Hollywood Celebrities & Others Indicted In College Admissions Scam


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018
Felicity Huffman and Lori Loughlin Indicted in Alleged College Admissions Scam

So Lori Loughlin of Full House fame and Felicity Huffman of Desperate Housewives were both indicted for desperately trying to get their kids into colleges by college entrance exam cheating and outright financial bribes -- this came in a wide range federal college admissions scam investigation.

According to article: The 54-year-old Full House star and her husband, “agreed to pay bribes totaling $500,000 in exchange for having their two daughters designated as recruits to the USC crew team — despite the fact that they did not participate in crew — thereby facilitating their admission to USC.”

So this is more evidence of how Hollywood libs feel they can lie and cheat their way thru life or to benefit their bratty kids...These kids should get into college the old fashion way, by either earning it thru their grades and hard work or because their parents went there or donated large sums of money, oh wait!
Lori Loughlin and Felicity Huffman implicated in massive college entrance exam cheating scandal | Daily Mail Online
Actresses Lori Loughlin and Felicity Huffman are among 50 people charged in massive college entrance exam cheating scandal in which parents paid up to $6M in bribes to get their kids into elite schools like Yale, Georgetown and Stanford


bank on it all these leftist ------ are being brought down because all you trash bags do nothing but
HATE AND YOU IDIOTS NOT IN HOLLYWOOD YOU DUMB FK MOROSN still can't figure out why they tried leading you into TRUMP HATE SYNDROME" . HOLLYWOOD wanted TRUMP OUT because all these leftist c..ts are getting caught doing so much illegal chit and you Clitnon Obama loving Whores support this criminal trash bs.



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That’s not the Aunt Becky I know and love.
Felicity Huffman and Lori Loughlin Indicted in Alleged College Admissions Scam

So Lori Loughlin of Full House fame and Felicity Huffman of Desperate Housewives were both indicted for desperately trying to get their kids into colleges by college entrance exam cheating and outright financial bribes -- this came in a wide range federal college admissions scam investigation.

According to article: The 54-year-old Full House star and her husband, “agreed to pay bribes totaling $500,000 in exchange for having their two daughters designated as recruits to the USC crew team — despite the fact that they did not participate in crew — thereby facilitating their admission to USC.”

So this is more evidence of how Hollywood libs feel they can lie and cheat their way thru life or to benefit their bratty kids...These kids should get into college the old fashion way, by either earning it thru their grades and hard work or because their parents went there or donated large sums of money, oh wait!

Too funny. Stupid liberal Hollywood scum.

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Alan Dershowitz says that it is the worst scandal involving so-called elitist universities in the history of the United States.
Alan Dershowitz says that it is the worst scandal involving so-called elitist universities in the history of the United States.
He would know.....glad Trump aint involved or else Alan would have to change his opinion and say that this is not even a scandal or illegal....
When you consider the money these celebrities makes you wonder why they would need to bribe anyone unless their kids are dumber than a box of rocks.

Talk about being stupid.
When you consider the money these celebrities makes you wonder why they would need to bribe anyone unless their kids are dumber than a box of rocks.

Talk about being stupid.
Impossible...Lori was a great mom on Full House, her kids had to have been smart..they just had to!!
He would know.....glad Trump aint involved or else Alan would have to change his opinion and say that this is not even a scandal or illegal....
Well it's not a scandal on the magnitude of certain high level federal officials inventing a false link between Donald Trump and the Russian government in order to disqualify a legally elected president, or at the least besmirch him so thoroughly his political standing would be forever hopelessly damaged.

You know, a bloodless coup run by Obama connected associates and allies.

But it does seem to be a real scandal, Dershowitz' opinion or not.
He would know.....glad Trump aint involved or else Alan would have to change his opinion and say that this is not even a scandal or illegal....
Well it's not a scandal on the magnitude of certain high level federal officials inventing a false link between Donald Trump and the Russian government in order to disqualify a legally elected president, or at the least besmirch him so thoroughly his political standing would be forever hopelessly damaged.

You know, a bloodless coup run by Obama connected associates and allies.

But it does seem to be a real scandal, Dershowitz' opinion or not.
No, I was thinking more about his Trump university scam....

Yea I know, there are so many scandals involving Trump and his need to defraud and swindle people that its hard to keep up....
No, I was thinking more about his Trump university scam....

Yea I know, there are so many scandals involving Trump and his need to defraud and swindle people that its hard to keep up....
Oh, were you? Funny you didn't mention Trump University in any way.
Were you confused over the fact that USC and other highly prestigious universities were the targets of these admission scams and Trump U. was not?

That's odd.
Not to go “what about….” on you but this is nothing new. It’s how W got into Yale.

Or Barry into Havaaaard. No way that dumbfuck was Ivy material
Why do you folks keep claiming Obama as being dumb -- yet according to you sycophants, he was smart enough to be the only president to not have ANYONE in his cabinet/campaign/etc indicted, let alone convicted...in decades

Even tho, according to you sycophants, he is the most corrupt evil murderous criminal president in the history of civilization -- and despite that, yall couldn't even get an indictment on his gardener?

Meanwhile, according to you sycophants -- Obama (despite being dumb) was smart enough to mastermind the Deep State and control lifelong republicans to the point he made them investigate and indict their own administration?

Yea...he is so dumb....but smarter than Trump
No, I was thinking more about his Trump university scam....

Yea I know, there are so many scandals involving Trump and his need to defraud and swindle people that its hard to keep up....
Oh, were you? Funny you didn't mention Trump University in any way.
Were you confused over the fact that USC and other highly prestigious universities were the targets of these admission scams and Trump U. was not?

That's odd.
So when universities are the targets of scams, Bad?

But when students (everyday working Americans) are the targets of Trump's university scam...big deal?

You guys sure love defending everyone but everyday Americans.....#MAGA

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