The war in Ukraine was prepared for many years, its final goal is communism in Europe

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Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Why Putin don't included Novorossia into Russia already in 2014?
Why Putin cooperating with Zelensky now and his 'war' is extremely strange?
Because Putin who always supports any shit coming from NWO and Schwab ( for example SCAMdemic CONvid-1984 and its deadly 'jab' ) knows well, it's not about Ukraine but about Europe.
The war completely disrupted energy supply in Europe and it loses its manufacturing very soon.
Peoples get more poorer and satanist regimes ( like that one of Scholz & Co ) will robe their countries and impose communism.

Communists always destroy and thereafter erect their Marxist utopia which fails of course over and over again.

Jewish Bolsheviks murdered more as 66m in Russia ( according to Solzhenitsyn )
Pol Pot killed anyone older as 20 years
Mao exterminated more as 50m

Lack of energy supply and mRNA 'vaccines' will murder probably any second citizen of EU within few years

6uild 6ack 6etter, flee from Europa as soon as you can
Why Putin don't included Novorossia into Russia already in 2014?
Why Putin cooperating with Zelensky now and his 'war' is extremely strange?
Because Putin who always supports any shit coming from NWO and Schwab ( for example SCAMdemic CONvid-1984 and its deadly 'jab' ) knows well, it's not about Ukraine but about Europe.
The war completely disrupted energy supply in Europe and it loses its manufacturing very soon.
Peoples get more poorer and satanist regimes ( like that one of Scholz & Co ) will robe their countries and impose communism.

Communists always destroy and thereafter erect their Marxist utopia which fails of course over and over again.

Jewish Bolsheviks murdered more as 66m in Russia ( according to Solzhenitsyn )
Pol Pot killed anyone older as 20 years
Mao exterminated more as 50m

Lack of energy supply and mRNA 'vaccines' will murder probably any second citizen of EU within few years

6uild 6ack 6etter, flee from Europa as soon as you can
Insane nonsense
Why Putin don't included Novorossia into Russia already in 2014?
Why Putin cooperating with Zelensky now and his 'war' is extremely strange?
Because Putin who always supports any shit coming from NWO and Schwab ( for example SCAMdemic CONvid-1984 and its deadly 'jab' ) knows well, it's not about Ukraine but about Europe.
The war completely disrupted energy supply in Europe and it loses its manufacturing very soon.
Peoples get more poorer and satanist regimes ( like that one of Scholz & Co ) will robe their countries and impose communism.

Communists always destroy and thereafter erect their Marxist utopia which fails of course over and over again.

Jewish Bolsheviks murdered more as 66m in Russia ( according to Solzhenitsyn )
Pol Pot killed anyone older as 20 years
Mao exterminated more as 50m

Lack of energy supply and mRNA 'vaccines' will murder probably any second citizen of EU within few years

6uild 6ack 6etter, flee from Europa as soon as you can
Why don't you learn proper English in Russia? Too stupid?
All his posts are

Unfortunately all my predictions already fulfilled.
All former 'conspiracy theories' become the truth.

Here is an evidence criminal 'government' of communist Scholz deliberately destroys millions businesses in Germany

Traditional butchery calls on citizens to resist the government

Hundreds of thousands of businesses are getting into difficulties, are already on the verge of going out of business and are going bankrupt - even if our children's book author Habeck has his very own, his green definition for this. More and more businesses for everyday needs, such as bakeries or butcher stores, are being hit by this left-green program of destruction. A traditional butcher shop in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania is now openly calling on citizens to resist the government.

The traditional butchery Wolf (Vielank) in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania draws attention to his situation in a Facebook post out of sheer desperation, stating that the electricity costs for the business - like hundreds of thousands of other businesses as well - are spiraling to astronomical heights and have now tripled.

The desperate entrepreneur is now openly calling on citizens to resist the government.

Here is the text of the post:

Good evening,

the massive increases in energy prices hits not only the bakeries, it also hits us as a butcher shop with full force!

The monthly budget for electricity is increased from 2950, - € to no less than 8450, - €.

How are we supposed to earn this amount. It is simply not possible to get it over the selling prices again purely.

We demand our (incompetent) government to finally proceed against this usury, otherwise our traditional butcher's shop will go down the drain just as probably all other craft enterprises whether bakers, butchers and so on.

We do not want to hear hold-out slogans from Chancellor Scholz, his cabinet members can disappear into oblivion, because they definitely do not know how dicey it really looks down here with the taxpayers.

We will go from now on regularly on each demo and we call also all population groups to it!

We also do not care who calls to the demos, because something must finally happen here, so it can not go on.

Still a supplement, no commis are DELETED here by the Admin with intention. Everyone should have his opinion.
The comment function we have now turned off, unfortunately, it was too personal here.

What we do not want that here is insulted or pushed into pigeonholes. There should definitely be more unity, because ultimately we are all in the same boat. Whether this post was right or not I can not say, sometimes it is just with the emotions can not be explained, but emotions are just there.

We wish all people well through this time to come .

Your butcher shop Wolf



Locked for no link supporting OP position and possible unclean start if it had a link.
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