Harrison Ford hits out at global inaction on climate change, warns of 'disastrous' consequences

Accelerator production[edit]

At heavy ion accelerators like the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC), nuclei are collided at relativistic speeds, creating strange and antistrange quarks which could conceivably lead to strangelet production. The experimental signature of a strangelet would be its very high ratio of mass to charge, which would cause its trajectory in a magnetic field to be very nearly, but not quite, straight. The STAR collaboration has searched for strangelets produced at the RHIC,[7] but none were found. The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is even less likely to produce strangelets,[8] but searches are planned[9] for the LHC ALICE detector.


If the strange matter hypothesis is correct and its surface tension is larger than the aforementioned critical value, then a larger strangelet would be more stable than a smaller one. One speculation that has resulted from the idea is that a strangelet coming into contact with a lump of ordinary matter could convert the ordinary matter to strange matter.[14][15] This "ice-nine"-like disaster scenario is as follows: one strangelet hits a nucleus, catalyzing its immediate conversion to strange matter. This liberates energy, producing a larger, more stable strangelet, which in turn hits another nucleus, catalyzing its conversion to strange matter. In the end, all the nuclei of all the atoms of Earth are converted, and Earth is reduced to a hot, large lump of strange matter.
Strangelet - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Grey goo - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Grey goo (also spelled gray goo) is a hypothetical end-of-the-world scenario involving molecular nanotechnology in which out-of-control self-replicating robots consume all matter on Earth while building more of themselves,[1][2] a scenario that has been called ecophagy ("eating the environment").[3] The original idea assumed machines were designed to have this capability, while popularizations have assumed that machines might somehow gain this capability by accident."

There were scientists that predicted that the first atomic bomb explosion would be the end of the world. I am assuming they were wrong.
It seems we have another high priest for the global warming religion. This one doesn't mind jetting around the world to warn the world of the problem of jetting around the world.

Harrison Ford hits out at global inaction on climate change

Hollywood heavyweight Harrison Ford has told the ABC he hopes world leaders can "finally do something" about climate change as he launched a broadside at squabbling world powers.

During an interview with 7.30, Ford said the consequences of inaction were dire.

"Nature will take care of itself — nature doesn't need people, people need nature to survive," Ford told presenter Leigh Sales.

Would be the first time the dominant species died out. Might not be the worst thing.

What the hell? You do understand that "worst thing" is relative to humans not your pet dog?

Humans are a failed planetary experiment. No other species has ever developed capable of destroying the planet. Might not be so bad if we died out. Planets capable of supporting life are a bit of a rarity.

We are capable of destroying the biosphere, which is a very thin living skin on the surface of the Earth. We cannot destroy the planet itself. I say this because Global Warming deniers use this terminology to confuse people into believing someone is talking about destroying the actual Earth.

And yes humans are in the process of destroying the biosphere. A mass extinction is underway caused by humans and is accelerating daily. Whether the human species will survive this one cannot be known, but we will suffer horrendous losses no matter what.

Like mass extinctions never happened before?

What is your problem? That's what earth did in the past and will continue to do so long after the human species is gone.

Deal with it pal, nothing we can do to stop it.
It seems we have another high priest for the global warming religion. This one doesn't mind jetting around the world to warn the world of the problem of jetting around the world.

Harrison Ford hits out at global inaction on climate change

Hollywood heavyweight Harrison Ford has told the ABC he hopes world leaders can "finally do something" about climate change as he launched a broadside at squabbling world powers.

During an interview with 7.30, Ford said the consequences of inaction were dire.

"Nature will take care of itself — nature doesn't need people, people need nature to survive," Ford told presenter Leigh Sales.
Why does this matter?

The man is an actor, a professional liar if you think about it.

Why should anyone give a flying fart about what he thinks about anything?
[Exclusive] Inside MIT's Self-Replicating Objects | The Creators Project

""We've been thinking about self-replication for a long time," Tibbit says."There's been quite a lot of progress in robotic replication, but it never seemed as elegant as the first time I had seen it."

With less elegant visions of replicating machines in mind, some aren't sure they feel safe with this area of exploration. "The question that a lot of people have is, 'What if it goes out of control? What if you have self-replicating things that take over the world?'" Tibbits says. Combined with AI research at Google, University of Auckland, Harvard, and more, the possibility of a Terminator T-1000 on the loose doesn't seem so far fetched. "We're pretty far from that," Tibbits answers calmly. Whew. "In this case, for example, you have control because you give it food. We're specifically adding food at every step in order to help it keep growing."

