How is Barak Obama "far left"?

And they're surely never put anything racist in party publications...

I've heard Obama being called "far left", "the most liberal senator in the senate", or any number of combinations and permutations of that phrase.

And yet, all I've seen from him is Bill Clinton-like moderation. President Obama is a middle of the road, moderate Democrat.

If you disagree with me, tell me why?

1. He is clearly anti-business. More money went to the Arts and entertainments in the no-stimulus stimulus bill than it did to small business which employs over 70% Americans.

2. He is a proponent of SINGLE payer on health care and it is his ambition to TAKE OVER 6% of our economy in health care. No matter what he says now. He is a socialist.

3. He is promoting Cap and Trade to reduce carbon emissions, which will put a huge tax on our utilities which will then be passed back onto us in the form of higher energy costs for every American family, while other countries are doing NOTHING to reduce their co2 emmisions.

4. He is weak on foriegn policy, he appointed his own general, general McCrystal stating that he would listen and act on what the generals on the ground are telling him. McCrystal has asked for an additional 40,000 troops and he is still sitting around waiting until after Tuesday's election before he decides what to do.

Let me know if you need more because I could write a book. Obama wants to fundamentally change America, he is constantly apologizing for it. Obama never saw a tax he did not want to raise. Clinton loved his country, and was much much more of a moderate than Obama ever hoped to be.

" A government big enough to give you everything you need is big enough to take everything you have." Thomas Jefferson

Obama wants to take everything you have in order to increase the size and scope of Government to control everything you have, everything you own, and everything that you do.
He is an elitist with a Statist mentality.
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I've heard Obama being called "far left", "the most liberal senator in the senate", or any number of combinations and permutations of that phrase.

And yet, all I've seen from him is Bill Clinton-like moderation. President Obama is a middle of the road, moderate Democrat.

If you disagree with me, tell me why?

1. He is clearly anti-business. More money went to the Arts and entertainments in the no-stimulus stimulus bill than it did to small business which employs over 70% Americans.

2. He is a proponent of SINGLE payer on health care and it is his ambition to TAKE OVER 6% of our economy in health care. No matter what he says now. He is a socialist.

3. He is promoting Cap and Trade to reduce carbon emissions, which will put a huge tax on our utilities which will then be passed back onto us in the form of higher energy costs for every American family, while other countries are doing NOTHING to reduce their co2 emmisions.

4. He is weak on foriegn policy, he appointed his own general, general McCrystal stating that he would listen and act on what the generals on the ground are telling him. McCrystal has asked for an additional 40,000 troops and he is still sitting around waiting until after Tuesday's election before he decides what to do.

Let me know if you need more because I could write a book. Obama wants to fundamentally change America, he is constantly apologizing for it. Obama never saw a tax he did not want to raise. Clinton loved his country, and was much much more of a moderate than Obama ever hoped to be.

" A government big enough to give you everything you need is big enough to take everything you have." Thomas Jefferson

Obama wants to take everything you have in order to increase the size and scope of Government to control everything you have, everything you own, and everything that you do.
He is an elitist with a Statist mentality.

Wow, careful there, you dont want to post too many facts at once, let the liberals think about one fact at a time so they can come up with a way to attack your character and ignore the facts. Seriously, dont crowd the liberal hate filled bigoted mind with all those facts. dont you have a heart, dont you realize the pain and anguish you cause liberals.
Only those so far out on the right wing - proud members of the idiot fringe - characterized Obama as far left.

There’s been a good deal of attention to ACORN of late, and deservedly so. Yet for all the fuss, what is arguably the most important Obama-Acorn tie of all has gotten short shrift. During the 2008 election, Obama’s close links to the far-left New Party were revealed and explored (although not by the mainstream press). Yet many seem to have forgotten that the New Party, particularly in Chicago, was dominated by ACORN (and by an ACORN-controlled SEIU union local). During the campaign, I detailed Obama’s New Party ties in two pieces, "Something New Here," and "Life of the New Party." Important evidence of Obama’s pursuit of the New Party endorsement can also be found in the September-October 1995 issue of "New Ground," newsletter of the Chicago chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America. Obama’s New Party ties matter because they show that his links to ACORN went far beyond shared on-the-ground organizing, legal representation, training, or even funding (although all of those ties existed and were important). By running for office with the New Party, Obama was effectively indicating that he shared ACORN’s radical political goals.

