Harrison Ford hits out at global inaction on climate change, warns of 'disastrous' consequences

Colbert, Stewart and now Hans Solo, my God, what an array or Liberal Intellect firepower on the side of Manmade global climate warming change....what are they calling it today, climate disruption??
It seems we have another high priest for the global warming religion. This one doesn't mind jetting around the world to warn the world of the problem of jetting around the world.

Harrison Ford hits out at global inaction on climate change

Hollywood heavyweight Harrison Ford has told the ABC he hopes world leaders can "finally do something" about climate change as he launched a broadside at squabbling world powers.

During an interview with 7.30, Ford said the consequences of inaction were dire.

"Nature will take care of itself — nature doesn't need people, people need nature to survive," Ford told presenter Leigh Sales.

He is going to suck in the new Star Wars movie……..I hope he doesn't trip over his walker….
[Exclusive] Inside MIT's Self-Replicating Objects | The Creators Project

""We've been thinking about self-replication for a long time," Tibbit says."There's been quite a lot of progress in robotic replication, but it never seemed as elegant as the first time I had seen it."

With less elegant visions of replicating machines in mind, some aren't sure they feel safe with this area of exploration. "The question that a lot of people have is, 'What if it goes out of control? What if you have self-replicating things that take over the world?'" Tibbits says. Combined with AI research at Google, University of Auckland, Harvard, and more, the possibility of a Terminator T-1000 on the loose doesn't seem so far fetched. "We're pretty far from that," Tibbits answers calmly. Whew. "In this case, for example, you have control because you give it food. We're specifically adding food at every step in order to help it keep growing."

Now, the Self-Assembly Lab is working on scaling Self-Replicating Spheres into the hundreds, or even thousands, to see if their magnetic orbs will turn into more complex beings, or just reproduce like rabbits once they've got enough food. But in the long term, Tibbits is already thinking of possible applications. "If you have a system that can control its own growth or performance, or is able to divide itself into two separate parts after a certain amount of time, or understand where an equalibrium is, that's quite an interesting priciple to embed into the everyday world.""

"Pretty far from that." Not "that's impossible and nothing to worry about."

A lot of people here at USMB have told you to go replicate yourself, right?
I'll bet his house is the size of my neighborhood.
Ya Harrison's house is just a humble dwelling. He wouldn't want to be living in a house that would be making a large carbon footprint would he?
And he's recently downsized his private jet collection.
What a fucking joke he is!
harrison Ford's house - Google Search
How many counties does that house and property encompass?
It has its' own zip code. But he's using a solar panel to power his wine cellar.
The Global Warming denier cult is losing the battle much as it lost its mind long ago.

Sorry dopes, you can only deny reality until it smacks you in the face.

AGWCult sure are a violent bunch, aren't they?

You read violence into something there?

You just are terrified of life, so you see something scary in everything and you project your fear out of your mind and onto the world.

With the proper help you can overcome your unwarranted fear of everything. But you'll have to work at it.

Yes, largely because you're a death worshiping cult of psychos

Nah you are the death cult, hoping for the end of times so you can go with your imaginary flying grandpa.

The rest of us live in reality on Earth.
The Global Warming denier cult is losing the battle much as it lost its mind long ago.

Sorry dopes, you can only deny reality until it smacks you in the face.

AGWCult sure are a violent bunch, aren't they?

You read violence into something there?

You just are terrified of life, so you see something scary in everything and you project your fear out of your mind and onto the world.

With the proper help you can overcome your unwarranted fear of everything. But you'll have to work at it.

Yes, largely because you're a death worshiping cult of psychos

Nah you are the death cult, hoping for the end of times so you can go with your imaginary flying grandpa.

The rest of us live in reality on Earth.

You're like Crick, ever so often we catch you goose-stepping then you quickly deny it
The Global Warming denier cult is losing the battle much as it lost its mind long ago.

Sorry dopes, you can only deny reality until it smacks you in the face.

AGWCult sure are a violent bunch, aren't they?

You read violence into something there?

You just are terrified of life, so you see something scary in everything and you project your fear out of your mind and onto the world.

With the proper help you can overcome your unwarranted fear of everything. But you'll have to work at it.

Yes, largely because you're a death worshiping cult of psychos

Nah you are the death cult, hoping for the end of times so you can go with your imaginary flying grandpa.

The rest of us live in reality on Earth.

You're like Crick, ever so often we catch you goose-stepping then you quickly deny it

You are another of the weirdos here that has the need to read your own bizarre thoughts out into the world. You project all your fears out onto the rest of society.

None of what you say makes sense Pancho. Get a new schtick. No one knows who 'crick' is and no one cares. You need to take a break from your own thought prison and join the rest of society.
AGWCult sure are a violent bunch, aren't they?

You read violence into something there?

You just are terrified of life, so you see something scary in everything and you project your fear out of your mind and onto the world.

With the proper help you can overcome your unwarranted fear of everything. But you'll have to work at it.

Yes, largely because you're a death worshiping cult of psychos

Nah you are the death cult, hoping for the end of times so you can go with your imaginary flying grandpa.

