GOP Candidate Charges Opponent Is Dead, Represented By A Body Double

TEA party core beliefs:

1. Illegal aliens are here illegally.
2. Pro-domestic employment is indispensable.
3. A strong military is essential.
4. Special interests must be eliminated.
5. Gun ownership is sacred.
6. Government must be downsized.
7. The national budget must be balanced.
8. Deficit spending must end.
9. Bailout and stimulus plans are illegal.
10. Reducing personal income taxes is a must.
11. Reducing business income taxes is mandatory.
12. Political offices must be available to average citizens.
13. Intrusive government must be stopped.
14. English as our core language is required.
15. Traditional family values are encouraged.
About Us - Tea Party

So... which of these points do you disagree with and why?
How is your position on the matter more sound?

If you reduce taxes and balance the budget you'd have to cut the government in half. Are you willing to cut the military in half,

or is this balancing act all going on the other guys' shoulders?
TEA party core beliefs:

1. Illegal aliens are here illegally.
2. Pro-domestic employment is indispensable.
3. A strong military is essential.
4. Special interests must be eliminated.
5. Gun ownership is sacred.
6. Government must be downsized.
7. The national budget must be balanced.
8. Deficit spending must end.
9. Bailout and stimulus plans are illegal.
10. Reducing personal income taxes is a must.
11. Reducing business income taxes is mandatory.
12. Political offices must be available to average citizens.
13. Intrusive government must be stopped.
14. English as our core language is required.
15. Traditional family values are encouraged.
About Us - Tea Party

So... which of these points do you disagree with and why?
How is your position on the matter more sound?
#3 is incompatible with numbers 6, 7 and 8.

Incorrect. Having a strong military does not mean we spend ourselves into debt, have an unbalanced budget, or increase the size and scope of government. #6 refers to eliminating the myriad of executive agencies and cutting down on the sheer amount of bureaucracy in this country, not abolishing the military.
Okay, whatever. Which government agencies will the Teabagger party abolish? The IRS, right? The EPA, too? But not the DEA, the DHS, the NSA, the CIA, the Pentagon, or any other branch of the big government police state. Try thinking for once.

Again, incorrect. Having a strong military does not mean we tax ourselves into poverty. Nothing in this platform suggests that they want to keep every single penny of current military expenditures; there is room for budget cuts in the military in the tens of millions of dollars, if not hundreds of millions.
$4t in Iraq over lies. Yeah, the GOP really cares about "fiscal responsibility".

#13 is a blatant lie because the "pro-life" Teabagger wing of the Republican party loves the drug war just as much as they love every other war.

What does respecting the rights of those one views as fellow human beings have to do with marijuana? The "War on Drugs" and abortion are two entirely separate issues.
No, they are not. Both Cannabis and abortion exist for the benefit of the human race, and Conservatives want to outlaw both because you Conservatives don't know how they can benefit society. Go ahead. Tell us that marijuana and abortion can't benefit society. Flaunt your willing ignorance on this issue.

Number 14 is just stupid. There are maybe 6 states in this country that have "English" names, and Americans can barely get those right.
#14 is in there, I believe, to prevent the U.S. from becoming an officially bilingual country like Canada. It has to do with culture, not the etymology of state names.
You don't have "culture". Good "pro-life" Conservative Christians still defend Bush for torturing POWs to death over lies. Go ahead. Tell us how waterboarding was the worst thing that the CIA did to Iraqi POWs. Flaunt your willing ignorance on every issue.
This, from the staunchly right wing Business Insider, is why.



(REPUBLICAN) Timothy Ray Murray is running to represent Oklahoma's Third Congressional District, and his website lays out the issues he stands for — balancing the budget and protecting agriculture. However, he's also got a unique element of his platform. Murray insists he's not "a robot look-alike":


I have no idea what this means:

Is anyone able to explain, or more importantly, defend this?

What makes you think this guy belongs to the TEA party?

Look at his platform. Isn't that what y'all are telling us is the Tea party platform?

So he jumped from being a great democrat who even won his party nomination, to a tea partier in months? In fact right BEFORE this election was filed. Strange, don't you think? :badgrin:
TEA party core beliefs:

1. Illegal aliens are here illegally.
2. Pro-domestic employment is indispensable.
3. A strong military is essential.
4. Special interests must be eliminated.
5. Gun ownership is sacred.
6. Government must be downsized.
7. The national budget must be balanced.
8. Deficit spending must end.
9. Bailout and stimulus plans are illegal.
10. Reducing personal income taxes is a must.
11. Reducing business income taxes is mandatory.
12. Political offices must be available to average citizens.
13. Intrusive government must be stopped.
14. English as our core language is required.
15. Traditional family values are encouraged.
About Us - Tea Party

So... which of these points do you disagree with and why?
How is your position on the matter more sound?

wow. Just like Timothy Ray Murray.

His platform, from his website.

