Governor Palin said she is sick and tired of the Presidents Manufactured Crisis.

Where Obama's concerned, what's to refute? He never has any substance to anything he ever says, just a bunch of platitudial talking points that we've heard a gazillion times before, only more shrill.


From all your previous posts I've read, it's obvious you pay little attention to anything at all, so your amusing echo doesn't surprise me.

No, I do.. I just enjoy pointing out what a douchey little petty hack you are.

Like I give a shit what an illiterate sot like you thinks of me.
People really should read Saul Alinsky's 'Rules for Radicals.' It's all in there. Creating discontent and "Crisis" is what all "Community Organizers" are supposed to do. Confrontation is not only good but also encouraged in the Alinsky "Community Organizer" World. Most Democrats are loyal & obedient Alinsky disciples. They're just following his Gospel at this point. Creating a "Crisis" is the Alinsky way.

You're fearmongering. Trying to portray Obama as a dangerous extremist is textbook fearmongering.

Claiming the healthcare bill could lead to the government denying care to Down Syndrome babies because of their lack of worth would also be fearmongering.

Fear Mongering is what all effective "Community Organizers" master at some point. Everything's a "Crisis" with this President. This is not done by accident. If you scare the people enough,they are more likely to make rash decisions. It's like "Give us your Money right away or the Earth is gonna explode tomorrow!!" That pretty much sums up this Administration at this point. So what will their next "Crisis" be? Hmm?

Wasn't that Hank Paulson, Bush's Treasury Secretary, who sent up the first flare?
I think most common sense thinking people are completely burned out on this President's constant "Crisis" fear mongering stuff. Enough is enough for God's sake.

Maybe the next crisis, the president should just stay incommunicado at his desk in the Oval Office, and direct everyone in his administration to do nothing. Yes, let's grant the conservatives their wish and allow the private sector to handle the next major crisis, like a new flu virus (there's one in Oregon right now) that might threaten many lives (hey, don't expect any lab help from the CDC, folks). Our new billion-dollar embassy in Baghdad gets blown up (nope, no Pentagon coordination, no new military orders; call Blackwater, on your dime).

But then of course in reality, if a crisis actually did turn ugly, you hysterical fringers would be screeching from rooftops !!

I think most common sense thinking people are completely burned out on this President's constant "Crisis" fear mongering stuff. Enough is enough for God's sake.

Maybe the next crisis, the president should just stay incommunicado at his desk in the Oval Office, and direct everyone in his administration to do nothing. Yes, let's grant the conservatives their wish and allow the private sector to handle the next major crisis, like a new flu virus (there's one in Oregon right now) that might threaten many lives (hey, don't expect any lab help from the CDC, folks). Our new billion-dollar embassy in Baghdad gets blown up (nope, no Pentagon coordination, no new military orders; call Blackwater, on your dime).

But then of course in reality, if a crisis actually did turn ugly, you hysterical fringers would be screeching from rooftops !!


oh brother.:lol:
that Obama, what a superman he is. He is all things to ALL people, he can heal the sick, feed the poor, bring the whole world together. no wonder the Obamabots treat him like a Messiah.
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Oh the hypocrite speaks out again, while making up manufactured crises. :lol:

Well they did say that they couldn't let a crisis go to waste.

It's not much of a stretch to think that anyone who loves a crisis that much can't stop themselves from inventing one when they need it.

It's pretty obvious what they're doing....and the real problem is folks like you refuse to look at the evidence of it.
Manufactured Crisis?

Wait you mean like the furor over his birth certificate or the charges that he was a Muslim? Or perhaps it was the woman with the backwards B on her face.
I think most common sense thinking people are completely burned out on this President's constant "Crisis" fear mongering stuff. Enough is enough for God's sake.

Maybe the next crisis, the president should just stay incommunicado at his desk in the Oval Office, and direct everyone in his administration to do nothing. Yes, let's grant the conservatives their wish and allow the private sector to handle the next major crisis, like a new flu virus (there's one in Oregon right now) that might threaten many lives (hey, don't expect any lab help from the CDC, folks). Our new billion-dollar embassy in Baghdad gets blown up (nope, no Pentagon coordination, no new military orders; call Blackwater, on your dime).

