How Democrats’ Attacks On The 2020 Election’s Legitimacy Set The Stage For Revolution


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
How Democrats’ Attacks On The 2020 Election’s Legitimacy Set The Stage For Revolution
Nothing will more effectively halt Democrats’ efforts at pushing our country into full-scale civil conflict than shining a bright light on their objectives for all to see.

9 Sep 2020 ~~ By J.B.Shurk

Democrats have been masters at messaging for decades. They focus on a single idea, they and their corrupt allies in the media magnify and propagate the idea, and then they all repeat it endlessly until it is accepted as fact. The idea Democrats are pushing today is that before voting has even begun, the 2020 presidential election is illegitimate.
Why are Democrats working to undermine the election, rather than working to win it? On the chance that President Donald Trump is re-elected, they are attempting to veto the vote and bring about revolution in America.
This is why Sens. Bernie Sanders and Chuck Schumer pretend Trump won’t leave office if defeated. It’s why House Speaker Nancy Pelosi continues to insist the president is Vladimir Putin’s “accomplice.” It’s why the mayor of San Francisco so casually calls the president a “terrorist” and “dictator.” It’s why Democrat vice presidential candidate Kamala Harris is already blaming Joe Biden’s loss on “Russian interference.”
It’s why Hillary Clinton insists Biden should not concede the election until Democrats have a chance to throw state vote counts into chaos, why Bill Clinton is selling the idea that Trump will “stack sandbags” to stay in the White House, and why certain “Washington insiders” have a plan to undertake “unprecedented” measures to overthrow Trump after he wins re-election. The Democratic Party is actively working to create the conditions necessary to trigger a political revolution.
Democrats Are Prepping for Revolution
This past weekend, Michael McFaul, Obama’s former ambassador to Russia and a Stanford University professor, tweeted: “Trump has lost the Intelligence Community. He has lost the State Department. He has lost the military. How can he continue to serve as our Commander in Chief?” His argument was immediately and rightly mocked online for presuming that generals, diplomats, and spies should decide who sits in the Oval Office, while ignoring Article II of the Constitution and the American people’s say in the matter.
McFaul’s no dummy, though. He’s an expert on political revolution, has studied extensively the Color Revolutions that took place in former Soviet republics and during the Arab Spring, and was the chief architect of Obama’s Russian reset policy.
Stacey Lennox at PJ Media highlighted the subtext of McFaul’s message, that Democrats have achieved a key variable for political revolution: divisions among the U.S. military. The preposterous Atlantic story last week that painted Trump as insensitive to our fallen military heroes seemed less about splintering his vote from active and retired service members and more about weakening our military leadership’s constitutional loyalty to the commander in chief.
Lennox warned what McFaul and the Democratic Party were up to back in June, when John Kerry threatened revolution this November should Trump win. At the time, she highlighted a 2005 academic article McFaul wrote that listed seven “common factors” that made revolution in post-communist countries possible: “1) a semi-autocratic rather than fully autocratic regime; 2) an unpopular incumbent; 3) a united and organized opposition; 4) an ability quickly to drive home the point that voting results were falsified, 5) enough independent media to inform citizens about the falsified vote, 6) a political opposition capable of mobilizing tens of thousands or more demonstrators to protest electoral fraud, and 7) divisions among the regime’s coercive forces.”
Republicans Must Play Offense
For 50 years, Democrats have tormented civil society by dividing Americans, never letting old wounds heal, and always slapping away outstretched hands seeking peace. Glancing through Saul Alinsky’s 13 “Rules for Radicals” reveals what evil nonsense Democrats had been using to destroy American society since the 1960s. Once a person reads that list of rules for turning American culture inside out, it is impossible to look at astroturfed mobs of “peaceful protesters” as anything other than prefabricated armies paid by George Soros types to sow division in America and cause her permanent harm.
The same is true for McFaul’s “seven common factors” necessary for political revolution. As soon as you read through his list, it becomes impossible not to see what the Democrats are trying to accomplish. Step by step, they are creating the preconditions that will make America vulnerable to civil war and then to a reimagined post-constitutional order more amenable to global governance.
The “1619 Project” is about destroying our national identity. The statue-topplers are about destroying our history. But it’s McFaul’s list of conditions for revolution that illuminates Democrats’s efforts to delegitimize the coming election, fracture military leadership, and transform Antifa and Black Lives Matter insurrection in the cities into wide-scale rebellion across the nation.
The better Americans understand what Democrats are doing to undermine our self-government, the more quickly we can go from playing defense against these attacks to playing effective offense.

Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Leftists now are organized, wearing uniforms, armed in their attempt to overthrow the gov't. it is now an terrorist insurgent army. It’s called treason and should be treated accordingly.
Unfortunately the Governors and Mayors of the Democrat Blue Sanctuary Plantation States and cities where these anarchists are demonstrating their violence have abrogated their elected oaths and duties of office forsaking the people that elected them....
It goes without saying that the silent majority (Conservatives) need to rise up, show their ire and begin fighting back.
It's my fear that regardless of whether Trump or Biden wins in November. A Trump win will unleash the leftists who will attempt to overthrow Trump through violence in a Bolshevik style revolution with the support of the Democrats and mainstream media. A Biden win will begin a rapid transformation of the country into a socialist state, gutting the Bill of Rights and establishing a social credit system like in China where those who tow the party line are rewarded and those who don’t are denied even basic rights. There will be a back lash to this authoritarian regime leading to an armed revolution. Either way it will be civil war.
How Democrats’ Attacks On The 2020 Election’s Legitimacy Set The Stage For Revolution
Nothing will more effectively halt Democrats’ efforts at pushing our country into full-scale civil conflict than shining a bright light on their objectives for all to see.

