GOP could care less about jobs!

Well in 2010 there was no guessing. The voters ousted those who supported Obamacare in favor of harder conservatives.
I doubt many Americans would want to pay into the fraud-riven waste called Medicare. Fewer will want to be enrolled in a system that reimburses doctors at such low rates many doctors will not accept them.

Actually, a large number of Obama supporters DID NOT VOTE in 2010 as protest over his many capitulations to the neocon/teabagger agenda. They are now paying the price with the likes of Gov. Walker and his counter parts in Michigan and New Jersey.

Medicare can be fixed and rid of fraud....the alternative is paying much HIGHER rates to competing private industries....and we all know how well that worked out with the proto-type HMO's! :doubt:

I know that the far left "line" is that people didn't support Democrats in the midterms because Obama's "capitulations" to the teabaggers turned them off but if you look at the poll numbers it's obvious that the voting block that Obama lost wasn't the far left but the independents and they didn't vote Republican because Obama wasn't liberal enough...they voted that way because they didn't like having Obamacare shoved down their throats nor the threatened Cap & Trade and Card Check. Face it...Obama took the country too far to the left when he let Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid run the show. That wasn't what the country elected him to do. They thought they were electing "Hope and Change" but instead they got "Nancy and Harry".

Fascinating how you keep trying to substitute your personal supposition and conjecture for fact. Point is, I never stated that is just the "far left" who sat on their hands in did. Do a little research on the exit polls of independents and their reasons for NOT voting in 2010, and you'll see it has NOTHING to do with the Limbaugh-esque malarky you're spewing here.

As for the "fixing" of Medicare? Wasn't that something Obama promised he would do to pay for Obamacare? Eliminating waste and fraud in Medicare? Has anyone heard a peep about any savings from the elimination of waste and fraud since Obamacare was passed because I sure haven't. That was just one more empty promise by a man who has a habit of promising the world if you'll give him money to spend on his pet entitlements but then never delivers.

Fascinating how Oldstyle just rambles on using Limbaugh-esque talking points that have NOTHING TO DO WITH REALITY. Since Oldstyle can't/won't do decent research, here's what went into Obama's healthcare reform regarding medicare....which when read carefully and comprehensively, makes Oldstyle out to be either willfully ignorant or just another lying partisan hack:

And only a naive fool would think that the choice of that particular night by the Obama Administration was accidental.

It's was the first night when everyone was back from vacation, and only prefunctory actions of no consequence were taking place. The GOP had been screaming for such an address for months, and when they get it, they blow it off and bitch about it? :confused:

Only a complete fool or willfully ignorant partisan toadie would view the GOP's actions as anything but hypocritical.

As for the address itself? I'm sorry but you don't convene a Joint Session of Congress to try and get another half a trillion version of the same trillion dollar stimulus that didn't work last time. Really? Because given that the prior stimulus BAILED OUT OUR BANKING SYSTEM and THE AUTO INDUSTRY, ESSENTIALLY SAVING THIS COUNTRY'S ASS, I would dare say that you are either a stubborn partisan hack or just plain ignorant as to what's going on around you. That "jobs plan" wasn't worthy of a White House briefing. Says who? YOU? :lol: Your opinion and a metro card will only get you on the bus, Rabbi. Given that Boehner, Cantor and even DeMint are changing their tunes to more acquiesent tells a different tale. Obama doesn't HAVE a plan...he has a repeat of a failed plan. Fascinating bit of clairvoyance on your part, the details will be delivered next week. :doubt: And that whole line about how this new stimulus is "paid for"? That's laughable. Even with general descriptions, he gave more details than the Shrub & company did with their prescription drug plan or when they kept 2 wars off the main budget. It's only paid for when you show where the money will be coming from. Which is coming next week....or weren't you paying attention? Barry didn't do that. He passed the buck to the super committee and says that THEY will figure out how to come up with those cuts at the same time they are figuring out the cuts for the debt ceiling compromise. THAT is the most irresponsible bit of leadership I've ever seen.

Newsflash for ya, bunky....YOUR LORD & MASTERS IN THE GOP SIGNED OFF ON THE SUPER COMMITTEE. And again, since the details of the plan isn't available until next week, all your bluff and bluster is just that.

You want to know why we're in big trouble? Look no further than how Barack Obama is handling this. We need leadership...we got a repeat of failed policy and a refusal to make the tough calls on how we pay for what he's proposing. We WAITED WEEKS for that joke of a plan? Seriously? If I was someone that was unemployed and desperate for a job and I saw the dog and pony show that took place in the Capital building last night I would have been throwing something through my TV screen.

Ahhh, the Rabbi is parroting the matter what Obama does, it's not working...even when he agrees with and implements GOP ideas. Bottom line: the Rabbi thinks his personal BS, supposition and conjecture makes up for facts and logic.....but the change in attitude from the GOP leadership after Obama's speech indicates that the Rabbi is just full of it as usual.

As I said, next week will tell the tale as to whether Obama's plan can pan out and if it does, will he draw the line in the sand.

I hate to break this to you, Sparky...but the stimulus didn't bail out the banking or the auto industries...that was TARP. Nice try though. No wonder you don't understand why this latest stimulus won't work just like the last one didn't don't even know what the last stimulus DID.

As for the date of Obama's speech to Congress? I'm amused that you think there was any rush to deliver THAT jobs plan. Like I said before..."Stimulus Lite" didn't deserve a White House press conference. Giving that speech in front of a Joint Session of Congress was farce of the highest order.

True, I stand corrected as it was NOT the Obama stimulus package that saved the auto-industry...but rather it was BETTER LEADERSHIP, as the Shrub and company put out a shitload of money in TARP for the auto-industry....but in typical fashion they did NOT have a plan for restructuring. In other words, they gave more money to the EXACT same system that fucked up in the first place with no guarantees that things would be different. Fortunately, Obama and company knew better. FYI:

The auto bailout: How we did it
The man who led the effort gives an inside look at the bankruptcies that shook America.

