The absence of the Iraq and Afghan wars..and the war on terror in general at the RNC.


The Big Bad Wolf.
Oct 4, 2010
New York City
With the notable exception of McCain, who wants to start wars with Syria, Iran, Libya and several other middle eastern country to build governments in America's image..and Eastwood..who notably advocated for the immediate withdrawl from Afghanistan..there was little about our ongoing, real live shooting wars at the RNC.

Why was that?

I think it has something to do with we'll be doing another war shortly. Well... Conflict. In order to have a war congress would have to declare it.


It would have to be a pretty god damn big one too.


Oh... shit.
With the notable exception of McCain, who wants to start wars with Syria, Iran, Libya and several other middle eastern country to build governments in America's image..and Eastwood..who notably advocated for the immediate withdrawl from Afghanistan..there was little about our ongoing, real live shooting wars at the RNC.

Why was that?


Maybe it's because the left has told us over and over Obama ended the wars.:eusa_whistle:
The Good Doctor is having a positive influence on them. Most won't admit that though. ;)
I think it has something to do with we'll be doing another war shortly. Well... Conflict. In order to have a war congress would have to declare it.


It would have to be a pretty god damn big one too.


Oh... shit.

Could be, rabbit..

[ame=]I found Howard Lederer and Chris Ferguson. - YouTube[/ame]
With the notable exception of McCain, who wants to start wars with Syria, Iran, Libya and several other middle eastern country to build governments in America's image..and Eastwood..who notably advocated for the immediate withdrawl from Afghanistan..there was little about our ongoing, real live shooting wars at the RNC.

Why was that?


Maybe it's because the left has told us over and over Obama ended the wars.:eusa_whistle:

No one on the left ever said Afghanistan was over.. :eusa_hand:
With the notable exception of McCain, who wants to start wars with Syria, Iran, Libya and several other middle eastern country to build governments in America's image..and Eastwood..who notably advocated for the immediate withdrawl from Afghanistan..there was little about our ongoing, real live shooting wars at the RNC.

Why was that?


what a hack you have become, go back to sleep dude.
Afghan unwinnable. Lets just keep fighting though. The day Hussein was toppled we should have gotten out. BUT, too many companies made money from rebuilding which in my mind is immoral as you can get.
i think it has something to do with we'll be doing another war shortly. Well... Conflict. In order to have a war congress would have to declare it.


it would have to be a pretty god damn big one too.


oh... Shit.

could be, rabbit..

[ame=]i found howard lederer and chris ferguson. - youtube[/ame]
Afghan unwinnable. Lets just keep fighting though. The day Hussein was toppled we should have gotten out. BUT, too many companies made money from rebuilding which in my mind is immoral as you can get.

I am all for getting out.

One of the things I vehmently disagree with President Obama about. The Biden Plan was and still is..the way to go.
With the notable exception of McCain, who wants to start wars with Syria, Iran, Libya and several other middle eastern country to build governments in America's image..and Eastwood..who notably advocated for the immediate withdrawl from Afghanistan..there was little about our ongoing, real live shooting wars at the RNC.

Why was that?


Maybe it's because the left has told us over and over Obama ended the wars.:eusa_whistle:

No one on the left ever said Afghanistan was over.. :eusa_hand:

Like the Taliban says, you Americans have the clock, we have the time.

Today, President Obama made a surprise visit to Afghanistan -- to meet with President Hamid Karzai and sign a strategic partnership agreement that will help to guide our future relationship with the country.

For more than a decade, U.S. troops have served in the region as part of the NATO mission. In a televised address, tonight, the President talked about the progress they've made and the new relationship between the United States and Afghanistan:

[We've] begun a transition to Afghan responsibility for security. Already, nearly half of the Afghan people live in places where Afghan security forces are moving into the lead. This month, at a NATO Summit in Chicago, our coalition will set a goal for Afghan forces to be in the lead for combat operations across the country next year. International troops will continue to train, advise and assist the Afghans, and fight alongside them when needed. But we will shift into a support role as Afghans step forward.

As we do, our troops will be coming home. Last year, we removed 10,000 U.S. troops from Afghanistan. Another 23,000 will leave by the end of the summer. After that, reductions will continue at a steady pace, with more and more of our troops coming home. And as our coalition agreed, by the end of 2014 the Afghans will be fully responsible for the security of their country.
President Obama on Ending the War in Afghanistan | The White House
The absence of the Iraq and Afghan wars..and the war on terror in general at the RNC.

See: “Absence of Bush/Cheney, and other republican failures the GOP is trying to make the voters forget.”


It's funny that who era has been almost completely discarded by Republicans and conservatives in general.

It's more funny..that Ryan had a big hand in what happened during that time.
Maybe it's because the left has told us over and over Obama ended the wars.:eusa_whistle:

No one on the left ever said Afghanistan was over.. :eusa_hand:

Like the Taliban says, you Americans have the clock, we have the time.

Today, President Obama made a surprise visit to Afghanistan -- to meet with President Hamid Karzai and sign a strategic partnership agreement that will help to guide our future relationship with the country.

