For many Jews, “Never Again!” trumps “Never Trump!”

I haven't seen anyone say "Death to Jews".

It seems like you guys want to use the most extreme comments to try to discount the valid points being made by protestors.
I was responding specifically to Sunni Man’s question to Lisa. I never said a word about protesters or what they’re protesting about.
Kind of like when fans criticized Disney Star Wars, they focused on the few people who made racist comments about Kelly Marie Trahn to ignore the fact that Disney utterly butchered the franchise.
Israel's founding was predicated on the idea that Jews from around the world would flock to the promised land and finally have a safe place to live.
Jews for thousands of years have been praying to return to Jerusalem, and now their prayers have been answered..
Yet, even today, more Jews live outside of Israel that in Israel.
So why don't all Jews relocate to Israel ?
To begin with, the state of Israel cannot accommodate and sustain the world’s entire population of Jews. Secondly, your question to Lisa puts the burden of action on Jews rather than on those displaying and expressing prejudice and racism.

If a wrong is committed in this country, we don’t ask the victim to relocate, we call out the wrongdoer.
To begin with, the state of Israel cannot accommodate and sustain the world’s entire population of Jews. Secondly, your question to Lisa puts the burden of action on Jews rather than on those displaying and expressing prejudice and racism.

If a wrong is committed in this country, we don’t ask the victim to relocate, we call out the wrongdoer.
Thank you….yours was the better answer.

Like all antisemites, Sunni puts the burden or the blame on Jews. The proper answer to a Jewish woman who points out the skyrocketing antisemitism in liberal cities - with protestors yelling Nazi slogans and bullying and assaulting Jewish students - is “I agree it’s awful, and this country needs to stop it” NOT “well, if you don’t like it, move to Israel and live with Hebrews.”

My answer was truthful, though. If Biden wins and antisemitic Arabs get even more of a foothold in our government and our educational system, Israel would be my refuge. And THAT just shows how much a Jewish country is needed.
Vote % for Trump ( Jewish American Vote 42% ) ( Asian Vote 46%) (Legal Hispanic Vote 47% ) ( African American Vote 43% ) ...
You are seriously lost and ignorant if you can't recognize this.

The Saudi peace initiative is still on the table since 2003. It guarantees Israel's security. 21 Arab signed on.
If the US is so dangerous and full of anti-semites.
Why don't you relocate to Israel and live in safety with your fellow Hebrews?
Your camel is double parked Akmed.

How about we just turn the middle east into a parking lot.

I was responding specifically to Sunni Man’s question to Lisa. I never said a word about protesters or what they’re protesting about.


No, it kind of made the point.

The last thing people like Lisa want is for an open discussion about Israel and Palestine, because it should be obvious, we are on the side of the oppressors, not the oppressed.

This brings me back to the Star Wars criticism. The fans had a lot of valid criticism of the Sequel Trilogy—poor characterizations, illogical plots, and a general bastardization of George Lucas's original vision.

Instead of taking those criticisms to heart, Disney pointed to the one idiot who made a racist comment about the actress who played Rose Tico and said, "All the critics are racist!!!" (They then quietly wrote that character out of the next movie because she didn't generate the huge Chinese fanbase they were looking for.)

Conversely (and I know you are a little slow and dishonest), we have a colonizing group who are oppressing indigenous people, all on our tax dollars. The rest of the world has condemned it. Brave college students are protesting it. But it's easier to one person who made a stupid comment than to address the underlying complaints. We are on the wrong side of this conflict.
No one is trying to drive the Juden out of America.
We are just hoping y'all will perform Aliyah to the land you stole.
LIAR. Land wasnt stolen.

Now tell me what has happened to All other religions in the middle east that arent ISLAM???
No, it kind of made the point.

The last thing people like Lisa want is for an open discussion about Israel and Palestine, because it should be obvious, we are on the side of the oppressors, not the oppressed.

This brings me back to the Star Wars criticism. The fans had a lot of valid criticism of the Sequel Trilogy—poor characterizations, illogical plots, and a general bastardization of George Lucas's original vision.

Instead of taking those criticisms to heart, Disney pointed to the one idiot who made a racist comment about the actress who played Rose Tico and said, "All the critics are racist!!!" (They then quietly wrote that character out of the next movie because she didn't generate the huge Chinese fanbase they were looking for.)

Conversely (and I know you are a little slow and dishonest), we have a colonizing group who are oppressing indigenous people, all on our tax dollars. The rest of the world has condemned it. Brave college students are protesting it. But it's easier to one person who made a stupid comment than to address the underlying complaints. We are on the wrong side of this conflict.

You are one confused puppy. A few salient points.

The UN voted to divide the area of Palestine and give the Jewish people an area called Israel. The UN’s proposal was a 2 state solution, to which the Arab’s disagreed. Britain controlled the region of Palestine prior to the resolution. To the victors go the spoils or are we now to denounce all land divisions resulting from all wars? Regardless of where you THINK is the Jewish people’s homeland, in what reality can we go back to place all people in their original locations based on their DNA? At any rate, following the 1947 resolution, Israel formed a state. The Arabs disagreed and started a war with the newly formed state of Israel in 1948. They lost. They have been starting wars ever since. At some point, they have to accept their loss and move on. This ”occupation” nonsense could be applied in some way to nearly every country in the entire world. It is an unrealistic position.

How many times has Israel offered a two state solution since 1947? Why have none of those offers been accepted? Is Palestine a country? Has it ever been a country? If Israel is attempting to commit genocide, why Is it taking them so long? They have the power to kill everyone in Gaza very quickly and yet they don’t.

Why do you think so many European Jews fled to Israel following WWII? You know, it isn’t hard. Anti-semitism is still a problem today, particularly in Western Europe. They attempt to disguise it much like liberals in this country, but it exists nonetheless. You have said they should go back to Europe. Why on earth would they want to go back to a place that perpetuated such horrors against them?

Your arguments align with radical Arabs and western children on this issue. We can’t rewrite all of history just to appease your radical and childish nature.

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