears to be the best he's every going to do in terms of a political speech. That was his "best" mind you..and in terms of other probably ranks as fair.

He was outshined by Rubio, Martinez, Christie and, amazingly enough..Rice.

And being that he was the "main event"..that's pretty poor.

Romney sounds scripted because he *is* scripted. He stands for NOTHING other than bailing out the Wall Street banks when the next crash hits.
He can get his friends back in Chicago to sponsor a Super PAC to attack Romney's soft underbelly; his lack of support among social conservatives. Teavangelicals do not like Romney, and many are beggining to see after this past convention what a fascist scum bag Romney and his whores really are.

All the Dems have to do is have adds run in the Southern battleground states that have high levels of evangelical voters and remind them how Romney's hacks smeared all Romneys competition and hounded them out of the process. Remind them of his flip flops on all the social issues and how the man lies with almost every other sentence. Remind them of the heavy handed process the GOP used to silence the Tea PArty people in this last convention.

All the goal is, instead of getting these people to vote for Obama is to get them to become apathetic and not vote or even if the vote, have little enthusiasm and not do any volunteer effort to get out the vote.

If this can cost Romney even 5% of his normal Teavangelical support, that should be enough to let Obama carry Virginia, N Carolina, Iowa and Florida.

Please do this country a favor and bury Romney in this election by a landslide.

Romney's going to win the southern states regardless, unless there is some horrible October Surprise that's going to sink him.

And in all probability, Obama's going to carry FL, IA, VA anyway. The only one I see Romney possibly winning is NC.

All three of those states have lots of retirees, and when they see what Ryan/Romney have in store for their medicare and social security, it's going to be very ugly.

So you dont consider Virginia and Florida to be Southern states? Hows that?
He can get his friends back in Chicago to sponsor a Super PAC to attack Romney's soft underbelly; his lack of support among social conservatives. Teavangelicals do not like Romney, and many are beggining to see after this past convention what a fascist scum bag Romney and his whores really are.

All the Dems have to do is have adds run in the Southern battleground states that have high levels of evangelical voters and remind them how Romney's hacks smeared all Romneys competition and hounded them out of the process. Remind them of his flip flops on all the social issues and how the man lies with almost every other sentence. Remind them of the heavy handed process the GOP used to silence the Tea PArty people in this last convention.

All the goal is, instead of getting these people to vote for Obama is to get them to become apathetic and not vote or even if the vote, have little enthusiasm and not do any volunteer effort to get out the vote.

If this can cost Romney even 5% of his normal Teavangelical support, that should be enough to let Obama carry Virginia, N Carolina, Iowa and Florida.

Please do this country a favor and bury Romney in this election by a landslide.

Romney's going to win the southern states regardless, unless there is some horrible October Surprise that's going to sink him.

And in all probability, Obama's going to carry FL, IA, VA anyway. The only one I see Romney possibly winning is NC.

All three of those states have lots of retirees, and when they see what Ryan/Romney have in store for their medicare and social security, it's going to be very ugly.

So you dont consider Virginia and Florida to be Southern states? Hows that?

Just another one of JoeBitch's pearls of wisdom...
All three of those states have lots of retirees, and when they see what Ryan/Romney have in store for their medicare and social security, it's going to be very ugly.

NOTHING will be done to retirees and those 55 and over by Romney/Ryan. Ignorance is ugly.
For some reason this op made me think of the graphic the Daily Show was using at the opening while covering the RNC this week.



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