Auto bailout: Steven Rattner on how the Obama team did it - Oct. 21, 2009

And if you're such an impatient child that THIS THURSDAY when Obama and company said they would deliver the details of the plan is not soon enough, then I can't help you.

Now, continue blowing the neocon/teabagger bullhorn Oldstyle! :razz:
Data from the Department of Energy and other agencies show that the average poor family, as defined by Census officials:

Interesting how this buffoon keeps making these claims, but has YET to provide a link to the very pages of the sources she mentions that corroborates her assertions.

Bottom line: yet another intellectually dishonest neocon/teabagger who prefers their supposition and conjecture over facts and the logic derived from them.
Yet you provide ANY proof or lack of?

Oh no you didn't....

Do the research yourself.
Frequently Asked Questions Related to the Poverty Guidelines and Poverty

I am kind enough to include a definition and a quote for you as well, since it appears that one is sorely lacking.
buffoon - Definition of buffoon at

•A man so various that he seemed to be Not one, but all mankind's epitome. Stiff in opinions, always in the wrong; Was everything by starts, and nothing long: But, in the course of one revolving moon, Was chemist, fiddler, statesman, and buffoon.
-Dryden, John

Notice I responded without calling you names? Betcha' can't do that yourself!

In the meantime, here's a hat for you to wear.

Your welcome!!

And your source DOES NOT contain the very statements that YOU made regarding the possessions of poor people receiving gov't assistance. I don't see it, and to date YOU CAN'T PRODUCE IT. Claiming it's there is one thing, GIVING A COPY OF THE EXACT STATEMENT from the source is another thing.

Nice try, sweetpea, but you're just not smart enough to think that throwing out a ton of information will automatically support a SPECIFIC statement you made. Now, why don't you get off your ass, do the REAL homework, and come up with those quotes? I'll wait, because I'll be damned if I'm going to do your homework for you. YOU MADE THE STATEMENT, THE BURDEN OF PROOF IS ON YOU. Put up or stfu.
And they won't be voting again in 2012 either.

Wishful thinking on your part.

Many college age people who were motivated to vote for perhaps the first time in their lives have acquired a bad taste in their mouths due to the lack of results based on promises made by Obama and the then democrat dominated Congress.

Many college age people who have witnessed first hand the disasterous results by GOP mayors enacting teabagger initiatives realize that NOT voting for Obama would increase that horror ten fold! They also witnessed the filibuster crazy GOP that didn't give a damn about American jobs.

Additionally ,independent and moderate voters have soured on Obama's handling of the economy. Only if they totally ignore the filibusters and stone walling by the GOP in order to maintain tax breaks and outsourcing for the rich.
Lastly history shows that the current party in the White House ALWAYS is either rewarded for good economic conditions or punished for poor economic conditions. Really? Because that logic applied so well to Bill Clinton.So if the economy, employment and housing markets do not recover, we will not have an incumbent in the White House after Jan 20,2013.

And the GOP has made damned sure that won't happen...or they sure as hell tried to.
Those are the facts. They are not in dispute. Period.

Those are the myopic revisions of teabagger flunkies....the WHOLE TRUTH makes them look foolish. Period.

That whole filibuster thing is all you've got...isn't it, Taichi? Between you and me? I don't think the electorate is going to buy it.

Between you and me....YOU don't READ CAREFULLY AND COMPREHENSIVELY. The "filibuster thing" is just ONE aspect of the empty cards that the GOP have in running against Obama....their denial of the effects of the Shrub's economic and foreign policy fuck ups and how they affect us now is another, along with their offering NOTHING BUT MORE OF THE SAME is another. Combine them all, and you'd have to be a complete moron to vote the GOP back into office to finish the job.

It's been obvious for the past six months that Barack Obama has run out of ideas on how to fix the economy. His latest attempt at a "jobs bill" illustrates that perfectly. When the people in charge start counting on things that have already been tried and failed, then you know it's time for a change.

It's obvious that in order for you to state what you have, you just have to IGNORE THE FACTS regarding GOP obstructionism as a crucial factor in this administrations ability to govern. I mean, you state publically that your sole purpose is to make Obama a one term President, you obstruct/filibuster EVERY FREAKING THING he attempts, and then with the help of the neocon punditry and media friends, you wail that Obama can't lead! :confused: Come on man, you're not that stupid.....and neither are the majority of Americans....there's too much information out there to make what you say just a pile of partisan BS.

All those young voters that grew up being told by their teachers and the mainstream media how bad W. was? They voted for Barack in huge numbers. Now they've seen the alternative. They won't be turning out in big numbers this time around.

Again, your revisionism is apalling! The "young voters" stated for the record that they didn't vote in 2010 because they were pissed that Obama DID NOT STAND UP TO THE NEOCON GOP LIKE HE PROMISED. Now they've got a taste of what's inside in the neocon/teabagger pandora's box....I dare say they'll follow the old Who song, "we won't get fooled again!". Time will tell.
And they won't be voting again in 2012 either.

Wishful thinking on your part.

Many college age people who were motivated to vote for perhaps the first time in their lives have acquired a bad taste in their mouths due to the lack of results based on promises made by Obama and the then democrat dominated Congress.

Many college age people who have witnessed first hand the disasterous results by GOP mayors enacting teabagger initiatives realize that NOT voting for Obama would increase that horror ten fold! They also witnessed the filibuster crazy GOP that didn't give a damn about American jobs.

Additionally ,independent and moderate voters have soured on Obama's handling of the economy. Only if they totally ignore the filibusters and stone walling by the GOP in order to maintain tax breaks and outsourcing for the rich.
Lastly history shows that the current party in the White House ALWAYS is either rewarded for good economic conditions or punished for poor economic conditions. Really? Because that logic applied so well to Bill Clinton.So if the economy, employment and housing markets do not recover, we will not have an incumbent in the White House after Jan 20,2013.