The rest of us live in reality on Earth.

You're like Crick, ever so often we catch you goose-stepping then you quickly deny it

You are another of the weirdos here that has the need to read your own bizarre thoughts out into the world. You project all your fears out onto the rest of society.

None of what you say makes sense Pancho. Get a new schtick. No one knows who 'crick' is and no one cares. You need to take a break from your own thought prison and join the rest of society.

Crick was another AGWCult lunatic who talked about "Offing" the deniers. Birds of a kindred feather (I forget where I read that)
I'll bet his house is the size of my neighborhood.
Ya Harrison's house is just a humble dwelling. He wouldn't want to be living in a house that would be making a large carbon footprint would he?
And he's recently downsized his private jet collection.
What a fucking joke he is!
harrison Ford's house - Google Search
How many counties does that house and property encompass?
It's OK. The cock sucker is buying 'carbon credite' from Al Gore.
al gores mansion - Google Search
Fucking hypocrite pigs!
It seems we have another high priest for the global warming religion. This one doesn't mind jetting around the world to warn the world of the problem of jetting around the world.

Harrison Ford hits out at global inaction on climate change

Hollywood heavyweight Harrison Ford has told the ABC he hopes world leaders can "finally do something" about climate change as he launched a broadside at squabbling world powers.

During an interview with 7.30, Ford said the consequences of inaction were dire.

"Nature will take care of itself — nature doesn't need people, people need nature to survive," Ford told presenter Leigh Sales.

He needs to stick to flying the Falcon and blasting Nazis unless he has earned a PhD in Climatology. Otherwise he needs to remember he's just another court jester and his opinion is no more important that the guy jockeying a register at McDonalds.
Colbert, Stewart and now Hans Solo, my God, what an array or Liberal Intellect firepower on the side of Manmade global climate warming change....what are they calling it today, climate disruption??

Picture of CrusaderFrank (below) leader of the New Right Ostrich Party.

Colbert, Stewart and now Hans Solo, my God, what an array or Liberal Intellect firepower on the side of Manmade global climate warming change....what are they calling it today, climate disruption??

Picture of CrusaderFrank (below) leader of the New Right Ostrich Party.


What are you calling this settled science of yours today? It was Global Cooling, then Global Warming, then Climate Change, then climate disruption, It's the great Climactic Googly Moogly, Charlie Brown!

Hell, even Crick said that "excess heat", the basis for AR5's contention that the ocean absorbed warming, is a fake
I'll bet his house is the size of my neighborhood.
Ya Harrison's house is just a humble dwelling. He wouldn't want to be living in a house that would be making a large carbon footprint would he?
And he's recently downsized his private jet collection.
What a fucking joke he is!
harrison Ford's house - Google Search

Who are you to question the decisions of our betters? He's an ACTOR dammit, an ACTOR. We're just plebs. We have no right at all bringing up the double standards or hypocrisy when people like Al Gore demand we live green when they themselves do not.

Our is not to wonder why, our is just to do what they say and hopefully we'll get another bit of panem et circenses coming our way.
Conservatives need to leave science to the scientists, it is wholly out of the realm of the fear driven brain of conservatives who need an invisible daddy to make them feel safe.

Ignore the Global Warming denier cult, they rely on emotion, innuendo, sound bytes, and ignorance.

Global Warming is real and accelerating and the science has been settled on this for the last 15 years. Unfortunately conservatives still live in the 1950s so they won't catch up with reality for quite a while yet.
Conservatives need to leave science to the scientists, it is wholly out of the realm of the fear driven brain of conservatives who need an invisible daddy to make them feel safe.

Ignore the Global Warming denier cult, they rely on emotion, innuendo, sound bytes, and ignorance.

Global Warming is real and accelerating and the science has been settled on this for the last 15 years. Unfortunately conservatives still live in the 1950s so they won't catch up with reality for quite a while yet.
It's still being funded, so apparently, not so settled.
Conservatives need to leave science to the scientists, it is wholly out of the realm of the fear driven brain of conservatives who need an invisible daddy to make them feel safe.

Ignore the Global Warming denier cult, they rely on emotion, innuendo, sound bytes, and ignorance.

Global Warming is real and accelerating and the science has been settled on this for the last 15 years. Unfortunately conservatives still live in the 1950s so they won't catch up with reality for quite a while yet.

It's climate change now, not warming. For those periods when the temperature isn't increasing or when people ask "if the world is getting hotter, why is this winter so fucking cold?"

Just in case you didn't get the memo.

Speaking of memos, I'm still waiting for someone to tell me just what the right temperature the Earth should have. What's our goal here?
Colbert, Stewart and now Hans Solo, my God, what an array or Liberal Intellect firepower on the side of Manmade global climate warming change....what are they calling it today, climate disruption??

Picture of CrusaderFrank (below) leader of the New Right Ostrich Party.

Says a card carrying member of the sky is falling club

See the picture of CrusaderFrank (some people say he was looking for a WMD in Iraq; but the truth is he is hiding from reality). It's the party of the New Right (including members of the Crazy Right Wing - they'll admit you!).
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