The Canadian Sentinel: Obama's Far-Left Ties & Ideology
I've heard Obama being called "far left", "the most liberal senator in the senate", or any number of combinations and permutations of that phrase.

And yet, all I've seen from him is Bill Clinton-like moderation. President Obama is a middle of the road, moderate Democrat.

If you disagree with me, tell me why?

Obama is a moderate Democrat? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

He's not even close to being a member of this group:

Blue Dog Coalition
I don't live in Minnesota
So why pretend to know the problems with the bridge in minnesota?

Polk, I am glad to see you can draw with a black crayon. Can you draw a smiley face for us next?

It is an example of inaction by a neo con. Just one of hundreds I can think of. I don't have to live in that state to know that a bridge collapsed that shouldn't have. At the very least with proper regulations in effect the bridge should have been inspected and shut down. Neo Cons do not like reality checks like the diligent work of state inspectors. Neo cons never take responsibility for anything. That is because they are faith based ignorant anti-american traitorous assholes. Thier answer is that god hates queers and somebody didn't pray enough
Only those so far out on the right wing - proud members of the idiot fringe - characterized Obama as far left.

There’s been a good deal of attention to ACORN of late, and deservedly so. Yet for all the fuss, what is arguably the most important Obama-Acorn tie of all has gotten short shrift. During the 2008 election, Obama’s close links to the far-left New Party were revealed and explored (although not by the mainstream press). Yet many seem to have forgotten that the New Party, particularly in Chicago, was dominated by ACORN (and by an ACORN-controlled SEIU union local). During the campaign, I detailed Obama’s New Party ties in two pieces, "Something New Here," and "Life of the New Party." Important evidence of Obama’s pursuit of the New Party endorsement can also be found in the September-October 1995 issue of "New Ground," newsletter of the Chicago chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America. Obama’s New Party ties matter because they show that his links to ACORN went far beyond shared on-the-ground organizing, legal representation, training, or even funding (although all of those ties existed and were important). By running for office with the New Party, Obama was effectively indicating that he shared ACORN’s radical political goals.

The Canadian Sentinel: Obama's Far-Left Ties & Ideology

I don't think that he has said a thing indicating that he would distance himself from this group of criminals, but then again when you see who he appoints as Czars it's no wonder, because in reality he agrees with these far left loons.
Obama is far left when compared to republicans who are to the righ of the John Birch society

So what does all this tell us about Obama? Some conservatives say it indicates that the president is a committed far-left guy. I’m not so sure. The Obama administration hates to be associated with the far left and will hammer anyone who makes the link.

But it is important to understand the precincts in which the president feels comfortable, and there is no question that he has snuggled up to the far left.

Does that mean he’s Che Guevara in disguise? Not necessarily. But it does mean Obama is somewhat out of step with mainstream America
Obama and friends in their own world -
Only those so far out on the right wing - proud members of the idiot fringe - characterized Obama as far left.

Obama's book is strewn with hints of his far left sympathies, as when he tells an African cousin who complains about the hardships of life in Kenya that things are no better in America. Or when he suggests that the lives of poor black young men in the inner city are blighted by white racism. He never says it explicitly, but it's there.

Obama's True Beliefs - Mona Charen - The Corner on National Review Online
I've heard Obama being called "far left", "the most liberal senator in the senate", or any number of combinations and permutations of that phrase.

And yet, all I've seen from him is Bill Clinton-like moderation. President Obama is a middle of the road, moderate Democrat.

If you disagree with me, tell me why?

1. He is clearly anti-business. More money went to the Arts and entertainments in the no-stimulus stimulus bill than it did to small business which employs over 70% Americans.