And the GOP has made damned sure that won't happen...or they sure as hell tried to.
Those are the facts. They are not in dispute. Period.

Those are the myopic revisions of teabagger flunkies....the WHOLE TRUTH makes them look foolish. Period.
What you refer to as stone walling is simply the GOP elected officials doing the job they elected to do. That is stopping the onslaught of liberal policies which to date have kept this country in the economic malaise we now experience.

Really? Beacause last time I checked, they were elected to GOVERN...that means making sure the "commons" were adequately funded, monitored and administrated. That means working WITH THE OPPOSITE PARTY FOR A RATIONAL COMPROMISE....NOT to be a blockcade to a President in order to try and regain political party controll of all 3 branches of the gov't like they had under the Shrub. I mean, you become a roadblock and then blame the driver for not being able to drive by you? Get fucking real!

Umm, Clinton was brilliant in one regard. He listened to his economic advisors who told him to stay out of the way of the economy and it would grow on it's own. Which is precisely what occurred. For that he won a second term, genius.

Really? Because if you remember correctly, the GOP BITCHED ABOUT ANYTHING THAT Slick Willy this date they all dance with glee about the " bubble burst". And NAFTA greatly contributed to fucking up our industry. As Michael Moore once wrote, the Slickster was the best thing to happen to the Republican Party. So on one hand you praise Clinton, then condemn him.....give me a fucking break.

Your insults( Teabagger flunkies) in lieu of ideas and facts leave you absent of credibility.
Case closed.

"Case closed"?!!?? YOU HAVE NO CASE! I can easily dismantle your neocon/teabagger mantras using facts and logic, and you don't like it. TFB if you don't like the labels....maybe if you didn't embrace the rhetoric, you wouldn't get the label.

As I said before, not only is there no spoon, but no brain as well.
Those are the myopic revisions of teabagger flunkies....the WHOLE TRUTH makes them look foolish. Period.

That whole filibuster thing is all you've got...isn't it, Taichi? Between you and me? I don't think the electorate is going to buy it.

It's been obvious for the past six months that Barack Obama has run out of ideas on how to fix the economy. His latest attempt at a "jobs bill" illustrates that perfectly. When the people in charge start counting on things that have already been tried and failed, then you know it's time for a change.

All those young voters that grew up being told by their teachers and the mainstream media how bad W. was? They voted for Barack in huge numbers. Now they've seen the alternative. They won't be turning out in big numbers this time around.
Here's the best part....THERE IS NO JOBS BILL.
Sen Jim De Mint (R-SC) said best. He stated that if there were a jobs bill, we'd have seen it and we'd be debating it right now.
This is another stimulus which Obama and his people refuse to refer to as a stimulus.
Essentially, Obama is saying "yes I know we borrowed eight hundred billion for stimulus but THIS time it will be different. Trust me!

Details to be delivered this the man said.

As for DeMint, that little cretin had already made up his mind before the speech:

Jim DeMint Blasts Obama Jobs Plan: 'I'm Not Interested In His Speech'

I guess DeMint is still smarting from "Waterloo".
And they won't be voting again in 2012 either.

Wishful thinking on your part.

Many college age people who were motivated to vote for perhaps the first time in their lives have acquired a bad taste in their mouths due to the lack of results based on promises made by Obama and the then democrat dominated Congress.

Many college age people who have witnessed first hand the disasterous results by GOP mayors enacting teabagger initiatives realize that NOT voting for Obama would increase that horror ten fold! They also witnessed the filibuster crazy GOP that didn't give a damn about American jobs.

Additionally ,independent and moderate voters have soured on Obama's handling of the economy. Only if they totally ignore the filibusters and stone walling by the GOP in order to maintain tax breaks and outsourcing for the rich.

I have already asked previously just how many "job bills" DID Harry Reed bring to the Senate floor. All I hear is the same empty rhetoric about filibusters and stone wall tactics. Still waiting on a response on these "job bills" back in 2009 or even 2010. I am sure individuals like taichiliberal and edthecynic will continue to ramble on without providing an answer with links, as if they are trying to convince THEMSELVES they are right.

You are SO full of shit:

Search Results
Those are the myopic revisions of teabagger flunkies....the WHOLE TRUTH makes them look foolish. Period.

That whole filibuster thing is all you've got...isn't it, Taichi? Between you and me? I don't think the electorate is going to buy it.

Between you and me....YOU don't READ CAREFULLY AND COMPREHENSIVELY. The "filibuster thing" is just ONE aspect of the empty cards that the GOP have in running against Obama....their denial of the effects of the Shrub's economic and foreign policy fuck ups and how they affect us now is another, along with their offering NOTHING BUT MORE OF THE SAME is another. Combine them all, and you'd have to be a complete moron to vote the GOP back into office to finish the job.

It's been obvious for the past six months that Barack Obama has run out of ideas on how to fix the economy. His latest attempt at a "jobs bill" illustrates that perfectly. When the people in charge start counting on things that have already been tried and failed, then you know it's time for a change.

It's obvious that in order for you to state what you have, you just have to IGNORE THE FACTS regarding GOP obstructionism as a crucial factor in this administrations ability to govern. I mean, you state publically that your sole purpose is to make Obama a one term President, you obstruct/filibuster EVERY FREAKING THING he attempts, and then with the help of the neocon punditry and media friends, you wail that Obama can't lead! :confused: Come on man, you're not that stupid.....and neither are the majority of Americans....there's too much information out there to make what you say just a pile of partisan BS.

All those young voters that grew up being told by their teachers and the mainstream media how bad W. was? They voted for Barack in huge numbers. Now they've seen the alternative. They won't be turning out in big numbers this time around.

Again, your revisionism is apalling! The "young voters" stated for the record that they didn't vote in 2010 because they were pissed that Obama DID NOT STAND UP TO THE NEOCON GOP LIKE HE PROMISED. Now they've got a taste of what's inside in the neocon/teabagger pandora's box....I dare say they'll follow the old Who song, "we won't get fooled again!". Time will tell.