Tim Murray for Congress


Deliver and Balance the Budget

Recent leaders have not followed their duty to compromise and accomplish a budget. Instead they just delay shut-down.*Congress is saying with their sequestration bill that they are unwilling to work together and budget of how much The Federal Government will spend,*and requiring the Administration to produce the cuts in recommendation to a Congress unwilling to accept the proposal.

We cannot lead the World with a 30% less response time in our National defense and Cabinets underfunded to carry out their operations.*Congress must led with the earnest agreeable and produce a budget that is conservative and responsible for The Nation, and that works progressively to lower and eliminate the National Debt.

Create Market Opportunities

Recent leaders have stated they don’t believe The Federal Government should be in Job Creation business.*Job Creation is assisting Businesses develop New Jobs.*Those leaders believe that businesses create New Jobs sufficient on their own in the free market.However, the truth is Payroll is the highest expense and is the first item cut in a Company’s business. In the retail sector, poor seasonal performance leads to a stagnate business. Jobs are usually only added when the Company is confident of their growth and wish to expand the business in a different venture path.

When the Economy is not as stable as it should be, New Jobs are not created at a sufficient rate for People looking for work or more sufficient work in the Job Market. This is an obstacle to National economic growth. N*ew Job Growth incentives give the free market opportunities to build up solid National economic growth.

I will Sponsor legislation to Create incentives for Businesses to improve solid New Job Growth in All Tiers of the Job Market, not just the Service Job Sector.I will put forth legislation that will give Businesses incentives to create and fill New Jobs that require Skilled Education, Degreed Education or Equivalent Experience.This will boost the Job Market and lead to more stable flourishing economy in all sectors.

Market Protection for Small Businesses and Banks

In recent years protection for Businesses and Banks has been removed from America’s Stock Market.*The greatest of these is a kind of anvil being domination leverage and transaction bombardment which makes it very easy for the very extraordinarily wealthy few to Monopolize on Industry’s super-sectors.

We must restore appropriate and proper daily and period limits on individual investors. Then we should raise the limit per separate transaction to a suitable level, to avoid numerous transaction fees on the fair and moderate investor. Retirement investments are impacted by needed changes to risk.*This will help restore a level playing field for investors and help protect individuals and businesses.

Protection for Agriculture

We must restore Protections for Agriculture for the Future of our World’s Market share.*According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural exports for 2011 were $132.0 Bil. which was down $5.4 Bil. over 2010’s exports. During the same period, imports were up $11.0 Bil. in 2011 over 2010. The first two quarters of 2012 data that is recorded shows that same trend, with exports down and imports increasing. We are the world’s food producer. We must change that direction.

In recent history changes have enabled large corporate farming domination. Large corporate farming is influencing the world market, which also monopolizes the market here in The United States. We need stronger Insurance and Market protection for independent farmers and ranchers. To do so will increase exports and decrease imports.*We must restore protections that give way to a level playing field and gains in our World Market share.

*“Outshine, Restore and Protect” Social Security

The Time is now to respect The People and restore and protect Social Security and Medicare!*The budget problems with Social Security and Medicare should not be solved by reducing benefits or the structure of these great foundations of The People.*The financial state of Social Security and Medicare can be restored*to make these foundations of security and retirement, which The People have invested in all their lives, financially viable into the future.

I will sponsor legislation that will eliminate the primary insurance diversion of the responsibility that many individual insurance policies use to shift the burden to Social Security and Medicare. This consumes hundreds of billions of Social Security money to Social Security Disability Insurance (S.S.D.I.) back pay (the portion short/long term disability insurance companies receive through the recipient) and to Medicare that would otherwise be paid by Primary Individual Insurance carriers.*Social Security and Medicare funds belong to The People not private companies!

Restore Our Commitment to Higher Education

We Can Not Corporate Raid Higher Education! Education costs for Students and the Government Can and Must be Reduced!*With Government funding more on the Equity end of Education there will be fewer burdens in the end result which is Loans.

When recent leadership decided to cut higher Education funding, the cost burdens Universities experienced is passed on to Students with higher Tuition and Housing. We must*invest in classrooms and laboratories*, and that investment will also*lower Education costs*which place a heavy Student Loan burden on Students and Our Nation.

Housing costs drive up Education costs and constrain Education limits for many Americans.*Federal Government programs to build Housing projects*are a great investment in the Education of future Students. TheStudents would bear the end costs of the housing not the Federal Government*, however these programs would reduce housing costs for Students that many times places a $1000 or more per Month burden on their costs of attending.*I will take a proactive role in supporting Education, because*Students are Our Today and Tomorrow!

Tax Reform

Tax code needs to be simplified.*When top executives state that they pay a lower percent tax rate than their secretary, then we know there are serious problems in our tax code.

Fair Tax policies will be good for The Nation with more consistent tax revenue for more predictable budget revenue.*I believe individual Tax rates need to be closer to equal rates and cutbacks made on unnecessary deductions for Larger Businesses.

Content copyright 2013. TIMOTHYRAYMURRAY.COM.

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