2. He is a proponent of SINGLE payer on health care and it is his ambition to TAKE OVER 6% of our economy in health care. No matter what he says now. He is a socialist.

3. He is promoting Cap and Trade to reduce carbon emissions, which will put a huge tax on our utilities which will then be passed back onto us in the form of higher energy costs for every American family, while other countries are doing NOTHING to reduce their co2 emmisions.

4. He is weak on foriegn policy, he appointed his own general, general McCrystal stating that he would listen and act on what the generals on the ground are telling him. McCrystal has asked for an additional 40,000 troops and he is still sitting around waiting until after Tuesday's election before he decides what to do.

Let me know if you need more because I could write a book. Obama wants to fundamentally change America, he is constantly apologizing for it. Obama never saw a tax he did not want to raise. Clinton loved his country, and was much much more of a moderate than Obama ever hoped to be.

" A government big enough to give you everything you need is big enough to take everything you have." Thomas Jefferson

Obama wants to take everything you have in order to increase the size and scope of Government to control everything you have, everything you own, and everything that you do.
He is an elitist with a Statist mentality.

Wow, careful there, you dont want to post too many facts at once, let the liberals think about one fact at a time so they can come up with a way to attack your character and ignore the facts. Seriously, dont crowd the liberal hate filled bigoted mind with all those facts. dont you have a heart, dont you realize the pain and anguish you cause liberals.

Oh, I am sure they have had their share of pain, because I have yet to see any of them be able to counter with FACTS or DETAILS to any of the conservative posters on USMB. They go into attack mode when they can't debate the conversation which is almost every time.

Like I always tell them, " don't you dare let FACTS or the TRUTH get in the way of what you BELEIVE, because that would be too much of an overload on your liberal brain.":lol::lol::lol::lol:
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Only those so far out on the right wing - proud members of the idiot fringe - characterized Obama as far left.

Another piece in the puzzle of Barack Obama has been revealed, greatly strengthening the picture of a man groomed by an older generation of radical leftists for insertion into the American political process, trading on good looks, brains, educational pedigree, and the desire of the vast majority of the voting public to right the historical racial wrongs of the land.

The New Party was a radical left organization, established in 1992, to amalgamate far left groups and push the United States into socialism by forcing the Democratic Party to the left. It was an attempt to regroup the forces on the left in a new strategy to take power, burrowing from within. The party only lasted until 1998, when its strategy of "fusion" failed to withstand a Supreme Court ruling. But dissolving the party didn't stop the membership, including Barack Obama, from continuing to move the Democrats leftward with spectacular success.
American Thinker Blog: Archives prove Obama was a New Party member (updated)
Only those so far out on the right wing - proud members of the idiot fringe - characterized Obama as far left.

Another piece in the puzzle of Barack Obama has been revealed, greatly strengthening the picture of a man groomed by an older generation of radical leftists for insertion into the American political process, trading on good looks, brains, educational pedigree, and the desire of the vast majority of the voting public to right the historical racial wrongs of the land.

The New Party was a radical left organization, established in 1992, to amalgamate far left groups and push the United States into socialism by forcing the Democratic Party to the left. It was an attempt to regroup the forces on the left in a new strategy to take power, burrowing from within. The party only lasted until 1998, when its strategy of "fusion" failed to withstand a Supreme Court ruling. But dissolving the party didn't stop the membership, including Barack Obama, from continuing to move the Democrats leftward with spectacular success.
American Thinker Blog: Archives prove Obama was a New Party member (updated)

I think that the statement about righting the historical racial wrongs of the land, is dead on right. It's called the "white guilt vote.," Have you noticed that having a black President has done NOTHING to decrease the racial rant in this country and has in fact INCREASED it. If you disagree with this President on the issues YOU WILL BE CALLED A RACIST FOR DOING IT.
I know some white guilt voters and I don't beleive for a second that they thought he would take this country as far left as he has and so dangerously close to socialism.

Could you ever imagine a President of France backing away from the President of the United States because the U.S President is too liberal. I never dreamed I would see that day.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
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Obama is far left when compared to republicans who are to the righ of the John Birch society

So what does all this tell us about Obama? Some conservatives say it indicates that the president is a committed far-left guy. I’m not so sure. The Obama administration hates to be associated with the far left and will hammer anyone who makes the link.