HA! Look genius first off the young voters who cast ballots for Obama in '08 were first timers who were told voting for Obama would A) be the right thing to do because he is black B) change everything Bush did to make them miserable and unfair and reduce their chances of getting a high paying job out of college and C) Obama was cool. He was younger and understood them.
All of those things have been buried by the truth. That is college grads stand an even worse chance of grabbing the high paying or any job out of college, seen their parents homes lose value or lose their homes entirely and watched as a man who promised transparent government and had promised to bring the country together, do neither.
And now you want the thread posters to believe those young voters 4 years wiser and hopefully into their careers or jobs are going to give Obama "just one more chance"..
Are you nuts?
If someone kicks you in the balls are you going to get up and shake his hand and hope he won't do it again?
That whole filibuster thing is all you've got...isn't it, Taichi? Between you and me? I don't think the electorate is going to buy it.

Between you and me....YOU don't READ CAREFULLY AND COMPREHENSIVELY. The "filibuster thing" is just ONE aspect of the empty cards that the GOP have in running against Obama....their denial of the effects of the Shrub's economic and foreign policy fuck ups and how they affect us now is another, along with their offering NOTHING BUT MORE OF THE SAME is another. Combine them all, and you'd have to be a complete moron to vote the GOP back into office to finish the job.

It's been obvious for the past six months that Barack Obama has run out of ideas on how to fix the economy. His latest attempt at a "jobs bill" illustrates that perfectly. When the people in charge start counting on things that have already been tried and failed, then you know it's time for a change.

It's obvious that in order for you to state what you have, you just have to IGNORE THE FACTS regarding GOP obstructionism as a crucial factor in this administrations ability to govern. I mean, you state publically that your sole purpose is to make Obama a one term President, you obstruct/filibuster EVERY FREAKING THING he attempts, and then with the help of the neocon punditry and media friends, you wail that Obama can't lead! :confused: Come on man, you're not that stupid.....and neither are the majority of Americans....there's too much information out there to make what you say just a pile of partisan BS.

All those young voters that grew up being told by their teachers and the mainstream media how bad W. was? They voted for Barack in huge numbers. Now they've seen the alternative. They won't be turning out in big numbers this time around.

Again, your revisionism is apalling! The "young voters" stated for the record that they didn't vote in 2010 because they were pissed that Obama DID NOT STAND UP TO THE NEOCON GOP LIKE HE PROMISED. Now they've got a taste of what's inside in the neocon/teabagger pandora's box....I dare say they'll follow the old Who song, "we won't get fooled again!". Time will tell.

HA! Look genius first off the young voters who cast ballots for Obama in '08 were first timers who were told voting for Obama would A) be the right thing to do because he is black B) change everything Bush did to make them miserable and unfair and reduce their chances of getting a high paying job out of college and C) Obama was cool. He was younger and understood them.
All of those things have been buried by the truth. That is college grads stand an even worse chance of grabbing the high paying or any job out of college, seen their parents homes lose value or lose their homes entirely and watched as a man who promised transparent government and had promised to bring the country together, do neither.
And now you want the thread posters to believe those young voters 4 years wiser and hopefully into their careers or jobs are going to give Obama "just one more chance"..
Are you nuts?
If someone kicks you in the balls are you going to get up and shake his hand and hope he won't do it again?

Sure... it's what Obama calls 'being neighborly'.
Actually, a large number of Obama supporters DID NOT VOTE in 2010 as protest over his many capitulations to the neocon/teabagger agenda. They are now paying the price with the likes of Gov. Walker and his counter parts in Michigan and New Jersey.

Medicare can be fixed and rid of fraud....the alternative is paying much HIGHER rates to competing private industries....and we all know how well that worked out with the proto-type HMO's! :doubt:
And they won't be voting again in 2012 either.

Wishful thinking on your part.

Many college age people who were motivated to vote for perhaps the first time in their lives have acquired a bad taste in their mouths due to the lack of results based on promises made by Obama and the then democrat dominated Congress.

Many college age people who have witnessed first hand the disasterous results by GOP mayors enacting teabagger initiatives realize that NOT voting for Obama would increase that horror ten fold! They also witnessed the filibuster crazy GOP that didn't give a damn about American jobs.

Additionally ,independent and moderate voters have soured on Obama's handling of the economy. Only if they totally ignore the filibusters and stone walling by the GOP in order to maintain tax breaks and outsourcing for the rich.
Lastly history shows that the current party in the White House ALWAYS is either rewarded for good economic conditions or punished for poor economic conditions. Really? Because that logic applied so well to Bill Clinton.So if the economy, employment and housing markets do not recover, we will not have an incumbent in the White House after Jan 20,2013.

And the GOP has made damned sure that won't happen...or they sure as hell tried to.
Those are the facts. They are not in dispute. Period.

Those are the myopic revisions of teabagger flunkies....the WHOLE TRUTH makes them look foolish. Period.

like this 'whole truth'? How the Senate has refused to act on GOP jobs proposals???

