'Instead of Gaza' | How should we name the new city?

I agree the entire Palestinian culture, and to be honest, most of the greater Arab/Muslim culture, supports the destruction of Israel and killing Jews, so that a child born into that culture will have a very hard time believing living in peace with Israel/Jews would be a good thing. Nevertheless Egypt, Jordan and many other Arab/Muslim states have decided they and their people are better off living in peace with Israel than wasting their resources by chasing an unreachable goal, the destruction of Israel. Israel is going to have to find a way to convinced the Ganans that peace is better for them than war.
How can Israel DO that? These are people who approved of the Oct 7 massacre. They cannot be redeemed after a lifetime of brainwashing to want Jews dead.
And cutting a toddlers head off with a Shovel while the Parents watch at gunpoint
These savages are subhuman.

One of the barbarians cut a fetus out of the mother’s womb, sawed off its head while the mother watched, bleeding out on the floor, I. Shock and agony.

What about that poor baby they stuck in an oven and cooked to death? They made the parents sit there and hear the wailing until the screams stopped, and then killed them too.
Israel isn’t doing that.

Why don’t you answer MY questions? Oh right,,,,deflect and on,y blame the Jews.

This is ALL the fault of the Muslim monsters,
I am talking about what those here want to do with Gaza. The land is owned by people already. Try to focus instead of deflecting.
How is that ethninc cleansing? Israel is 20% Muslim. But those are the good Muslims who don’t hate Jews and want to kill them.

And what about the ethnic cleansing done by Arabs of Jews throughout the Middle East? Now that was ethnic cleansing. Entire countries that had thriving Jewish communities are now Judenfrei.
Muslim is not an ethnicity, it is a world wide religion encompassing many ethnic and national groups.
These savages are subhuman.

One of the barbarians cut a fetus out of the mother’s womb, sawed off its head while the mother watched, bleeding out on the floor, I. Shock and agony.

What about that poor baby they stuck in an oven and cooked to death? They made the parents sit there and hear the wailing until the screams stopped, and then killed them too.
and Far Left & Left WILL go to bat for them in our streets this Midsommar
I looked up this new “pillaging” line of attack. It’s the new word in all the pro-Muslim, anto-Jew Arab publications.

Now I think you are flat out lying Lisa. It is an archaic term, but also a defined war crime and I’ve never heard it used much.

Pillaging, also known as plundering, is the forced seizure of another’s property, especially during wartime. Sometimes, pillaging refers to the property so seized or plundered during wartime.

Pillaging is classified as a war crime; a violation of the codified wartime laws and treaties. The most recognized codified wartime laws are the Geneva Conventions. The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court is also regarded as the most extensive source of wartime laws and war crimes.

Do you support this Lisa?
How can Israel DO that? These are people who approved of the Oct 7 massacre. They cannot be redeemed after a lifetime of brainwashing to want Jews dead.
There are steps that can be taken. First, Israel must grind down Hamas and the other terrorist groups until they are no longer capable of offering any substantial threat to Gazans who might want to make peace with Israel.

Next, UNRWA and other UN agencies that support the culture of endless war against Israel must be banned from Gaza. Similarly, NGO's and nations that continue to support that culture must be banned from Gaza.

The PA must be prevented from having any substantial role in Gaza until it reforms itself in favor of peace with Israel, renouncing its system of paying terrorists and their families to kill Jews.

As these negative influences are neutralized, I believe Israel will have greater success persuading Gazans not associated with terrorism to form local civil administrations under overall security control of Israel.
There are steps that can be taken. First, Israel must grind down Hamas and the other terrorist groups until they are no longer capable of offering any substantial threat to Gazans who might want to make peace with Israel.

Next, UNRWA and other UN agencies that support the culture of endless war against Israel must be banned from Gaza. Similarly, NGO's and nations that continue to support that culture must be banned from Gaza.

The PA must be prevented from having any substantial role in Gaza until it reforms itself in favor of peace with Israel, renouncing its system of paying terrorists and their families to kill Jews.

As these negative influences are neutralized, I believe Israel will have greater success persuading Gazans not associated with terrorism to form local civil administrations under overall security control of Israel.
How would the U.N. be convinced of abandoning any interaction with GAZANS? They are decidedly anti-Israel and anti-semitic, as you know, and will find ways to make sure the Gazans remain hostile to Israel, and Jews.
Now I think you are flat out lying Lisa. It is an archaic term, but also a defined war crime and I’ve never heard it used much.

Pillaging, also known as plundering, is the forced seizure of another’s property, especially during wartime. Sometimes, pillaging refers to the property so seized or plundered during wartime.

Pillaging is classified as a war crime; a violation of the codified wartime laws and treaties. The most recognized codified wartime laws are the Geneva Conventions. The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court is also regarded as the most extensive source of wartime laws and war crimes.

Do you support this Lisa?
I didn’t say pillaging is a new word. I said that all the anti-Israel publications are now using it in their anti-Israel propaganda, which is where you picked it up in this new line of attack.

What the Muslims did to the Jews on Oct 7th was much worse than pillaging.
How would the U.N. be convinced of abandoning any interaction with GAZANS? They are decidedly anti-Israel and anti-semitic, as you know, and will find ways to make sure the Gazans remain hostile to Israel, and Jews.
None of this will be easy, but you convince the UN agencies by shutting down their schools and other facilities and not allowing them to enter Gaza.
I didn’t say pillaging is a new word. I said that all the anti-Israel publications are now using it in their anti-Israel propaganda, which is where you picked it up in this new line of attack.
Bullshit Lisa. I have never seen it commonly used in any publications. I “picked it up” reading about war crimes, so stop lying.

What the Muslims did to the Jews on Oct 7th was much worse than pillaging.
Do you support pillaging Lisa?

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