For more than a decade, U.S. troops have served in the region as part of the NATO mission. In a televised address, tonight, the President talked about the progress they've made and the new relationship between the United States and Afghanistan:

[We've] begun a transition to Afghan responsibility for security. Already, nearly half of the Afghan people live in places where Afghan security forces are moving into the lead. This month, at a NATO Summit in Chicago, our coalition will set a goal for Afghan forces to be in the lead for combat operations across the country next year. International troops will continue to train, advise and assist the Afghans, and fight alongside them when needed. But we will shift into a support role as Afghans step forward.

As we do, our troops will be coming home. Last year, we removed 10,000 U.S. troops from Afghanistan. Another 23,000 will leave by the end of the summer. After that, reductions will continue at a steady pace, with more and more of our troops coming home. And as our coalition agreed, by the end of 2014 the Afghans will be fully responsible for the security of their country.
President Obama on Ending the War in Afghanistan | The White House

True enough.

It's really up to the Afghans if they want to follow the Taliban.

They've gotten their asses royally kicked. And on our exit we should let them know that if they start shit again..we won't be so nice.
With the notable exception of McCain, who wants to start wars with Syria, Iran, Libya and several other middle eastern country to build governments in America's image..and Eastwood..who notably advocated for the immediate withdrawl from Afghanistan..there was little about our ongoing, real live shooting wars at the RNC.

Why was that?


Maybe it's because the left has told us over and over Obama ended the wars.:eusa_whistle:

No one on the left ever said Afghanistan was over.. :eusa_hand:
Haven't we begun drawing down troops for our withdraw from Afghanistan? In fact I would not be surprised if on November 7th whoever is President elect does not set a date for total withdraw. Here is the simple truth the Republicans didn't talk about it because they know the American people are focused on the economy not Afghanistan or really even foreign policy at all which is why I suspect you will hear little if anything about Afghanistan from the Democrats at the convention outside of highlighting Bin Laden's death.
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Maybe it's because the left has told us over and over Obama ended the wars.:eusa_whistle:

No one on the left ever said Afghanistan was over.. :eusa_hand:
Haven't we begun drawing down troops for our withdraw from Afghanistan? In fact I would not be surprised if on November 7th whoever is President elect does not set a date for total withdraw. Here is the simple truth the Republicans didn't talk about it because they know the American people are focused on the economy not Afghanistan or really even foreign policy at all which is why I suspect you will hear little if anything about Afghanistan from the Democrats at the convention outside of highlighting Bin Laden's death.

They ain't talking about it because it represents one of many Republican failures that Obama's been left to clean up.

That's why they ain't talking about it.

Romney's the first Republican candidate since 1952..not to talk about war.

Good show.
Yeah it's a shame that the republicans didn't relate incidences where democrats tried to undermine the Military mission after they authorized it. They should have related the time democrat activists bought a 10,000 full page ad in the NY Times calling the Military commander "betray-us" and how the democrat senate majority leader committed treason by trying to impact the morale of the Troops when he told America "the war is lost". Maybe the GOP should have invited Cindy Sheehan and ask her what happened to the crazy bunch of anti-war protesters after Obama was elected. Will president Hussein talk about the stalemate in Afghanistan or will he blame it on Bush?
Yeah it's a shame that the republicans didn't relate incidences where democrats tried to undermine the Military mission after they authorized it. They should have related the time democrat activists bought a 10,000 full page ad in the NY Times calling the Military commander "betray-us" and how the democrat senate majority leader committed treason by trying to impact the morale of the Troops when he told America "the war is lost". Maybe the GOP should have invited Cindy Sheehan and ask her what happened to the crazy bunch of anti-war protesters after Obama was elected. Will president Hussein talk about the stalemate in Afghanistan or will he blame it on Bush?

Which war was "undermined"? The "war" that was basically over in 3 weeks in Afghanistan which saw Osama Bin Laden, trapped like a rat in Tora Bora?

Fast forward..

[ame=]Bush: Truly not concerned about bin Laden (short version) - YouTube[/ame]

Oh yeah..


No one on the left ever said Afghanistan was over.. :eusa_hand:
Haven't we begun drawing down troops for our withdraw from Afghanistan? In fact I would not be surprised if on November 7th whoever is President elect does not set a date for total withdraw. Here is the simple truth the Republicans didn't talk about it because they know the American people are focused on the economy not Afghanistan or really even foreign policy at all which is why I suspect you will hear little if anything about Afghanistan from the Democrats at the convention outside of highlighting Bin Laden's death.

They ain't talking about it because it represents one of many Republican failures that Obama's been left to clean up.

That's why they ain't talking about it.

Romney's the first Republican candidate since 1952..not to talk about war.

Good show.

A republican failure now how did that become a Republican failure when it was supported by virtually ever Democrat at the time and don't to try and say Iraq because a majority of Democrats also supported that at the time as well. Are you upset that Romeny is not talking about war so you can't call him a war monger? How sad you can't use that talking point. The main failure here has been your attempts to try and make this into a big deal.

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