Eric Cantor || Majority Leader || Blog || Senator Reid Blocks Republican Jobs Bills

Empower Small Business Owners and Reduce Regulatory Burdens:

H.R. 872, the Reducing Regulatory Burdens Act

Introduced by Rep. Bob Gibbs (OH) on March 2, 2011
Passed the House by a vote of 292-130 on March 31, 2011
Senate has taken no action to date

H.R. 910, the Energy Tax Prevention Act

Introduced by Rep. Fred Upton (MI) on March 3, 2011
Passed the House by a vote of 255-172 on April 7, 2011
Senate has taken no action to date

H.J.Res. 37, a Resolution of disapproval regarding the FCC’s regulation of the Internet and broadband industry practices

Introduced by Rep. Greg Walden (OR) on February 16, 2011
Passed the House by a vote of 240 to 179 on April 8, 2011
Senate has taken no action to date

H.Res. 72, a Resolution to direct committees to inventory and review existing, pending, and proposed regulations and order from agencies of the Federal Government, particularly with respect to their effect on jobs and economic growth

Introduced by Rep. Pete Sessions (TX) on February 8, 2011
Passed the House by a vote of 391 to 28 on February 11, 2011
The Senate has not directed their committees to take such action

Fix The Tax Code To Help Job Creators:

H.R. 4, the Small Business Paperwork Mandate Elimination Act

Introduced by Rep. Dan Lungren (CA) on January 12, 2011
Passed the House by a vote of 314 to 112 on March 3, 2011
Passed the Senate by a vote of 87 to 12 on March 31, 2011
Signed into law by the President on April 14, 2011

Maximize Domestic Energy Production To Ensure An Energy Policy For The Twenty-First Century:

H.R. 1230, Restarting American Offshore Leasing Now Act

Introduced by Rep. Doc Hastings (WA) on March 29, 2011
Passed the House by a vote of 266-149 on May 5, 2011
Senate has taken no action to date

H.R. 1229, Putting the Gulf of Mexico Back to Work Act

Introduced by Rep. Doc Hastings (WA) on March 29, 2011
Passed the House by a vote of 263-163 on May 11, 2011
Senate has taken no action to date

H.R. 1231, Reversing President Obama’s Offshore Moratorium Act

Introduced by Rep. Doc Hastings (WA) on March 29, 2011
Passed the House by a vote of 243-179 on May 12, 2011
Senate has taken no action to date

Pay Down America’s Unsustainable Debt Burden and Start Living Within Our Means:

H.Con.Res. 34, a Resolution establishing the budget for the United States Government for fiscal year 2012 and setting forth appropriate budgetary levels for fiscal years 2013 through 2021

Introduced by Rep. Paul Ryan (WI) on April 11, 2011
Passed the House by a vote of 235-193 on April 15, 2011
Senate has not yet considered a budget of their own

The Dems have blocked all this.
That whole filibuster thing is all you've got...isn't it, Taichi? Between you and me? I don't think the electorate is going to buy it.

Between you and me....YOU don't READ CAREFULLY AND COMPREHENSIVELY. The "filibuster thing" is just ONE aspect of the empty cards that the GOP have in running against Obama....their denial of the effects of the Shrub's economic and foreign policy fuck ups and how they affect us now is another, along with their offering NOTHING BUT MORE OF THE SAME is another. Combine them all, and you'd have to be a complete moron to vote the GOP back into office to finish the job.

It's been obvious for the past six months that Barack Obama has run out of ideas on how to fix the economy. His latest attempt at a "jobs bill" illustrates that perfectly. When the people in charge start counting on things that have already been tried and failed, then you know it's time for a change.

It's obvious that in order for you to state what you have, you just have to IGNORE THE FACTS regarding GOP obstructionism as a crucial factor in this administrations ability to govern. I mean, you state publically that your sole purpose is to make Obama a one term President, you obstruct/filibuster EVERY FREAKING THING he attempts, and then with the help of the neocon punditry and media friends, you wail that Obama can't lead! :confused: Come on man, you're not that stupid.....and neither are the majority of Americans....there's too much information out there to make what you say just a pile of partisan BS.

All those young voters that grew up being told by their teachers and the mainstream media how bad W. was? They voted for Barack in huge numbers. Now they've seen the alternative. They won't be turning out in big numbers this time around.

Again, your revisionism is apalling! The "young voters" stated for the record that they didn't vote in 2010 because they were pissed that Obama DID NOT STAND UP TO THE NEOCON GOP LIKE HE PROMISED. Now they've got a taste of what's inside in the neocon/teabagger pandora's box....I dare say they'll follow the old Who song, "we won't get fooled again!". Time will tell.

HA! Look genius first off the young voters who cast ballots for Obama in '08 were first timers who were told voting for Obama would A) be the right thing to do because he is black B) change everything Bush did to make them miserable and unfair and reduce their chances of getting a high paying job out of college and C) Obama was cool. He was younger and understood them.

you're just repeating the same clap trap you spewed above....all opinion, supposition and conjecture that's been parroted from Limbaugh or Hannity or Crowley or Beck or Levin or Savage or Maulkin or Krauthammer or Drudge. FYI, people of all races, creeds and colors from 18 to 80 realized in the 2008 Presidential race the McCain/Palin ticket was a piss poor joke....and NO ONE wanted a rehash of the Shrub's reign. Deal with it.

All of those things have been buried by the truth. :confused:That is college grads stand an even worse chance of grabbing the high paying or any job out of college, seen their parents homes lose value or lose their homes entirely and watched as a man who promised transparent government and had promised to bring the country together, do neither.

Did you know that the Shrub's economic policies made their final enaction in 2009? Yep, look it up if you don't believe me. So what you've described above you can lay at the Shrub's doorstep, because the neocon/teabagger GOP stone walled and filibustered ANY bills or proposals from the Obama administration to immediately enact remedies. But hey, if 200,000 new fed jobs and putting GM back on it's feet means nothting to you, then you've indeed drunk heartily of the neocon/teabagger Kool-Aid.

And now you want the thread posters to believe those young voters 4 years wiser and hopefully into their careers or jobs are going to give Obama "just one more chance"..

Since your premise is based on nothing but your revisionism and general ignorance, this latest question is just as big a joke.

Are you nuts?

Projecting again, bunky?

If someone kicks you in the balls are you going to get up and shake his hand and hope he won't do it again?

Well bunky, that's what YOU are asking America to do, because the GOP has NOTHING TO OFFER BUT A REHASH OF THE SHRUB'S 8 YEARS...and given how fucked up that left the country, and how the actions of the post 2010 elected mayors are nothing more than an attack on unions while granting tax breaks to the wealthy, I dare say that ALL voters, not just the 18 to 21 crowd, won't be fooled again.