9 Sep 2020 ~~ By J.B.Shurk

Democrats have been masters at messaging for decades. They focus on a single idea, they and their corrupt allies in the media magnify and propagate the idea, and then they all repeat it endlessly until it is accepted as fact. The idea Democrats are pushing today is that before voting has even begun, the 2020 presidential election is illegitimate.
Why are Democrats working to undermine the election, rather than working to win it? On the chance that President Donald Trump is re-elected, they are attempting to veto the vote and bring about revolution in America.
This is why Sens. Bernie Sanders and Chuck Schumer pretend Trump won’t leave office if defeated. It’s why House Speaker Nancy Pelosi continues to insist the president is Vladimir Putin’s “accomplice.” It’s why the mayor of San Francisco so casually calls the president a “terrorist” and “dictator.” It’s why Democrat vice presidential candidate Kamala Harris is already blaming Joe Biden’s loss on “Russian interference.”
It’s why Hillary Clinton insists Biden should not concede the election until Democrats have a chance to throw state vote counts into chaos, why Bill Clinton is selling the idea that Trump will “stack sandbags” to stay in the White House, and why certain “Washington insiders” have a plan to undertake “unprecedented” measures to overthrow Trump after he wins re-election. The Democratic Party is actively working to create the conditions necessary to trigger a political revolution.
Democrats Are Prepping for Revolution
This past weekend, Michael McFaul, Obama’s former ambassador to Russia and a Stanford University professor, tweeted: “Trump has lost the Intelligence Community. He has lost the State Department. He has lost the military. How can he continue to serve as our Commander in Chief?” His argument was immediately and rightly mocked online for presuming that generals, diplomats, and spies should decide who sits in the Oval Office, while ignoring Article II of the Constitution and the American people’s say in the matter.
McFaul’s no dummy, though. He’s an expert on political revolution, has studied extensively the Color Revolutions that took place in former Soviet republics and during the Arab Spring, and was the chief architect of Obama’s Russian reset policy.
Stacey Lennox at PJ Media highlighted the subtext of McFaul’s message, that Democrats have achieved a key variable for political revolution: divisions among the U.S. military. The preposterous Atlantic story last week that painted Trump as insensitive to our fallen military heroes seemed less about splintering his vote from active and retired service members and more about weakening our military leadership’s constitutional loyalty to the commander in chief.
Lennox warned what McFaul and the Democratic Party were up to back in June, when John Kerry threatened revolution this November should Trump win. At the time, she highlighted a 2005 academic article McFaul wrote that listed seven “common factors” that made revolution in post-communist countries possible: “1) a semi-autocratic rather than fully autocratic regime; 2) an unpopular incumbent; 3) a united and organized opposition; 4) an ability quickly to drive home the point that voting results were falsified, 5) enough independent media to inform citizens about the falsified vote, 6) a political opposition capable of mobilizing tens of thousands or more demonstrators to protest electoral fraud, and 7) divisions among the regime’s coercive forces.”
Republicans Must Play Offense
For 50 years, Democrats have tormented civil society by dividing Americans, never letting old wounds heal, and always slapping away outstretched hands seeking peace. Glancing through Saul Alinsky’s 13 “Rules for Radicals” reveals what evil nonsense Democrats had been using to destroy American society since the 1960s. Once a person reads that list of rules for turning American culture inside out, it is impossible to look at astroturfed mobs of “peaceful protesters” as anything other than prefabricated armies paid by George Soros types to sow division in America and cause her permanent harm.
The same is true for McFaul’s “seven common factors” necessary for political revolution. As soon as you read through his list, it becomes impossible not to see what the Democrats are trying to accomplish. Step by step, they are creating the preconditions that will make America vulnerable to civil war and then to a reimagined post-constitutional order more amenable to global governance.
The “1619 Project” is about destroying our national identity. The statue-topplers are about destroying our history. But it’s McFaul’s list of conditions for revolution that illuminates Democrats’s efforts to delegitimize the coming election, fracture military leadership, and transform Antifa and Black Lives Matter insurrection in the cities into wide-scale rebellion across the nation.
The better Americans understand what Democrats are doing to undermine our self-government, the more quickly we can go from playing defense against these attacks to playing effective offense.

Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Leftists now are organized, wearing uniforms, armed in their attempt to overthrow the gov't. it is now an terrorist insurgent army. It’s called treason and should be treated accordingly.
Unfortunately the Governors and Mayors of the Democrat Blue Sanctuary Plantation States and cities where these anarchists are demonstrating their violence have abrogated their elected oaths and duties of office forsaking the people that elected them....
It goes without saying that the silent majority (Conservatives) need to rise up, show their ire and begin fighting back.
It's my fear that regardless of whether Trump or Biden wins in November. A Trump win will unleash the leftists who will attempt to overthrow Trump through violence in a Bolshevik style revolution with the support of the Democrats and mainstream media. A Biden win will begin a rapid transformation of the country into a socialist state, gutting the Bill of Rights and establishing a social credit system like in China where those who tow the party line are rewarded and those who don’t are denied even basic rights. There will be a back lash to this authoritarian regime leading to an armed revolution. Either way it will be civil war.

Wow. That's a lot of pearl clutching. So, let me propose an alternate scenario. Biden wins in November. The country goes on as usual. Trump supporters growl but ultimately accept the fact that the guy was a fraud in the first place. We return to news cycle sanity...whatever that is. :)
Wow, u can literally replace every word Democrat with Republican, and then it would be so resounding.
Wow, u can literally replace every word Democrat with Republican, and then it would be so resounding.
There is a big difference between the two sides
Dems > Antifa, BLM, Nation of Islam, Klan, Black Panthers, crime, gangs, corruption, poverty, bad schools
Reps > Rotory Club, Lions Club, VFW, Little League, good jobs, nice neighborhoods, good schools

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