But it is important to understand the precincts in which the president feels comfortable, and there is no question that he has snuggled up to the far left.

Does that mean he’s Che Guevara in disguise? Not necessarily. But it does mean Obama is somewhat out of step with mainstream America
Obama and friends in their own world -

Somewhat is an major understatement.

What he says out loud isn't mainstream. What he actually believes and is striving to do is about as far left as you can get.

He believes that total "Economic Equality" is a Civil Right.
You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich.
You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong.
You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift.
You cannot lift the wage earner up by pulling the wage payer down.
You cannot further the brotherhood of man by inciting class hatred.
You cannot build character and courage by taking away people's intitiative and independence.
You cannot help people permanently by doing for them, what they could and should do for themselves.- Abraham Lincoln

Lincoln never said that, it was Reverend William J. H. Boetcke
Rhetoric. Give me an example of what "far left" is, and show how Obama is that.

How about if you give me proof that he is a moderate democrat first, since that is the claim you made.


This isn't a logic problem - there's no "proof" of anything involved. I can give evidence though.

We're still in Iraq.
Obama doesn't support same-sex marriage.
Obama doesn't support single-payer or nationalized healthcare.
Obama hasn't taken anyone's guns.

Also (I wouldn't consider these things to be "far left", but still the rhetoric comes)

Obama isn't trying to institute Sharia law.
Conservatives aren't being rounded up in FEMA camps.

There's plenty more evidence, if you'd like I could continue.

Now, do you have any evidence that he is "far left"?

First off, this is the stupidest post I've read today, and that's really saying something. No, I'm not going to bother with a point-by-point refutation of this bilge, because that would just give you the false impression that you said something worthy of response.

Second, Obama earned the title, specifically, of "most liberal senator of 2007" from the National Journal. They gave him this title by analyzing 99 votes he cast that year. He voted the liberal position 92% of the time.

To be more precise, he voted multiple times to raise the minimum wage, to raise income taxes, against repeal of the death tax, to unionize Homeland Security and abolish secret ballots in union elections, in favor of federal funding of embryonic stem cell research but AGAINST federal funding of non-embryonic stem cell research, straight 100% liberal on immigration reform, against FISA reauthorization, to limit defense funding, to set a public deadline for troop withdrawal . . .

He also has a 100% ranking from NARAL and a 0% rating from National Right to Life. The National Taxpayers Union gave him an "F". Americans for Tax Reform also gave him a zero. The American Conservative Union gave him an 8%, and the NRA gave him an "F". None of these organizations are just pulling these rankings out of their collective asses.
Republicans give back:
Crooks and Liars
Obama gave the WATB Republicans the tax breaks they insisted upon in the stimulus package (even though economists said they would hurt-not help-the stimulus). How many Republicans voted for the stimulus bill? Bupkis.

Obama has also had to deal with Republicans giving us Tea Parties, Obama = Nazi, Marxist, Communist, Stalinist, Socialist, Racist and/or a Totalitarian.

He has been accused of declaring War on the Rich, the Health Care industry, Banking industry, Mortgage industry, and the Auto Manufacturing industry.

He has been accused of being a liar, of having a Kenyan Birth Certificate, of wanting death panels and internment camps.

The Republicans have also put holds on the Surgeon General nominee in the face of the H1N1 pandemic, as well as blocking 19 of 22 appointees to the courts, as well as complaining about Obama not being a sufficient enough cheerleader for American exceptionalism abroad, not moving fast enough on Afghanistan, too fast on health care reform, and most pathetically, the number of pages in the health care reform bill.

So tell me again, George, who exactly is being divisive? Who exactly is smacking down the hand of bipartisanship? Who exactly is responsible for the culture of divisiveness in DC?
Um Gentlemen I said he was one of the smarter leftist. That if you haven't noticed doesn't require much beyond high double digits along with a smidge of common sens.

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