Not only is there no spoon, but evidently no brain either.
And they won't be voting again in 2012 either.

Wishful thinking on your part.

Many college age people who were motivated to vote for perhaps the first time in their lives have acquired a bad taste in their mouths due to the lack of results based on promises made by Obama and the then democrat dominated Congress.

Many college age people who have witnessed first hand the disasterous results by GOP mayors enacting teabagger initiatives realize that NOT voting for Obama would increase that horror ten fold! They also witnessed the filibuster crazy GOP that didn't give a damn about American jobs.

Additionally ,independent and moderate voters have soured on Obama's handling of the economy. Only if they totally ignore the filibusters and stone walling by the GOP in order to maintain tax breaks and outsourcing for the rich.
Lastly history shows that the current party in the White House ALWAYS is either rewarded for good economic conditions or punished for poor economic conditions. Really? Because that logic applied so well to Bill Clinton.So if the economy, employment and housing markets do not recover, we will not have an incumbent in the White House after Jan 20,2013.

And the GOP has made damned sure that won't happen...or they sure as hell tried to.
Those are the facts. They are not in dispute. Period.

Those are the myopic revisions of teabagger flunkies....the WHOLE TRUTH makes them look foolish. Period.

like this 'whole truth'? How the Senate has refused to act on GOP jobs proposals???

Eric Cantor || Majority Leader || Blog || Senator Reid Blocks Republican Jobs Bills

Empower Small Business Owners and Reduce Regulatory Burdens:

H.R. 872, the Reducing Regulatory Burdens Act

Introduced by Rep. Bob Gibbs (OH) on March 2, 2011
Passed the House by a vote of 292-130 on March 31, 2011
Senate has taken no action to date

H.R. 910, the Energy Tax Prevention Act

Introduced by Rep. Fred Upton (MI) on March 3, 2011
Passed the House by a vote of 255-172 on April 7, 2011
Senate has taken no action to date

H.J.Res. 37, a Resolution of disapproval regarding the FCC’s regulation of the Internet and broadband industry practices

Introduced by Rep. Greg Walden (OR) on February 16, 2011
Passed the House by a vote of 240 to 179 on April 8, 2011
Senate has taken no action to date

H.Res. 72, a Resolution to direct committees to inventory and review existing, pending, and proposed regulations and order from agencies of the Federal Government, particularly with respect to their effect on jobs and economic growth

Introduced by Rep. Pete Sessions (TX) on February 8, 2011
Passed the House by a vote of 391 to 28 on February 11, 2011
The Senate has not directed their committees to take such action

Fix The Tax Code To Help Job Creators:

H.R. 4, the Small Business Paperwork Mandate Elimination Act

Introduced by Rep. Dan Lungren (CA) on January 12, 2011
Passed the House by a vote of 314 to 112 on March 3, 2011
Passed the Senate by a vote of 87 to 12 on March 31, 2011
Signed into law by the President on April 14, 2011

Maximize Domestic Energy Production To Ensure An Energy Policy For The Twenty-First Century:

H.R. 1230, Restarting American Offshore Leasing Now Act

Introduced by Rep. Doc Hastings (WA) on March 29, 2011
Passed the House by a vote of 266-149 on May 5, 2011
Senate has taken no action to date

H.R. 1229, Putting the Gulf of Mexico Back to Work Act

Introduced by Rep. Doc Hastings (WA) on March 29, 2011
Passed the House by a vote of 263-163 on May 11, 2011
Senate has taken no action to date

H.R. 1231, Reversing President Obama’s Offshore Moratorium Act

Introduced by Rep. Doc Hastings (WA) on March 29, 2011
Passed the House by a vote of 243-179 on May 12, 2011
Senate has taken no action to date

Pay Down America’s Unsustainable Debt Burden and Start Living Within Our Means:

H.Con.Res. 34, a Resolution establishing the budget for the United States Government for fiscal year 2012 and setting forth appropriate budgetary levels for fiscal years 2013 through 2021

Introduced by Rep. Paul Ryan (WI) on April 11, 2011
Passed the House by a vote of 235-193 on April 15, 2011
Senate has not yet considered a budget of their own

The Dems have blocked all this.

Nice parroting without putting forth what was in those proposals and why the Dems wouldn't vote it through. But it you want to play games, bunky, let's play:

Legislative Transparency and Accountability Act
On January 17, an attempt to change ethics laws and rules failed after forty-five Republicans blocked it from coming to the floor for a vote. Several days later, the measure passed 96-2 after Senate leaders were able to compromise on their differences.<ref>Jonathan Weisman, "Republicans Halt Ethics Legislation," Washington Post, January 17, 2007.</ref>

See Congresspedia page on the Legislative Transparency and Accountability Act of 2007.
Raising the minimum wage
On January 23, forty-three Republicans blocked an attempt to raise the federal minimum wage from $5.15 to $7.25 over two-years.<ref>Thomas Ferraro, "Senate Republicans block minimum wage hike," Reuters, January 24, 2007.</ref>

Template:Senate record vote

Several days later, the increase was passed 94-3 after several amendments allowing for small business tax breaks were added to the bill.

See Congresspedia page on minimum wage legislation.
Opposing the "surge"
On February 5, 2007, forty-six Republicans blocked an attempt by Democrats to consider a resolution opposing President Bush's plan to send an additional 21,500 troops into Iraq.<ref>Carl Hulse and Brian Knowlton, "Senate expected to approve — eventually — resolution on Iraq," International Herald Tribune, February 6, 2007.</ref>

Template:Senate record vote

See Congresspedia page on the Iraq troop "surge".
Reid forces traditional filibuster
During the summer of 2007, Senate Republicans were successfully filibustering the Levin-Reed amendment to the FY 2008 Defense Department authorization bill that would set a timetable for withdrawal from Iraq.

