GOP could care less about jobs!

Data from the Department of Energy and other agencies show that the average poor family, as defined by Census officials:

● Lives in a home that is in good repair, not crowded, and equipped with air conditioning, clothes washer and dryer, and cable or satellite TV service.

● Prepares meals in a kitchen with a refrigerator, coffee maker and microwave as well as oven and stove.

● Enjoys two color TVs, a DVD player, VCR and — if children are there — an Xbox, PlayStation, or other video game system.

● Had enough money in the past year to meet essential needs, including adequate food and medical care.

Cell phones were in there also, the docs are too large to copy and paste from.
Shoot, I must be wayyyyy poor, I don't have an Xbox dammittall!!
The GOP update of the welfare queen driving her Cadillac to pick up her welfare check. That took a lot of thought.
Exactly the same as we fund Medicare now. It is Medicare, but would cover us from cradle to grave.
Not good enough. I want details. Cost analysis. Who's taxes go up. Who runs it. Who makes sure it is run correctly free of fraud and waste. How many new government workers would be required. How many new presidential appointees would you think would be needed?
The government cannot simply waive a magic wand "voila! You're covered".
Somebody's got to pay.
I'm guessing most Americans would like to pay into the government, who operates Medicare at about a 3% overhead, as opposed to a for profit whose CEO makes hundreds of millions of dollars a year.

Well in 2010 there was no guessing. The voters ousted those who supported Obamacare in favor of harder conservatives.
I doubt many Americans would want to pay into the fraud-riven waste called Medicare. Fewer will want to be enrolled in a system that reimburses doctors at such low rates many doctors will not accept them.
Data from the Department of Energy and other agencies show that the average poor family, as defined by Census officials:

● Lives in a home that is in good repair, not crowded, and equipped with air conditioning, clothes washer and dryer, and cable or satellite TV service.

● Prepares meals in a kitchen with a refrigerator, coffee maker and microwave as well as oven and stove.

● Enjoys two color TVs, a DVD player, VCR and — if children are there — an Xbox, PlayStation, or other video game system.

● Had enough money in the past year to meet essential needs, including adequate food and medical care.

Cell phones were in there also, the docs are too large to copy and paste from.
Shoot, I must be wayyyyy poor, I don't have an Xbox dammittall!!
The GOP update of the welfare queen driving her Cadillac to pick up her welfare check. That took a lot of thought.

So the Dept of Energy is lying about this? Links?
Barack Obama is a "right of center guy"? Wow, that's an amazing take on things since he was rated as one of the Senate's most liberal members before he became President. Really? Who "rated" him as such? Proof, please. Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't your "Mr. Right of Center" trying to pass Cap & Trade and Card Check? Along with pushing for more nuke plants, offshore drilling (before the Mobil spill)? Bet you can't sell that to the Didn't he screw the holders of GM stock in order to give a sweetheart deal to the UAW? Really? Because last time I checked he SAVED GM's ass with the bailout. And the UAW didn't make the decisions to put out gas guzzlers...that's management, bunky! Isn't he the guy who shut down all offshore drilling after the Deep Horizon spill? Oh, so common sense safety reviews and assessments during a disaster is now strictly a liberal thing? And didn't he just give the go-ahead for more exploration? Isn't he the guy that had the ATF sell assault weapons to Mexican drug cartels so he could score points on gun control? NO, that was the ATF bureaucracy....which is now under investigation by the JD. The President does not run daily ops for the ATF, don't cha know. Isn't he the guy whose "stimulus" went to keep Public Sector workers employed while letting the Private Sector workers twist in the wind? WTF are you babbling about? Banks, car industry got bailed out and no one is going to jail. Isn't he the guy whose Justice Department didn't charge Black Panthers standing at a polling station with weapons with voter intimidation? Because the investigation showed it was two idiots with claiming they're the New Black Panthers, which has no real standing, and they "intimidated" no one, and the subsequent arrests and release by local cops was justified. Essentially, a no big deal expect for Fox News humping on the "get Obama" train. Isn't he the guy who gave 535 million of our tax dollars to a "greens jobs" company that went bankrupt and laid off it's workforce As opposed to Really? Proof please...because his continued bailout of the criminal banksters doesn't seem to phase you ...while at the same time his Justice Department is raiding Gibson guitars, a company that HIRED 500 people last year (and it didn't cost us a dime!) and trying to shut them down over some obscure foreign law? They got nailed with a trade violation....happens all the time, it's just that ANYTHING negative is exaggerated under Obama. Do your homework and you'll see similar crap under the Bush family, Clinton and Reagan. Deal with it.
Is THAT the "Right of Center" guy you're referring to?