But then of course in reality, if a crisis actually did turn ugly, you hysterical fringers would be screeching from rooftops !!


oh brother.:lol:
that Obama, what a superman he is. He is all things to ALL people, he can heal the sick, feed the poor, bring the whole world together. no wonder the Obamabots treat him like a Messiah.

Feel better? Of course what you said has zero to do with what I said.
Maybe the next crisis, the president should just stay incommunicado at his desk in the Oval Office, and direct everyone in his administration to do nothing. Yes, let's grant the conservatives their wish and allow the private sector to handle the next major crisis, like a new flu virus (there's one in Oregon right now) that might threaten many lives (hey, don't expect any lab help from the CDC, folks). Our new billion-dollar embassy in Baghdad gets blown up (nope, no Pentagon coordination, no new military orders; call Blackwater, on your dime).

But then of course in reality, if a crisis actually did turn ugly, you hysterical fringers would be screeching from rooftops !!


oh brother.:lol:
that Obama, what a superman he is. He is all things to ALL people, he can heal the sick, feed the poor, bring the whole world together. no wonder the Obamabots treat him like a Messiah.

Feel better? Of course what you said has zero to do with what I said.

of course it did. try reading again.:lol:
People really should read Saul Alinsky's 'Rules for Radicals.' It's all in there. Creating discontent and "Crisis" is what all "Community Organizers" are supposed to do. Confrontation is not only good but also encouraged in the Alinsky "Community Organizer" World. Most Democrats are loyal & obedient Alinsky disciples. They're just following his Gospel at this point. Creating a "Crisis" is the Alinsky way.

The irony is something you apparently don't get. Many of Alinsky's Rules have been hijacked by the extremists on the right, and some remain a work in progress.

Rule 1: Power is not only what you have, but what an opponent thinks you have. If your organization is small, hide your numbers in the dark and raise a din that will make everyone think you have many more people than you do.

Rule 2: Never go outside the experience of your people. The result is confusion, fear, and retreat.

Rule 3: Whenever possible, go outside the experience of an opponent. Here you want to cause confusion, fear, and retreat.

Rule 4: Make opponents live up to their own book of rules. “You can kill them with this, for they can no more obey their own rules than the Christian church can live up to Christianity.”

Rule 5: Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon. It’s hard to counterattack ridicule, and it infuriates the opposition, which then reacts to your advantage.

Rule 6: A good tactic is one your people enjoy. “If your people aren’t having a ball doing it, there is something very wrong with the tactic.”

Rule 7: A tactic that drags on for too long becomes a drag. Commitment may become ritualistic as people turn to other issues.

Rule 8: Keep the pressure on. Use different tactics and actions and use all events of the period for your purpose. “The major premise for tactics is the development of operations that will maintain a constant pressure upon the opposition. It is this that will cause the opposition to react to your advantage.”

Rule 9: The threat is more terrifying than the thing itself.

Rule 10: The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative. Avoid being trapped by an opponent or an interviewer who says, “Okay, what would you do?”

Rule 11: Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, polarize it. Don’t try to attack abstract corporations or bureaucracies. Identify a responsible individual. Ignore attempts to shift or spread the blame.
No. You said that, not me.

I said the experience of a governor is more applicable than the experience of a junior legislator to that of President.

You opted to read it any way you wish. But I never said anything of the kind.

You just repeated it. If governor experience is more applicable, than more governor experience trumps less governor experience.

Nope. You repeated it.

I am simply saying that one that has governed a state has exerience that is more applicable than one that has not.

More experience as a governnor may play a role, but not necessarily. But one with compared to one without? No comparison.

It is quite difficult to deal with two opposing parties as you try to govern.

Something this President is finding to be sooo true and yet he seemed to be sooo surprised by it.

Where is he dealing with the 'opposing party' as chief executive that he wouldn't have been as a Senator?

btw, he wanted a stimulus passed, it passed. He wanted healthcare passed, it passed. He wants financial reform to pass, it's going to pass. You may not like what's getting done, but you can't claim it's not getting done

Palin's a governor? Wow. When did she get re-elected? Oh ... that's right .. you're banned because you're a sock puppet. Guess you'll have to answer that question to yourself.:cuckoo:
You just repeated it. If governor experience is more applicable, than more governor experience trumps less governor experience.

Nope. You repeated it.

I am simply saying that one that has governed a state has exerience that is more applicable than one that has not.

More experience as a governnor may play a role, but not necessarily. But one with compared to one without? No comparison.

