Green Hell in Europe!!!


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
The fantasy of turning Europe into a green powerhouse is bumping smack dab into something called reality!!! The two main follies were the projected fears of climate change disasters as an urgent threat and the world was running ot of fossil fuels......both turned out to be completely bogus.
In most EU members states energy prices have skyrocketed while millions of families have been forced into energy poverty. Its meant economic disaster for EU nations because they cant be competitive. Immense loss of jobs.......and the k00k environmentalists dont give a flying fuck

Most of the EU is now reversing course.......the people are sick of being lied to.:2up:

EU green energy policies limiting growth | FP Comment | Financial Post
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The fantasy of turning Europe into a green powerhouse is bumping smack dab into something called reality!!! The two main follies were the projected fears of climate change disasters as an urgent threat and the world was running ot of fossil fuels......both turned out to be completely bogus.
In most EU members states energy prices have skyrocketed while millions of families have been forced into energy poverty. Its meant economic disaster for EU nations because they cant be competitive. Immense loss of jobs.......and the k00k environmentalists dont give a flying fuck

Most of the EU is now reversing course.......the people are sick of being lied to.:2up:

EU green energy policies limiting growth | FP Comment | Financial Post

Maybe I should have posted that here instead:

Which is why we love it when PolarBear speaks. Just let him keep talking, and he always gets revealed to be spouting nonsense. And then when you call him on it, he throws the most amusing tantrums. Endless fun.

See? And in fine Nixonian fashion, PolarBear too has an "enemies list", which he regularly recites, telling everyone of all the people he has sworn vengeance upon. Yep, there's a healthy mind.

So congratulations, OohPooPahDoo. You've officially made PolarBear's enemies list. That's a good thing. It's sort of like credentials that you can cite. If you make PolarBear's enemies list, you're obviously intelligent, well-informed, logical and honest.

No it's a moron list, and he names you on it...

I`m still laughing about the e-mail exchange Der Spiegel has dug up about Hansen that the rest of the Goddard Space Institute circulated when Hansen started to publish his wild exaggerations with the NASA logo pasted all over the place.
Hansen was reprimanded by NASA and then claimed the Bush admin "was trying to silence" him.
Now with Obama in the White House we got the IRS compiling lists who to target for harassment..
While the E.U. has established a new department which is called the " the Environmental Climate Change Office"
Aside from having a different street address of the Nazi office for "cultural and race affairs" there is not much difference.
Devout Nazis could report dissidents and Jews at that office.
Now we got this "office for environmental climate change" where Green enviro-Nazi zealots can report dissidents.
So far most of the people on that list are academics that have been reported for making skeptical comments during University lectures.
The only thing missing are the "Konzentrations Lager" and a Gas Chamber.
Far fetched ?
It`s been thoroughly verified by Der Spiegel`s fact checkers:
Fleischhauer-Kolumne: Kennen Sie auch einen Klimaleugner? - SPIEGEL ONLINE

Kennen Sie auch einen Klimaleugner?
Do you know a "climate change denier" ?
Professor Richard Parncutt is demanding the E.U. re-institutes the death penalty for AGW "climate change deniers" which he equates as a threat to the planet, perpetrating a climate holocaust

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