Yep, because YOU left out his positions on the death penalty, wiretaps, his support of the DC repeal of it's handgun ban.....hardly stuff of the diehard liberal.

Now that we've settled that, when are you going to just acknowledge the hypocrisy of Boehner and crew regarding the request date for a joint session address?

"Hypocrisy"? Because he nipped Obama's childish attempt to preempt the Republican debate in the bud? Sorry but I don't see hypocrisy in that. What I did see was Obama trying to play hardball politics and getting his skinny little butt handed to him by someone who played it better.

Just one more example of why this guy isn't up for the job he has...

Notice folks, that this Oldstyle bullshit artist COULD NOT deal with my point-for-point counter in the previous response, so instead he just parrot squawks the neocon/teabagger mantra.

Bottom line: only a complete neocon/teabagger jackass would claim that a candidate debate that was NOT held on national commerical television or radio was more important than the President addressing a joint session of Congress on the dire economic issues of our time.... an address that the very same GOP clamored for months for.

Well, they got their way, and Obama has put them in check.....hence Cantor and Boehner adopting a more concillatory mode, because no way can they explain to the American that the GI bill was a bad thing, or how taxing everyone who can't afford millionaire tax loopholes and breaks is a good thing.

Boehner and crew don't give a shit about Oldstyle lap dogs too proud and stubborn to acknowledge they're being sold down the river. Now let's see if Obama's plan will be up to snuff and whether he'll have the stones to draw the line in the sand for the neocon/teabagger.
You're kidding, right? The rise of premiums as a result of the mandates in Obamacare is all over the fucking news. I've seen it in my own premiums.
And if you had bothered to read your own link you would see they are talking about CT exclusively.

Prove it, you fucking intellectual us all an example of what's all over the news.

If your premiums are up, YOUR INSURANCE COMPANY IS FUCKING YOU OVER BECAUSE THEY CAN'T PULL THEIR USUAL SHIT LIKE DUMPING YOU WHENEVER THEY FEEL LIKE IT. And hey, if you don't like the rates, you can in time switch to the federal plan. :tongue:

Boehner and crew play YOU for a fool, time and again...and you're too proud and/or stupid to deal with it.

You are an ignorant twit, aren't you?
health insurance premiums rise - Google Search

:razz: No, my intellectually dishonest Rabbi, it's actually YOU who are not the brightest bulb on the tree. If you were, you would have done some proper homework instead of being a lame ass neocon/teabagger tool being dazzled by headlines. Observe and learn, stupid....I picked this up RIGHT OFF THE BAT FROM YOUR GOOGLE SEARCH:

Yet industry and regulatory authorities say the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act bears only a small part of the blame in most cases, despite political speeches and commercials that say "Obamacare" is slamming businesses with steep new costs.

Insurers have to justify their increases to state regulators, and "what we're seeing is that the federal reforms are generally raising the rates less than 5 percent," said Doug Anderson, chief policy officer for the Ohio Department of Insurance, which provided the figures for overall premium hikes of up to 18 percent. "The other part of it is medical inflation and the continuing trend of rising health care costs."

Health care premiums to rise, but 'Obamacare' is only one small reason |

FACTS, my dear deluded Rabbi, will trump neocon/teabagger bullhorn everytime. Carry on!
WHOOPS, was just reading this. Now shit down and shut the hell up you sniveling bot taichi..Nobody takes you serious anyway, with your vulgar language your just plain ole stupidity.

It's Going To Hurt

Posted 06:40 PM ET

Medical Spending: Yet another study finds that ObamaCare is going to increase costs. And this one wasn't issued by an opponent of the Democrats' reforms. In fact, one of its authors is an ObamaCare apologist.