It is quite difficult to deal with two opposing parties as you try to govern.

Something this President is finding to be sooo true and yet he seemed to be sooo surprised by it.

Where is he dealing with the 'opposing party' as chief executive that he wouldn't have been as a Senator?

btw, he wanted a stimulus passed, it passed. He wanted healthcare passed, it passed. He wants financial reform to pass, it's going to pass. You may not like what's getting done, but you can't claim it's not getting done

The St Valentine's Day massacre got "done". And...?
Getting old?

In the past couple of months he has admitted no less than twice that he did not realize certain things were not possible.

His "Change the way we do things in Washington" was not a minor platform of his. It was his mantra.

And the more he fails at that, the more it will be said that being a community organizer was not the experience needed to do as he promised. Remmeber, he was the one who bragged about community organizing and how it will help him acheive his
"bipartisan agenda"

So far, the only legislation that was bipartisan was evident with the votes against his initiatives.

Your comment has nothing to do with Sarah's snide remarks about "community organizing" which is what I was responding to. Yes, Obama does admit that he saw the job through rose-colored glasses (not in those words), thinking he could "change the way Washington thinks." But at least he ADMITS that, which no other president in history admitted to, although they all also thought they could.

It has everything to do with her remarks.
And your desire to give positive credit to this President for his failures is interesting and quite telling.
I voted for Bush the first time around. By 2003, I was picking apart many of his mistakes.
Something tells me you believe this presidents farts smell like roses.

Is that an insult? Violating your own rules, I see.

Anyway, you haven't been here long enough, but when called for, I have disagreed with this president's tactics but oddly, whenever I do I get very few responses. Either people don't believe me, or they prefer me in defensive gear. That said, I will continue to defend what this administration has TRIED to do in order to prop up the economy because I have yet to see any alternative solutions put forth by his opposition that could have assured a better outcome. It has been absolutely necessary to inject huge amounts of money into the economy, or risk a real depression and tens of thousands more lost jobs with millions more needing government assistance. Were there mistakes in where some of the stimulus money went? Yup. Were there untimely decisions? Yup. Although I will forever favor health care reform, I would have preferred that it be done in smaller steps. A recovery of this magnitude is bound to have holes in it, some fraud, and controversial decisions. But no one has yet been able to convince me that it wasn't the right course of action to deal with an immediate crisis.
Nope. You repeated it.

I am simply saying that one that has governed a state has exerience that is more applicable than one that has not.

More experience as a governnor may play a role, but not necessarily. But one with compared to one without? No comparison.

It is quite difficult to deal with two opposing parties as you try to govern.

Something this President is finding to be sooo true and yet he seemed to be sooo surprised by it.

Where is he dealing with the 'opposing party' as chief executive that he wouldn't have been as a Senator?

btw, he wanted a stimulus passed, it passed. He wanted healthcare passed, it passed. He wants financial reform to pass, it's going to pass. You may not like what's getting done, but you can't claim it's not getting done

The St Valentine's Day massacre got "done". And...?

I said you might not like it, that wasn't the point. The other poster seemed to imply that Obama couldn't get anything done.
Since I am new I can't post a link yet. Have to wait 14 more posts. How about this? I took off the links]70%[/url] of Arizona Voters Favor New State Measure Cracking Down On Illegal Immigration - Rasmussen Reports[/url]][/url] blogs - Political Insider - PoliticalInsider - New poll finds strong support for immigration bill[/url]

Here is a hint newby, when I say link us to something credible, do not use Rassmussen. Fucking newby's are funny though.

I live here and I can tell you 70% of us do not like this. Do a little reading of local stuff here and come back with your tail between your legs.

By the way, a convention already said they arent coming here. Truckers are already not coming here (the independants), Jeb Bush and McCains daughter said they dont even like it. lol

He everyone, this newby used a rassmussen poll! LOL :lol:

Nice Zona. Real nice attacking a new member of USMB. Your comments speak volumes about your lack of tolerance for someone elses opinions and lack of respect. Does your condescending tone and need for insults give you a rush of adrenaline?

Welcome to the boards Power Of Palin.

If you haven't noticed already, there are many Palin haters here. And a whole lot of them spend much of their day thowing insults and attacking.

So ... strap in tight ... keep your hands and feet within the vehicle and enjoy the ride!

A "New member"? Hardly....:eusa_eh:

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