How is Congress going to create jobs and stimulate the economy?


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
Well? Whats the plan?

Economy is still not moving and unemployment is still near 10%. What is Congress going to do about it?

Does anyone really think that Gridlock is the answer?
Well? Whats the plan?

Economy is still not moving and unemployment is still near 10%. What is Congress going to do about it?

Does anyone really think that Gridlock is the answer?

Lets see, Gridlock, or more Keynesian inspired Government Stimulus, Bills like Cap and Trade, and unprecedented Government growth?

yep I pick Grid lock.
Get the heck out of the way. The economy will fix itself as soon as the liberals stop trying to fix it. Damn you people are slow witted....
Get the heck out of the way. The economy will fix itself as soon as the liberals stop trying to fix it. Damn you people are slow witted....

You mean like an unregulated Mortgage market? A financial sector that can do whatever it wants?

Drill..Baby ...Drill? The hell with the Gulf?

I can't wait for a GOP world again
Get the heck out of the way. The economy will fix itself as soon as the liberals stop trying to fix it. Damn you people are slow witted....

You mean like an unregulated Mortgage market? A financial sector that can do whatever it wants?

Drill..Baby ...Drill? The hell with the Gulf?

I can't wait for a GOP world again

You really are an hysterical sissy.
The mortgage market was regulated. Banks were ordered to make bad loans.

How do you make a business plan when you don't know when government is coming after you next, and for what?

1) Bullshit...they were greedy pricks
2) How about just being ethical? Then nobody will come after them for anything....
The mortgage market was regulated. Banks were ordered to make bad loans.

How do you make a business plan when you don't know when government is coming after you next, and for what?

That's a lie. No bank was ever forced to make a loan to an unqualified borrower. Not even the banks who went under have claimed that.

quit believing what you hear spewing out of the rightwing propaganda machine.
Yes, banks were ordered by the Fed, interpreting the CRA and other regulations, to set aside "traditional" underwriting requirements, such as proof of income, credit history, and source of downpayment.
Get the heck out of the way. The economy will fix itself as soon as the liberals stop trying to fix it. Damn you people are slow witted....

You mean like an unregulated Mortgage market? A financial sector that can do whatever it wants?

Drill..Baby ...Drill? The hell with the Gulf?

I can't wait for a GOP world again

You really are an hysterical sissy.

speaking of girlie-men, see post six...
Why don't you ring up Barney Frank and ask him how that Fanny Mae thing is working out. Before you start laying on the lips to the Republicans, make sure you have licked your Democratic "Gods".
Unless this is the apocalypse, the economy will recover over time.

The Republican Congress won't have done anything to cause that, but they and the wingnuts will be taking credit for it.
Yes, banks were ordered by the Fed, interpreting the CRA and other regulations, to set aside "traditional" underwriting requirements, such as proof of income, credit history, and source of downpayment.

Is that why they serruptitiously (read: Hid) those bad loans amongst good loans, bundled them up, and then sold them to anybody who would buy them?

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