In an effort to determine how ObamaCare would affect Wisconsin, the state's Health Services Department commissioned Gorman Actuarial and economist Jonathan Gruber from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology to assess the program.

The review was ordered up by former Democratic Gov. Jim Doyle, a faithful ObamaCare supporter who has claimed the law will control health care costs. He now probably wishes he hadn't asked for the analysis.

Under its "Key Findings" heading, the report says the market for individual policies "will experience premium increases as compared to pre-reform premiums."

"Prior to the application of tax subsidies, 87% of the individual market will experience an average premium increase of 41%," says the report. "The average increase for the entire individual market will be 30%."

Never mind the false promise of tax subsidies to make up for it. They'll be paid for by someone and represent a bending upward of the cost curve.

read the rest at.
It's Going To Hurt -

So you had to hunt for an EDITORIAL that fit in with your belief system, ehh Stephanie? Pity that Gruber isn't consistent with the narrative presented by your editorial

Jonathan Gruber, professor of economics at Massachusetts Institute of Technology who was paid by the Obama administration for health care analysis work, says consumers "have to decide is it worth the trade off." Are the better benefits worth the higher cost? But he doesn’t believe high rate increases can be attributed to changes in the law. "These increases are basically coming from the cost of medical care."

The Truth About Health Insurance Premiums |

Wisconsin Health Services Secretary Dennis Smith thinks that number will be higher, even though there's a penalty for employers not offering insurance. He says, "Employer covered insurance has been eroding nationally. Employees themselves may believe they are better off with going to the exchange with very generous tax subsidies."

Subsidies will be available to those at 400 percent of the federal poverty level, amounting to 89,000 dollars for a family of four. Smith says he's concerned Wisconsin's insurance market could become less competitive under federal reform.

Robert Kraig, director of Wisconsin Citizen Action, agrees there will be a shakeup in the market, but he says it will positive. The report says the number of uninsured will decrease 65 percent because of the coverage mandate and federal subsidies.

"A lot more people will be covered and they'll have a guarantee of access to coverage, which you lack now," he says.

Even with reform, the report predicts 180,000 people in Wisconsin will still be uninsured, including
State Headlines From Wisconsin Public Radio, August 26 | Ashland Current

And then, there is this:

Fact Sheet on Health Care Reform in Wisconsin

Consumer Publications - Fact Sheet on Health Care Reform in Wisconsin

So when looking at all the information, it's not the "end-of-the-world" as your editorial would make out, Stephanie.

Like I said, Boehner and crew are playing you for a sucker...and you let him. Oh, and spare me the faux offense about "vulgarity", as you have NO problem with the attitudes and language from your like minded compadres. And if you didn't care about what I wrote, you wouldn't be putting time and effort into the responses, Stephanie....unless you've got a schizoid thing going on here. :razz:

You are one dumb son of a bitch. Did you actually read the stuff you posted? The only one getting played here is you for believing crap even the administration doesn't believe, and isn't true.

Evidently, my mentally challenged Rabbi, it's YOU who has a deficiency in the reading comprehension department. Here it is again....if you STILL don't understand, get an adult to explain it to you:

Jonathan Gruber, professor of economics at Massachusetts Institute of Technology who was paid by the Obama administration for health care analysis work, says consumers "have to decide is it worth the trade off." Are the better benefits worth the higher cost? But he doesn’t believe high rate increases can be attributed to changes in the law. "These increases are basically coming from the cost of medical care."The Truth About Health Insurance Premiums |

Keep it up, you Rabbi're a prime example of why people should divorce themselves from the neocon/teabagger mentality. :lol:
Oh please. Obama and his crew knew damned well there was a GOP presidential campaing debate scheduled LONG in advance of his suggestion to speak before a joint session of Congress.
Can you give a good solid reason why the Congress and the American people would want to through a 45 minute campaign speech under the guise of doing something no one in government can do which is force the private sector to hire people with nothing of substance.
Obama may as well use his time a bit better and go out to try to save his political base.
He's not going to get anywhere if he intends on introducing another federal spending plan.
It's not going to happen.
And there you have it!!!!!!
Campaigning means infinitely more to the GOP than jobs!!!!!!!!!!!!

