GOP wants to screw US over Social Security

Okay. And how exactly does this back up your narrative?
I said that there have been various expansions over the years since the last time major reforms had been enacted. That list has some of them- it is not comprehensive and there was also quite a lot under Obama. All of those expansions and changes have budgetary impact to the trust funds.

So that is all, I am finished with you. Carry on.
I said that there have been various expansions over the years since the last time major reforms had been enacted. That list has some of them- it is not comprehensive and there was also quite a lot under Obama. All of those expansions and changes have budgetary impact to the trust funds.

So that is all, I am finished with you. Carry on.
Do you have anything specific or verifiable? This is all just vague narrative. Nothing you’ve said is specific enough to check for accuracy.

Just give me something specific.

You mentioned spouse and survivor benefits. Those were present for a very long time. You mentioned SSI which was passed in a highly bipartisan fashion.

Im looking for literally any examples that would support your narrative. So far, just vague hand waving.
My obligation to do what? If you don’t want to believe Sweden exist that’s on you. Nothing I can do will change your mind
Thank you. After making your comments, you learned that the SS system in Sweden is not the magnificent, affordable plan you were led to believe.

Do you have anything specific or verifiable? This is all just vague narrative. Nothing you’ve said is specific enough to check for accuracy.

Just give me something specific.

You mentioned spouse and survivor benefits. Those were present for a very long time. You mentioned SSI which was passed in a highly bipartisan fashion.

Im looking for literally any examples that would support your narrative. So far, just vague hand waving.
Those amendments have a whole bunch of expansions that make adjustments to the number of people that are eligible for a particular benefit, and/or increase benefits. Many of them are done after 1983, which was the last time the taxes and the retirement age were modified.

There was also Medicare prescription drugs added 2003, (which was actually more of a republican effort). Under Obama there was a big shift in Medicare Part D dollars to the ACA. There have been cuts to the FICA taxes for economic reasons- that drained money from the trust funds.

Jesus Christ I am not going to hunt down every fucking change to the system for you.
Boomers have lived their entire lives being handed advantages and providing none to the rest of us.
Boomers were the most pampered generation in history

Except for the next generation which has all the weaknesses of the Boomers but on steriods

Mankind is regressing rapidly and before our eyes
If you believe that, then you are a fool.


The Social Security program matured in the 1960s, when Americans were consistently having fewer children, living longer, and earning wages at a slower rate than the rate of growth in the number of retirees. As these trends have continued, today there are just 2.9 workers per retiree—and this amount is expected to drop to two workers per retiree by 2030.

Myth math. The fact is wages are far lower relative to the past, plus off-shoring jobs that paid more than minimum wage have drastically reduced SS revenues, and then there is the spending of general fund revenues on other things than SS, which have yet to be paid back, since Eisenhower first started using SS revenues to build the interstate highway system and other raids on its revenues have snow balled since then. And, only idiots would trust Wall Street with the funds. Lester Madoff is the norm for Wall Street operators; his real crime was fleecing some rich lawyers, the only reason he went to prison; if he had stuck to just fleecing proles, they would have erected a giant statue in his honor in the middle of Wall Street.
Democrats should dig graves due to their penchant for digging us into tax holes.
That’s bullshit. Have another recession under repunants….10 of the last 11. The covid fking crisis was so mismanaged, thousands died needlessly just from stupidity from stupid repugnant idiocy. They cost us billions fixing up their climate change denial in places like Texas and Florida. Then hide thier ignorance by accepting federal disaster clean up funds. Red states are a bastion of ignorance and economic stagnation.
Myth math. The fact is wages are far lower relative to the past, plus off-shoring jobs that paid more than minimum wage have drastically reduced SS revenues, and then there is the spending of general fund revenues on other things than SS, which have yet to be paid back, since Eisenhower first started using SS revenues to build the interstate highway system and other raids on its revenues have snow balled since then. And, only idiots would trust Wall Street with the funds. Lester Madoff is the norm for Wall Street operators; his real crime was fleecing some rich lawyers, the only reason he went to prison; if he had stuck to just fleecing proles, they would have erected a giant statue in his honor in the middle of Wall Street.

Oh, and I forgot to add the drug companies plundering Medicare and HMO's and doctors treating it like their personal piggy bank while Congress looks the other way and refuses to increase funds for investigating fraud.
Dude, get a hobby.
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    • Supposn
    • Thread
    • Aug 20, 2023
    • annuity economics finance politics privatization retirement social security
    • Replies: 4
    • Forum: Economy
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  30. J

    Some Pertinent Facts About Social Security

Democrats should dig graves due to their penchant for digging us into tax holes.
Amazing….no Republican has deduced spending or reduced deficits over previous president. Every democratic president has. 10 of last 11 recessions started under gop,admintrations. Trumps economy folded like a tent in a heavy wind.
Under Obama there was a big shift in Medicare Part D dollars to the ACA.
For patients covered by both which duplicated services….
Medicare provides disability insurance too…..who passed the legislation allowing Medicare to negotiate drug prices, and who previously passed legislation disallowing it.
It cost Medicare funds billions over the years and added to deficits at the hands of republicans.

This resulted in reducing benefits for seniors under republicans with exorbitant co,pays while increasing the benefit for drugs with lower copays UNDER BIDEN .

43 more commonly used drugs get reduced out of pocket expenditures under Biden.

Geesus, who pays your bills ? You should know this shit.
Last edited:
werent survivor benefits and spouse benefits always a part of social security?

SSI was passed in 1972. Proudly signed by Nixon and passed by large bipartisan votes.

Feels like you’re pitching a narrative, not history.

The Social Security ActAugust 14, 1935Established individual retirement benefits.
The 1939 amendmentsAugust 10, 1939Added dependents and survivors benefits and made benefits more generous for early participants. Financing at issue.
The 1950 amendmentsAugust 28, 1950Adjusted, on a major scale, coverage and financing. Increased benefits for the first time. Provided for gratuitous wage credits for military service.
Legislation in 1952July 18, 1952Raised benefits; liberalized retirement test and expanded gratuitous wage credits for military service.
Legislation in 1954 September 1, 1954Extended coverage. Disability "freeze."
The 1956 amendmentsAugust 1, 1956Added cash disability benefits at age 50. Early retirement for women.
The 1958 amendmentsAugust 28, 1958Added benefits for dependents of disabled beneficiaries.
The 1960 amendmentsSeptember 13, 1960Disability benefits at any age.
The 1961 amendmentsJune 30, 1961Established early retirement for men. Liberalized eligibility requirements for other categories.
The 1967 amendmentsJanuary 2, 1968Added disabled widow(er)s benefits.
The 1972 Debt-Ceiling BillJuly 1, 1972Added automatic annual cost-of-living adjustments.
Amazing….no Republican has deduced spending or reduced deficits over previous president. Every democratic president has. 10 of last 11 recessions started under gop,admintrations. Trumps economy folded like a tent in a heavy wind.
Notice his BS contains no proof. He loves to lie.
Notice his BS contains no proof. He loves to lie.
Of course. Any nimrod over 60 with more brains than a mature cucumber who has lived through recessions with the gop in office since Reagan. Geesus fking kriste, do you actually think everyone is as stupid as MAGA dimwits…we know you’ve been wrong everytime we’ve swatted posts, so get used to being wrong again.,

Geesus, where have you been the last 8 years, Cuba ?

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