List of Filibusters in the 110th Congress - dKosopedia

And check out the chart in this article:

Our Broken Senate

Our Broken Senate &mdash; The American Magazine

There's more, but I trust you'll try like hell to ignore it. Carry on.
9 Independents in my immediate family not voting for Obama

And your point? I personally know of at least a dozen registered GOP folk who voted for Obama in 2008 and will again in 2012. How much do you want to bet that all the independents and Dems who sat out the 2010 elections will vote for Obama after seeing what their apathy has wrought in states like Wisconsin and Michigan and Ohio?
Again, your revisionism is apalling! The "young voters" stated for the record that they didn't vote in 2010 because they were pissed that Obama DID NOT STAND UP TO THE NEOCON GOP LIKE HE PROMISED. Now they've got a taste of what's inside in the neocon/teabagger pandora's box....I dare say they'll follow the old Who song, "we won't get fooled again!". Time will tell.

HA! Look genius first off the young voters who cast ballots for Obama in '08 were first timers who were told voting for Obama would A) be the right thing to do because he is black B) change everything Bush did to make them miserable and unfair and reduce their chances of getting a high paying job out of college and C) Obama was cool. He was younger and understood them.

you're just repeating the same clap trap you spewed above....all opinion, supposition and conjecture that's been parroted from Limbaugh or Hannity or Crowley or Beck or Levin or Savage or Maulkin or Krauthammer or Drudge. FYI, people of all races, creeds and colors from 18 to 80 realized in the 2008 Presidential race the McCain/Palin ticket was a piss poor joke....and NO ONE wanted a rehash of the Shrub's reign. Deal with it.

All of those things have been buried by the truth. :confused:That is college grads stand an even worse chance of grabbing the high paying or any job out of college, seen their parents homes lose value or lose their homes entirely and watched as a man who promised transparent government and had promised to bring the country together, do neither.

Did you know that the Shrub's economic policies made their final enaction in 2009? Yep, look it up if you don't believe me. So what you've described above you can lay at the Shrub's doorstep, because the neocon/teabagger GOP stone walled and filibustered ANY bills or proposals from the Obama administration to immediately enact remedies. But hey, if 200,000 new fed jobs and putting GM back on it's feet means nothting to you, then you've indeed drunk heartily of the neocon/teabagger Kool-Aid.

And now you want the thread posters to believe those young voters 4 years wiser and hopefully into their careers or jobs are going to give Obama "just one more chance"..

Since your premise is based on nothing but your revisionism and general ignorance, this latest question is just as big a joke.

Are you nuts?

Projecting again, bunky?

If someone kicks you in the balls are you going to get up and shake his hand and hope he won't do it again?

Well bunky, that's what YOU are asking America to do, because the GOP has NOTHING TO OFFER BUT A REHASH OF THE SHRUB'S 8 YEARS...and given how fucked up that left the country, and how the actions of the post 2010 elected mayors are nothing more than an attack on unions while granting tax breaks to the wealthy, I dare say that ALL voters, not just the 18 to 21 crowd, won't be fooled again.

Not only is there no spoon, but evidently no brain either.
Well those comments may put you in your comfort zone, but the facts say otherwise.
You'll just have to deal with the facts and forget about what you feel.
That whole filibuster thing is all you've got...isn't it, Taichi? Between you and me? I don't think the electorate is going to buy it.

It's been obvious for the past six months that Barack Obama has run out of ideas on how to fix the economy. His latest attempt at a "jobs bill" illustrates that perfectly. When the people in charge start counting on things that have already been tried and failed, then you know it's time for a change.

All those young voters that grew up being told by their teachers and the mainstream media how bad W. was? They voted for Barack in huge numbers. Now they've seen the alternative. They won't be turning out in big numbers this time around.
Here's the best part....THERE IS NO JOBS BILL.
Sen Jim De Mint (R-SC) said best. He stated that if there were a jobs bill, we'd have seen it and we'd be debating it right now.
This is another stimulus which Obama and his people refuse to refer to as a stimulus.
Essentially, Obama is saying "yes I know we borrowed eight hundred billion for stimulus but THIS time it will be different. Trust me!

Details to be delivered this the man said.

As for DeMint, that little cretin had already made up his mind before the speech:

Jim DeMint Blasts Obama Jobs Plan: 'I'm Not Interested In His Speech'

I guess DeMint is still smarting from "Waterloo".

No one is interested in another perfectly pronounced speech--read from a teleprompter--and written by someone else--from our Harvard graduate community organizer and now amateur golfer President.

Speeches cannot be scored by the congressional budget office--only WRITTEN plans can be.

After reviewing the WRITTEN plan--it is just another huge spending bill--loaded with tax hikes--"on the middle class" by eliminating the mortgage interest rate deduction--and raising taxes on anyone making 200K per year--which hammers small business in this country aka known as the driving engine of this economy. He also added another non-sense Federal Government agency in this bill.

IOW--Obama struck out again. This bill--and he knew it-- was dead on arrival in the house--so he wrote another piece of B.S legislation knowing it didn't have a snowballs chance in passing--so he can use it for nothing more than political purposes.

So who again--REALLY cares about job creation? You might want to ask Obama's JOBS CZAR--Immelt who is also CEO of General Electric about those jobs he is creating in CHINA for an answer--:lol:

$donkey stimulus.jpg
HA! Look genius first off the young voters who cast ballots for Obama in '08 were first timers who were told voting for Obama would A) be the right thing to do because he is black B) change everything Bush did to make them miserable and unfair and reduce their chances of getting a high paying job out of college and C) Obama was cool. He was younger and understood them.

you're just repeating the same clap trap you spewed above....all opinion, supposition and conjecture that's been parroted from Limbaugh or Hannity or Crowley or Beck or Levin or Savage or Maulkin or Krauthammer or Drudge. FYI, people of all races, creeds and colors from 18 to 80 realized in the 2008 Presidential race the McCain/Palin ticket was a piss poor joke....and NO ONE wanted a rehash of the Shrub's reign. Deal with it.