If Obama and the Democrats were so concerned about jobs, why did the economy take a back seat for MONTHS to Obamacare? Where was the "priority" then? Democrats were more concerned over party politics than middle class families trying to keep their homes. Let the political games of the left begin.

What planet have you been on for the last 2 years? The Dems and the Obama administration have been trying to pass bills and proposals all the while.....only to be stone walled with block votes and filibustered by the GOP. Do your homework before your fingers hit the keys next time....makes you look less foolish.
See we can temporarily buy jobs with money from future savings by not having increases in future spending we don't know about now.
Yep, because YOU left out his positions on the death penalty, wiretaps, his support of the DC repeal of it's handgun ban.....hardly stuff of the diehard liberal.

Now that we've settled that, when are you going to just acknowledge the hypocrisy of Boehner and crew regarding the request date for a joint session address?

"Hypocrisy"? Because he nipped Obama's childish attempt to preempt the Republican debate in the bud? Sorry but I don't see hypocrisy in that. What I did see was Obama trying to play hardball politics and getting his skinny little butt handed to him by someone who played it better.

Just one more example of why this guy isn't up for the job he has...

Notice folks, that this Oldstyle bullshit artist COULD NOT deal with my point-for-point counter in the previous response, so instead he just parrot squawks the neocon/teabagger mantra.

Bottom line: only a complete neocon/teabagger jackass would claim that a candidate debate that was NOT held on national commerical television or radio was more important than the President addressing a joint session of Congress on the dire economic issues of our time.... an address that the very same GOP clamored for months for.

Well, they got their way, and Obama has put them in check.....hence Cantor and Boehner adopting a more concillatory mode, because no way can they explain to the American that the GI bill was a bad thing, or how taxing everyone who can't afford millionaire tax loopholes and breaks is a good thing.

Boehner and crew don't give a shit about Oldstyle lap dogs too proud and stubborn to acknowledge they're being sold down the river. Now let's see if Obama's plan will be up to snuff and whether he'll have the stones to draw the line in the sand for the neocon/teabagger.

And only a naive fool would think that the choice of that particular night by the Obama Administration was accidental.

As for the address itself? I'm sorry but you don't convene a Joint Session of Congress to try and get another half a trillion version of the same trillion dollar stimulus that didn't work last time. That "jobs plan" wasn't worthy of a White House briefing. Obama doesn't HAVE a plan...he has a repeat of a failed plan. And that whole line about how this new stimulus is "paid for"? That's laughable. It's only paid for when you show where the money will be coming from. Barry didn't do that. He passed the buck to the super committee and says that THEY will figure out how to come up with those cuts at the same time they are figuring out the cuts for the debt ceiling compromise. THAT is the most irresponsible bit of leadership I've ever seen.

You want to know why we're in big trouble? Look no further than how Barack Obama is handling this. We need leadership...we got a repeat of failed policy and a refusal to make the tough calls on how we pay for what he's proposing. We WAITED WEEKS for that joke of a plan? Seriously? If I was someone that was unemployed and desperate for a job and I saw the dog and pony show that took place in the Capital building last night I would have been throwing something through my TV screen.
Last edited:
Pure BS. The man hasnt had a plan for almost three years then suddenly he has one when something else was scheduled, like the opposition debate.

You were called out on the BS, but youre still whining like a little girl. Obama is a little bitch just like you.

:confused: Maybe this neocon/teabagger toadie was asleep during all those filibusters and stone walling tactics by the GOP for the last 3 years?

And since when does a fucking debate for candidacy (one of many) is SO much more important than a President presenting an economic plan to a joint session of Congress in the midst of a near depression state?

People like Full-Auto are shooting blanks mentally (as ususal). Boehner's bullshit further demonstrates he and his party don't give a damn about this country beyond the corporations and the 1-3% wealthy....but fools like Full-Auto just drape themselves over the nearest armchair and beg for another. Sad.

Oh really? Democrats couldn't get anything done because of Republican fillibuster tactics? Can you explain how Obama's Health Care Reform Bill passed a FILLIBUSTER PROOF vote of 60-39 in the senate on December 24, 2009 with all Republicans voting against? Maybe you need to do just a little more research next time.

Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

First off, please become aware of a long known FACT that wikipedia is NOT a reliable source of information, as ANYONE can access it and CHANGE/EDIT the information contained without the burden of valid documentation.

Secondly, I never said that they couldn't get anything done, but

Just this once, I'll show you how to do proper research. Here's how the Health Care Reform Bill got passed...note the independents who helped get that vote as well.

In the House

House Democrats pass historical health-care legislation

In the Senate

U.S. Senate: Legislation & Records Home > Votes > Roll Call Vote

That the GOP had all but exhausted the filibuster to the point where the public perception was that they were just obstructionist lent greatly to this version of the Healthcare Reform bill passing (remember, the earlier versions were killed by the GOP with Bluedog help).
:confused: Maybe this neocon/teabagger toadie was asleep during all those filibusters and stone walling tactics by the GOP for the last 3 years?

And since when does a fucking debate for candidacy (one of many) is SO much more important than a President presenting an economic plan to a joint session of Congress in the midst of a near depression state?

People like Full-Auto are shooting blanks mentally (as ususal). Boehner's bullshit further demonstrates he and his party don't give a damn about this country beyond the corporations and the 1-3% wealthy....but fools like Full-Auto just drape themselves over the nearest armchair and beg for another. Sad.

Oh really? Democrats couldn't get anything done because of Republican fillibuster tactics? Can you explain how Obama's Health Care Reform Bill passed a FILLIBUSTER PROOF vote of 60-39 in the senate on December 24, 2009 with all Republicans voting against? Maybe you need to do just a little more research next time.

Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The whole "we would have fixed the economy except the Republicans wouldn't let us" story that Libs are trying to float is rather amusing. The fact is the Democrats chased Obama Care and put the economy on hold for the first year they were in office.

The only "amusing" thing here is your attempt to ignore the FACTS regarding the GOP's record filibusters, and how they use that to the point where they began becoming obvious obstructionist to the public. Here, for your education:

Sanders would support reconciliation to break Republican filibuster on health bill - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room
Obamacare was touted as the solution to rising costs. Obama promised his bill would save us billions of dollars.
Your own link shows Obamacare is contributing to the rise of insurance costs. And this is before many of its provisions have even become law.
Thanks for playing.

It does save the taxpayer. According to the CBO it would cost billions to repeal it. Yes, the link said A SMALL amount could be contributed to the ACA, but that premiums almost doubled in the ten years before the ACA went into effect. Try another scapegoat 'cause the one you're trying I's a fail.

You're citing the same CBO that said it would be revenue neutral based on the info the Democrats gave it? And then came out a month after it passed and revised the number way up?
Yeah, that's going to fly.
Yes, health insurance premiums were going up anyway. But now they're going up even more because of the mandates in Obamacare. there is no free lunch in insurance: you pay for risk, period.

The chronology of the posts clearly shows YOU and your like minded cohorts stating that Obama's healthcare reform was the MAIN reason for rising insurance rates, that it's costing jobs, and the rise is and would be steep.

The FACTS, however, tell a different tale. But do keep repeating the SOS as if contrary information doesn't's what you neocon/teabagger toadies do best.

Fucking intellectual coward, our Rabbi is.
Well the democrats were endorsed by the commie party of the UNITED FUCKIGN STATES OF AMERICA. I doubt they care about our economic system or much of anything. A bunch of marxist commies the democrats surely are. :lol:

And racists, right wing extremist, bigots, despots and dictators have endorsed the GOP over the decades.....Yet no sane, rational person puts much stock in that endorsement as the GOP's true agenda.

Your proud ignorance does not serve you well on an open forum, Matt. I suggest you get a ghostwriter.
Data from the Department of Energy and other agencies show that the average poor family, as defined by Census officials:

● Lives in a home that is in good repair, not crowded, and equipped with air conditioning, clothes washer and dryer, and cable or satellite TV service.

● Prepares meals in a kitchen with a refrigerator, coffee maker and microwave as well as oven and stove.

● Enjoys two color TVs, a DVD player, VCR and — if children are there — an Xbox, PlayStation, or other video game system.

● Had enough money in the past year to meet essential needs, including adequate food and medical care.