Now, the Self-Assembly Lab is working on scaling Self-Replicating Spheres into the hundreds, or even thousands, to see if their magnetic orbs will turn into more complex beings, or just reproduce like rabbits once they've got enough food. But in the long term, Tibbits is already thinking of possible applications. "If you have a system that can control its own growth or performance, or is able to divide itself into two separate parts after a certain amount of time, or understand where an equalibrium is, that's quite an interesting priciple to embed into the everyday world.""

"Pretty far from that." Not "that's impossible and nothing to worry about."
It seems we have another high priest for the global warming religion. This one doesn't mind jetting around the world to warn the world of the problem of jetting around the world.

Harrison Ford hits out at global inaction on climate change

Hollywood heavyweight Harrison Ford has told the ABC he hopes world leaders can "finally do something" about climate change as he launched a broadside at squabbling world powers.

During an interview with 7.30, Ford said the consequences of inaction were dire.

"Nature will take care of itself — nature doesn't need people, people need nature to survive," Ford told presenter Leigh Sales.

Would be the first time the dominant species died out. Might not be the worst thing.

What the hell? You do understand that "worst thing" is relative to humans not your pet dog?

Humans are a failed planetary experiment. No other species has ever developed capable of destroying the planet. Might not be so bad if we died out. Planets capable of supporting life are a bit of a rarity.

We are capable of destroying the biosphere, which is a very thin living skin on the surface of the Earth. We cannot destroy the planet itself. I say this because Global Warming deniers use this terminology to confuse people into believing someone is talking about destroying the actual Earth.

And yes humans are in the process of destroying the biosphere. A mass extinction is underway caused by humans and is accelerating daily. Whether the human species will survive this one cannot be known, but we will suffer horrendous losses no matter what.

Wish I was ignorant like you. We can destroy the planet. Or rather, we can create things that can destroy the planet.

Your ignorance is your own cubby, own it.

Exactly what does man have that can destroy the Earth? Do tell.
[Exclusive] Inside MIT's Self-Replicating Objects | The Creators Project

""We've been thinking about self-replication for a long time," Tibbit says."There's been quite a lot of progress in robotic replication, but it never seemed as elegant as the first time I had seen it."

With less elegant visions of replicating machines in mind, some aren't sure they feel safe with this area of exploration. "The question that a lot of people have is, 'What if it goes out of control? What if you have self-replicating things that take over the world?'" Tibbits says. Combined with AI research at Google, University of Auckland, Harvard, and more, the possibility of a Terminator T-1000 on the loose doesn't seem so far fetched. "We're pretty far from that," Tibbits answers calmly. Whew. "In this case, for example, you have control because you give it food. We're specifically adding food at every step in order to help it keep growing."

Now, the Self-Assembly Lab is working on scaling Self-Replicating Spheres into the hundreds, or even thousands, to see if their magnetic orbs will turn into more complex beings, or just reproduce like rabbits once they've got enough food. But in the long term, Tibbits is already thinking of possible applications. "If you have a system that can control its own growth or performance, or is able to divide itself into two separate parts after a certain amount of time, or understand where an equalibrium is, that's quite an interesting priciple to embed into the everyday world.""

"Pretty far from that." Not "that's impossible and nothing to worry about."
Where will the jobs be found when machines can replicate themselves, program themselves and start working all by themselves?

We better be ready to give people a way to live, and ways to feel like they have a purpose in their lives.
The Global Warming denier cult is losing the battle much as it lost its mind long ago.

Sorry dopes, you can only deny reality until it smacks you in the face.

AGWCult sure are a violent bunch, aren't they?

You read violence into something there?

You just are terrified of life, so you see something scary in everything and you project your fear out of your mind and onto the world.

With the proper help you can overcome your unwarranted fear of everything. But you'll have to work at it.
The Global Warming denier cult is losing the battle much as it lost its mind long ago.

Sorry dopes, you can only deny reality until it smacks you in the face.

AGWCult sure are a violent bunch, aren't they?

You read violence into something there?

You just are terrified of life, so you see something scary in everything and you project your fear out of your mind and onto the world.

With the proper help you can overcome your unwarranted fear of everything. But you'll have to work at it.
Only to a fool does due vigilance appear to be fear mongering.
The Global Warming denier cult is losing the battle much as it lost its mind long ago.

Sorry dopes, you can only deny reality until it smacks you in the face.

AGWCult sure are a violent bunch, aren't they?

