Greta Van Susteren to kick off inauguration of Florida's governor, Rick Scott


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
From The Florida Independent:

Fox News’ Greta Van Susteren to kick off Scott’s $2.5 million inauguration | Florida Independent: News. Politics. Media

The Florida Independent said:
Fox News anchor and celebrity attorney Greta Van Susteren has been tapped to deliver the keynote speech at Gov.-elect Rick Scott’s inaugural Salute to Women event in Tallahassee next week.

The event, being held at Florida State University, is billed as nonpartisan and will also feature Jennifer Carroll, the state’s first African-American lieutenant governor, and Pam Bondi, Florida’s first female attorney general and a regular Fox News contributor.

The event will kick off a dozen events planned by Scott’s inaugural committee for Jan. 3 and 4, which are slated to cost upwards of $2.5 million — less than half the amount outgoing Gov. Charlie Crist had planned to spend in 2006 before scrapping the festivities altogether.

“Upon reflection, it doesn’t feel right to me when there are people having trouble paying their insurance bills and making ends meet,” Crist told the St. Petersburg Times in 2006. “When I was a child, my grandfather told me every pencil has an eraser for a reason. It’s a good lesson. I’m not perfect.”

So is this not uberpartisan? How many news reporters on CNN, CBS, ABC, NBC, heck even on MSNBC can you report has done this? Heck, two of their "pundits" were suspended without pay for contributing to FOX they openly run and/or support.

Some say "FOXNews" should be made to declare themselves a PAC....I tend to agree.

What say you?
From The Florida Independent:

Fox News’ Greta Van Susteren to kick off Scott’s $2.5 million inauguration | Florida Independent: News. Politics. Media

The Florida Independent said:
Fox News anchor and celebrity attorney Greta Van Susteren has been tapped to deliver the keynote speech at Gov.-elect Rick Scott’s inaugural Salute to Women event in Tallahassee next week.

The event, being held at Florida State University, is billed as nonpartisan and will also feature Jennifer Carroll, the state’s first African-American lieutenant governor, and Pam Bondi, Florida’s first female attorney general and a regular Fox News contributor.

The event will kick off a dozen events planned by Scott’s inaugural committee for Jan. 3 and 4, which are slated to cost upwards of $2.5 million — less than half the amount outgoing Gov. Charlie Crist had planned to spend in 2006 before scrapping the festivities altogether.

“Upon reflection, it doesn’t feel right to me when there are people having trouble paying their insurance bills and making ends meet,” Crist told the St. Petersburg Times in 2006. “When I was a child, my grandfather told me every pencil has an eraser for a reason. It’s a good lesson. I’m not perfect.”

So is this not uberpartisan? How many news reporters on CNN, CBS, ABC, NBC, heck even on MSNBC can you report has done this? Heck, two of their "pundits" were suspended without pay for contributing to FOX they openly run and/or support.

Some say "FOXNews" should be made to declare themselves a PAC....I tend to agree.

What say you?

I say you're a fucking, radical racist loon, that's what I say.
I say you're a fucking, radical racist loon, that's what I say.
Funny....I point out "FOXNews'" uberpartisanshipness and I'M the radical.


Imagine the outrage if this was a "liberal" commentator. I guess I could understand if it was someone like Beck or Olbermann who doesn't pretend to be neutral.

What's the deal? Is Rick Scott a Scintologist or something?
From The Florida Independent:

Fox News’ Greta Van Susteren to kick off Scott’s $2.5 million inauguration | Florida Independent: News. Politics. Media

The Florida Independent said:
Fox News anchor and celebrity attorney Greta Van Susteren has been tapped to deliver the keynote speech at Gov.-elect Rick Scott’s inaugural Salute to Women event in Tallahassee next week.

The event, being held at Florida State University, is billed as nonpartisan and will also feature Jennifer Carroll, the state’s first African-American lieutenant governor, and Pam Bondi, Florida’s first female attorney general and a regular Fox News contributor.

The event will kick off a dozen events planned by Scott’s inaugural committee for Jan. 3 and 4, which are slated to cost upwards of $2.5 million — less than half the amount outgoing Gov. Charlie Crist had planned to spend in 2006 before scrapping the festivities altogether.

“Upon reflection, it doesn’t feel right to me when there are people having trouble paying their insurance bills and making ends meet,” Crist told the St. Petersburg Times in 2006. “When I was a child, my grandfather told me every pencil has an eraser for a reason. It’s a good lesson. I’m not perfect.”

