Governor Palin said she is sick and tired of the Presidents Manufactured Crisis.


I have no doubt that when SHE becomes president she'll manufacture LOTS of crisis...

and lay them at the feet of dems and liberals!

"the sky is falling! and I BLAME obama!"

Do you realize, even some of the hard righty's in here say Palin would be a horrible president. Seriously, you actually think she will be president?
Does she even know how to spell Obama? Seriously, this woman should just go away. Whatever, she represents republicans perfectly by never having solutions only criticisms.

She couldn't even say, let alone spell, "Biden". During the campaign she called him, "O'Biden". She is the original dumb broad. Yet the right has made her rich. They don't want to help people that really need it, but they don't mind making this worthless woman a millionaire.

I am saddened to see that you see her O'biden error as a sign of lack of intelligence and not just some slip of the lip.

SO I guess you must see our President as an idiot as well as he siad Corps (using the s) .

I saw it as a slip of the lip on his part.

Are you kidding me??? I am saddened that you don't know your ass from a hole in the ground. Is it that important to you to try and put down Obama?? You made a fool out of yourself, not the president. And to answer your question, I see you as the idiot not Obama.

Palin made the mistake more than one time. They even had to come up with a method to help her not to have to even use Biden's last name!! She could not stop saying, "O'Biden".

Her problem was not a slip of the lip. See the difference??

Palin aide warned of 'epic debacle' - Mike Allen -
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I for one will be laughing my ass off when they start complaining about all the NEW regulations that are going to IMPOSED on their lives and livelihoods. they most of all deserve it.:lol:

Oh, I couldn't agree MORE. Horrible, oppressive stuff, like laws against a woman getting an abortion, laws giving the police extended power to stop and question people based solely on their race, laws preventing gay marriage.

What kind of jerks would be behind laws such as those?
I for one will be laughing my ass off when they start complaining about all the NEW regulations that are going to IMPOSED on their lives and livelihoods. they most of all deserve it.:lol:

Oh, I couldn't agree MORE. Horrible, oppressive stuff, like laws against a woman getting an abortion, laws giving the police extended power to stop and question people based solely on their race, laws preventing gay marriage.

What kind of jerks would be behind laws such as those?

wow, funny how the killing of ones child is high on the list of important things for you. that must be what it's like to be a PROGRESSIVE.
I for one will be laughing my ass off when they start complaining about all the NEW regulations that are going to IMPOSED on their lives and livelihoods. they most of all deserve it.:lol:

Oh, I couldn't agree MORE. Horrible, oppressive stuff, like laws against a woman getting an abortion, laws giving the police extended power to stop and question people based solely on their race, laws preventing gay marriage.

What kind of jerks would be behind laws such as those?

wow, funny how the killing of ones child is high on the list of important things for you. that must be what it's like to be a PROGRESSIVE.


Hey galpal!!!!

They don't wanna kill THIER babies......

They wanna kill YOUR babies!!!!!


Oh, I couldn't agree MORE. Horrible, oppressive stuff, like laws against a woman getting an abortion, laws giving the police extended power to stop and question people based solely on their race, laws preventing gay marriage.

What kind of jerks would be behind laws such as those?

wow, funny how the killing of ones child is high on the list of important things for you. that must be what it's like to be a PROGRESSIVE.


Hey galpal!!!!

They don't wanna kill THIER babies......

They wanna kill YOUR babies!!!!!



well if you say so. off yer meds?:cuckoo:

Obama is following all the rules in his bible, "Rules for Radicals" by Saul Alinsky, representing the agenda of socialism as defined by Karl Marx. "Never let a crisis go to waste." Obama is making up his own crisis, in addition. The young and entitlement minded will accept it with their hands held out. [ easier than looking for those jobs the president has not created.]

Obama is following all the rules in his bible, "Rules for Radicals" by Saul Alinsky, representing the agenda of socialism as defined by Karl Marx. "Never let a crisis go to waste." Obama is making up his own crisis, in addition. The young and entitlement minded will accept it with their hands held out. [ easier than looking for those jobs the president has not created.]

THAT! is a story? Lame! If ya gonna hate put yo shoulder in it! That is the lamest hate Obama rant I've seen all week! Might I suggest better nutrition? More sleep... Vitamins....

I have no doubt that when SHE becomes president she'll manufacture LOTS of crisis...

and lay them at the feet of dems and liberals!

"the sky is falling! and I BLAME obama!"

Do you realize, even some of the hard righty's in here say Palin would be a horrible president. Seriously, you actually think she will be president?

Throw enough crap on anyone they tend to smell even when it's not true. It's mostly because people aren't paying attention.
Yep. There's that Beck line again...Rules for Radicals. "He wants to break the system to get more control over it!!"

Tin-foil hat award.
You don't actually 'run' an economy as a governor, unless perhaps it's a socialist economy. Is that what you're saying Alaska is?

Considering every Alaskan receives a stipend from uncle Sam just for living in the state, I'd say Alaska was more socialist than most other places in the US, yes.
A real Grass Roots movement would be the Tea Party movement. No Conservative i know is against real Grass Roots movements. Most "Community Organizer" groups are corrupt and are funded with other peoples' money. The Tea Party movement is self-sufficient and doesn't demand the right to rob American Tax Payers to prop them up. "Community Organizer" groups like ACORN have flat-out stolen $Billions from American Tax Payers to prop up their corrupt enterprises. I'm certainly not against real Grass Roots movements but i am against fraudulent Tax Payer-funded "Community Organizer" groups. If they want to be a real Grass Roots movement,then let them fund themselves instead of stealing.

1. Not all "Grass Roots Movements" are good. The Nazi Party started out as a "Grass Roots" movement. The Ku Klux Klan is a "Grass Roots" movement.

2. EVERY conservative you know is against a "real grass roots movement". ACORN was in fact a "real grass roots movement".
Corrupt "Community Organizer" groups like ACORN have stolen $Billions from the American Tax Payers. These are grass roots movements we could certainly live without. The Tea Party movement does not demand that American Tax Payers prop them up. They are not thieves like ACORN. There is a big difference between the two. Let ACORN fund themselves and quit stealing from the people.
Corrupt "Community Organizer" groups like ACORN have stolen $Billions from the American Tax Payers. These are grass roots movements we could certainly live without. The Tea Party movement does not demand that American Tax Payers prop them up. They are not thieves like ACORN. There is a big difference between the two. Let ACORN fund themselves and quit stealing from the people.

Ahh, but you said you don't know any conservatives that are against real grass roots movements...

That is in fact incorrect.

And if the Tea Party movement becomes a real competitive political party, then the American Taxpayer will in fact be "propping them up"...
Corrupt "Community Organizer" groups like ACORN have stolen $Billions from the American Tax Payers. These are grass roots movements we could certainly live without. The Tea Party movement does not demand that American Tax Payers prop them up. They are not thieves like ACORN. There is a big difference between the two. Let ACORN fund themselves and quit stealing from the people.

Well, Astro Turf like the tea baggers have is not propped up by the taxpayer, it's propped up by corporate organizations like Freedom Works.

Teabaggers only need the corporations, why else do you think that they pushed the Supreme Court into ruling that corporations have the same rights as people?

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