All of those things have been buried by the truth. :confused:That is college grads stand an even worse chance of grabbing the high paying or any job out of college, seen their parents homes lose value or lose their homes entirely and watched as a man who promised transparent government and had promised to bring the country together, do neither.

Did you know that the Shrub's economic policies made their final enaction in 2009? Yep, look it up if you don't believe me. So what you've described above you can lay at the Shrub's doorstep, because the neocon/teabagger GOP stone walled and filibustered ANY bills or proposals from the Obama administration to immediately enact remedies. But hey, if 200,000 new fed jobs and putting GM back on it's feet means nothting to you, then you've indeed drunk heartily of the neocon/teabagger Kool-Aid.

And now you want the thread posters to believe those young voters 4 years wiser and hopefully into their careers or jobs are going to give Obama "just one more chance"..

Since your premise is based on nothing but your revisionism and general ignorance, this latest question is just as big a joke.

Are you nuts?

Projecting again, bunky?

If someone kicks you in the balls are you going to get up and shake his hand and hope he won't do it again?

Well bunky, that's what YOU are asking America to do, because the GOP has NOTHING TO OFFER BUT A REHASH OF THE SHRUB'S 8 YEARS...and given how fucked up that left the country, and how the actions of the post 2010 elected mayors are nothing more than an attack on unions while granting tax breaks to the wealthy, I dare say that ALL voters, not just the 18 to 21 crowd, won't be fooled again.

Not only is there no spoon, but evidently no brain either.
Well those comments may put you in your comfort zone, but the facts say otherwise.
You'll just have to deal with the facts and forget about what you feel.

As the chronology of the posts shows, it is YOU my teabagging neocon parrot, who ignores ALL the facts in favor of whatever excerpt or half truth suits your GOP fed narrative. I proved my case, and you can't beyond belief, supposition and conjecture. So this last lame retort of yours is most fitting for someone with no spoon and no brain as well.

You may have the last predictable, repetitive word, as I'm done kicking your sorry ass.
The government cannot create jobs..... Well at least a union pandering government.

In the private sector you could hire 2 workers for the salary of a public sector worker...

Obama and the rest of the socialists pretty much gave the private sector the finger.....

The truth is the left is opposed to ALL non-union jobs....

The progressives are in bed with the unions and they will continue to steal from the private sector to bailout those unions until they're stopped...

Unions could give a fuck about the economy just as long as they're getting paid...
Here's the best part....THERE IS NO JOBS BILL.
Sen Jim De Mint (R-SC) said best. He stated that if there were a jobs bill, we'd have seen it and we'd be debating it right now.
This is another stimulus which Obama and his people refuse to refer to as a stimulus.
Essentially, Obama is saying "yes I know we borrowed eight hundred billion for stimulus but THIS time it will be different. Trust me!

Details to be delivered this the man said.

As for DeMint, that little cretin had already made up his mind before the speech:

Jim DeMint Blasts Obama Jobs Plan: 'I'm Not Interested In His Speech'

I guess DeMint is still smarting from "Waterloo".

No one is interested in another perfectly pronounced speech--read from a teleprompter--and written by someone else--from our Harvard graduate community organizer and now amateur golfer President.

Just because YOU and all the other willfully ignorant neocon/teabagger flunkies follow the lead our your GOP dogs, that doesn't mean the rest of the country is equally stupid.Speeches cannot be scored by the congressional budget office--only WRITTEN plans can be.

No shit sherlock......that's why the bill was submitted to them within 48 hours of the speech. Look it up if you don't believe me! Once again, you parrot the neocon/teabagger talking points broadcasted by Limbaugh and company....pathetic.
After reviewing the WRITTEN plan--it is just another huge spending bill--loaded with tax hikes--"on the middle class" by eliminating the mortgage interest rate deduction--and raising taxes on anyone making 200K per year--which hammers small business in this country aka known as the driving engine of this economy. He also added another non-sense Federal Government agency in this bill.

Really? And YOU personally reviewed the written plan? That's interesting....maybe you can provide the link to where what you reviewed? I would REALLY be interested in EXACTLY where (or from whom) did you garner these statements from.

IOW--Obama struck out again. This bill--and he knew it-- was dead on arrival in the house--so he wrote another piece of B.S legislation knowing it didn't have a snowballs chance in passing--so he can use it for nothing more than political purposes.

Your opinion means NOTHING! Supposition and conjecture before the CBO makes it's official determination is just the squawking of another neocon/teabagger parrot.

So who again--REALLY cares about job creation? You might want to ask Obama's JOBS CZAR--Immelt who is also CEO of General Electric about those jobs he is creating in CHINA for an answer--:lol:

View attachment 15193

NOW YOU'RE TALKING! This last paragraph of yours is a VALID point, and I have let my Congressional rep know about this hypocrisy! However, since the neocon/teabagger mantra has been to DEFEND corporations to do just this, I fail to see how they can suddenly paint Obama as the sole villian in this instance without being total hypocrits.
The government cannot create jobs..... Well at least a union pandering government.

In the private sector you could hire 2 workers for the salary of a public sector worker...

Obama and the rest of the socialists pretty much gave the private sector the finger.....

The truth is the left is opposed to ALL non-union jobs....

The progressives are in bed with the unions and they will continue to steal from the private sector to bailout those unions until they're stopped...

Unions could give a fuck about the economy just as long as they're getting paid...

It's truly pathetic how ignorant people are about certain parts of American History.

Mr. Nick, before one can even address the gross mis-information you spew about unions, one has to direct/implore you to put on your shoes and socks and toddle off to your nearest library....where you will ask the librarian to direct you to information regarding the Works Progress Administration. Once you do some honest research as to the who, what, where, why and hows of the WPA, you'll realize how truly absurd your first sentence's declaration was. Then we can begin a rational discussion.

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