How NOT to be


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2021
a Hugh Hewitt.Or even worse ... the Preternatural flagship
poster boy of Smart-'ass.A veritable know-it all.The same cocksure
Wonder boy from Warren,O. who went to Harvard.Who we now know
for sure graduates and allows students on campus and in class to
be veritably as Unamerican as can be.One needs to ask Mr. Preppy
{ Hewitt } ... " How are Ya ? ". Today.After taking leave from talk radio
for a couple days { ever since he was proven WRONG }.Now Wronged
as a matter of course.The former wonder boy from Warren,O. has been
exposed.For his constant belittling,and veritable discrediting of one
Matt Gaetz.Who turns out to have been right all along.The Republican
Party is now back in form.Precisely where it belongs.On the Conservative
track.Hewitt refused to have Matt Gaetz on his Salem Talk Radio morning
show.We all know how dis guy { Hewitt } plays.He plays favorites.
Can't go a day er two w/o having on Mike Gallagher { Wisconsin } or
Tom Cotton.Both good guys.So is regular Byron York { Washington Examiner }.
But never you mind them guys.We're Talkin' Hewitt.The guy gets a paycheck

from - The Washington Post -. Tells { as if braging } when an older lady calls
and wonders whether or not our Country Arrests and jails Americans as
Policial Prisoners.Hewitt quick to assure her ... We don't Our Country does not.
He dispenses of her by making an assurance that We Don't Arrest Political
Prisoners.This was just within the last year.A lot has happened to Prove how
wrong Hewitt was.January 6th Rioters have been roundly rounded up.
No matter if little old ladies.Targetted and given the New Scarlett letter
moniker of J-6. Tucker Carlson was on to it way before Fox decided to retire him.
Then again Hugh Hewitt is an infirmed { in his senses } by-product of
Harvard university.The place to go to seem superior.No more superior than
Harvard's First Black president of their Harvard Law Review.Obama never
submitted { at least for public consumption } even One Harvard Law review.
When questioned about this ... he gave the excuse ... He was quite busy
reviewing and editing Law reviews of others.Yeah ...nice excuse.
So what will Hugh Hewitts excuse be for still getting a pay check from
The Washington Post { for occasional columns } where the header { headline } is
not his.But of course the pay day is.
Matt Gaetz { who was targetted Big Time by Hewitt } is now a
veritable Hero for digging-in and making sure our Republican House
is what they advertised.Principled and conservative and Very Americana.
The Question now should be ...
NOT to be a Hugh Hewitt.
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