How Could Anyone Deny Manmade Climate Change?


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
“El Nino could make 2015 ‘the hottest year on record’… and 2016 will be even hotter.”
—Headline, London Independent, September 14, 2015.

“UK winter weather: El Nino could plunge country into long, snowy winter.”
—Headline, London Independent, September 14, 2015.

“Snowfalls are now just a thing of the past.”
—Headline, London Independent, March 20, 2000

Toss in the fact those screaming at the clouds still fly private jets and heat and cool their 6,000 sq ft mansions and we know why.
Heat wave - The Watchers

Warm and dry conditions to continue across the US West

Unusually warm and dry weather has been persistent across the US West during October 2015. A number of temperature records have already been broken, and hot conditions are expected to continue throughout the week, increasing the risk of wildfires in already devastated a

October 12, 2015

Hot and humid summer in Egypt: Heat wave claims 87 lives, 1 205 people hospitalized
Another 11 people died on August 13, as the heat wave in Egypt intensified it's grip during the last couple of days. The death toll now rose to 87, Egypt's health ministry reports.The heat wave that was sweeping the countries of Middle East since last July, has

August 14, 2015

Heat wave setting new historic record over Europe, relief expected early next week
Second persistent heat wave of the summer season has set more temperature records in parts of Europe, during last week. Poland, Germany, Italy, Czech Republic, Belarus and Lithuania reported new all-time records, while the hot conditions are forecasted to last across mo

August 13, 2015

Hong Kong reports the hottest day in the last 130 years
The hottest day in the last 130 years was reported in Hong Kong on Saturday, August 8, 2015 when the temperatures rose up to 37.8 ºC (100 ºF) under the influence of Typhoon "Soudelor".The daily maximum temperature hit 36.3 ºC (97.3 ºF) in t

August 11, 2015

Heat wave intensifies over Japan: Temperatures peak to break a 55 year old record
The on-going heat wave in Japan intensified during the last week with reported death tolls rising to 55. More than 11 000 people were hospitalized due to consequences of extremely hot weather conditions across the country, the officials reported on August 4.

Denialists predictions versus reality
“El Nino could make 2015 ‘the hottest year on record’… and 2016 will be even hotter.”
—Headline, London Independent, September 14, 2015.

“UK winter weather: El Nino could plunge country into long, snowy winter.”
—Headline, London Independent, September 14, 2015.

“Snowfalls are now just a thing of the past.”
—Headline, London Independent, March 20, 2000

Toss in the fact those screaming at the clouds still fly private jets and heat and cool their 6,000 sq ft mansions and we know why.

El Nino could make 2015 ‘the hottest year on record’… and 2016 will be even hotter.”

Wow! Scary! How long is that record again?
Not at all. They don't have enough knowledge of science to be heretics, they are just stupid asses posting nonsense, like you.

The science isn't the issue, your "more government more regulation less quality of life less freedom" solution is the issue.

Watermelons, all of you.
We're only recently measuring ocean temperatures, but trust us, this was the Hottest SUMMA EVAH!!!! (once you add in adjusted land data and the fudges ocean temps. Don't ask for our emails, we're scientists adjusting data, man)
“El Nino could make 2015 ‘the hottest year on record’… and 2016 will be even hotter.”
—Headline, London Independent, September 14, 2015.

“UK winter weather: El Nino could plunge country into long, snowy winter.”
—Headline, London Independent, September 14, 2015.

“Snowfalls are now just a thing of the past.”
—Headline, London Independent, March 20, 2000

Toss in the fact those screaming at the clouds still fly private jets and heat and cool their 6,000 sq ft mansions and we know why. more complex than tic-tac-toe is beyond your comprehension? You poor confused retard.

PhD scientists who have studied the complexities of the Earth's climate systems and atmospheric physics their whole professional lives are still discovering new details, but you are sure you have it all figured out. LOLOL.

2014 was the hottest year on record, surpassing 2010 and 2005 for that rank. 2015, so far, is even hotter, much hotter it turns out. Scientists are saying that 2016 will be as hot or hotter. Almost every month this year so far has been the record setting hottest month of that name on record. January was the second hottest January and April was the third hottest April. The first ten months of 2015 were the warmest such period on record across the world's land and ocean surfaces, according to NOAA. By the end of this year, the three hottest years on record - 2015, 2014, and 2010 - will have happened in the last five years. That's a record too.

The Earth is heating up because of the 43% increase of the heat trapping Greenhouse Gas carbon dioxide in our atmosphere that mankind's activities has produced. Virtually the entire world scientific community strongly affirms this.

But meanwhile, as part of the complexity of the world climate systems, this is also possibly happening...

Climate Change and the United Kingdom (UK)
There are two scenarios for the UK as a result of global warming. It could get warmer or the climate could even become cooler.