Cell phones were in there also, the docs are too large to copy and paste from.
Shoot, I must be wayyyyy poor, I don't have an Xbox dammittall!!

Interesting how this buffoon keeps making these claims, but has YET to provide a link to the very pages of the sources she mentions that corroborates her assertions.

Bottom line: yet another intellectually dishonest neocon/teabagger who prefers their supposition and conjecture over facts and the logic derived from them.
Not good enough. I want details. Cost analysis. Who's taxes go up. Who runs it. Who makes sure it is run correctly free of fraud and waste. How many new government workers would be required. How many new presidential appointees would you think would be needed?
The government cannot simply waive a magic wand "voila! You're covered".
Somebody's got to pay.
I'm guessing most Americans would like to pay into the government, who operates Medicare at about a 3% overhead, as opposed to a for profit whose CEO makes hundreds of millions of dollars a year.

Well in 2010 there was no guessing. The voters ousted those who supported Obamacare in favor of harder conservatives.
I doubt many Americans would want to pay into the fraud-riven waste called Medicare. Fewer will want to be enrolled in a system that reimburses doctors at such low rates many doctors will not accept them.

Actually, a large number of Obama supporters DID NOT VOTE in 2010 as protest over his many capitulations to the neocon/teabagger agenda. They are now paying the price with the likes of Gov. Walker and his counter parts in Michigan and New Jersey.

Medicare can be fixed and rid of fraud....the alternative is paying much HIGHER rates to competing private industries....and we all know how well that worked out with the proto-type HMO's! :doubt:
Data from the Department of Energy and other agencies show that the average poor family, as defined by Census officials:

● Lives in a home that is in good repair, not crowded, and equipped with air conditioning, clothes washer and dryer, and cable or satellite TV service.

● Prepares meals in a kitchen with a refrigerator, coffee maker and microwave as well as oven and stove.

● Enjoys two color TVs, a DVD player, VCR and — if children are there — an Xbox, PlayStation, or other video game system.

● Had enough money in the past year to meet essential needs, including adequate food and medical care.

Cell phones were in there also, the docs are too large to copy and paste from.
Shoot, I must be wayyyyy poor, I don't have an Xbox dammittall!!
The GOP update of the welfare queen driving her Cadillac to pick up her welfare check. That took a lot of thought.

So the Dept of Energy is lying about this? Links?

Not so fast....where's Mebelle60's links? All she's done so far is pull stuff out of her ass, but has YET to back it up with documentation. Fair is fair.....she's making the claims, the burden of proof is on her.

Small wonder Boehner & crew can play you chumps for fools time and again.
"Hypocrisy"? Because he nipped Obama's childish attempt to preempt the Republican debate in the bud? Sorry but I don't see hypocrisy in that. What I did see was Obama trying to play hardball politics and getting his skinny little butt handed to him by someone who played it better.

Just one more example of why this guy isn't up for the job he has...

Notice folks, that this Oldstyle bullshit artist COULD NOT deal with my point-for-point counter in the previous response, so instead he just parrot squawks the neocon/teabagger mantra.

Bottom line: only a complete neocon/teabagger jackass would claim that a candidate debate that was NOT held on national commerical television or radio was more important than the President addressing a joint session of Congress on the dire economic issues of our time.... an address that the very same GOP clamored for months for.

Well, they got their way, and Obama has put them in check.....hence Cantor and Boehner adopting a more concillatory mode, because no way can they explain to the American that the GI bill was a bad thing, or how taxing everyone who can't afford millionaire tax loopholes and breaks is a good thing.

Boehner and crew don't give a shit about Oldstyle lap dogs too proud and stubborn to acknowledge they're being sold down the river. Now let's see if Obama's plan will be up to snuff and whether he'll have the stones to draw the line in the sand for the neocon/teabagger.

And only a naive fool would think that the choice of that particular night by the Obama Administration was accidental.

It's was the first night when everyone was back from vacation, and only prefunctory actions of no consequence were taking place. The GOP had been screaming for such an address for months, and when they get it, they blow it off and bitch about it? :confused:

Only a complete fool or willfully ignorant partisan toadie would view the GOP's actions as anything but hypocritical.