So is this not uberpartisan? How many news reporters on CNN, CBS, ABC, NBC, heck even on MSNBC can you report has done this? Heck, two of their "pundits" were suspended without pay for contributing to FOX they openly run and/or support.

Some say "FOXNews" should be made to declare themselves a PAC....I tend to agree.

What say you?

I say you're a fucking, radical racist loon, that's what I say.

Marc's not a racist.
I say you're a fucking, radical racist loon, that's what I say.
Funny....I point out "FOXNews'" uberpartisanshipness and I'M the radical.



As far as I am aware, an employment contract does not necessarily a bill of sale. Fox don't control Greta, and rightly so. She is an individual and entitled to do as she pleases when she is not working. I think some on the left get confused with this whole 'individual rights' thing.

Of course, if you can provide evidence that she is there as a representative of Fox News, then you may have a point. A pretty stupid point, but a point nonetheless.... but, if you can not... then this is just whining.
Wonder what they would say if Greta decided to hold a fundraiser for Ol'BO???
Imagine the outrage if this was a "liberal" commentator. I guess I could understand if it was someone like Beck or Olbermann who doesn't pretend to be neutral.

What's the deal? Is Rick Scott a Scintologist or something?

No asswipe. It's a "Salute to Women" get it??? now. welldoyahuh? Libturds don't salute Conservative women. They try to bring them down cause liberals are green eyed bitches of envy.
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From The Florida Independent:

Fox News’ Greta Van Susteren to kick off Scott’s $2.5 million inauguration | Florida Independent: News. Politics. Media

The Florida Independent said:
Fox News anchor and celebrity attorney Greta Van Susteren has been tapped to deliver the keynote speech at Gov.-elect Rick Scott’s inaugural Salute to Women event in Tallahassee next week.

The event, being held at Florida State University, is billed as nonpartisan and will also feature Jennifer Carroll, the state’s first African-American lieutenant governor, and Pam Bondi, Florida’s first female attorney general and a regular Fox News contributor.

The event will kick off a dozen events planned by Scott’s inaugural committee for Jan. 3 and 4, which are slated to cost upwards of $2.5 million — less than half the amount outgoing Gov. Charlie Crist had planned to spend in 2006 before scrapping the festivities altogether.

“Upon reflection, it doesn’t feel right to me when there are people having trouble paying their insurance bills and making ends meet,” Crist told the St. Petersburg Times in 2006. “When I was a child, my grandfather told me every pencil has an eraser for a reason. It’s a good lesson. I’m not perfect.”

So is this not uberpartisan? How many news reporters on CNN, CBS, ABC, NBC, heck even on MSNBC can you report has done this? Heck, two of their "pundits" were suspended without pay for contributing to FOX they openly run and/or support.

Some say "FOXNews" should be made to declare themselves a PAC....I tend to agree.

What say you?

I say you're a fucking, radical racist loon, that's what I say.


That's a clear headed response.:cuckoo:
As far as I am aware, an employment contract does not necessarily a bill of sale. Fox don't control Greta, and rightly so. She is an individual and entitled to do as she pleases when she is not working. I think some on the left get confused with this whole 'individual rights' thing.

Of course, if you can provide evidence that she is there as a representative of Fox News, then you may have a point. A pretty stupid point, but a point nonetheless.... but, if you can not... then this is just whining.

I'd like you or one of your fellow RWers to post at least ONE example of such uberpartisan practices from a news organization of the "Lame Stream Media" as you RW-types like to call it.

You people never cease with the moaning and balling and weeping and gnashing of teeth going on and on and on about the ills of "the lame stream media." Yet, you have the audacity to label this thread as whining?


As far as I am aware, an employment contract does not necessarily a bill of sale. Fox don't control Greta, and rightly so. She is an individual and entitled to do as she pleases when she is not working. I think some on the left get confused with this whole 'individual rights' thing.

Of course, if you can provide evidence that she is there as a representative of Fox News, then you may have a point. A pretty stupid point, but a point nonetheless.... but, if you can not... then this is just whining.

I'd like you or one of your fellow RWers to post at least ONE example of such uberpartisan practices from a news organization of the "Lame Stream Media" as you RW-types like to call it.

You people never cease with the moaning and balling and weeping and gnashing of teeth going on and on and on about the ills of "the lame stream media." Yet, you have the audacity to label this thread as whining?


Such hysteria, Marc. Really, you need to calm down. And, just once in a while, try recognizing that people are individuals. There is no such thing as 'you people'. Such statements make you look like a fool. Are you a fool?
I say you're a fucking, radical racist loon, that's what I say.
Funny....I point out "FOXNews'" uberpartisanshipness and I'M the radical.