A Warmer Climate for the UK
Bird Migration Patterns
Studies by the British Trust for Ornithology (BTO) and the Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust between 2001 and 2004 indicate that the British winter climate is warming.

Ducks, geese and waders are attracted by the relatively warmer winter conditions in the British Isles but, claims the BTO, global warming could be persuading migrating birds to stay in cooler northern and eastern waters. The British Isles benefits from the warn Gulf Stream which keeps the British Isles warmer in winter than would be expected for land at such a northerly latitude.

It is thought that global warming is keeping the birds breeding grounds warm enough in winter to negate the necessity for the birds to migrate to warmer climates.

Predictions by the Climate Research Unit (University of East Anglia) in 2000
In 2000 the Climate Research Unit predicted that by 2050 average temperatures in the south east of the British Isles would increase by 1.5°C to 2°C with the west and north of Ireland and Scotland rising by 1.5°C to 2°C. By 2080 the predicted temperature rises are:

  • more than 3°C for the south and midland areas of England and most of Wales
  • between 2.5°C and 3°C for Ireland, Cornwall, west Wales, northern England and most of Scotland
  • between 2.0°C and 2.5°C for the northern tip of Scotland
Winter precipitation (rainfall and snow) is also expected to increase. The increased precipitation will not be even over the British Isles. By 2080 it is expected that the south east corner of England will see a 5%-10% increase in precipitation; all of Wales and England below Manchester and Leeds will see a 10%-20% increase in precipitation; Ireland, Scotland and the north of England will see over 20% increase in precipitation. Although winter precipitation is expected to increase, summer precipitation is expected to be reduced in many areas with a predictions of 18% less summer rainfall for central and southern UK by 2080. On the other hand, northern England and Scotland are expected to have both wetter summers and wetter winters.

Report by the Scotish Executive in 2006
The Scotish Executive issued a report in March 2006 called Changing Our Ways: Scotland's Climate Change Programmewhich includes predictions for the climate of the UK due to global warming. Much of its conclusions are broadly in line with the predictions by the Climate Research Unit in 2000. However the Scotish Executive reports does indicate that precipitation in the south and east of the UK could deline by up to 50% in the summer by 2080.

A Cooler Climate for the UK
The reason why global warming is likelier to cause localised cooling of the UK is to do with the Gulf Stream.

At present, there is a warm current that starts in the Gulf of Mexico that transports warm tropical water from the Gulf of Mexico into the North Atlantic. Technically, at this point the current changes its name from the Gulf Stream to the North Atlantic Drift. The North Atlantic Drift continues to transport this warm water to the shores of Ireland, South West England, Scotland and a small part of Wales. The air above this warm current takes some of the heat from the water and takes this warm air across the British Isles. In winter, this keeps the British Isles warmer than would be expected for it northerly latitude.

As global warming continues, it is expected that Arctic ice will melt releasing huge quantities of fresh water into the North Atlantic. Not only will this ice melt increase sea level, it will have a dramatic effect on the North Atlantic Drift.

Salt water is more dense than fresh water. This is the key to the effect of the ice melt will have on the North Atlantic Drift.

As more fresh water is released in the North Atlantic, it will flow south to meet the North Atlantic Drift. Where they meet, the heavier salt water of the North Atlantic Drift will start to descend beneath the lighter fresh water from the Arctic. As soon as the warm salt water sinks beneath the cooler fresh water, the warming effect of the North Atlantic Drift will cease. As the air will also cool, the beneficial effect of the North Atlantic Drift will end. This will result in winters in the British Isles being about 9°C cooler then present. Winter temperatures in the British Isles will be more akin to those found in Labrador.

Although global warming will see much of the Earth with higher temperatures, for some place, especially the British Isles, the average temperature could fall. Thus, it is more appropriate to talk about climate change rather then global warming.

Will the Gulf Stream collapse?
A key question in climate research concerns the stability of the thermohaline circulation, a system of large-scale currents including the Gulf Stream in the North Atlantic Ocean, which carries heat from the tropics to higher latitudes as cold salty water sinks near the pole, drawing warm water north-eastwards. The arm of the Gulf Stream which flows up the west coast of Scotland (the North Atlantic Drift) is responsible for keeping our climate temperate.

Recent observations have shown a reduction in the amount of salt in the sea water deep in the north-west Atlantic, and this has been interpreted by some as an early sign of a weakening thermohaline circulation.

The climate model run by the Hadley Centre - part of the Met Office - shows that the observations are, in fact, consistent with a slight strengthening of the thermohaline circulation since the 1960s. Nevertheless, the model predicts that in future it will weaken somewhat as a result of global warming.