As for the address itself? I'm sorry but you don't convene a Joint Session of Congress to try and get another half a trillion version of the same trillion dollar stimulus that didn't work last time. Really? Because given that the prior stimulus BAILED OUT OUR BANKING SYSTEM and THE AUTO INDUSTRY, ESSENTIALLY SAVING THIS COUNTRY'S ASS, I would dare say that you are either a stubborn partisan hack or just plain ignorant as to what's going on around you. That "jobs plan" wasn't worthy of a White House briefing. Says who? YOU? :lol: Your opinion and a metro card will only get you on the bus, Rabbi. Given that Boehner, Cantor and even DeMint are changing their tunes to more acquiesent tells a different tale. Obama doesn't HAVE a plan...he has a repeat of a failed plan. Fascinating bit of clairvoyance on your part, the details will be delivered next week. :doubt: And that whole line about how this new stimulus is "paid for"? That's laughable. Even with general descriptions, he gave more details than the Shrub & company did with their prescription drug plan or when they kept 2 wars off the main budget. It's only paid for when you show where the money will be coming from. Which is coming next week....or weren't you paying attention? Barry didn't do that. He passed the buck to the super committee and says that THEY will figure out how to come up with those cuts at the same time they are figuring out the cuts for the debt ceiling compromise. THAT is the most irresponsible bit of leadership I've ever seen.

Newsflash for ya, bunky....YOUR LORD & MASTERS IN THE GOP SIGNED OFF ON THE SUPER COMMITTEE. And again, since the details of the plan isn't available until next week, all your bluff and bluster is just that.

You want to know why we're in big trouble? Look no further than how Barack Obama is handling this. We need leadership...we got a repeat of failed policy and a refusal to make the tough calls on how we pay for what he's proposing. We WAITED WEEKS for that joke of a plan? Seriously? If I was someone that was unemployed and desperate for a job and I saw the dog and pony show that took place in the Capital building last night I would have been throwing something through my TV screen.

Ahhh, the Rabbi is parroting the matter what Obama does, it's not working...even when he agrees with and implements GOP ideas. Bottom line: the Rabbi thinks his personal BS, supposition and conjecture makes up for facts and logic.....but the change in attitude from the GOP leadership after Obama's speech indicates that the Rabbi is just full of it as usual.

As I said, next week will tell the tale as to whether Obama's plan can pan out and if it does, will he draw the line in the sand.
:confused: Maybe this neocon/teabagger toadie was asleep during all those filibusters and stone walling tactics by the GOP for the last 3 years?

And since when does a fucking debate for candidacy (one of many) is SO much more important than a President presenting an economic plan to a joint session of Congress in the midst of a near depression state?

People like Full-Auto are shooting blanks mentally (as ususal). Boehner's bullshit further demonstrates he and his party don't give a damn about this country beyond the corporations and the 1-3% wealthy....but fools like Full-Auto just drape themselves over the nearest armchair and beg for another. Sad.

Oh really? Democrats couldn't get anything done because of Republican fillibuster tactics? Can you explain how Obama's Health Care Reform Bill passed a FILLIBUSTER PROOF vote of 60-39 in the senate on December 24, 2009 with all Republicans voting against? Maybe you need to do just a little more research next time.

Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

First off, please become aware of a long known FACT that wikipedia is NOT a reliable source of information, as ANYONE can access it and CHANGE/EDIT the information contained without the burden of valid documentation.

Secondly, I never said that they couldn't get anything done, but

Just this once, I'll show you how to do proper research. Here's how the Health Care Reform Bill got passed...note the independents who helped get that vote as well.

In the House

House Democrats pass historical health-care legislation

In the Senate

U.S. Senate: Legislation & Records Home > Votes > Roll Call Vote

That the GOP had all but exhausted the filibuster to the point where the public perception was that they were just obstructionist lent greatly to this version of the Healthcare Reform bill passing (remember, the earlier versions were killed by the GOP with Bluedog help).

So you're trying to say that Obama had the votes to pass a controversial bill like Obamacare...but he couldn't come up with the votes to pass legislation to create jobs? You really expect anyone to buy that line? The truth is Obama spent his first year in office chasing Obamacare to the exclusion of job creation. Jobs were never his first know it and so does anyone else who looks at that first year with a honest eye.

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