As far as I am aware, an employment contract does not necessarily a bill of sale. Fox don't control Greta, and rightly so. She is an individual and entitled to do as she pleases when she is not working. I think some on the left get confused with this whole 'individual rights' thing.

Of course, if you can provide evidence that she is there as a representative of Fox News, then you may have a point. A pretty stupid point, but a point nonetheless.... but, if you can not... then this is just whining.

It is whining.

Greta is a great journalist. I've watched her for years. She asks tough questions, doesn't withhold information or make shit up. Unlike liberal moles like Dan Rather, all of the NYT staff and the rest of the MSM.
Funny....I point out "FOXNews'" uberpartisanshipness and I'M the radical.



As far as I am aware, an employment contract does not necessarily a bill of sale. Fox don't control Greta, and rightly so. She is an individual and entitled to do as she pleases when she is not working. I think some on the left get confused with this whole 'individual rights' thing.

Of course, if you can provide evidence that she is there as a representative of Fox News, then you may have a point. A pretty stupid point, but a point nonetheless.... but, if you can not... then this is just whining.

It is whining.

Greta is a great journalist. I've watched her for years. She asks tough questions, doesn't withhold information or make shit up. Unlike liberal moles like Dan Rather, all of the NYT staff and the rest of the MSM.

I don't think I've ever watched her - but I don't really watch FNC much.... or any other MSM. I tend to prefer factual information rather than the spin that comes from any of the US media.
From The Florida Independent:

Fox News’ Greta Van Susteren to kick off Scott’s $2.5 million inauguration | Florida Independent: News. Politics. Media

The Florida Independent said:
Fox News anchor and celebrity attorney Greta Van Susteren has been tapped to deliver the keynote speech at Gov.-elect Rick Scott’s inaugural Salute to Women event in Tallahassee next week.

The event, being held at Florida State University, is billed as nonpartisan and will also feature Jennifer Carroll, the state’s first African-American lieutenant governor, and Pam Bondi, Florida’s first female attorney general and a regular Fox News contributor.

The event will kick off a dozen events planned by Scott’s inaugural committee for Jan. 3 and 4, which are slated to cost upwards of $2.5 million — less than half the amount outgoing Gov. Charlie Crist had planned to spend in 2006 before scrapping the festivities altogether.

“Upon reflection, it doesn’t feel right to me when there are people having trouble paying their insurance bills and making ends meet,” Crist told the St. Petersburg Times in 2006. “When I was a child, my grandfather told me every pencil has an eraser for a reason. It’s a good lesson. I’m not perfect.”

So is this not uberpartisan? How many news reporters on CNN, CBS, ABC, NBC, heck even on MSNBC can you report has done this? Heck, two of their "pundits" were suspended without pay for contributing to FOX they openly run and/or support.

Some say "FOXNews" should be made to declare themselves a PAC....I tend to agree.

What say you?


Van Susteren is an accomplished, intelligent woman. Just because she's on a news show doesn't disqualify her.
The event, being held at Florida State University, is billed as nonpartisan and will also feature Jennifer Carroll, the state’s first African-American lieutenant governor, and Pam Bondi, Florida’s first female attorney general and a regular Fox News contributor.

I would think that this would be lauded. But apparently whats important is turning into a useless and strained point of contention.......

of course we could ask the other 'obvious' question, why is a fox news contributor ( is she news btw?) at an event that applauds minority advance? i thought they hated them all?
parody mode- Off.
Imagine the outrage if this was a "liberal" commentator. I guess I could understand if it was someone like Beck or Olbermann who doesn't pretend to be neutral.

What's the deal? Is Rick Scott a Scintologist or something?

No asswipe. It's a "Salute to Women" get it??? now. welldoyahuh? Libturds don't salute Conservative women. They try to bring them down cause liberals are green eyed bitches of envy.

That changes it somewhat. I guess I should have read the link.
The event, being held at Florida State University, is billed as nonpartisan and will also feature Jennifer Carroll, the state’s first African-American lieutenant governor, and Pam Bondi, Florida’s first female attorney general and a regular Fox News contributor.

I would think that this would be lauded. But apparently whats important is turning into a useless and strained point of contention.......

of course we could ask the other 'obvious' question, why is a fox news contributor ( is she news btw?) at an event that applauds minority advance? i thought they hated them all?
parody mode- Off.

My understanding - from looking her up - is that she's a commentator. No issue for anyone except the moronic howlers.

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