Hadley Centre models suggest a reduction in the strength of the Gulf Stream by as much as a quarter, but not a collapse. However, even with this reduction in the Gulf Stream, the net result of climate change is expected to be a warmer Europe.
Back 10,000 years ago, the Earth warmed causing the glaciers to recede giving us the Great Lakes of the USA and thousand lakes of Canada. Back then mankind was miniscule in number. What caused that global warming? Before humans took over California and built the canals that would bring water from northern Cal to the south, the whole area from San Diego to Los Angeles was a BIG desert. When the liberals of California cut off the water to the south, so they could protect the Smelt Fish, soon S. Cal reverted back to its original condition. Problem with you libtards is that you are TOO stupid to research this, and just continue to be a goosestepping, koolaid drinking, low information, mindnumbed, useful idiot, willingly giving up your money so Al Gore, Warren Buffet, Bill Clinton, Bill Gates, can rake in the millions and billions from the Carbon Credit Exchange. Where is this COLD coming from if the Arctic Ocean and the planet are warming up year after year? Such stupid people who vote dumbocrat. Colorado Blizzard
Colorado Blizzard
Not at all. They don't have enough knowledge of science to be heretics, they are just stupid asses posting nonsense, like you.

The science isn't the issue, your "more government more regulation less quality of life less freedom" solution is the issue.

Watermelons, all of you.
Stupid fucks, every one of you that deny reality.

Remember, denier is an AGWCult secret handshake word and not used by real scientists
How could anyone believe AGW is real, when it is clearly a hoax.

A hoax designed to centralize government worldwide and enrich and empower politicians, the 1%, and the connected. Only fools are incapable of seeing the truth.

One would think when every big gov pol in the whole F-ing world is an advocate of AGW, the believers would wake up to the hoax....but no.

Can't fix stupid.
How could anyone believe AGW is real, when it is clearly a hoax.

A hoax designed to centralize government worldwide and enrich and empower politicians, the 1%, and the connected. Only fools are incapable of seeing the truth.

One would think when every big gov pol in the whole F-ing world is an advocate of AGW, the believers would wake up to the hoax....but no.

Can't fix stupid.
IPCC flat out said they're using AGW as a wealth redistribution scheme
How could anyone believe AGW is real, when it is clearly a hoax.

A hoax designed to centralize government worldwide and enrich and empower politicians, the 1%, and the connected. Only fools are incapable of seeing the truth.

One would think when every big gov pol in the whole F-ing world is an advocate of AGW, the believers would wake up to the hoax....but no.

Can't fix stupid.
IPCC flat out said they're using AGW as a wealth redistribution scheme
That should tip off the believers, but no...their faith is strong.
“El Nino could make 2015 ‘the hottest year on record’… and 2016 will be even hotter.”
—Headline, London Independent, September 14, 2015.

“UK winter weather: El Nino could plunge country into long, snowy winter.”
—Headline, London Independent, September 14, 2015.

“Snowfalls are now just a thing of the past.”
—Headline, London Independent, March 20, 2000

Toss in the fact those screaming at the clouds still fly private jets and heat and cool their 6,000 sq ft mansions and we know why.

If Big Oil gave me hundreds of thousands I'd deny the world's round. :)

"Do you believe in the Loch Ness Monster, astral projection, Bigfoot, ghosts and spirits, or the lost city of Atlantis?"

"If there's a steady paycheck in it, I'll believe anything you say."

- "Ghostbusters" :)
Not at all. They don't have enough knowledge of science to be heretics, they are just stupid asses posting nonsense, like you.

The science isn't the issue, your "more government more regulation less quality of life less freedom" solution is the issue.

Watermelons, all of you.
Stupid fucks, every one of you that deny reality.

I'll put my IQ up against yours any day of the week.
Stupid is as stupid does, Marty, me boy. So you are claiming that millions of scientists around the world, from every culture and poltical system are in on a grand conspiracy. So perfectly aligned in their nefarious goals that not one of them has divulged what the purpose of the conspiracy is, and who is spearheading it.
Back 10,000 years ago, the Earth warmed causing the glaciers to recede giving us the Great Lakes of the USA and thousand lakes of Canada. Back then mankind was miniscule in number. What caused that global warming? Before humans took over California and built the canals that would bring water from northern Cal to the south, the whole area from San Diego to Los Angeles was a BIG desert. When the liberals of California cut off the water to the south, so they could protect the Smelt Fish, soon S. Cal reverted back to its original condition. Problem with you libtards is that you are TOO stupid to research this, and just continue to be a goosestepping, koolaid drinking, low information, mindnumbed, useful idiot, willingly giving up your money so Al Gore, Warren Buffet, Bill Clinton, Bill Gates, can rake in the millions and billions from the Carbon Credit Exchange. Where is this COLD coming from if the Arctic Ocean and the planet are warming up year after year? Such stupid people who vote dumbocrat. Colorado Blizzard
Colorado Blizzard
Imagine that. A blizzard in Colorado in the second half of November. Ever hear of winter, goober?

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