You read violence into something there?

You just are terrified of life, so you see something scary in everything and you project your fear out of your mind and onto the world.

With the proper help you can overcome your unwarranted fear of everything. But you'll have to work at it.

Yes, largely because you're a death worshiping cult of psychos
It seems we have another high priest for the global warming religion. This one doesn't mind jetting around the world to warn the world of the problem of jetting around the world.

Harrison Ford hits out at global inaction on climate change

Hollywood heavyweight Harrison Ford has told the ABC he hopes world leaders can "finally do something" about climate change as he launched a broadside at squabbling world powers.

During an interview with 7.30, Ford said the consequences of inaction were dire.

"Nature will take care of itself — nature doesn't need people, people need nature to survive," Ford told presenter Leigh Sales.

Would be the first time the dominant species died out. Might not be the worst thing.

What the hell? You do understand that "worst thing" is relative to humans not your pet dog?

My dog is the dominant species in our house, she's a border collie and keeps herd on us.
Accelerator production[edit]

At heavy ion accelerators like the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC), nuclei are collided at relativistic speeds, creating strange and antistrange quarks which could conceivably lead to strangelet production. The experimental signature of a strangelet would be its very high ratio of mass to charge, which would cause its trajectory in a magnetic field to be very nearly, but not quite, straight. The STAR collaboration has searched for strangelets produced at the RHIC,[7] but none were found. The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is even less likely to produce strangelets,[8] but searches are planned[9] for the LHC ALICE detector.


If the strange matter hypothesis is correct and its surface tension is larger than the aforementioned critical value, then a larger strangelet would be more stable than a smaller one. One speculation that has resulted from the idea is that a strangelet coming into contact with a lump of ordinary matter could convert the ordinary matter to strange matter.[14][15] This "ice-nine"-like disaster scenario is as follows: one strangelet hits a nucleus, catalyzing its immediate conversion to strange matter. This liberates energy, producing a larger, more stable strangelet, which in turn hits another nucleus, catalyzing its conversion to strange matter. In the end, all the nuclei of all the atoms of Earth are converted, and Earth is reduced to a hot, large lump of strange matter.
Strangelet - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Grey goo - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Grey goo (also spelled gray goo) is a hypothetical end-of-the-world scenario involving molecular nanotechnology in which out-of-control self-replicating robots consume all matter on Earth while building more of themselves,[1][2] a scenario that has been called ecophagy ("eating the environment").[3] The original idea assumed machines were designed to have this capability, while popularizations have assumed that machines might somehow gain this capability by accident."

There were scientists that predicted that the first atomic bomb explosion would be the end of the world. I am assuming they were wrong.

Your assumption maybe wrong. Did they put a time on their prediction?
Accelerator production[edit]

At heavy ion accelerators like the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC), nuclei are collided at relativistic speeds, creating strange and antistrange quarks which could conceivably lead to strangelet production. The experimental signature of a strangelet would be its very high ratio of mass to charge, which would cause its trajectory in a magnetic field to be very nearly, but not quite, straight. The STAR collaboration has searched for strangelets produced at the RHIC,[7] but none were found. The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is even less likely to produce strangelets,[8] but searches are planned[9] for the LHC ALICE detector.


If the strange matter hypothesis is correct and its surface tension is larger than the aforementioned critical value, then a larger strangelet would be more stable than a smaller one. One speculation that has resulted from the idea is that a strangelet coming into contact with a lump of ordinary matter could convert the ordinary matter to strange matter.[14][15] This "ice-nine"-like disaster scenario is as follows: one strangelet hits a nucleus, catalyzing its immediate conversion to strange matter. This liberates energy, producing a larger, more stable strangelet, which in turn hits another nucleus, catalyzing its conversion to strange matter. In the end, all the nuclei of all the atoms of Earth are converted, and Earth is reduced to a hot, large lump of strange matter.
Strangelet - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Grey goo - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Grey goo (also spelled gray goo) is a hypothetical end-of-the-world scenario involving molecular nanotechnology in which out-of-control self-replicating robots consume all matter on Earth while building more of themselves,[1][2] a scenario that has been called ecophagy ("eating the environment").[3] The original idea assumed machines were designed to have this capability, while popularizations have assumed that machines might somehow gain this capability by accident."

There were scientists that predicted that the first atomic bomb explosion would be the end of the world. I am assuming they were wrong.

Your assumption maybe wrong. Did they put a time on their prediction?

Me thinks they were talking about the first explosion, but you do have a good point.

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